(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

tink kiiron is the most well travelled baby! hee


i also haven't applied passport for ethan. tomorrow going to bring him take instant pix. haha!

erm.. it's my first time attending aug mummies gathering. so those who know me, can come over to tok to me? i'm a bit scared leh. like 1st day in school.....
RE: Japan Trip

For those who are travelling bet cities, it's best to get the JR pass. Cheaper & more economical. I heard only can buy it in S'pore, own country. Cannot buy in Japan cos it's meant for tourists. For those who are only travelling in Tokyo city, just buy 1 way ticket. It's much cheaper. These were the advice I got during my research 2 years ago for my Japan trip. Not sure if it's still applicable now. haha!

Oh, if you can afford the time, go Hakone. It's a nice place with the onsen. I love the hot-springs in Japan. But it gets a little time to get used to being naked with all the unfamiliar people. hahahaha!
i would have to give my first meeting a miss, can't possibly go w/o my lil one. share picture on FB ok and tag the SMH nick.

mom's second day in nursing care. honestly i find staying in there can be very depressing cos see all old folks, eat, shit & sleep. more aging popo than gonggong. so it kind of struck me that we as women have extended life than men. so its imperative we plan for old age.
fm> i m finally starting my boy on partial formula milk since he have hit the big 1. giving him 60ml fm n 120ml bm for his dreamfeed at nite. will slowly change him to fully fm at 1am for dreamfeed. wat do i need to look out for to see if this milk is suitable for him? i got a few diff brands of sample. is it ok i change brands to finish all the samples? =x starting on wyeth s26 tonite!
Yeah...wear bash tee!

location is yishun sapphire
it's in between yishun n sembawang mrt station
opp yishun industrial park..
If really get lost...follow mrt track
1-5pm I think

I'm on my way to work

can only pop by later

not to worry!
see ya later mummies!!

Dolce if u need help with the games or for me to buy scissors, send me a pm thru fb ok? Or get my no. from theresa. I ask her to sms u my number..
i will be bringing scissors, double sided tape, penknife, scotch tape, marker.

any other stationery required?

since fatbobo can't go, who will be cleaning up the place?
Re: Unwell
fatbobo, ur girl ok le mah? felling better??

Re: Bash
Mummies, my girl just recovered, she is back to her bubbly self.. but many have discourage her from attending this session (which i very much want her to participate). should i just go bring her? am i a selfish mother cos i am bringing her out after she is just well

Re: SuperHeroTeee
Dolce, the tees r super gd deals, i wish i can rush down later..

Re: Cleaning Up
Babymaking, if i am there, i will try to help u... i am sure the other mummies will help too....
ironing my boy's bash t.shirt

dont know why so crumped after washing...

Aiya. Got one lizard in the kitchen sink now... I dont dare to go prepare my boy's lunch leh. Help!

I remembered can buy japan train tickets from taka last time, dont know if they still sell or not.
alrite mummies... i will be heading over this afternoon... see u sll... those who see me, talk to me yah.. it hv been a long time since i attend such gathering..
I have no problem checking in whole sachet of milk powder. didnt try with the tin though, cos I always pour into ziplock bag first...
havent been to Australia and new zealand with my boy... perhaps they will have more strict rules since they are producing milk there.
Nat is still sleeping now...think I will be late...
Sorry if you are waiting for my balloons, balloon sticks and the SYRUP....
oooh noo..will rush over once she is up
i'm laying on the bed now!

About the leave the house when i started to feel uncomfortable. Now already ls 4 times and puke 2 times.

My poor boy must be wondering why he's in the bash t but still at home!
Have fun aug09 bubs!
I had lots of fun at the bash mummies!!

I think we should make the t shirts a uniform for when we meet man.. Makes recognizing the baby and mummy so much easier..

Kiki: oh dear.. Hope u feel better soon.. Its terrible to have food poisoning..

Bobo i hope u r feeling better too.. *wink*
Kiki: get well soon Kiki. Too bad we missed you and your baby.

Sophie stayed up all afternoon to have fun with her friends. Now knocked out! Haha.

BabyS: yeah, agreed on your suggestion. So got to upgrade size for their tees soon

Fatbobo: glad you and your family could join us.

Heh just realized there were a lot of faces I didn't recognize too. But nice seeing all mummies and your babies.
We had fun at the bash too!!

thank you the organizers for all the effort! ESP to donkeymami, regg, piggytoh, dolcevita, April, Bbngg, hope I never miss out anyone! Without all of u, the bash won't be so successful!
Really appreciate it!

