(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

oh actually i also dun like those kids making alot of noise in restaurant esp those older 1 running ard in the restaurant screamin away n the parent jus sit ther do nothing baby i can understd la but those bigger 1 i really bth..

Same, Seth didn't have any pix taken at the bash too. I left early also because he was getting grumpy. He can't take crowd well.


Yes, just ignore your sil. It's not good feeling angry on your part. Since your sil doesn't even care about how pple feel towards her words.
Hi ladies,

Saw some pics on the Birthday Bash. It was very well organised! Good job! The children are all so cute wearing the same t-shirts... I couldn't join as my friend's bb celebrating his 1st Birthday as well ... really miss the event ... if there is a Xmas Party, I would like to join too! Hope I am welcome.
ignore ur SIL, tis week 4 days work week leh, Friday public holiday...she start the days scolding pple, she must be hving her menses... haha

Sounds great pool party, do it on early december one of sunday.
tis is wat i do to encourage edric to walk at initial stage, when he can stand steadily without support it is time, i sit slightly 3 steps away from him, clap my hands n ask him to walk to me with my open arms, then hug him, then ask him do it again tis time sit further more than 3 steps...

I tried that with Nat...
Usually 1st time she will try to do it, subsequent she will sit and crawl towards me even though its oni a short distance..hahahaha...
But I will keep trying..
yr hb or PIL allow you to take mc then can lor...if my case...LS also must go leh :p

i got my footprint frame already! kekeke very niceee

re: pool party
I agree with pegsfur, can host on sunday or not? I miss the previous events also on saturday
i tink they will walk when they r ready cos my son start to cruise ard since 9mth old but refuse to walk each time walk 3-5 step he will crawl.. i tried usin food, phone n like April.. he still prefer to crawl to me haha who knows 1 day he jus walk without me askin ...
moreover my boy is the "kiasi" type even when squat down to crawl he must bend down slowly let his backside "feel" the floor then he sit down, I never see him just fall down on his backside. My #1 more gunho type, thats explained why #1 got more bruises haha..
haha ya lor when my boi also he mus look ard see where got support be4 he move on can tell he scare of falling n when he know he is falling he will sure adjust his bum n try to land on his bum but now he can walk he walk v fast alot of time too fast till he fall lol~~
babiesmeme: i guess ur boy just doesnt want to yet? let him decide when he wants to walk?

Shayna is a slow flipper (to flip onto tummy and back), slow crawler but fast at sitting (3 months) and cruising.

She always cruises around her cot, then only recently, she started to show a interested in wanting to talk. So we just hold her hands and she walks.. cannot stand on her own/ make attempt to stand though.. she will wanna let go of our hands to walk but can see she dare not.hahah
thanks BabyS, you took my pictures

Re: Walking
There's a myth, old people say the later the baby walks, the better life he/she has.
joeey: i did? sorry man, too many mummies i was overwhelmed and missed out on meeting some of u... which one is ur pic>
Did someone post on the inflatable travel bath tub b4 ?
Going to bring Nat to Batam with my cousins for a short trip. She is not used to bathing with showerhead, thus think might want to get an inflatable bath tub...need a pump too else blow till faint..hahahah
Its from Mummy My Kian ?
cost $25 for self collect ?..heehee
Am thinking to bring a small rice cooker along to cook porridge for Nat..hahaha..even though its only for a 3D2N stay =P
Are our children ready to take cod liver oil ?
Am thinking if can start them with it now.
Read the box instruction, seems to start from 1yr old...
Its good right ?
Hi mummies,

We had a wonderful time at the bash too
it's nice meeting up with all the mummies and putting a face to the nick/name.

Regg, thanks for the hair clip. My girl, FINALLY looks like a girl.

Donkeymami, thanks for the biscuit, she enjoys it.
dolce: yeah from her... i also self collect cos i was travelling within the week then.. very nice seller..

dolce: do u feed nat outside food? if she does, then maybe u can order porridge for her then ask them if possible no soya sauce, sesame oil etc becos its for a baby?

or if outside not as clean, maybe u order from room service, u bring ur thermos flask..

Where are u going?

re fish oil: I am also considering to give shayna cot liver oil or scotts emulsion... just bought GNC colostrum with probiotics for her over the weekend, havent try..
thanks for the pic!!

Re: playgroup
I have looking ard...but the 2hr slot is during ryan's nap time or mealtime
anyone send ur kids already?
How to go bout doing it?
Need adjust his schedule?
Her self collection venue are either out of place or seem foreign to me..haha..think I might opt for postage instead, need it next weekend.

Yes I do feed her outside food but not as a main meal yet, only bits of it to pacify her...
Im gg to Batam with Theresa and cousins..

Yeah I intend to give Scotts Emulsion, orange flavour. Just wanted to check its ok b4 buying it...
playgr is usu from 18mths onwards.. i am looking for 1 ard my area too cos usu waiting time is long so wanna put his name to secure a place first..
There's a kind of showmat recline with mesh, those are better cost you dun have to inflat. i saw it at isetan kids near the stroller section.
those are also very convenient to put in the luggage, just a flat pc. i got mine from safety first. i have been using it since ethan was 3months. inflatable kind will have to dry then can keep else will be slimy after a while.
Batam there is a place cheap and good massage. and kuih lapis shop. i post details here tonite when home lah..

u may want to try the trial class at growing up gifted let them get use to group learning during weekend, then proceed them to playgroup when turn 24 mths, kinderland is 3 hours session, the Yio Chu Kang kinderland.

Same here ... so i guess if i really sign up ovann for classes, have to adjust his timing liao. But those morning classes at 9am is definitely off cos Ovann still haven't wake up yet .. hahaha
Oh, btw, the JG trial has been called off, if u din catch my post previously, cos they dun do group trials.

Are the playgroups having classes everyday? The ones i've scouted around my area all having classes everyday. I'm thinking of going for those maybe 2 or 3 days kind ... cos it sort of sounds 'stressing' to attend 'class' everyday at such a young age.

Ya, both GUG & JG are in my list. Will attend their trials first to decide. But then again, the location is abit turn off, cos those popular locations, waiting list is long. Those with shorter waiting list has ulu locations. Hiaz ...

So hve u sign up kyler for any playgroup since u said the waiting list is long?

Showmat recline with mesh ?
Can you explain more on this ? Roughly hw much does it cost ? Thanks ya


Thanks so much.
We might be staying at KTM resort. Which one did you stayed ?
hahah i haven got time to check out the place cos i tink they only open on wkday n i am only free on wkend sigh~~~

sorry, thats a link to my friend's album dunno why the link links u to that.... this FB ah, these few days very kuku man..
good choice to stay at KTM resort, nice place. i know the lady boss by the name of Irene Lim. their sales office at harbourfront ctr. she is also travel planner.

zoophonics is phonics using zoo animals. GUG is using zoophonics.

Think my cousin also know someone working there..Was deciding between KTM n Harris...but think will stick to KTM since we know someone there and now its recommended by you too

thanks thanks....
