(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

no worries! Enjoy ur holiday!!

Re: happy bellies cereal
anyone got unopened tins of multigrain for sale?

u n hb v loving!!! N denson is such a smiley baby!!!

hope u feeling better!

Yeah! Hope to have next meetup soon
any ocassion we can look forward to? Hee
children's day??

Kiki, hope you're feeling better!

Thanks to all who organised the bash! Your hard work is very much appreciated

april, no worries, thanks for getting your friend to take the photos. So nice of him to help!
Hi mummies,

Great experience meeting all of you again! The last time was at some hotel with many tables of mummies, daddies and babies!

Kuddos to organisers! I love your deco of the place. Thanks to Regg for the hair clips! But aiya, my silly gal dropped it at the venue. If u did pick one up, can keep for me pls?

Hope to meet up again! Maybe for a lunch or so? Haha!
hi mummies,

nice meeting up with u ladies. was a bit lost cos it's my 1st time. dunno who is who. sorry have to leave early cos my son was getting cranky. it's his nap time. we missed the all boys group photo cos he was happily playing with water at the pool.

thanks to all organizers for yr efforts!

i juz bought 1 tin of happy bellies MG at parkway Fairprice finest on saturday @ $8.90, (RP $9.50) and say promo for the month. mayb u can try other branch?
Baby ja,
thanks thanks!! Okies I go try the one at thomson
Ryan eating so much cereals now...buy fr normal organic shop so ex
my SIL selling HB at $7.90/tin but mus buy min 6 tin. so if Ryan eat alot maybe u can jus buy more n stk... Kyler still eat alot cereal too so i 1 go but 1-2 ctn lo... but she stay in the west thou not sure convenience for u anot..
Thank you all for the great fun at the bb bash.

donkeymami, thanks for coordinating.

regg, thanks for providing the venue and the hair clip. it's really nice !

piggytoh, thanks for cupcakes, taste good, my gal likes it, she eats the muffin, i eat the icing keke...

thanks for bringing your cameraman, he's very friendly and patient.

Bbngg, thanks for doing our nametags, hehe, like what zen said, first day in school.

Thanks to all the organizers, volunteers, helpers. Paiseh, i didn't stay to clean up cos hubby had dental appointment at 4 pm, i only knew last minute !
Good morning to all mummies!!

So bloody piss off this morning.. ethan woke up @ 430am and refuse to go back to slp...den i brought him out of the room @ 630am cos i need to get ready for work.. left him in the play pen in the living room with MIL, FIL & Grandma... hubby going to take shower.... those who saw ethan that day i think more or lesss knows that he is quite noisy... SIL walk out of the room at 645:" Ethan can u keep quiet or not... den said..if u guys can't taech him now in future he is gonna be a spoiled brat like those kids who cry in departmental store..

I was totally pissed with the words she said! MOreover the playpen is her husband who suggested and help to move it to the living room ottherwise its in MIL's room.. WTF WTF WTF!!!

sorry damn agitated!
joeey, she cannot understand 1... she would rather have a dog than have a baby cos she find it too noisy... when my son was not even 1 he was feeling grouchy and crying.. and then she would say things like can u ask him to lower down his vol cos i wan to nap.. and its like 12 in the afternonn..
BabyS... thats wat i was FBing bout.. she doesn;t habe kids.. and FIL always tell me give in to her la she is still young! wah liew she same age as me lo... wat still young.. 去拉屎吧! he say she was alone in singapore since young no one to turn to... i tot that would make her more independant! really piss... their wedding dinner is in january... i'm so gonna be on MC that day
Janice, some people r just insensitive. They thought that there is a vol control on kids tht can tune down their sound whenever needed. Ignore them.
Joyful, that's a good one. Made me laugh so bad. Hehe...quite a good mental release.

Mummies, have u ever experience viral fever in yr babies? Do they usually have diarrhea at the same time as well.

Seems like a lot of fun at the bash. Would love to be at the next gathering if there is one.
joyful, not that i'm mean... its FIL say 1: 都不懂她生的出来吗...SIL is those really tall but super weak... she exhausted all her mc liaoz lo... like 2 months back...
kkekeke forget abt condom novelty packs. i believe in retributions.. :p.. next time ur sil will have a LOUder child :D

glad that the bash is wonderful :D
Hello ladies!
Seems like all bubs had fun during the bash

I'm much better now but lost 2kg already...
Gosh... need to eat even more now!
re: Birthday Bash
post more pix of the bash mummies, it looked so wonderfully planned!

yr SIL is really KNS! Babies cannot control their temper and their crying, and for those who cry in department doesn't mean spoil hor! Wait till she has her own child... Btw, you can have MC on her wedding meh? haha...

you took the footprint? I might collect today lunch
that's a good one! and it's so true lor

Sorry didnt get to pass you the shoes during the bash... how shall I post to you? or we have a meetup soon? kekeke!
celine, i told FIL can i dun go for the wedding... pwahahah... actually BIL is quite a nice chap.. jus that find such a wife... too bad for him... talk nvr brake 1... machima machine gun...
Janice, January she is going to be married off, move out? U should go to her wedding dinner n really happy not for her but for your baby n yourself. But this kind of attitube, dont want baby, a relationship also cant last long. Maybe should pray everyday so that she wont come back to stay.
keke! yah lor during her wedding can take MC meh?
think your best excuse is be preggie and say cannot go cos "chiong"! hahaha!
BB, they onli getting their keys in April 2011... still a long way to go lo... she crazy 1 la...