Sorry left early n never help to clean up
Ryan also sleeping now

I'm looking forward to the pics!!
Nice meeting you mummies today!! We had fun and I think J had a lot of fun! Too bad we gotta leave early cos J's getting grumpy from skipping his afternoon nap.

Thank you to the organizers also!! Thank you for the effort! Can't wait to see the pics also!
harlo mummies...

me too have fun but too bad having migraine so gotta leave earlier till now my head still pain...

recover soon

Re: bb day out foot print..
my Hb collected yesterday n we check with the pp ther n found out tt the frame me n Apr gettin cost $500 if we were to do ourselves!!!! n the rest i tink also cost ard $300 wor.. i tink we r really lucky to be able to get the frame

I tink is e crowd bah.. Sudden overwhelming makes e head spin.. Mi too till now.. Gonna slp soon, bui tahan oredi..

Too bad denson is born in July..
Yeah nice meeting all mummies n babies..
Sorry I was late so the drink, balloons were late...
Nat was super distracted by everything n didnt corporate in taking her lunch, in the end only finish 80% and keep wanting to eat biscuits...ahahha..But she KO after we left too..hahaha..
Had fun and I will post the results soon ! With evidence..heehee
we shld have taken photo of all the babies on the weighing machine with their weight..heehee...
Nice catching up with so many mummies. And thanks to all the committees in organising this event.

Am having headache too (since afternoon). Going to bed now.

Good nite ladies...
Hi Mummies... i had fun this afternoon too... guess i make the rite choice to bring Ernesta down despite her recent recovery & she kinda warm up to the various kids and aunties towards the late afternoon...

my personal thought after this session was quite warm and sweet frankly.. despite not appearing and posting here as much as i wish to, I hv never felt left out (at least this afternoon session prove it.) mummies who know me came up and say hi, long time no see, it really touches my heart.. (kinda emo but i feel so gd that i am not being 4gotten)..

It is really nice catching up with mummies and going on and on abt the kids growing up process, thanks to the various organisers for organising and planning... let's hve another session sometime soon... Xmas???

I am looking forward to the pics too... mummies, pls post them..

Kiki, u ok mah??
kiki: i keep looking for u, sad to hear u r unwell.. get well soon.

bobo: glad u able to join us..

we had fun ..
Thanks for organising , is so Nice catching up with so many mummies.

sorry we left early too, need go shop for winter clothers for bb..

Yeah!! lets arrange the next bash soon this time round ard west area. I can provide location if all agree ;)

I was also looking for u! Missed u! Hope u recover quickly! Take care!

We had fun too at the bash! Thanks to all the organizers and helpers! It's wonderful!

Thank you regg too for your clippie! So cute!

Thank you donkeymani for your baby bites. My gal was so greedy, think she took a few packets and still wanted to 'steal' from another baby. Who ah? Sophie?
yeah!!! regg clip is so nice...my gal love it.. she had it till we reach home 9pm++..
usually she will pull all things down her head.
thanks Regg.

was late n reach 3++ but so luckily manage to make it for the group photo.
Thanks photographer+[Daddy] also..
So disappointed for not being able to go for the bash

We were all changed, packed and ready to go...

LS > 10x and puke 5x ytd... my mum kenna also
got to give SOS call to ask my sis to come back to take care of kiiron...
Sam had fun at the bash yesterday. So sorry to all the BBs whose toys he grabbed / pushed out of the way / trampled on
My boy's very violent & hard to restrain. Makes me very worried when I think abt how bad-tempered he is.

Thanks to all the organisers who worked so hard to put the bash together. This time I couldn't help coz it was a last minute thing to join. Next time, call me k?
Glad tat everyone njoyed the bash

Kiki,hope you recover soon. Heng u still at home cant imagine u alr on the way then stomach upset & pukey.

Piggy, Yann's cupcake vy nice..well the fondant it's sweet by nature but the cupcake is soft & yummy
I am the last to leave the place. hehee
thanks regg and her hubby accompany me till my hubby reach the condo..

we enjoy the bash n edric walking around exploring new place, nice meeting up the mummies & babies too
thks for the effort of the organisers that make it happen. is like a good catch up.

no joke on LS! hope you are better today.
Re : Birthday Bash Party Photos
apologise for the delay on photos, my frend will pass me the photos cd when back in spore on 14 sep. my hse undergoing some minor renovation, so we go away for holiday during this period. leaving spore on wed, 8 sep.

ya lo i remove the fondant jus eat the cake v nice i gave some to my boi as well he like it haha... btw i try bookin the same hotel as u all taken wor so fast..
