(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Jul, if there's a night I'm out, I let Isaac sleep late. But he is cranky by 8 pm plus so I will make arrangements like my hubby bring him home first then I stay at my friend's place till later with my other two kids. I do agree that it's hard if u got to pick Sam up after work, so I guess Sam will sleep later. As Isaac is looked after by my MIL at my house so she will put him to bed first if I can't make it back.

BabyS, I also cannot dun go out at nite but someone has to
stay home with Isaac so my hb who doesn't mind staying home will volunteer while I'm out. There are days we put Isaac to sleep then ask my maid to jag a then we go out. Like we have cell meeting on some nits and we can't bring the kids so that's what we do.
Jul, ya I do have a maid. But I dun let her look after Isaac on her own if he is awake as he is too young to say if anything goes wrong. So my MIL looks after on weekdays and my hb and I look after him on weekends.

Ah.. same as moi. I won't let Sam stay with the maid alone. She's too blur & forgetful & slow. And besides, she is starting to show some 'pattern' recently. I hope she behaves herself & doesn't force me to change her. I don't wanna go thru the process all over again
Jul, yes it's such a headache to worry if the maid is no good though we have to close an eye quite often. What pattern is the maid showing?
oh man, that PD at TP is really something. Poor Sam have to go through all that. We always bring Zachary to Dr Ong and only once when he had some rashes that we brought to our family doctor (who is also very good).

Yeah Zachary better. no more fever. But I still called Dr Ong's clinic and if the episode come back again, will bring him to Dr to be safe.

oh wow! how I wish Zachary zzz at 7pm plus haha. he usually zzz at 9:30pm. good that he only wake up around 8am, else i wont be able to go to gym already.

did you trian Issac to sleep using the cry it out method? just wondering how you do that since your mil take care of him! wont she nag at the side saying it is cruel blah blah?

PIL will forever want to try oppose us one. This fact cannot be changed already haha they always have their 1001 reasons why their method is the only correct one. just remember dont be one ourselves next time. *note down*

Well.. she's aws been slow, forgetful & blur.

But recently she's starting to "rebutt" when we tell her off, or if she's busy doing hsework the whole day & doesn't have time to play with Sam, she'll show black face. Hiaz..


Amazing right? Not HFMD can become HFMD.

Oh Zachary has fever? Is it a viral attack?
Reira, I started to train him to sleep on his own when I was still on maternity leave, so my MIL never interfere. He was young then and it as easier to train as in they dun cry so hard. I dun think my MIL can handle if they cry too long, but if it's only less than 5 mins, she will jus leave him inside to cry. Cos she says she is old and cannot carry him to sleep or her legs will ache. She is ok to let him cry cos she learned her lesson when she was looking after my number two. Even when she was a toddler, she wanted MIL to carry her to sleep. My MIL busy ta Han so when it came to Isaac she says must be heart hearted.
Jul, maybe u should sit your maid down fir a chat? That's really bad attitude leh.

Reira, think sleeping fr 930pm to 8am is the same as from 730pm to 6am... The idea is to get time out for ourselves when they sleep
Wah lao .... all yr babies sleep so early? I wld have laugh myself to sleep if ovann can sleep by 10!!

He's starting class tomorrow ... i dunno how his internal timing will work. Best scenario is, he sleeps by 11 tonite and wake up at 9 tml so that i have time to do everything by the time we leave home for class.

I did think of letting him sleep for the nite if he gets tired by 7+ or 8+. But the possiblity of him waking up at 10 or 11 is there ... it's ok if he just wake up for milk & go back to sleep. But i'm scared to think if he wake up for play!!

Hahaha ... 6.30am to me is scary! But sometimes ovann oso wake up early even though he slept late. Like the other day, he slelpt at 12am+ but woke up at 8+ next morning. He is sleeping lesser & lesser.
yah lor. I dont think it is viral fever cos viral fever not on and off right?

oh wow, no wonder! cos ur mil already experienced the side effect so she cannot tahan le.

haha yah, it is basically the same hours.

read that they only need 13hrs of sleep from 15mths onward. this morning Zachary woke up at 6:30am, hope it is not a sign that he is sleeping lesser lol oh wait, he slept at 7:30pm ytd as we went out whole day. *blur*
Wah all the babies sleep so early ah! Shayna is used to our late hours. So she sleeps at abt 10 to 11. We'll try our best to be back by her bed time but if cannot and she's tired she'll just sleep, dun care where. Then next day wake up at 7am plus.
Wow your kids sleep so early. My gal sleeps at 930-1030pm. Sleeps till 8-10am. And she naps abt 3 hrs in the afternoon. She used to sleep so little. Now it's payback time. Hehee.
Ethan also sleeps later & later. now he sleeps earliest at 9.30pm latest at 11pm still dun want to sleep & must force him to sleep. he'll wake up at abt 7pm no matter what time he sleeps. Day time he onli naps at most 2 hrs in total.
hi mummies,

need to check with u on how u tackle fever episode? my girl (Adia) has fever on off for a week le but still active.. had febrile fits last week when fever hit 39.. dunno wat to do..
how many hrs Ovann sleeps a day?

Best is to go to PD if you given her paracetamol & nurofen. since your daughter already having fever on off for a week.

also you need to know the correct dosage according to your girl's weight.

went to see PD and he referred me to hospital for full blood count and urine test... all negative... was told to continue the paracetamol...
was helpless and dunno wat to do...

