(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Speaking of PDs & jabs.. it took me till now to find the time & to 'get over it' & post here abt the PD in Toa Payoh who made poor Sam suffer

<font color="0000ff">I aws went to the PD Dr Ong at Mt A (he was at TMC &amp; I was assigned to him when I delivered there). But his clinic is aws very crowded &amp; the queue is really long. I went to him for all the jabs though, coz Hubs &amp; I trust him a lot.

But because MIL's place is at Toa Payoh, &amp; both ILs dislike the queue (&amp; they're not happy with Dr Ong coz he seems very bo chap &amp; they feel that the clinic is stuck up coz they're "popular'), they'd rather go to THAT PD. (And also bcoz SIL used to go to her - speaking of this, it makes me mad, but that's another loong story). So.. a couple of mths back, my boy had a blocked/running nose, cough, phlegm &amp; fever episode. We went to THAT PD again &amp; she said it was probably HFMD! Made me buy antibiotics &amp; antiviral med. I wasn't sure that it really was HFMD &amp; was reluctant to buy the $100+ antiviral. I asked her if antibiotics was also necessary &amp; she said YES. She asked me to buy the $30+ antiviral that day &amp; made me go back to her the following day for follow up.

The next day, she said it was CONFIRMED HFMD &amp; made me buy the $100+ antiviral. My poor boy took 2 types of paracetamol, 2 types of antiviral, &amp; augmentin. On hind sight, docs shd never prescribe antiviral &amp; antibiotics together. Antibiotics is for baterial infection. If it's a virus, why augmentin? Besides, virus shd be allowed to recover by itself? But I was too panicked that my boy had HFMD to ask/think too much.

My poor boy was crying &amp; struggling &amp; couldn't eat for a few days. We had to pin him down to take meds. Hiding the meds in his milk or porridge didn't work coz there was so darned much (5ml of antiviral alone!) He lost appetite coz the meds were so strong (fyi my boy has a very good appetite. He eats very well even if he's sick). he also had diarrhoea after taking all those meds till he had a very very bad diaper rash. His whole butt &amp; scrotum &amp; testicles were red &amp; weeping &amp; he cried like mad every time we had to change him.

Hubs insisted we go back to Dr Ong for a 2nd opinion &amp; he said it WASN"T HFMD! Even it it were, there's no need to take antiviral med bcoz it will run its course (analogy : chicken pox). And definitely not antibiotics! I was sooo upset that my boy went through all that trauma &amp; suffering coz that PD wanted to make $$. Oh yeah, I went to read the labels &amp; the $100+ antiviral was for HERPES!!!!

I went back &amp; told MIL that I am NEVER gog back to that PD. I'd rather go to Dr Ong &amp; camp there from opening hrs till lunchtime than subject my boy to such suffering again.

And thinking back.. My boy had another flu episode &amp; that PD gave so many meds too. Insisted I took Zyrtec &amp; whatever not even he had no running nose. I stupidly took it for 7 full days like she instructed.

And when my poor boy as only 2 weeks old, my MIL &amp; SIL inisted he had phlegm &amp; went to that PD. He was obviously too young for meds then so that PD did the suction thing. Inserted a tube into his throat &amp; nostrils to supposedly suck out phlegm. We went back again at ard 8 weeks to do the same thing. Now I keep wondering if I had damaged my boy's nose &amp; throat membranes by that stupid sucking of phlegm. For info, Dr Ong said my boy didn't have phlegm (just normal 'pi sai') but MIL insisted there eas phlegm coz all kids have phlegm (????)

So.. anyway.. buyers beware. I'm aware that there are many parents out there who find that PD very gd. But for me, I'd rather self-medicate than go to her ever again. The consultation may be cheap, but she earns it all back &amp; more thru the meds. I went to Dr Ong for my boy's flu recently &amp; even with $50 consultation &amp; 5 meds &amp; 1 diaper rash cream, it cost me only $80+. I must have spent more than $700 at THAT PD</font>


Better not put baby lotion.

