(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

dolce: the ang mo price is a on going on leh.. at least for the ang mo supermart near my office (hougang ave 8)... always $15.95. next time u need, just come to this branch one.

Gd Morng Ladies,
Busy at work, dun hv time to login to SMH.

Juz like to share Nike Factory store at West Coast Plaza having sale. Toddler sports shoes at $29.90. Worth to go.
april: oh got toddlers shoes ah? where are the shoes located? I went there last week but didnt see any kids shoes at all.
Do u know if pampers is cheap there? Wat bout FM? Thanks

Re: gainIQ
Wat price is considered cheap? Ntuc selling like $31.50 or $32.50?
good morning mummies, tgif!

just want to check..anyone using the patch as contraception here? i'm considering it but not sure about the side effects are..heard that it's similar to taking the pill?
sharon: what size of pampers and what type (pull up or tape) later i go check for u. i think FM still the same price..
oh ya forgot to mention, it was not display out. i cannot see too. must ask the staff any sports shoes for both my boys lah. so they say hv toddler shoes oni, so the staff took it fm the storeroom.
hi babyS,
dun need go check...if u pass by then just help me take a look...thanks
im using pampers active L...tape kind...thanks
mummies.. i oso wana ask whr to get bargains..hahhaa..

im now switching my girls frm drypers to fiti (basic).. i find the dryers XL no good de...like so fast become so big baobao!! just started to try fiti n they r ok with it. any idea whr to get resonable priced fiti basics mah?

thanks so much in advance.
Me looking for gainiq too

Re: swollen breasts
Suddenly my right breast is painful n red...
Dunno if it's mastitis but Ryan latches v v often
If overlatch can cause inflammation too? Anyone can advise?
Can I still cont to bf?
He keeps saying no more after he latch but when I squeeze still got a little bit of milk
I have not been pumping for mths..latch at nite n weekends pnly
Sharon, oh dear must b vy painful. Ryan is so funny
mastitis will be very very painful and with high fever. I still latch my boy then but if I hand expressed can see some greenish-yellow stuff. I asked the LC, she say ok to drink wor...
sharon: haha... ryan is so cute...

bobo, i help u check at ang mo supermart when i pass by there.. the two girls using XL liao ah?? alamak, shayna still using M only wor, only going to upgrade to L when this pkt of M finishes.. my colleague will say stay at M or L is good, cos cheaper. hahah...
mummies, has any one heard of this b4? my friend's son 8 to 9 months)went for a blood test to test his hep b immunity to see if he needed the booster shot or not..

i've never heard of this b4. Even for adults, u need the booster shot..
Mashy: those whose mums r carriers will need booster or no need booster? My husband and i r not carriers, but shayna had a booster too.

no. U go and check your health booklet. It says only babies whose mums are carriers need the 1 yr old booster shot. My gal only took 3 shots.
thnx babyS..

errh ya, Mattea & Keona had been on XL since few mths back le! ya lor...smaller size de cheaper! kns! these girls muz suck our blood!! haha!
btw... need big help pls!!!

my fren is gg to due in mid march 2011, she had actually contacted my CL, but nw my CL got very sick n advise to better engage another in case she cant do!

any has contact of a gd CL to recommdnd pls??

greatly appreciated!
Yo anyone went to baby and tots fair? My friend went liao and said nothing much wor.

MMR + Chicken Poxs jab
My son 15 mth suppose to hav the jab today but the doc said wait for him 18mths than jab cos she said my son response to ppl words a bit slow. Alamak... She ask me if i do know mmr complications and something. And i said yes so she said can delay till 2 yrs old take also can. Haiz... Luckily she said his focus is gd so nt too bad and some kids little bit slow in responding Wor.
My son was playing d doc toys at doc room. Than she pass him a sweet said giv daddy and mummy. He at first look than later he just don bother liao. Don wan to bother the doc wor. Aiyo.. Sometimes he bo chap ppl one leh. I don kw if we didn teach him mre so like that or not
what is MMRV complications? We went for Zachary's ytd. But I opt for MMR instead of the one combined with chicken pox.

MMR jab
Dr said fever will only happen 7 days later. But ytd night, Zachary's temp already went up to 37.5 degree and today even 39.5 degree. Then I noticed some rashes (big fat ones, different from his dust allergy rash & heat rash) appeared on his legs. Thought the reaction wont happen till 7 days later. *shrug*
Reira i read in news before that mmr cos its a strong jab. There was once an ang mo lady let her son jab liao after fever brain nt wrking good after that and i think other stuff also. Heng suay one. Some more plus chicken pox jab don kw child can tahan or nt.

She was saying my son response to her slow but to us okie la cos we kw his pattern. Once he engross in something n u keep calling him he won bother u one if he response to u initially liao. I think he knows we kajiao him haha...Mayb we also seldom teach him so many wordings ba. Haha...

Sonat doc place i keep asking her mmr safe or nt scared ah haha...
where's ur PD?
ryan is due for his jab but i dunno to go anot...since ur doc say can delay...im having 2nd thoughts to bring him for jab

thanks for checking

thanks for the advice
saw GP, its mastitis, pain was horrible plus high fever....strike me ONLY after 15mths of BF!

on antibotics now...with ryan's & hb's help...feeling much better now
Sharon... My pd is Kinder Clinic at Mt A. Dr Lee, the only female doc at there. Contact is 64785925. She makes us feel comfortable. U know yesterday she didn charged us consultation leh. We went off paying nothing. So some pd wil charge one.
Rei: mmrv and mmr is potent lor. I read, some can hAve rash too but if u r unsure abt it better just go see dr. Shayna had her 2nd spike of fever 1 week later when dr said it would be 2 weeks later.
If mmr n mmrv so potent hor... Y nt let bb take one or two at a time instead of letting them feeling so bad hor... I rather he pain 2-3 times instead nt feeling well.. Hmmm
Sharon, hope you recover soon. I had a couple of mastisis attacks and it feels like a case of a super bad flu with lots of pain.

Reira, oh dear, can get such high fever... Has the fever come down already?
hope you recover soon.

yup, mashy is right. only mom is a carrier, bb needs a boster.

normally we will give some barley water before the jab. just to cool them 1st. the jab is 'heaty'. hope zac recover soon.

yesterday u went kinder, i was there in the morning with my two gals seeing dr lee too. i might have met u there. haha. previously i see dr terence tan but the q is really killing me so i switch to dr lee and i find her quite details too and i quite comfortable with her.
yeah, thats why i choose MMR only without the chicken pox. haha i also asked the clinic nurse if safe or not, then she said depends on parents. so since price of both jab seperately is not too much so i choose to let Zachary take them seperately instead of in a single jab.

will call Dr Ong's clinic tomorrow. so far my boy's fever up and down.

Zachary's fever is up and down. after sleeping, his fever went down. then he awake and play for several hours and body temp more than 38 degree again. just now 38+ degree, now only 36degree...
Fall: I put Caden on my Lap to get ready to go out in the washroom. I was combing his hair when he suddenly lost his balance slip and knock against the cabinet I quickly grap his arm before he drop all four on the tile but still he ganna hurt. He got one long red scratched line on the back of his neck he cried for a while and was back to his naughty pattern.. He still play laugh sleep and eat well.. I was so so guilty  What lotion should I put I just put baby lotion ... How long will it take to heal so scared will get long big ugly mark ..I should be more careful so careless bad mummy 
