(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


i'm also like you. i wanted to stop at 1 cos i really can't handle ethan. he's too active. at the end of each day, my mother, my hb & i are all worn out! he 1 person will make all 3 of us so tired. how to have another 1? i even quarrelled wif my hb abt having #2. cos we used to wan 2-3 kids. up till now, my hb still wans a 2nd one though he can't stand noise & mess. we even have to get someone else to look after my GR now. i was feeling so upset & cried for days. now i'm starting to change my mind. thinking whether i shd really just dun think so much & go for #2.


i'm opposite you. i wan a girl for the next one.
but if boy again also never mind.
as long as it's healthy.
anyone keen in a impromptu meet up this coming thursday?

Date: Thur 25 Nov 2010
Time: 1130am
Venue: Irodori japanese restaurant
review: http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/irodori_japanese_restaurant/
For: Buffet and chat
with: with or without kids

so far:

will be bringing the kids along.

Mummies who are confirmed going, please sms me or post here BEFORE 12pm tomorrow cos got to call to reserve. it's quite a popular restaurant!
Piggy, i heard got some perineal massage that u can do to stretch the area to lessen the chances of it tearing it again..
good luck!

yes but its the typing part. not the surfing part.

where you buy online? hehe i wanna see see so that it will motivate me to loss weight lol but average $20 per top/dress very cheap leh. plus size one no way gonna be so cheap lor *haiz*

yes we bringing.

oh man, thats scary. hope when you give birth to #2, the old wound wont tear.
morning ladies...

oh got such massage ah.. maybe i check check:p

ya lo.. those r line of weakness.. cross my fingers #2 head wun be as big:p

sumtime the more u tink the more u hold urself back. no doubts the earlier yrs will be diff but like Ethan after he pass the 1YO mark sooo cute with all the actions
i told myself jus bear with it for the first 2 yo once they r more manageable it will be easy for me rather than wait for anothe 1-2yr then ttc #2 den i gotto start all over again more tiring...

gd luck in ut ttc-ing

BD= baby dancin aka havin sex:x
dun worry abt the tear...
sure your gynae will do a beautiful job stitching this time..

for the 1st, i also got bad tear..and wound didn't heal nice and got a small outgrowth...

so my gynae told me that she will stitch it up nicely after my boy and she did...
she even help me to remove the outgrowth lump w/o extra cost

bbja, jul
i am using the new crop rice and brown rice to cook porridge...so far so good...

jiayou in ur bd...

BD = baby dancing
morning cloudme..
no la my gynae stitchin was ok but becos the line was alr there so worried if my boi head big again may have multiple tear again...

but nvm la i will check with my gynae again...
i know what u mean...
my boi's head is not so big but still got tear as my gynae no time to cut cos by the time she reach my boi half way out liao...

but i not sure if the tear is repeated at the same place or not... cos i can't see lah...
morning mummies! I just completed my 2.3km walk to work today.. super tired but feels good! (psychologically imagining fats burning off..hahah)

piggy, i think its called perineal massage but a bit gross.. haha.. i think u gotta use ur fingers and literally massage the perineal area which is the area of the episiotomy..

cloudme: whats outgrowth? as in like the flesh didnt growth properly, jutting out?

I never even go see my scar leh. i think tummy in the way if i wanna check. hahah!
piggy, thats why it isnt widely known.. cos not easy,scary (what if ur husband too rough!) and what if u end up accidentally hurting urself..

Or ask ur gynae to guard ur perineal this time lor..

cloudme: oh.... ok ok. learnt something new today. =)
Cloudme, i also feel my downthere seems different from last time mayb my wound not as smooth or ingrow shd ask my gynae chk for me next time.

