(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

tulips, depending on bb. Ray used to wake up at twice after last feed at 10.30pm, he woke up at 2.30am then at 5.30am. Now at 7 weeks, last feed at about 9.30 to 10.00pm, he wakes up at 5.30am for his next feed.

Latching on lying down is good if bb wakes up many times, my boy drinks more at night and also his cot is near me but he has been co-sleeping with us and now dh flow back to Sydney, it was much easier for me to nurse him in bed and I get enough rest to handle a 5plus older boy and him. Try latching on in bed.

I have been giving 100ml of EBM for the last feed. It can barely last for 2 hours b4 he makes noise again. Wonder hw to train him to feed like 3 hourly at night, cos daytime he can wait for like 2 to 3 hours b4 requesting for milk again.

Or is it cos my milk is not thick & filling enuf?
mashy, kai also slept through about this time, and also think both Kai and Ray spend more time awake in the day so they sleep through earlier.

Ray has his diaper change at 11pm and another after 5.30am feed. Still find the diaper very heavy.

hmm...find my gal's night diaper not as full as before. Used to be very full n bursting.

tulips, try putting bb on your arm while u lie down. Put pillow behind your back to support. Latch on.
Hi Pris, Mashy, Tulip

thanks for the info...

Pris.. how to air the baby... scared he poo and pee all over the place.. and special method to do so?
Hi Cindy,
My confinement lady asked me to buy Desitin,she said can use Drapolean (the one i bought) to prevent but once kenna rash,use Desitin,it is faster.

My baby is getting on and off rashes around his eyes. I've not been cleaning his eyes with cool-boiled water. Wonder if that's the cause of it.
Cindy, do you have those cushion mat on the floor and place the water proof mat on top and let bb go bottomless for like 15minutes, usually do it after pee and poo and after you wash with just warm water, dry it then air it.
Finally my pump is repaired! The service person confirmed its the milk back flow into the motor that caused the problem. Will try to pump soon.

Btw, anyone knows if the nepia diaper delivery can mix & match sizes?
Hi Pegsfur,
Check with u..my tubing also kenna milk backflow into it..how did the service person clear it? How do they know there is a problem?
Thanks, PJPJ.. I shall get Destini quickly!

Pris, ok, I will try your method! Thought using cloth diaper may prevent rash.. but still develop rash
bp thread got sale of desitin that's much cheaper. i bought 2oz one from mt a pharmacy, and it's more ex than the 4oz one from bp!

using neogarden for 1st mth celebration, hope it'll be ok...

mt a pd said if bringing to polyclinic, only have 5-in-1 so have to bring in at 1 mth for hep b jab. if going for 6-in-1 at their clinic, skip 1 jab and only go in at 2 mths.

I just checked with hubby cos he's the one who brought the machine down. He said there's a pressure gauge when they opened the machine and it showed a low pressure. He's not sure how they clean it cos they took the machine to another room to fix it b4 returning to my hubby. The service person said that there must not be milk backflow into the motor or else the same problem will occur again.
hey all.. thanks for the swift reply..
anyone tried stamford catering? cause im holding it in downtown east chalet. and i think the only allow the appointed catering.. or anyone tried using other catering service in costa sand downtown east?

I've tried medela mini pump before. Milk gets back flow very easily. And I find it noisy and pump is weak. In the end I got myself a cheap Avent Isis manual pump. Suction is so much stronger and milk collection is faster. Just my 2 cents worth of opinion for you

Tks! I just ordered from them
It's a failure asking hubby to buy .... cldn't get them at supermarket for newborn size. Tried others and it's either too small/big or leaks easily.
wats hug a bub wrap?

re: umbilical cord
my boy's umbilical cord hanging by a thin line..top part dry le...but the inside still damp damp...do i cont to clean wif cord spirit n apply the powder? is it normal to be damp inside after the cord drop off?

re: chicken essence
when can we drink it?

re: nepia diapers
i tink its good too...im using it
ya continue to clean n remember dun go n pull it off ur bb will bleed n cry.. my bb 1 after cord drop off still got those yellowish liquid comin out when he stretch it norm... make sure u clean it everytime u change diaper etc

u can drink chix essence alr.. my CL say it is gd durin confinement every mornin u drink 1 bott..

if u feedin FM it ok to feed some water if BF it is not necessary to feed with water..
I drink chix essence immediately after delivery... Everyday 1 bottle, now still taking. Alot of people give me when they come to visit, need to clear stock.
Hello gals


I so blur! Went for PD check up today & forgot to ask abt the 5in1 jab price. Aiyah..

I went back to gynae one week after delivery xoz I complained the stitches hurt. So my next gynae visit is on 1 Oct.


I did the liver function test tdy. Actually for me, I feel it's gd to do. At least now I know for sure that Sam doesn't have liver malfunction & he has no BM jaundice.

Strange.. I asked my PD but he said not necessary to replace BM with FM, & not necessary to drink water to flush out jaundice coz it's passed out thru poo poo leh *scratch head*
thanks...i shall cont cleaning...see the yellowish liquid is v scary lei

thanks...i shall start drinking tml...i got so much dat i tink everyday i drink one..1 mth also cannot finish
kikilala, happi

Fyi, the liver function test cost me $35+gst at the TMC lab. Blood was taken from heel prick, not from hand.
kikilala, jul
u giving bb water regularly??? my bb doesnt like to drink water.... ya, diff doc diff opinion.

since he is always crying to food, i try to latch him more often. try to give him more fluid.
i try to lie down to feed but unsuccesssful...
i dun gif bb water yet...but normally after i feed...i drip a few drops to let him lick to clean his tongue

for nepia diapers, how do we exchange the points for the $10 NTUC voucher? cut out the coupons then pass to the deliveryman or ????