Hope Caden's 'wound' recovers soon. Sam had 2 bad knocks, &amp; 4 small knocks, &amp; a few scares by my sister's dog yest haha
toddlers action very fast one, dont blame yourself lah... also they can recover well also especially scratches.
jul: oh man, poor sam! so many meds and procedures... and yeah, why that PD give antibiotics and anti viral? and so fast give augmentin, thats usually like 2nd line drugs if 1st round of milder antibiotics dont work..

dont go back to that PD man. The way she try to scare u is obviously trying to shove her opinion down ur throat and scare u into buying more unneccessary meds.

Yeah lor, my poor baby! Just thinking abt it makes me feel so guilty (that I wasn't firm enough to stand up to MIL &amp; SIL), mad (that I must aws do what SIl does), mad (at the irresponsible PD - don't they have code of ethics!).

Yeah lor, all the nurses at Dr Ong's was like.. "Augmentin ah?? So strong???"

I keep worrying whether Sam's internal ograns have been damaged

I went back to MIL &amp; kept pointing out poor Sam's "rotten" butt &amp; saying how much weight he lost &amp; how poor thing he was, how he kept crying.. and subtly reminded her of his "phlegm sucking" when he was ONLY 2 &amp; 8 weeks old. See whether she still wants to go to that PD! Hmmph!
hello all...can i ask, for the pneumo booster to be taken at 12mths, now got the new 13strain version....so anyone know if can delay as well...n til how old then take?
now with all the vacination problems mention, i also thinking of delaying it..any pros n cons?

so MMR and chicken pox can delay til when 2yrs?

Er.. u better call the PD &amp; ask lah. Besides, if the old pneumo was taken, I don't think you can just use the booster for the new strains right? As I said, better ask a PD whom u can trust (&amp; is not just interested in making $$)

As for MMR, u just have to make sure ur baby gets it before he goes to school
Morning ladies

Finally register Ovann for GUG class ... he's gonna start tomorrow
I'm very sure my mum &amp; sis gonna grill me why send ovann to school at such a young age!!

Actually intended to start him when he turns 18mths but GUG can't confirm if they have the time slot that i want for next term. The only way is to let him start the Gifted Babes class now, den he'll be auto included in the same time slot for Gifted Tots class. Hope he stops his monkeying in class tomorrow.

Wah ... your epidsode with that pd sounds horrible. She must have seen thru how parents will get worried when such things happened to scare u into buying tonnes of med for sam. Very unethical!

Oh ya, i haven't booked Dr ong for ovann's jab .. haha .. have u called?

Ah.. Ovann's gog to scholl haha

Terrible right? And how can she tell me so loudly that it's CONFIRMED HFMD when it isn't. That is terrible. Well, the only gd thing is that MIL has stopped mentioning gog to "Heng Heng" for Sam's illnesses. If she makes any noise abt Dr Ong's queue, I will ask her if she wants to go to "heng Heng" &amp; let Sam "heng" there. Hmmph!

Nope, I'm still dilly dallying.. Btw r u taking MMR or MMRV? I'll be taking MMR.
thanks for sharing with us your story. that PD is unprofessional, wrong diagnosis and giving the wrong drugs to babies, is there anyway we can warn other mummies or babies ? Scary ...

peg, sbb,
i brought my gal to Dr Lee at Kinder Clinic Mount A to take the MMRV, last thursday, she didn't ask so many questions leh, she didn't tell me about complications either ...
it's normal for kids to fall. don't worry, they recover very fast. they'll learn their lesson afterwards, although they may forget a few days later :p

Hahaha ... u shld 'suan' your mil every now &amp; then to remind her that she isn't always right!

I shld be just taking MMR .. watever is stated in the booklet
Jul, what a horrible doctor... Where is she located, I jus want to make sure I dun ever see her...

Reira, is zac better now?m

Yeah I also wonder if there's any avenue to share our stories. I'm aware that there are some people out there who like to badmouth PDs for some small thing. But this isn't a small thing


That PD claimed there were ulcers in Sam's throat. But I couldn't see any. Eyesight not good in the first place, moreveover, I wasn't a trained med professional.

But there were no blisters or rashes anywhere on his hands, feet or body. Dr Ong didn't find any ulcers either, unless the ulcers healed in 2 days???

