(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hmm, do all OB expect us to confirm the room so early? mine keeps asking and reminding me to decide! :p i still dunno if i wanna take single room or help my finance minister save $$$ and take 2-bedded.

yah, have to confirm the room. Then they'll send u a pre-admission form so that when you're admitted, u don't need to fill it up again.
U can opt for a 2 bedded first, then if u wanna upgrade, then can upgrade on the spot. Easier to upgrade than downgrade.
Wah all these stories of different kind of helpers is an eye opener!

Hi babyS,
I was also at the Mt A class last nite,how do u like it?
BabyS and smufy_ling, yah she is not very SMART but like to act that she is.

I think after the last week. my girl will be a 'xiao la jiao' due to the tai jiao. Hahahaha...
hmm... talk abt tai jiao! lucky mine will be a boy - otherwise fiery temper like mine, cham lor! for #1, i was lucky not to have stress like that so my gal is very xiao jie and quite gd character!
bbngg n michele
hahaha i oredi very calm these few days oredi.. no eyes see... so i think my lil girl will have a pleasant temper unlike her korkor.. when i was always throwing tempers ard..
.. but i just feel sorry for #2 coz of the stress, lack of sleep, and poor pregnancy diet.. she might not be as strong as her korkor.
Mine is opposite, when pregnant with #1, good temper, no stress so my son very pleasant temper. I quite worried about my #2, kekeke... but I think she will be fine too other than the fiery temper. Hahaha...

Smufy, don't worry your girl will be fine, in fact she will be stronger

Welcome to the club

Hiaz .. my sugar level tends to go up and down depending on wat i eat. Gynae said at least now restricting diet can still control the sugar level. She was expecting that the sugar level will go higher when we r at the last trimester and by then have to jab insulin le
ooh horror maid experiences, I'm glad my new helper is so far ok. the only thing is don't know how she will be with kids as she has very little *to me - no* prior experience with small babies.

anyone knows where we can send FDW to baby care/parent craft type of course? where they learn how to bathe/feed/change/look after babies type?

re: bb movement & tightenings.
Had a scare yesterday when we could not dedect bb movements for more than 6 hours. previously he was super active, moving all the time, then suddenly silence for 6 hrs.
In the end, we went to KKH, was sent to the delivery suite and kept under observation for an hour, put on CTG, did scan and doppler and manage to trace bb's heartbeat. however they wanted to admit us for further observation and to do a growth scan the next day, but we didn't want to - as basically it's periodic checks (not continual CTG)thru out the night and then just wait for the growth scan as they cld not fit an appt immediately. furthermore hubby cldn't stay overnight with me, so we decided to go home. and guess what, while waiting to be discharged, bb decide to kick a bit to re assure us.

This morning, we went to see our regular gyane for the growth scan and subsequently had tightenings while waiting for him - 4 times within 1 hr..thru out the day. Was given ventolin to prevent contractions and told to monitor bb's movements. if movements below 10 times within a 12 hr time frame, or bb has been active but suddenly stop moving, to go see him immediately. In his words, it's better to be assured than be kept wondering.

the growth scan is normal - bb is heavy at 748g at week 24 d2. everything looks normal for the moment. **phew**
PJPJ: oh is it? Where were u sitting? I was sitting at the right hand side, near the wall, wearing floral sleeveless top..

quite interesting..

did u stay for the stem cord thing? my husband filled in the form cos they promise wouldnt call, and i agree to fill in form cos i wanted to see what free gift they gave.. yeah my daughter got her first pair of mittens liao..

I am going for the Tuesday classes.. u?
my work now ah, always answering stupid phone calls, sometimes have to entertain irreasonable and demanding pple ah, or sometimes have to settle other pple's famnily disupte... after each such incident, i'll tell my daughter, not to grow up to be such a person like those i came into contact with etc.. haha
tightening is when the tummy suddenly feels tight in one area or generally all over?

gosh babymaking, that must have been scary for u... glad baby is ok.. and growing very well! =)
wow tt great to hear ur baby ok..

i v scare my baby bad temper also cos my new kolig is driving me crazy by teachin him.. argh~
piggy: hee... same, i also got a new colleague who drives me up the wall when i try to explain and teach..

i will very obviously take a deep breath of frustration in front of her one.. hahahaha..

