(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

my ger was super active in my tummy kicking at all hours, some times her kicks are consecutive and can hit 100 kicks at a go.. but she come out v gentle ley... now her horns are starting to grow lout lar.. hehehe

aiyo.. then really must slowly try liao... ur coalie with u for how long?
my ger n the other 2 dogs can get along well, in case my dog will look out for my ger de.. n my ger knows to hug them.. kakaka.. but of coz they came here after she was born.. and she chose one of them as her puppy when she was 1 mth old.. so they literally grew up together

Mashy, oh..its a cc too huh? No wonder can have 3hrs. I do plan to send my boy to a cc next year since he has to go to a pre-nursery so might just find him a cc cum pre-nursery kind.

Pegsfur, don't scare me hor...I don't need such training leh. Hahaha...
She very violent somemore hor.

Taslyn, if my girl can come out gentle like yours then I don't mind the kicking now! Hahaha...

Aaawww .. dat's so sweet!

My coalie has been with us for 6 yrs le ... Now whenever i buy anything like pillow or clothes for bb, i will tell her it's for didi, let her sniff although no scent of didi yet, but just to sort of let her know that these things are for didi, and not her. Sometimes she seems to know, and at other times, she wants to snatch the items from me. Hiaz ...
slowly lor.. must sell her the idea.. some pple will buy dolls and carry them as if they are really bb in front of their dogs.. but i did not do that lar... think it is kinda weird? lol

now i have to adjust my ger to her didi lor... esp when she is super clingy to me now
hello all..

yesterday went to Dr.LA for urgent check up cause i tot i walk too much den "yang shui" leak.. but den end up is infection. -.-" they say too much discharge comming out from there will cause infection oso. scare the hell outta me!!

**i remember someone ask me to inform them about the "yang shui" thingie... my friend drank alot of water and have lots of bed rest.. now everything normal liao...

re: baby kicks.
he only kicks when he hungry, sleepy or hb not ard for days.. the rest of the hours like not so active de lei...
LA say is wat kinda infection? UTI or wat? as such, must change pantyliner frequently else the bacteria accumulate there and cause problem...

u take care ar.. heng it is not the amniotic fluid.. u gave mi a scare last night.. luckily it is nothign serious!
he say FUNGUS infection.. did a test lo.. poke something in my "meimei" -.-"

but he say cannot confirm got to do test first. if they call me means something serious.. if nv call den nothing lo..

the thing is i change every time i go toilet but before i preggy.. already got alot of discharge type so got use feminine wash.. den now cannot use plus preggy.. the discharge like coming more and more..
oic... then u better drink more water... then wash the area evtime u go toilet... meanwhile wait for the test to come back lor...
Why cannot use feminine wash? Gynae very scared i kena infection again due to my last m/c history and has prescribed me a feminine wash ... i've been using it for some mths liao.

Hahaa .. ya, i oso dun think i will go & buy a baby doll and pretend pretend. My coalie might just want to snatch the doll away and play!
Mashy / Taslyn: Thanks for your advice. I guess $600 is really the standard rate, so $700 she quote is on the high-side, and not 1-to-1 take care.
I think i will negotitate the rate again with her, my guess is that she will lower by $50 only, which is $650.
cause im using those got to poke in type.. not those wash outside only. yesterday i ask the nurse she oso say not advisable.. so i just stick to wash with my body foam lo.

drink lots of water lo.. my friend say maybe i always eat ice kachang dat why like dat. -.-"
preggy not supposed to use feminine wash unless prescribed by Dr... if not it can cause imbalance of bacteria and harm bb..

yeah i think getting a doll to play pretend pretend is v weird lor...
can describe your discharge? I seems to be having some discharge recently too.. dunno isit infection?
hmmm, the thing is.. i tot "yang shui" leaking cause forget to wear panty liner den got a patch soaking wet on my panty. den change another one to test see whether is it wet or i pee..... when i go Dr.LA he say infection lei.. my discharge is those normal one lo.. but alot.. sometime yellowish sometime greenish and starchy type....
oh. and he say will smelly one and itchy.. but mine no smell no itch. so nv tot dat its infection.. den oso when he ask me to put the medicine ar.. say itchy den put but it was nv itchy so he say den tonight put.. so far no discharge...
feminine wash
me oso was prescribed some feminine wash by gynae coz of on-going yeast infection.but agree that such use should be limited unless instructions by gynae..