Dr Ong gave me a pamphlet from MOH on HFMD. That PD had no such pamphlet in sight. I asked her whether she was sure it was HFMD coz Sam is at home, doesn't go to CC, doesn't go to playgroup.. logically the probability of him contracting HFMD shd be really low (I know it's not impossible). She was very sure. CONFIRMED HFMD. Yeah right!

Aiyah.. I'm very nice one. I don't suan my MIL until something very serious happens *whistles*

<font size="-2">I only come in to forum &amp; complain</font>


The clinic is at Toa Payoh Central. Female PD. Facing those new block of flats. The clinic's called The Children's Clinic.
which outlet u sign???
but u only sign for once a wk kind right???
i went to Novena outlet they advice me to sign up new term cos now left 3-4 lesson nia.. n jus need to call 1st wk Dec to confirm the timin can le..
Hahaa ... u r simply too kind.

Btw, from wat u described sam, he seems quite a handful and i can really feel your stress taking care of him. Do u ever yell at him for misbehaving?

I'm so stressed up these days over his bedtime thingy .... i've took suggestions to skip his afternoon nap but it doesn't work. He's either getting tired at 7+pm and i'm in a dilemma whether to let him nap at this time and risk having his bedtime even later, or he totally can 'dong' and still play until he gets really tired at 10+ 11+.

Every nite is really like a battle and it either end up me being very angry with him. Sometimes i yell at him and sometimes i simply ignore him when he wants attention. And it doesn't help that stupid mil WANTS to play with him!!! The other nite i just let him be since next day was a public holiday, and guess wat? She played with ovann in her room until abt 1am!!! So damn pissed with her!


I signed up at suntec branch. I'm going for the weekday class, so it's twice a week
Ya, although left only 1/2 a term, but the lady was saying still able to start now. Think i'm just being kiasu lah, scared they dun hv the time i want cos i can only take the 11.30am timing. The others were either too early or clash with his meal time/ nap time.

Eh, i thot u wanna sign up at mountbatten?
hi pegsfur, how are the GUG classes? you all go trial class first is it? how u find it? need to pay how much?

parents/caretaker got to attend with baby right?
what do they really teach, and is it useful? can we just do the same at home, then spending the extra money?? so thier term is from when to when usually?

Heehee That's me, kind DIL *gag*

Yup I used to yell at him &amp; lose my temper quite often when I was a SAHM. Of course, being nagged at by MIL didn't help. Now that I'm back at work, I find that I'm more tolerant. Coz I don't have to face him 24h a day mah. I think it really makes a difference. I think all SAHMs deserve crowns!

Hiaz ur MIL is not very considerate hor? Oh I think I suggested to skip the morning nap, not the afternoon one. Sam has sort of auto-adjusted himself to nap at ard 1plus pm for 2h at 14.5 mths. But it's a struggle at 8pm coz he'll be very tired but we're not home yet &amp; he needs to be batehd &amp; fed. MIL is not very cooperative coz she aws wants to finish cooking then feed Sam his dinner which is ard 630pm. Then he can only drink milk at 9pm. Any earlier, he'll throw half the milk away. I'm depending on Hubs to nag MIL not to delay Sam's feeding.

Anyway it's a mad tussle to keep Sam calm till we get him to bed. I'm hoping that when he gets a bit older, he'll need less sleep &amp; won't be so cranky at 8pm
oh cos i scare HB not along v far to go all the way there i dunno the way haha..but the lady told me nex term jus call 1st wk Dec to confirm a slot can le so i will wait dunno suntec is it the same...

i may sign up Novena cos i go TMC for checkup last wk den we check out the area my HB say many things to eat ther haha n driving distance is faster... but we ok with Suntec..

Haha I know it's possible lah. Just that the probability shd be low. Anyway, it's over liao. I'll just avoid that clinic like the plague
PIggy, ic let me cfm wif my hubby tonight. Do u hv the timing for the class on wkend? u looking at billigual class?