Every time i lose my temper, i'll have debrief with baby and tell her next time dont be such a person, must be considerate or dont do what mummy just did etc.. haha
haha ya lor i will tell my baby dun be like tt kolig of mine.. keke.... but my new kolig nv failed to piss me off.. sigh~ i dun understd y 1 person write down wat i teach alr can tell me he cant find the thing he write faintz...
Regarding helpers/maids
Worse is they are not unsure about certain things, and they don't ask!
I realise most important is having the good attitude (etc: when you highlight her mistakes, she does not talk back nor gives you a black face)

Oh dear! Thank God you were there to stop your maid from using the hot spoon to feed your child.

Great that your bb is alright!

Many times I'm controlling my patience, becos my 3yrs old girl is seeking my attention every moment, wants me to carry her.
i stay in the suite b4.. hehehe...
it is on the 6th floor... got a nurse to attend to u personally... they have more "equipment" there like personal DVD player beside the bed, have nice sofa bed and my breastfren pillow etc.. unless u expect alot of visitors... i dun see the need coz 1 room a day is ard 900+
glad to hear that ur lil one is doing good...

re: helper
i went to choose a helper today.. hope she turns out fine... asked weishy to go with me to agency to choose also... lol.. we then took the biodata to show her helper to help us bio... i m crossing fingers for now...
meantime i shall brush up my bahasa and set some back house rules for the helper.
wow, the whole thread is about maid/domestic helper.

Babymaking, glad to know that everything is fine with your bb.

I am having sore throat, too much spicty food and durians liao, dr told me no more spicy and heaty food for the time being.
Ahhh... I am so mad at vPOST now!

They made SingPOST deliver a parcel to me this afternoon, when I am not at home so my hubby received it. When I got home, guess what is inside!? It is not my baby items or anything but GUESS bag from Victoria's Secret! I was like WTH?!

Contacted them since 3:30pm and when I asked where is my parcel, they said it is with the courier as stated on their track & trace page. They said will contact me by today.

When I call them at 5:30pm, they told me that they don't know where is my parcel and that there is some mismatch by vPOST!

Omg............................. *FAINT* ARGHHHH
Babymaking: wat a scare..if i m u, i will freak out...sometimes, while i am busy with work during daytime, i also dun count or keep track how many times bb kick me.
From now on, i will keep track : 10 times within a 12 hr time frame.
I also feel my stomach tightening...erm, is that natural, the skin trying to expand to accomodate the bb?
cool down... did they mix up ur order with others?

the other day i rec a note from Speedpost. but the clever postman did not even bother to wait 1 min.. he just shouted postman.. then turn n left the very next sec... n i was stuck with a piece of paper reminding me to reschedule a resend...
luckily my insurance agent called me and told mi that there was some problem with the processing of my ger's insurance payment and we made arrangements for the payment, else my ger's policy would have lapsed!
whoa. sometimes my baby can dont move for whole day de leh. or he moves once only... o_o is it abnormal!??!!?

No just babymallonline clothes *CRY* Actually what does the insurance covered? I am so lost now!! Just went to check and...
Risks Covered
The subject matter is insured against all risks subject to the following : -

By Air
Institute Cargo Clause (Air) (Excluding Sendings by Post ) 1.1.82 CL. 259
Institute War Clause (Air Cargo) (Excluding Sendings by Post ) 1.182 CL. 258
Institute Strikes Clause (Air Cargo) 1.1.82 CL. 260

Like OMG? Does it means it doesn't cover if vPOST ppl messed up my parcel (maybe it is still in vPOSTUSA or what). Argh i am so confused now...

ML benefits
Went to MOM today and they ask me to go back and write letter + get termination letter. Luckily got the termination letter from employer. but more worries cos when I ask the secretary to state the reason for termination, she just put "service no longer require"! Can it be count as insufficient cause!? headache...

Joann S
No lah, I dont want VS bag. D: Singpost delivered wrongly... haiz. T_T My original parcel is some baby clothes. sob sob!