Abt 10/11 hours bah ... He just fell asleep 15mins ago
Dunno if he can tahan all the way until his class ends at 1pm tomorrow cos his usual nap time is 11+am.
Lucas is scheduled for his MMR jab end next mth. After hearing so much abt the after-effect, am thinking of holding back the jab for the time being.

Glad that your scan all went well. Nice to hv another boy. Was telling my hubby that I dun mind another boy haha........
oh my. which PD u went? the PD never give nurofen? If you are worried and want 2nd opinion, can go to Dr Ong Eng Keow at MtA. But without appointment need to queue very long.

oh my, he sleeps so late! Zachary also sleep very late last time.
Morning ladies..

thanks hahah i dun mind another boi but i dun mind a gal as well i see those cutie shoes but cannot buy abit sian lol~~
ya i also tinkin of holdin back the jab..

Re: sleepin time
my boi also slept ard 7.30-8 n woke up ard 6+am jus nice cos we goin to work.. he only nap 2-3hrs durin day time..
Morning All,

I did not hold back Edric MMR jab he just hv his jab on 9 Nov. He hv 2 jab on 9 Nov, 3rd dose of prevenar & another jab MMR.
MMR guess i give egg yolks on all his meal since 9 mths old. Edric take the jab veri well. No fever for him. After his jab i boil chinese barley for him, drink as water and make milk.
Argh! I forgot my phone! Die...


I thought viral fever WILL go up & down?


How can u complain abt Ovann's sleeping time? Sam's is worse. Only 11h since before he was 1yr old

time to post finally!

re: MMR jab
i am kind to incline to delay Zac's jab till he's 18mths at least - although the british doc has been de registered for false claims of linking austism to MMR, there have been many anecdotes of mummies whose babies are diagnose with autism after the MMR jabs.

because of the delay in MR jab, will also delay Zac;s going to childcare, most probably will put him in CC after 20 months.

re: baby sleeping late
Zac also sleeps late, usually he will conk off around 10pm, no point to make him sleep earlier cos he will scream and cry, and get so agitated that he ends up sleeping even later. he's also not getting enough sleep.

re: how to train baby not to wake up for milk in the night?
Zac gotten back to drinking milk twice a night, at 4 hrs interval. tried water, he threw the bottle back after a sip and cries non stop. tried diluted ,milk, he drinks a few sips and then throw the bottle and go back to sleep BUT THEN he wakes up every hour after that for milk until given his full undiluted milk! drives me nutz.

re: xmas gathering
Anyone keen in a xmas gathering (last gathering for 2010)

now that our kids are more active, anyone keen in having the xmas gathering in playground? suggestions welcome!

re: regular playgroup (mon to fri)
any recommendations? besides apple and kinderland?
how about increasing his milk n solids durin the day time?? i tink they will have growth spurt after 1 YO so maybe tt y Zac wakin for milk at nite?

how long has zac been waking up for milk? It could be a growth spurt. Perhaps feed him more in the day. My gal does that after she recovers from an illness too.

I'm also looking for regular playgroup for Sam. It seems that most of them around my Ils' area are childcare.
tried that, he eats more and drinks more and puts on weight but still wakes up for milk at night, i figured it's a routine for him but have no idea how to wean him off.

since 8 mths, he usually wakes up more when he's sick/just recovering, that i can take it, but even normally...plus now he really protests (read: scream like nobody business and loud enough to wake up the whole block in the middle of the night)..it's really driving me nutz.

yep, MMR is a must before cc, not sure if playgroup also required?
gd mrng all.. im away on a 2-days away-day wv my dept... shiok enjoying food n drinks! bahaha~

my hb bringing the girls for their mmr or watever mmrv now.. the girls r abt 80cm long..i mean tall...n abt 12.2kg.
i tink if it is a routine den gotta be hard hearted esp the older they get the harder to kick this habit... maybe those experience mums can gave better suggestion...

wow ur gals r of gd weight think my boi only 11kg 81cm tall...
oh, i din know MMR is a must b4 CC.. lucky i oredi delay his CC till Mar b4 i confirm his MMR in Feb..

fat bobo
wooo... ur girls' weight are good.. javier last measured was 87cm and around the same weight as ur girls.. so he is slim.. hahaha...
Babymaking, thanks!

Piggy, if u wan to let kyler go cc nxt yr Mar hv to take MMR before tat. I also thinking to delay as much as i can...but hv to be before Mar.

Btw, count me in when u called GUG to cfm beg of Dec ok.
yeah lor, must be heart hearted but when he's screaming his head off at 2am and waking up the entire block - *sighs*

hmm so far i only know of apple and kinderland which are the bigger playgroup operators - not sure where to find others.

the mcys listing doesn't list according to playgroup but according to half day or full day program - and most half day programs are CC, not sure if there's a better way to search.
FALL: i have requested the teacher to put aloe vera gel on him as and when needed. The scratches has lighten, what a miracle gel. I was so afraid it will leave a scar on him forever and so scared break his neck, so heartpain.I even got a bad lecture from my mum. Thank you mummies for the recommendation, he is recover well

what I read abt breaking such a habit is, if he wakes at 2pm regularly, wake him at 1pm and feed him instead. Then slowly bring forward the time.
ya +ve jia you

ok ok will let u know when i call GUG to confirm..
ya tinkin of takin MMR in Jan be4 CNY

ya tahan a few day is better than everynite my friend gal now 3YO stil wake up 2/3am for milk..

Hiaz.. yeah I tried the MCYS link butI was hoping for an easier method than to call up every centre one by one & ask abt playgroup availability
