(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

this is the 2nd stretch of 2 days that my boy didn't poo. The previous stretch, he poo on the 3rd day and it was a lot. Hopefully he will poo today....
YES!!! My boy just poo and its including yesterday's volume lor... so much!!!

I was screaming in shocked and my mum came to help me clean up the mess.

Its very watery, like LS type one... so should not be constipation
congrats! My baby has high jaundice (reached 25.6) and I also give my full FM for 1 week. But I pumped and freeze the BM cos 2nd week milk is full of colestum (looks yellowish) and I gave him when he was 3-4 week old.

My BB is 6 weeks now and still has some jaundice. Will go for checkup on Tues

As I'm 1st time mum, when BB is 2 weeks, I'm not so used to nursing and each feeding is at least 60 mins. Now I'm a bit more relax and will latch each side until breast is soft. (usually about 20-30 mins) then switch if baby still wants.
Hiaz .. my milk supply is dwindling .... and i suddenly just felt so useless. It sort of turn on my 'hum-bao' mode again and i just felt so stressed and started crying again. Aarrrggghh ... it's depressing!

Btw, i still can't figure out how to use the nursing top leh .. the other day when i brought Ovann for his 1st PD check up, i was wearing a nursing top but i fumbled around trying to get my breast out. In the end, i just flip up my top and nurse him, and left the nursing room with a wrinkled top after dat.
anything works, as long as can get the breast out can already.

I didnt have any nursing top and bra and the first time I nurse outside, I left the room with to wet patches in the front lor

we are also learning something new. think of it this way, we can only get better as the days goes by.

Dont be too stress over breastfeeding. I can only say that after 6 weeks of practice myself, I'm only starting to get the hang of things! Despite what some LC and books say, dont be afraid to give FM or bottle, try latching when bb is not too hungry and fussy. drink lots of fluids to keep up the milk ss.

we are also learning something new. think of it this way, we can only get better as the days goes by.
sweet mama
My bb is abt 2wks old now too. How in the world can u manage to pump 100-120ml so fast from 20-40ml? I'm also pumping abt 20-40ml and now, it's only abt 10-20ml. So stressing.

I also latch my bb 5-10min each side cos he will fall asleep after a few suckle.

Hahaha .. i can imagine that 2 wet patches on yr shirt

Hey, tks for the encouragement. I was giving Ovann my ebm yesterday and he sort of reject it. I told my mum abt it and she said my grandma told her that bbs fed on both bm/fm will reject bm eventually. That was the 1st stress. Then when i pump yesterday, the supply was pathetic and i got even more depressed.

Ok, will heed yr advice and try latching bb when he's not fussy, and will try to drink more fluids.

In the mean time ... i'll try to keep my sanity.
not true leh, my nephew eventually rejected FM. We got to add some milo powder to trick him to drink his milk.

How long you pump each time? I spend at least 30 mins on each side and will alternate between massage and pump. Can get 2nd or 3rd let down after massage.

Really? Ok, den i still got hope ... guess it must be some old wives' tales again.

Wow, 30mins on each side? I pump between 20-30mins each time for 2 sides leh ... nearing the end of the 20/30min, there's already no milk coming out and my nipples are sore from the pumping.

Bf is really not easy huh ...
magmag,to take baby's passport photo, i propped baby up on my legs, her head between my knees, with a diaper cloth below her head for the white background. my husband stood on a chair behind us for a top down view and took the photo.

can do online and it's very fast. we submitted on friday nite (after office hours) and collected passport the following Wed.
my boy also had jaundice but it was mild, highest was around 190 according to polyclinic dr. it cleared when he was 3 weeks old and i only feed him breastmilk by latching on.

