(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


Same here ... i find that it happens when tummy becomes heavy, e.g. after heavy meal or when i'm bloated. But i dun have any pain though.

ya lor big hor..but i heard certain mth the growth will be quite minimal so jus hope tt he grow to the jus nice weight will do keke...
Hello everyone!

I had long weekend incl 2 days mc hence now in office abit "gong" :p
re: tummy pain
it is normal to have some cramps in tummy... but if it occur too often n very pain, pls check with gynae liao lor...

cloud: paiseh.. hb say preggy cannot take korean ginseng..

re: rainy day...
evday i sleep til 10+... but have to wake up early.. then on baby einstein for my ger.. she watch tv while i zzzzzzz... haha bad mummy

I wanna ask u ah ... how do you tell your dogs they cannot play with your girl's toys?

My dog has alot of stuffed toys and as at now, all toys are hers. I think when BB comes out, sure bb will have toys but i'm afraid my dog will think bb toys is hers. How ah?
Ladies:ever tot of if most aug mommies goes to MT A in august then we'll seee each other( and remmeber to say HI ,if we hv a gathering b4 etc....thenw e know mah if nto hwo we know )
int he hospital.....bed beside bed........bypass......some of u hearing each others screaming (kekkekekek maybe :p )
Oh if in TMC then also the same senario

even better chances le kkekkekekkeke.

tas i think good idea to ask to mark down tel numbers too
in case chk in "hotel" also can inform one of us mah
I am with TMC, and i think really high chance i share the room with another mummy here...must check whose EDD near mine :p
piggyoh:issit painful ur tummy????tat day i had a bad tummy ache too...went toilet do biz then better......cold sweat some more.
better go see doc if worsen,or try goign to the toilet,loads of water
i dun give stuff toys to my ger coz i worry abt asthma... i toold them that those are baby toys and tell them cannot touch her toys... coz they already have their own...
sometimes they will try to snitch her toys, but i will scold them... best is to keep bb toys out of reach

Haha... same situation cannot see ah?
My boy everytime turns aways... although no covering face. Haha..



Maybe the baby is shock..but just ask the doc also better to make us feel safe you know.



Wa..you bb hyperactive ah. Haha..
My one I think normal.. I always talk to bb must kuai kuai.. etc la..
I also read XIN JING to bb sometimes. It's better to do it everyday la. But I didn't haha



Maybe you want to ask the doctor better?

u have piggy/strawberrybi n me same edd... kakaka
but mi go MAH

agree shld exchange numbers/emails... in case we pop can hi hi in hospital.. hahaha
dunno while i was lyin down on bed i can feel lots of gases ard my stomach comes with pain as well end up i go toilet the output is mostly water n really a lot machiam my stomach is empty out...
hi ladies, how's everyone doing? its hard to keep up with this thread as it moves really fast! i'm now in my 27th week... and will be seeing the OB next tuesday. definitely looking forward to seeing bb again - was losing weight the past 2 - 3 weeks (hopefully didn't affect the bb) coz my maid went back unexpectedly and i had to do all the housework. the new maid that arrived about 10 days ago is useless (1st time i met a filipino who cannot understand/speak english) so i'm always stressed out by her!

think i've gained about 3kg so far... last scan @ 24 weeks, bb was almost 700g.
hi Michele:ts normal tat they dun speak english cos they speak tagalog
.......if dun get a chance to praCtise or even learn how to hv a proper conversation le????? phil is very big too
so give ur helper soem time to learn and u can learn some tagalog too in order to get her to do things ur way

3kgs so little le....how lucky .......me already 8kgs looooooo fat fat now
hahah we few days apart niah hor... maybe will see u at mah lor.. but think my bb will come early since #1 came early bah.. hehehe
i might be goin Mt A instead leh but haven confirm if MtA i will probably chose 2 -bedded cos my HB not ard no pt go for 1 bedded..

LS usu is watery 1 mah..
weishy, its the 1st time i come across filipino with such english - we've been hiring maids since i was a kid leh... anyway, have requested for a replacement oredi - she's also not very clever, other than her lousy english.

8kg is not that fat lah... most of the weight goes to the bb... if i'm not wrong, my bb shd be about 1kg now... then plus the placenta, water bag, etc... 3kg is actually too little weight gain... scared my OB will 'scold' me next week!

my edd is now early aug (1st week) after the numerous visits.
think recent batches of fili's cannot speak english.. but i wonder how they pass the english test woh... or ur new maid acting blur? give her some time to recall her english n meantime u learn some tagalog lor...

ur weight gain is ard the same as mine.. i gained 1.4kg so far.. lol
taslyn, wow... u put on even less than me! ur OB didn't say anything??

according to my aunt, those who can speak english better have all gone to UAE to work as service staff (salesgirl, waitress, etc)...

after going through the list, realised that only 1 other mummy using RH!
michele:yes yes i saw alot of them there and they do provide good service like those in sg too,alot of them are qualified nurses
he is concerned.. so he gave mi some med to nourish myself lor... but my boy boy is growing well in me.. he told my hb to pay attention and make mi eat more.. so hb is trying to force me to eat durian.. yucks.

helpers: hkg n twn are paying alot.. 2-3times more than us...

some employers like helpers from UAE coz they think UAE employers are stricter thus the helpers are better trained...

at the end of the day, it is all abt managing expectations... pay peanuts, dun think of getting elephants lor...
haha... peanuts ah? ya lor... that's why all the monkeys come here... but i understand in taiwan, they have to pay taxes on their salary so end up also around the same amt? and taiwanese tend to be more 'particular' abt their helper too. most domestic helper use SG as a stepping stone to go to taiwan and hk.
michele:ur cousin bring them over?or from there hire?my helper say they take care of 100 kids there,another one plant rice

Regg:good luck looooo like lucky draw
did i read maids issue again??

soo u asking for transfer maid again? my new maid (1mth old) phil.. ex kuwait... oso cannot make it.. cannot understand simple instructions... more obedient lar.. but do stupid things.. (like putting mag mag cup by her face to test whether too hot)...hardworking oso lar... nothing to do.. go take old toothbrush go clean the broom (crazy right?) me oso looking for new replacement now.. sianz.

ya, indeed - like winning lottery... really depends on luck! when my #1 takes her nap later, i have to call up a couple and interview them over the phone.

actually i never ask for transfer maid, so far all ask for new ones. mine even better hor... i have 2 power points at my washing machine - one connected to the washing machine, the other one is empty. i showed her twice how to switch on to wash the clothes (main switch on, then press on on the machine and then press start - 3 steps only) and when i asked her to do it the 3rd time (i stand beside her to observe), she switched on the power point that was not connected to the washing machine and tried to start the machine. clever right?