Piggy, i thk i shd hv many tears too cos jovia is so big lo but my gynae didn't mentioned anything so i din't ask him also.
Morning ladies

Mrs wong taught us the massage in the class mah, u forgot liao?

baby s,
So good to have some exercise .. i think i'm getting old. That day at Bouncing Kids, i was so tired running after ovann in the end i just sat there and watch him play. And i got muscle aches the next day on my thighs and arms .. haha ... so useless.
i totally forget liao have meh?? hahah she talk so fast dun even know how much i catch... keke..

hmm if u got multiple teat ur wound wun recover so fast bah maybe ur gynae got cut big big tt y no tear...

i was thinkin if it skin tag:p
gd mrng all... finally back in offc.. can login here.. hoooo~

piggy/babyja:: good weight.. hmmm.. thanks..but oso depends la... mine r girls leh..hehe.. ultimately.. dun be as heavy as mummy la!

donkey:: good luck on your TTC.. another Aug bb?

i oso very suah ku.. oso duno wat's OPK.. wat's BFW.. etc! hahaha.

*shy* hb & i oso bd on mon nite.. but i lost track of whn was my last mense n ya.. or rather.. dun even noe whn will be my next.. cos very irregular now aft birth of M&K le. so anyways..... not really planning for #3 nw.. let nature takes it causes... hv..jiu hv... dun hv.. next time bah. :)

im planning to bring my girls for another playdate next week...
When: 2 Dec, Thu (Time TBC)

1) fatBobo
baby ja

Huh? Chiam lah! I'm not very short & definitely not small sized. Dunno if I can wear the stuff I bought?

piggy, donkeymami

Haha I don't mind if I have a boy as #2, but it will be very nice to have a gal. I'm hoping that a gal will be quieter, cuter, can doll up, may be closer to me, .... *dreaming*


How much does the Calrose rice from Australia cost?

zen, pegsfur

I'd like to have No 2 (used to want 3 kids but I really CMI. Too old liao!)

But very scared lor. If come out another one like Sam.. 我问天 also no use liao hahaha

I bought some from www.lovelyspree.com & some from www.dressandsuch.com

But most look very small. In fact, now I kinda regret buying. Dunno if I can fit!


My gynae also too late to cut me. I was already pushing when she came in, so I think Sam was already in the dunno what cervix or where.

I had allergy to the stitch material though
Was painful for 1 wwek till my gynae cut away the stitches, then immediately no pain!
think that the proper name bah...

i found this on one webpage..

An irritating kind of growth that develops on most people is called skin tag.
As its names, skin tags are small pieces of flesh that hang and they occur in places where skin frequently rubs onto clothes and skin or moist areas such as the armpit and thighs.
Most of these hanging pieces are small but they can continue to enlarge and they can sometimes be painful because of where they are located.
It is advisable to have these skin tags remove as they pose pain, bleeding, infection and irritation.

think should be skin tags bah...
oops i am not happen another mummy have it thus i know lol~~~

hmm it best not to tink so much if u wan #2.. of cos wun be easy to handle 2 la but they can entertain each other
hmm gal can also be v active wor.. but can dress up la.. now i see gal clothin v sad lol~~
talking about irregular cycles...
i only had 2 cycles since giving birth, one 65 days, one 25 days lor.
used to be like clockwork one. zun zun 28 days.
cloudme: i would like to check but i think the flab from the tummy will be in the way..

bobo.... what if ur 2nd pregnancy.. also twins! heee....
I also can feel like got a small tag, only appear after giving birth... not painful at all and I thought it could be a pile. hmm....
babyS:: that's very unlikely... or unless really really really x10 so so so so so so x100 lucky!!! lol~

oh.. n to add... if really another multiple pregnancy......... my hb better be earning alot to support manz! bahahahahahahhahahahahahhaha~

How to check? But I rem I can feel a small pc of skin leh. So I must cut it off??????



Er.. u still BF right? Then having irregular cycle isn't abnormal right?