Last I check they don't even know where is my parcel... haiz... they said will get vPOST ppl to call me back by 12pm tomorrow cos they close at 5:30pm!!!

First they told me with delivery guy, next they told me in warehouse, lastly they told me they donno where is it, maybe still in USA... OMG! *faint*

You mean the speedpost guy suppose to deliver something related to insurance payment? I think for my case is not speedpost, it is vPOST that messed up. I donno how speedpost get the instruction of delivery the wrong parcel to me tho. sob have to wait again
yesh... mine was related to insurance...
to me, speedpost, Vpost all the same.. all under singpost... cockup mean cockup... sigh

u jsut try to submit the ltr to MOM lor.. let them decide wat to do... n also go to MP... got MP fight, case is stronger.. lol..

my area got 2 powerful MP... one is law minister, one is health minister... things get done super fast.. lol...

re: stretchmarks
hehehe... since talking abt tummy expanding.. initially when my tummy started to grow bigger, some SM from #1 became abit darker (pinkish)... heng now it is gone.. *phew*... tink my skin was stretch by #1 liao.. so not much stretching now.. hope i dun put on too much weight..
sigh coz my #1 is still small, pple think i have not shed my post preggy weight than to think that i am preggy again.. sob sob.. so to others, i am a FAT woman with big tummy... ARGHHHHH

Thanks! How do I get MP to help? Just meet them and tell them the situation? Then I send the letter to MOM?

Actually for MP, I am not sure who is my MP. Do I find the MP where I live now (bukit panjang area) or the address in my IC?

Found some MPs from this page http://www.hbptc.org.sg/meetMPs.html (Do i look for "Dr Teo Ho Pin"?).

Since their termination letter only state "no longer require your service" as reason, does it means termination without sufficient cause?

Sorry ask so many questions. First time facing this kind of issue... so confusing!
erm.. normally they will ask where u stay.. as per ur IC address...
u can see MP and still send ltr to MOM.
u can find out when they have meet the people session then u go and see the MP but note hor.. sometimes the mp may not be there to see you, but u can talk to the grassroots leaders there who will help u to relay to MP...
call them up before you go to confirm that u r in their constituency.

frankly... "no longer require ur service" is very general ley..does not really mentioned what is the underlying reason woh... only worry they argue say that u still under probation and performance not satifactory... but it is not retrenchment n for ur case abit tricky coz not 3 mths b4 edd... can get ur gynae to tweek ur EDD so it falls within 3 mths?? lol...
dunno if u still under probation can get the ML benefits given to you.. coz company can argue that u under probation mah. best is to find out if they employed someone else to cover ur work
Thanks Pris =) Hopefully they will deliver it to me tomorrow!

Ok. I shall go and change my IC address first. Actually how can MP help me? Like I see the MP, he will give me letter or something then I send it to MOM together with the letter? Which will make the case stronger and MOM will look into it more carefully?

I check with MOM and they said if it is "termination", I need to be 6 months before delivery so I am eligible le. Also, I need to work with the company for more than 3 months (also eligible).

Now what I worries is, what if the company boss say he donno I am pregnant... He is always not in office! I told his secretary verbally (ofcourse never write a letter for this). Haiz... if everything needs a letter than every MTB in Singapore have to worries liao. Cos usually we just tell verbally about the pregnancy what...

it doesn't matter that you're under probation. Think it's written in the MOM regulation. Actually by saying that they no longer require your service can be good news or bad news for u.

Good news:
Means it's not retrenchment, so they will need to pay u maternity benefits.

Bad News:
If they insist you're temp staff, then no longer require your services lor...

I don't think that's a prob, so long as somebody in the company knows that you're preg esp since it's his secretary. She's supposed to let her boss know. C'mon, at this stage, don't tell me they can't tell?

And it depends on whose your direct boss. Coz not everyone will report directly to the big boss.
Stomach tightening is a sign of asking us to rest.

Look for the MP as shown as your IC address.
They usually have meeting session twice a mth.
Officer in charge will then send a letter to MOM.
About them insisting I am a temp staff, I don't think they will do that. Because in the letter it states that

"As your 6 months probation period is not complete, one day notice is hereby given to you". In the termination letter, it also states that I work there since when till when. Also have the title "termination of service".