thanks god, it's a false alarm for u..

hope ur indo maid turns out well.
ur gynae prescribe to u coz u got m/c history mah.. else normally dun need to use de.. think dr prescribed ones are diff from those we get off the rack at pharmacy.

u just monitor lor... normally fungal n yeast infection will hv smell and itch.. but those are really severe jialat cases.. tonite then u put the med as indicated by LA lor.

yeah i hope so lar.. skali she see my specs she dun wan to come ley.. kakaka..
i see no pt in telling her that i currently stay in HDB and 1 child, then she come she see a big house (i m expecting her to help mi clean the house so that i can prep to move over) and then another bb come along... so i gave all the details upfront to the agent...
after all we haave a choice to choose her, she also have the choice to decide if she is up to the challenge of taking care of my house
hmm...my discharge is white color also like leaking feeling. Not itchy nor smelly lah. Think I will give gynae a call to check whether is it infection.
true...some maids really choose the employer. I was looking for a filo maid early this year then went to this agency and my boy was playing with this Indo transfer maid. I was thinking since my boy can click with her might as well give it a try so I interview her. Told her my boy is active and I am expecting 2nd one coming Aug...then she said she cannot handle. I did not even brief her abt hsework yet.
hahah.. yeah lor.. i mean this is setting expectations mah.. we have to be forthcoming when telling them what is expected of them, so they will know what they are in for.. i dun wan her to say okay okay... then later say cannot manage and want to go home. if she feels she cannot manage, then better dun waste both our time (hers n mine). else if she accept, i will glad to teach her.. coz if mentally she cannot accept liao, there is no way she will want to learn or make an effort to do her work properly.

plus the agent was frank and forthcoming in say that her indon helpers may not be able to speak english well, but this training centre which the maid is currently in is operated by singaporean, as such the helpers there are more aware of what singaporean families want.
i believe she knows what we are looking for coz she gave us the stack of bioprofile which matches what we were looking for
Good afternoon mommies!

Been contacting vpost customer service + operation department as well as speedpost. So stressed until they called me around 11:30am.

Finally they found my parcel and the problem was they accidentally swap my parcel with another lady's parcel. Instead of putting my address/details on my own parcel, they placed it on that lady's parcel and vice versa.

I got sebamed feminine wash samples. Can I use that? or cant use until after delivery?

I never talk to gynae about this leh. for me discharge is like normal de lor... or this discharge is suppose to be more than last time before preggie?

itchy as in down there itchy? o_o Is there cases where a woman had infection even before preggie?
i wun use if i were u.. coz dun need mah..

discharge will increase or decrease from time to time.. unless there is a huge increase, bad smell, weird color eg greenish or itchy or that discharge suddenly turn thick n creamy like cheese.. then see n consult gynae...

it is possible for women to kena infection before preggy.. it really depends.. some due to hygiene or undies material, some due to sex, STD or stress/changes to environment... alot of reasons de...
i had the same case as u but becos no itch so my gynae say it norm fungal nifection nia if itch den will have to look into it he gave me some pill to insert in my V but he did mentioned it v common durin preg it will still come back again..

so vpost wil help u retrieve?
The GTT test I went for is the one where u r required to take blood & urine & drink that horrible tasting glucose drink.
Funny thing is I always clear those urine test at the gynae as well as the simple prick blood test.
Hi mummies,

I'm from April MTBs, have half a bottle of Clarins Tonic Oil (to prevent stretch marks) to let go @ $30. The price for 1 full bottle is around $80 outside. PM me if interested. Self collect or can meet at Sengkang Compasspoint. Thanks.
ooh pink

possible to clear the urine test n simple prick test and still fail the OGTT har?...gess i was so happy that i clear the urine test yesterday..thinking next week OGTT sure clear. oops...looks like still got to avoid sweet stuff.

haha, today already indulge in sweet drinks and ice cream :p
Well, gynae said mine is borderline case....as my reading is 7 whereas the cutoff point is 6.9. I will find out more when I see him again in 2 weeks time. Meanwhile I am trying to reduce my fav food , durians !
speaking of tracking bb's movement... just to share my friend's story.