kiki, by hook or crook also must get ah... say lao sai, headache.. lol.. hubby's cousin say wanna dress more outstanding than her lol...

duno is it i really dun click with her or wat.. other ppl take pics in taiwan all so nice but i find her not nice... lol
yup i collected alr... u remember to bring ur letter ya...

ya i agree with Smurfy got retribution 1.. i agree on the part wher she say mus discipline.. but at their age it still too young mah they might not even understnd wat is keep quiet.. my son also have v loud voice n i will scold him n discipline too but it takes time for them to understand etc they r not dog ask them sit they sit leh..
piggy, i agree that we have to educate.. i always ask ethan to keep quiet when he scream or when i carry him he still whines.. somemore he is a boy cannot grouchy like a ger like tat.. but u can say i petty but i dun need someone who is not a mum and doesn't like kids to say something like tat to my son. and he is happi and wans to call out to my hubby and MIL... even when she scolded him ethan still smile at her and call her.. I so "hot" lo
Janice, I guess ur SIL also wish u wont be there n ur baby not to be there to disturb her big day. Go lah. I'll go. It's the best time to enjoy yourself or maybe break a glass? Heehee...
ignore her lo like u say she is not a mum yet dunno the challenging part...if i were u i will also go since u r the MC can sabotage her mah.. maybe during the weddin came up with same game to make her paiseh..
Dear all mummies.
Dint have a chance to login here earlier as my parents still in town, they just left last nite.

Big hugs to donkey, piggy and hoyful and the rest of the mummies for this successful event! really enjoy it very much!

really enjoy talking to you! enjoy ur holidays

so sorry to hear abt it. hope u r better now, was looking for u at the event too! hope to see u soon~

i think ur boy really motivated Regan. He start trying to walk that very evening at home!!!

instead of wait till 18 mos or Xmas, shall we org a pool party at my place instead(if u all dont hiam)?? we can have buffet for adults party by the pool? hehe

I dint meet u all for too long, i not able to reco some mummies too!
Dolve, u were there????

i tink he see so many kids walking ler.. he oso dun wan to lose out.. haha..

try the soft soles shoes first.. let him get use to step on the ground then gradually graduate to normal shoes loh..
oh ya,
no clippies was found at e event. but the stationary pack! i bought it home...whose de hur? siccors etc

Were u asking if Im there ?
Dolve = Dolce ?
I was there, in fact we were the one to pass you the stationery pack...well its my husband who passed u lah, but I was there next to him...
janice: ah... that explains her behaviour lor...

regg: i think it belongs to bbmaking..

so whats the results of the voting contest? Who's the heaviest baby? Keona ah?
Regg, very nice of you to extend that, perhaps can do on the 1st weekend of Dec, early Christmas for the tots. I really want to join, by the time, all the tot can run then we have to beware, later they all jump into the pool.

your SIL super KL. dun have to tolerate to such nonsense. standby for you boy, he just 13MOS, how they know what is quiet?

Next time when she talk when Ethan is sleeping, do the same, ask her to shut up or just let Ethan cry to agitate her. she buay zidong, you dun have to be ke qi.

i never like kids in the past, play play can but never think i will have 1 myself but life changes. she will have kids one day and let her zi zhou zi shou. maybe she will go ki siao. we went through the 1st year and we know how difficult it was esp 1st 3months.
OOps im suppose to post the results...
Will try to do so by tonite...cos my camera is at home..
Actually Ive got prizes but think alot pple already left and Im kinda disorganise....so well didnt manage to do the prize presentation..hahaha..
Gain experience this time and will do it better next time !!..hahaha
ya ya, sorry abt the spelling! iya must see pic to recall!!! so many pretty mummies see till i blur liao!
janice, yeah agree with el nino.... next time if ethan makes noise, and she makes stupid brainless remarks again, dont bother. Tell her to go back ask her mother if she made noise when she was a baby. if she made noise when she was a baby, then she has no right to tell ethan to keep quiet.

And ethan has as much right in the house as she does, and as much rights as she has to talk, ethan has as much rights to talk also.
Wow, looks like everyone had fun at the bash. Too bad we can't make it

Your pool party sounds great! But this time can hold it on a sunday or not? :p I've already missed 2 mass gathering and i so want to go!!

I think it's typical for someone who hasn't had a child to say things like dat. I think i was guilty of doing that too b4 I got ovann. Now that i'm a mother, den i understand why kids will throw tantrum or cry in shopping ctrs/restaurants, and humbly hope the other shoppers/diners won't give me that kind of 'look'. Think u just have to 'kan kai' and like wat el-nino said, wait for her turn to have kids and let her zi zuo zi shou
Relax, ya?

I was the last few to leave...you were packing the rice...
We were there with Sherrie and passing the stationery pack to you..hahahahaha
Nice meeting you, think its 1st time meeting you...heehe...i should hve intro myself lah..hahaha...
Nvm, always a next time