Yeah lor. I see gal's clothes, I wanna drool leh. So it'll be good to have a gal. Maybe I'll try next yr lah. need to recover from Sam first haha
bobo: haha.... but for u to have keona and mattea when you dont even have any famiyl history of twins is already a blessing! (or as u say... so so so so so x100 lucky!) hahaha... so 2nd time may have 50% chance lor..

if ur 2nd set of twins is boys... ur husband must get two high paying jobs liao! hahaha.. cannot share the jie jie's clothing.. will u then have to get 4 maids? hahaha..
oh ya hor... jul.. nw dat u ask kiki abt BF... i suddenly rmbr i need to pick up my blood test result... ya..hopefully it's juz hormone imbalance.. hmmm.. speaking of which nw.. suddenly my left retarded neh feel sore n abit painful!!
babyS:: if really so.. i will let them wear the jiejie's clothes at hm... go gaigai den boh bian, but beg for sponsorships prolly? the jiejies hv quite a few sets of clothes hardly worn..or not even worn de lor. so sayang!

s for maids.. im set to send the maid #2 off on 30th dec! hb juz brought her go her ME ystrday le.

but.. identical is not genetic..n ya.. so genetically i already hv a pair of identical twins....but dat prolly wun increase my chances of hvg another.. unless i had fraternal before....den higher chances to hv another set of multiples. :)
not necessary to removed...unless u find it get in ur way...
heng that time strike with my boy and i can get it removed by my gynae...

if not i will have to spent $$ to look for my gynae just to remove it

ask hb to help u see

since skin tags is outside..so it can be easily spotted?
those are free size? u should be able to lah, dont worry. if cant, sell off lor.

haha i bought a few clothes and jeans 1 size smaller so that i can diligently go to gym and exercise in order to fit into them lol

Aiyah he will say he doesn't know how to see. last time I asked him to see if I had stretch marks, he also say dunno how to see. I give up!


yeah lor all free size. I can't really wear free size leh. I used to wear M for tops & L for bottoms. But after preggie hor, like got prob fitting into small M

Ok lah u lose the weight quickly then I sell off to u haha
jul:: i read before that identical is actually a malfunctioning of the developing zygote...which ended up splitting into 2s..(n very rare further into 3 or more?!? i cant rmbr if can split so many or not!)..

.....n.. the later into the pregnancy the split occur.. the higher the risk of siemese twins lor (unfortunately!)....cos like the zygote din hv time to split away completely n by then already more develop into feotus le mah.

dat's y.. identical twins (or identical pregnancy) is very high risk. even proper splitting occur earlier... there r risks of 1 diminishing twin.. or tat both will be fighting for nutrients..n could end up 1 feotus as the giver..n the other as the receiver...this is oso known as TTTS..twin-twin tranfusion syndrome.
Boo hoo.. I'm so sad

When Sam sees me in the morning, he'll look for his Papa. If he sees his Papa, he'll want him to carry him & not me. Sometimes he'll cry when he wakes up from his nap/sleep & I can't seem to comfort him. Maybe he hates me
Ouch...tat sounds painful...but since u have a great gynae no worries there!

Ya..the rice packaging is in blue. U try makin rice with it..nice..slurp. I usually use one cup of rice to abt 90% amt of water so it is more chewy-if u like la.
As for porridge,my fren recommended a Thai organic rice..nice texture..nicer than a US brand i tried last time.

I dun remember prices..need to ask my "CFO" dh, i checked with him n let u know. He can even remember the prices at different stores for different items! Ha..dunno who is the auntie here! LOL
Gd thing ur DH dunno how to see stretch marks wat..hee.
Ur boy does not hates u la..maybe it is a man-boy thing. My boy also prefers his daddy now.

Our darlings are very active now..once they are older,they are more manageable so by then timing is abt rite for our no.2. U are rite..so much easier to take it easy for TTC..cos stress sure does not help. I also went thru the take temp,use ovulation strips-so stressed. So i threw all of tat aside,once see EWCM,i jus tell DH "er time to be hardworking!" and just do it for fun.
Then two weeks later,if menses dun come it is a bonus,if not bo chup la..i tell myself..haha more opportunities for "FUN" haha.