she delivered her baby at 32 weeks - a stillborn. the day before, she didn't feel the baby's movement as she was bz. when she realised, she decided to lie down for one hour to monitor - and there was still no movement so she called up the # provided by the DR and the nurse told her, dun come (it was 1am in the morning) as they don't have the equipment to do the monitoring. ask her to go in the morning and she did lor... so when she finally saw the DR in the morning, there was no heartbeat oredi.

so, my pt is - if that happens, pls go to KK a&e or something... even if its just to hear the heartbeat or get the assurance... even if it means u have to pay some money coz u'll never know!
Hi all
Trying to catch up with the thread.

It really is heng suay. My auntie had a maid so good that she worked for her for abt 12 years (fr her gal newborn till now), only recently then she let her go as she is migrating overseas. If i am looking for maid, will take her. She has initative to want to feed my boy at gatherings so that i can eat as well.

Do you all feel your tummy is lower like is obstructing u when in sitting position?

Isetan pte sales 14May'09.
Medela 15%+5%
Avent 20%
i think it is the gynae who is irresponsible woh... for my case, if my gynae will tell me to go TMC or some hospital to get things check out esp if i am not feeling well...

ur fren case is just very unfortunate
do u know which gynae/clinic ur fren with?
as for me, no matter which gynae/clinic we go to, emergency number is very important, be it after clinic hours, if it really happen like ur fren case(doc ask dont come) i think we better go to kk or TMC, dont wait..
I agree .. like mine, when waterbag broke, called the emergency no. and they contacted my gynae for me. It was already 10+ in the nite. After hearing my case, gynae told me to go down to hospital asap.

Just finished bathing my dog ... she's not supposed to be bathed today but cos she stepped on her pee, no choice but to bathe her. It must be my MIL .... if she's not home, my dog will not behave this way ... ggggrrrrr .
Tulips : the Isetan sales dun open to public is it ?
Medela 15%+5%
Avent 20%

good sia .

Coffee lover : One day we cant drink more than how many cups ??
ya, very sad indeed. i think the nurses are irresponsible and its definitely not their call whether the patient shd go down - they shd just get in touch with the OB and let the OB decide - that's why we pay the OB isn't it?

i'd like to think that if they had seen the DR earlier, there might have been a chance that the bb would survive.

and yes, i know which clinic/OB/hospital it is...

isetan pte sale is opened to members only but members can bring non-members in.
The market rate of a nanny is around $600-$700, depending on experience.
Some are really good in children, etc read books, prepare nutrients meals.
Maybe you can have a discussion with your maid, plan her schedule together.
Would u and hb return back home from work late?
If not, then when either of you are back, can take over to look after the bb.
She may have to wake up earlier to cook for MIL etc.
Babies are much easier to take care as compared to toddlers actually.
Is your maid capable, able to mult-task etc?
My neighbour has a very capable maid, she takes care of 4 children and 1 elderly, but of course she does allow the maid to take short afternoon nap since she has to wake up earlier to prepare meals, tidy the house.
michele, that's a sad story...

my husb is travelling for work next fri to china. His boss making him travel to Taiwan in June....Stupid boss!#@#%$@#%$
I told him cannot travel in July...no matter wat. I said..if i last-min anything, and he is not around, I will not forgive him.
Mickey: my maid has experience taking care of old people only. She was a transfer maid, her previous employer also hired her to look after a elderly, then the elderly passed away, so she back to the maid agency. But my MIL dun like this maid, she said her cooking sucks and scold her stupid. I also scared, my MIL scold her too much, wait she revenge on my bb.

My hrs are quite fixed, knock off 6.30pm, husb also fixed hrs, juz that he need to travel one trip per month to nearby countries, which is less than 1 week's trip.
hi all,

im tinking of taking a short short trip, say to genting or bintan
is it advisable to take the 5hrs coach?
hi all,

im tinking of taking a short short trip, say to genting or bintan
is it advisable to take the 5hrs coach?

peggs: my bb will kick at meal times... like there were times when i overslept the breakfast time, bb will kick...as if waking mi up to feel her. Hee...fun...cos i usually lie on my side... it will kick at the edge where my tummy touch the bed...