Ovann reject the ebm is it because it was thawed ebm? Zachary dont like thawed ebm at all cos the smell is weird! just now before i went out, i had to pumped after latching him incase he wants milk when we are outside & no nursing room.

what pump are u using? since Ovann always fall asleep after a few suckle, you might need a better pump to maintain/increase your supply. anyway, when I pump I also pump 30mins (freestyle will off itself once it reaches 30mins). if I really want to clear all the milk, sometimes i pump for 45mins. now not painful at all, only can feel the pump suckling. maybe my nipples got used to Zachary's abuse.

initially for the first 2 weeks, my nipples was sore/crack/bleeding after latching! made me so scared of bfding lor! everytime my CL come to my room hugging him i was like thinking "OH NO! not again!". everything will be better once the initial phase passed.
ylang ylang
my mil will use cotton cloth towel dipped in cool boiled water and clean his tongue before his bath. Sometimes she will dip in gripewater instead. helps to prevent the tongue from getting too white.
don't stress. Now after 6 weeks my ss is still pathethic despites massage, fluids, latching..... At most I get is 100ml from both sides after 15 mins of pumping. I am supplementing with FM. I just console myself that at least I tried my best and give whatever little I have
Hi Pegsfur,
Hang in there..we are here to encourage each other.Dun be affected with wat the elders may say,it is really a case by case basis.

When I first started to pump,it was really painful too..til today..there is still pain,n
still get sore/distorted nipples.Did u apply bm on ur nipples n aerola to keep it supple aft each pump? Avoid soap at same area when bathing?

U r using PISA rite?Wat i do at first was on the pump for 20mins then i will use the "turbo" button n then continue as usual-total session of 45mins,i find tat it helps to increase supply. Maybe u would like to give it a shot.

Our emotions also affect our supply..so think positive thots ok?It has only been 2 weeks for u.
Jia You!
Sometimes aft a while,the breasts seem to have dried up,it is ok..keep pumping cos sometimes,the milk will come on later. If not,tell urself,it is stimulatin supply for future. It works for me!
No leh ... the ebm is not thawed, just refrigerated .. cos i dun have excess supply to freeze it! I have to combine a day's pumping to have abt 40ml or so. Damn pathetic lor.

U have the same problem too huh .. but at least u still got 100ml, enough for at least a feed. I think i'm feeding Ovann only 5% bm, and 95% fm. With the current state and feel of my breasts, i think it's a matter of time before it dries up.

I'm using medela mini electric plus.

I think i'm having the same prob with Jul. I mean after latching Ovann, there's hardly any milk left for pumping, even though ovann doesn't suckle for very long. Do u all pump after latching for every feed?
hi mummies,

thanks for all the advice on PIS. juz collected my PIS today. oh manz! PIS is like in the heaven, mini electric like in the hell. so different. no wonder price oso so much different.

i oso used the same method as u mention. supply came much more. the stimulation is very impt to 'trick' the brain. this works for me too!

i dun pump out after latch on cos i latch on is to ensure i can stimulate more supply & clear some of the ducts. rest of the time i pump out and also if we are outside, i can direct latch. hee lazy to bring milk out.

but i did tried pumping after latch on for 20min when bb dun fell asleep... the supply is ard 50ml for 20min pump.
ylang ylang
if you feed baby BM, dont need to clean baby's tongue. or you can feed baby some cooled boiled water.

you can pump out 1 hr after latch on. someone posted the "power pumping" method before. 20mins pump, 10mins rest, 10mins pump, 10 mins rest, 10 mins pump. maybe you wanna try? is mini electric plus a dual pump?

good page to read about milk production: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/milkproduction.html
pink, as baby gets older, they will poo less and less often esp for breastfed babies. At about 3 months of age, my girl only poos once in 3-4 days. Once she went 11 days without pooing.

kiki, mine also produces running poo that leaks out of the diaper! The drypers cannot hold the poo in. How long is each latching session for you now at 6 weeks? I am still doing about total of 40mins, or at least trying to. Cos at times, he will seem done in 20mins, at times he will continue, so I have no idea whether its really enough.

pegsfur, I find that the optimal pumping time is about 30mins. Usually after 20mins, there isn't any milk, but if you continue on for a few more minutes, a 3rd let down will come and you can collect quite a bit more milk.