Btw, hw's ur details scan? 100% boy? hahaha
Aiya..sometimes the pressure from others can get to us mummies.Now tat u knw,it will NEVER happen again lor ok? The impt thing is ur boy is fine n u have become a more assertive mummy

I also kenna pressure n chiding from some pp for the strict diet i give my son,but i tell myself i dun care if the WHOLE WORLD thinks i m ngiao,i m jus doing wat i think is best for him! Buzz off!
ya lookin at biligual class the timing i tink we will prob go for 11.30am class...
my detail scan was gd.. leg long n big head *shake head* yes 100% boy....
hi all,

been on leave for a week &amp; sick for a week!
lao lu ming...hahaa...tink i really need to work
SAHM really tough! saluate all SAHMs!

now my mum is sick, i gotta do everything myself...hahaha...good luck to me!

re: GUG
new term 3rd jan to 27th feb
fees are $176 for every 4 weeks plus GST
i have the brochure on hand cos just submitted the non-renewal form yday
after this term, we are taking Ryan out of GUG

bilingual class for 8-18mths only one slot 2.00-3.30pm sat or sun
For their age, 1slot only
So I took English one
After 18mths then many slots
But is ur hb going in with klyer? Else it's tough for u to sit on the mat with kyler?

ya he bring him in unless he not in sg den bobian... aiyo den mus let my HB know see if we wan to chose english 1 instead..
Sharon, mind to share why u wan to pull ryan out from GUG?

Piggy, billingual oli one time slot 2-3pm le how?
Big head like kyler hahaha shd b ok since u can delivered kyler naturally so 2nd one shdn't be any prob.

I gng to let jovia try for one term 1st, if it's good will let her cont'd cos my cc doesn't include enrichment class.
Hb doesn't like it...he says 1term is enuff, he says he can teach himself! Hahaa
So far the songs they teach r wat we teaching him already
Only art part is something we dun do at home but he is not interested at all
Quite repetative I feel...so 1 term is good enough
We r looking at other classes after the term ends in dec
But it's good exposure cos he learns to follow instructions due to peer pressure
Phonics part I think he can learn it later...cos we plan enrol JG at 18mths

Now it's some singing, zoo time (phonics), art in the 1.5hrs

It's good but we feel we want give more exposure in other areas cos my frend's girl at 19mths learn the same things every week, even art also do same things

Oh why is ur son on strict diet?

My MIL will just do whatever she wants now that I'm not there. I shall have to close one eye if I don't wanna drive myself mad.
ya like Kyler but i got multiple tear leh the thot of it scare me leh v painful..
hmm if only 1 slot i may go for english discuss with my HB first..

ya i heard quite repetative so only intend to sign 1 term den he go CC.. wanna gave him some exposure n let him get use to havin lesson be4 his CC begin:p
Hi Jul,

Hee...cos his mummy is super strict lor=no salt,sugar n processed food at all.

Well,the thing abt mil taking care of ur boy is tat,u cannot control which can be frustrating rite?

We wanted to leave my son at my in law's for ONE day n they questioned us why they cannot give him salt,sugar n mkt food.We explained n they still have their own ideas.Tell me la..how to leave my boy there with peace?!!

I feel like saying to them "just RESPECT our style will you!"
pjpj strict with her boy's diet but not strict with hers right.. *wink* hahah...

huh, ur ILs should know by now what u allow J to have, still pushing their luck ah... they should be respecting ur decisions as J's parents what..
Pegsfur, just a suggestion - If Ovann is tired by 7pm plus, maybe can put him to bed for the nite? Isaac is used ti going to bed ard 730pm so he dun protest anymore. Downside is that he is uo and ready to start the day at 615am!

No salt, sugar &amp; processed food is not super strict leh. It's just basic, healthy diet which all of us shd try to follow (but don't heehee)


What do u do if u're out? I can't imagine rushing back to be home by 7pm so that Sam can be in bed by 730pm
jul: same.. i have some friends who dont go out after 7pm cos their kids sleep by 7pm. i cannot imagine doing the same.


If it's just not gog out, it's fine. But how can I rush from work to pick up Sam, have dinner, &amp; still make it home to put him to bed by 7pm? Mission Impossible!