The labour relation officer told me not to tell them that I am complaining about them to MOM. So, when we talked on the phone I told her I need it for job hunting. But actually the real reason is that MOM wants me to get a letter so that the company cannot turn on their back and said I didn't show up at work for more than 2 days.

From their website, it stats that temp staff/part time also can enjoy ML benefits. But I donno if MTB under temp/part-time is able to get ML benefit if company hires before confinement.

Ya lor, we only got one big boss in Singapore (who is a Singaporean, chinese). But then he is in charge of SE asia branches so always fly here fly there or meet customer. And I am only a small admin lor. So whatever I do he also dont bother cos I am doing paperwork/fax/filing ect. He only check stuffs with the secretary and the sales when he was around.

Then the labour relation officer also mentioned that I was preggie before I join the company (last period was 30 Oct). I wonder if it might affect the outcome. I also didn't know I was preggie when they hire me around mid of Dec (only started work on Jan), until like after working there for about a month... *haiz*

Must check with MOM if I need to send the letter to them ASAP or what. So tired today!!

Does that means I don't have to send letter to MOM myself?

What was ur previous forum name? *forgot liao*

Joann S
Donno if I can find a temp job now wor... a bit worried it might affect the outcome of my ML benefits... Altho when I called MOM, they said it is ok to find another job since I got terminated by previous company already... Actually a bit cannot trust MOM helpline.

about MP
My address in the IC is under Tanjong Pagar GRC but however, I have moved out of that area since a year ago (rented room). Will they tend to my problems if this is the case? If I look for their help, will they come and investigate my parents house or sth?
hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I just finished my confinement and my lochia has reduced so got the following for exchange/sale.

Looking for pigeon wipes or mamy poko/Goon/Fitti/Huggies S size diapers. Collection at Rivervale Drive.

1. 4 pack of Impression disposable cotton panties. Each pack got 5 pcs. Exchange value $3.50 each

2. 1 pack of Sofy BodyFit Extra Comfort Night Pad (35cm). Contains 8 pads. Exchange value $4.

3. 3 packs of Sofy BodyFit Su[er Comfort Night Pad (40.5cm). Each contain 4 pads. Exchange value $2 each.

4. Winnie the Pooh Bottle Warmer. Exchange value $6.

Pm me if keen
go n update ur ic address lor...
then go to the MP in ur current area...
MRs Yu-Foo is MCYS head.. kaka.. so shld be pro-family n will help... so will the guys in her ward...
Stomach tightening is a sign of asking us to rest?? I feel it usually after i had my lunch.... i tot i ate too full. keke..... stomach growing bigger these days, feel so heavy now. cant walk too much.....

weishy, tas

whr is crislo? i m planning to get a maid too. how much is the agency fees?
crislo is one of those agency out there...
today wanted to get from crislo yishun outlet but they off...
so i went to BCS... agency fee is 288 (if ex-sin, mal, hkg, twn or UAE add $100)
mi selected an Indo maid.. coz too many horror stories of fili maids

Once you make payment for your items to be delivered to Singapore, VPOST will send to your house and if you not around, the delivery guy will put a note at your door step.

You can either email or call them to send to your nearest SINGPOST and collect yourself.

I have use VPOST twice liao le which I bought stuff from USA. Now first time sending via UK. But UK dispatch is very fast wor to reach VPOST UK.

I think you better call them up and check again.

For bb movement, doc said min 10 times a day. It’s better to consult your doc.
Or mayb your bb move at night when you sleeping? I read books that bb move a lot at night time when we sleeping soundly wor.

I have one article which says even temp staff have the benefits even though you are under probation? You want that article?
I can email to you cos I can’t post it here. The file too big.


happi / Mickey

I heard stomach tightening its cos our tummy getting bigger and if getting bigger means tightening, we will have more stretch marks!!!

Cos we don’t have much elasticity and we have to apply more oil??

u work in HR ar? how come hv so many articles on staffing de? kekeke...

reira case is Vpost delivery wrong item to her woh.. n dunno where her package went...