The first few weeks are really hard, worrying about supply and having to handle the baby. It really gets better after the first month. I'm only starting to feel more settled down after 6 weeks.

And I really agree with kiki that we should ignore what the LC and books say at times, as these only serve to make us feel even worse. Supplement if you have to do, and know that what counts is that you have done you best. Hang in there.

sweetmama, dun throw away your BM! Store and freeze it for baby to drink later.
Hi all mummies out there

Anyone who had piles and given birth via normal delivery? Pls share your experience and how bad the piles became after delivery?

I had piles all along and it became very bad and painful esp after poopoo even without any straining during my last tri! It became like a bunch of grapes as many of them surrounding the anus (sorry i know its disgusting but its the best illustration I can think of). I am so worried that by natural birth it will be super big as need a lot of pushing!

Anyone choose c section becos of this reason? Can anyone whom had same experience as me pls share. Thanks.
Hi Shirley (poopoo), its me...hahha I know u too! Kekeke

Acneery, I have pile b4 delivery and I manage to deliver naturally. After delivery I ask the doc to prescribe the medicine for "stuck in" to ease the "output". Now the pile still there. I try to push in after every "business"

Pior to the delivery I also scare it get worse and hinder the delivery. My gynea say wont hinder but might expand. U might want to check with ur gyne to be safe.
Reira (sumire), during your bb jaudice in the 1st 3 weeks did u feed him BM? or u feed him after 3 weeks when the jaundice clear?
wow 11 days no poo poo ? but my bb on 80% FM & 20% BM. He keep passing out very smelly farts, but no poo poo. Going for the 6 in 1 jab on Tuesday. Think better check with PD. Earlier PD ask me to tickle butt area with a cotton bud smeared with vaseline, but doesn't work leh.

Anyone still feeling emotional 6 weeks after delivery? I am feeling it, especially when stuck at home. Then I see DH going out I all the more sian......
Hi Puroland

Thanks for sharing. My gynea say its ok to deliver natural with plies problem without taking a look at how bad the condition is! I am already using the medicine to push in my piles now if not think cannot sit or walk for long as its painful.
Hi ladies

Puroland, I DIY the wrap myself coz it is not sold here in Singapore, should have bought back one from Oz.

I also TBFD bb even though my baby has jaundice, it is the 1st 2 days that I supplement in the hospital when milk has not come in yet.
hi gals,

Finally finished mt confinement liao & my mum also went back so gng to take care bb by myself w/out any help starting from tmr
Hi all mummies,

How have you all been? Baby is sure keeping me busy that I dont have to time to post.

My baby has just turned one month today. Cant wait for her to grow faster then I can play with her

Mashy: how do u manage to breastfeed your baby in the sling? I want to learn too! By the how old is your baby when u did it?

Anyone latch baby on in lying down position? Sounds difficult to do but want to try coz sounds so much more convient.

Just bought my PIS today. Used to use Avent Isis pump but since milk supply building up so thought I'll invest in double pump. Bought mine, backpack model from First Few Years at a good offer price at $569. Saw from Taka Baby Fair that it was selling at $719 with 2 extra bottles and a tube of nipple cream. Will try using it tonight!

Dun be sad, me also. Now week 6 already, my ss still very little. 20ML per breast and per pump only 40ML. So got to combine to feed also.

It doesn't seems to increase anymore. I just continue to pump, if not it will decrease even further. Gynae said i only pump to clear engorgement. If never let bb suckle, i can never increase my supply. But i know alot of gals who only pump and yet got supply.

Its ok lar, just try ur best. Ur just 2nd week right ? still got hope!

Hi PinkMama,

I also feel abit depressing after 6 weeks ... still not used to it .. want to go out for a breather but then i dun want to leave bb wif my MIL. And dun want to trouble my mum to take care... but being stuck at home is quite sian ... esp wif the pumping .. cant go out too long. sometimes feel tat pump so little, feel like giving up. but when i see my bb, then i thk cannot. Why dun u bring bb out during weekends wif ur hubby ? I try not to bring her out becos she was sick and doc said might be becos we bring her out to shopping centre. kenna virus. If u want to bring ur bb out, bring to less crowded places.
pink, eventually I think even babies on FM also don't poo everyday. Do ask the PD what is the acceptable time frame. And if necessry, he will prescribe a suppository to help baby poo.

pink/ML, its hard to be cooped up within the 4 walls and trying to handle a baby. Can always bring baby out for a walk in the park or somewhere open (less chance to kenna virus). Being out really helps.

ML, I'm sure your mum won't mind helping u out for a couple of hours while you do something on your own. I think even less tha an hour out is a life saver! I would take short walks downstairs or to the shop nearby for 15-30mins just to get away and destress.
i dont feel emotional at all now (5 weeks after delivery). my hubby dont go out without me & Zachary unless he is going to work. how do you settle your lunch and dinner? sometimes i went out with Zachary using stroller to buy food.

i feed Zachary with only BM even when he had jaundice.

jia you! you can do it!

how do i tell if baby is sick? i always bring my baby to crowded area leh. like last sat went to chinatown then this wed going to taka baby fair.

i also dont dare to let my mil take care of Zachary for even a couple of hours cos she dont know how to take care of baby at all. yesterday night i think she was taking care of him for an hr or so just because i was too sleepy to be bothered by it. sometimes really must close eyes to keep my sanity.
Morning ladies

<font color="0000ff">donkeymami</font>, dun worry too much, take a thing at a time. If you want to meet up for tea, let me know, I bring my boy and baby along, at least you can bring bb for a short walk.

<font color="0000ff">Joia</font>, if you stay around JW, I can show you how to bfd in the sling as well as layching lying down.

<font color="0000ff">Pegsfur</font>, invest in a good pump like PISA or freestyle. I used to use medela mini pump too but it is cannot even achieve more than 50ml after 30min of pumping and a pro-bfd friend came over to let me try her PISA and I was amazed how much I could pump out from my breast in the same time.

So this time I also give mini pump a miss and using hand express for 1st 2 months and then going to start using the PISA soon to pump after latching to increase ss.

Do not be discouraged, sometimes it is not the pump could not pump out all the milk. Even 5 to 10 min, please continue to latch on. if necessary, remove excess clothing from bb, too warm and cozy, bb tends to fall asleep and you will end up with a bb demand for feed every half an hour or an hour.

RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 10 Sept 2009, 9.30am

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. Preferrably in the morning like we meet about 9.30am outside the Bus-stop at Glen. Hospital or at the entrance of Botanic Garden.

1. Priscilla (with Kai and Baby Ray)
Hi Reira,

Oh, becos my bb got blocked nose, and cough a bit. PD said due to virus spread by other pple as bb cannot develop sickness by themselves.

For those 2nd time mothers, how do ur react if you know someone is sick and want to carry ur child ? esp if they are ur in laws ? difficult to tell them not to carry. Some pple just buey zhi tong or maybe dun have the awareness one lor.
Please take note: <font color="ff0000">Date change to 11 Sept 2009</font>

RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. Preferrably in the morning like we meet about 9.30am outside the Bus-stop at Glen. Hospital or at the entrance of Botanic Garden.

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
ML, I will get dh to let my ils now. Coz it happened twice when my #1 was an infant. If dh refuse to do it, I let him care for bb in the nite when bb sick. After one nite, he learnt the hard way and always try to keep bb from people who are unwell.
Thanks Pris &amp; reira. Ya i thk starting could b quite tough but i thk once i build up the routine should be quite easy to handle.

ML, did u try massage from Mdn Rokiah? I tried last wk i thk my ss increase abit..nw i nit to pump every 4hrs then can get 100-120ml from both breasts...last time only 60-80ml.
Hi Mich,

Yes, i want to go out but i thk after i had given birth, i become control freak. I dun like to let my MIL take care if its necessary. Dun want to owe her favour, she very mafan one. She keep saying my baby wants this and want tat. I know her pattern as i seen her taking care of my SIL children. She will let them watch tv when they cry etc... even at very young age. I already told her i am not letting her watch tv NOW. She was watching tv, at the same time feeding her and my bb's headturn to watch tv. If i am not around, she sure will let her watch cos nothing to do at home ma. She also said to bb, oh, u want to eat pacifier issit ? As if my bb can tok. If i want, i will let her eat, not when my MIL says she want.

So, I can only ask my mum but she stays not very near me. I go like 2 times per week. Every time i go, will be very early in the morning when my husband go to work. So i didn't pack my clothing there, and just very lazy to move. I go my mum place so that i can sleep and she help to take care. haha

Thk firstly, i have to take the first step to bring the bb out ... if never try, i will forever be scared to bring her out alone. Just like bathing her alone, i got phobia and went to my mum place for 2 days just to ask her to help me bath.
Hi donkeymami,

I tried liao, but still the same, maybe from 30ml from both breasts to 40ml. But stuck there for 2 weeks liao.

I started to take Fenugreek again but everytime i take, i feel my breast very hard and jst cant pump out the excess. The volume still the same.
ML, i try to bath my gal starting from one week ago but with little help from my mum...i'm gng to bathing her alone today also...abit worry though but i thk i still can handle..though MIL stay near my place but i also dun like to let her take care my bb when i'm ard lor..i see her way i cannot "tahan".

Ya..once i set up a routine for my gal will try to bring her out nearby for walk &amp; also to buy lunch &amp; etc.
ML, ic. did u do hot compress before u pump..i also lazy so usually jz pump without hot compress using hot towel. but sometimes if i long time nv pump my breast will become lumpy &amp; also hard..&amp; i do feel diff to pump milk out.
after i used hot towel to do hot compress for a while then managed to pump more milk out &amp; breasts become soft.

I also took funegreek from GNC...gng to finished 2nd bottle liao. Heard there is another supplement it's more effective..dunno wan milk plus..mayb someone can advise.
Any recommendation for infrant carseat? still hvnt bot for my gal. but i went taka baby fair not much choice &amp; damn ex like above $400.
Please take note: Date change to 11 Sept 2009

RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. Preferrably in the morning like we meet about 9.30am outside the Bus-stop at Glen. Hospital or at the entrance of Botanic Garden.

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
3. weishy (with Hayley n Baby Lucas)
doneymami, my MIL also stay near me but i rather do thgs myself. now the only thg i cant manage is going out to buy lunch. For this week, i will learn to use pram and push her to compasspoint to tabao lunch. :p

I have breastpad, but also seldom use it, lazy also. U also pump 4 hrly ? Do u pump at fixed timing ?

For Car Seat, thk i will buy from 3 mths onwards. Maxi Cosi like quite nice.

Pris, ok, i will try ur method next time if my bb is sick! only when thgs happen, then man will realise it. They dun foresee until it happen.
ML, the baby will only get easier to look after and to bring out as they grow older, so you can look forward to things becoming better and better
You can drop the baby off at your mum's place and then go out on your own? I used to do that last time when my older girls were young, asking my MIL to baby sit occassionally while I did groceries or ran errands. Being away from the baby keeps one's sanity.

donkeymami, i also have a maxicosi SPS, can sit from 4 mths on. Only $300 or so...
hi ladies,

need u all to advise.. my CL is having a very bad cough and still insist on feeding my baby leh.. and i trying to feed my baby most of the time.. cos i scared she spread virus to my baby.. how to tell her huh.. cos she my friend mama so dunno how to put the word to her leh.. how..

for dinner, even if Zachary is sleeping i will drag him along. he always sleeps inside his stroller when we go out. funny thing is, every time we go to KFC, he always cry for milk even tho he just drank! it happened for the 2 times we went to KFC. scary lor! both of us dont dare to go to KFC anymore. hahaha
