(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


i also so blur,mil say need to clean bb tongue..bt tmc the lc say if bm dont need,then now bb tongue very white,she will keep saying we say dont need one should had clean early haiz

Harlow gals

have "thrown" BB to MIL so that I can come online & take a break & preserve my sanity!

Nursing Tops / Dresses

Where can I find nice but not too expensive ones? I am tired of lifting my top & "giaping" it with my neck to hold it up while nursing. besides, I really need some nursing tops so that I can nurse if Sam starts bawling for milk in public & I can't find a nursing room leh.
ML, Pegsfur

me also same prob. Need to let BB latch to increse supply right? Then if I latch liao, no milk left to pump. Pump liao only like 10ml! How to store? Only enough to coat the storage bottle!

Then if I wait longer, say an hour to start pumping for 30min after finish latching, I only have 1h, at most 1.5h, to replenish supply. Then Sam will fuss coz supply low so he needs to suckle harder, then end up he doesn't wanna suck anymore coz he's tired!

I also dun understand why some gals can get like 50ml after latching. I dun think I have 50ml a day.


How often do u pump, & how often does Ovann latch? Mine seems to need every 3h (sometimes shorter 2.5h if he doesn't eat enough the prev feed, or longer ard 4h if he eats a lot). Really very blur & stressed. I dun pump after every feed tho.. just maybe 2-3x every 24h?

U know, I went out for the first time w/o BB for just 1h+ to go cut hair. Just went to neighbourhood central, cut hair, the rushed home. But I felt so much better after that. I was sniffing, had runny nose, even a bit of cough, but aftre the "outing", I recovered! So it's not gd to coop ourselves up for too long.
I got my nursing tops from Maternity House, Perfect Mum and Spring. I personally prefer the designs fm Maternity House though find them more exp. They were also maternity wear when I was pregnant. They have outlets at Parkway, Marina Sq.

Would love to join outing but 11th would be my 2nd day on my own. If can cope, will try to join and exchange stories and experiences.

Pris: I dun stay near JW
perhaps will try to find videos from the internet.

Anyone come across videos of how to BF baby lying down and fm sling?
ifinally give in ,let bb sleep yao lan,she wan to be carry all the time ,mil say we abit abit carry tat y she use to it ,my good ness we bf oso must carry bb mah.those not staying wif mil still beta then mi,hubby going work soon ,worse left me and mil together ,everything she oso gt something to say one,i feel the invisile stress there,i rather like some of u taking care bb my own.or i rather go back work soon dont see beta.going crazy

i never clean the tongue. Didn't do that for my elder boy either. He still grew up fine. In fact fr what i know better dun clean, coz the tongue has some protective enzymes.

U very funny leh, i also got tot of it, my milk cant even fill the bottom of the bottle when i started off .. and some droplets on the sides of the bottle!


Maybe first time mummy, cannot let go... thk i have close one eye sometimes if let MIL take care.

I also gave in and use Yao Lan. MY friend gave me one with Motor. Very stress, everytime switch off she wakes up. Now trying my best not to let her sleep unless she really cry non stop. She just dun want to sleep in her cot .. cry like every 15 mins .. but put in Yao Lan, she can immediately fall asleep and wont wake up, unless if off motor. Sian leh. Is the sarong wif motor really very bad ? like keep shaking and shaking.
i think if the shaking not very strong should be ok bah.i oso try not to yao too hard ,then mil again say dont alway yao wait get use to it,everythign she oso gt something to say one..
yesterday i really so tire ,open the stand by fm and feed her once,today i told hubby once open the can of fm can only use for a mth,then mil heard already say then give bm one the nxt fed fm alternate .wah lau i rather throw away the fm,i wan to feed my gal bm mah the best i can.my gosh.
ylang ylang
i had the same thing from mil during my 1st preg. If my hb didn't stand by me, I think I really ki siao. Now 3rd one, so she bring #2 to her house for me to rest during the day. Damn shiok, just me and maid only. I told hb, of all the 3 kids, I spend the most time with #3. Spent the least with #2. That time ss was so pathetic that i try pumping every 2 hours to build supply. End up u know what happen? mil will take the ebm from fridge and feed #2 so I only got to latch bb on during the night. Try and tell her nicely to just carry bb to me even if I'm sleeping, she said want to let me rest. Got so pek chek then...now can latch whenever i want...coz she not around to make noise.

yup lucky hubby really stand by my side,if not i really will ki siao already,taking care bb my own i can do watever i feel is best for bb loh ,she around the stress i really dont know how to discrible,like do wateveer she also will have comennt one...i onli go back work in dec ,how to tahan everyday must be alone with her..tho i dont mind spending alone with my bb loh.
ylang ylang
my hubby also wondered if we need to give Zachary water to clean his tongue when he saw his tongue white white but I told him no need. yesterday, I stopped Zachary half way through when i latch him and hubby noticed that his tongue is no longer white. so we come to a conclusion that he was drinking foremilk, thats why tongue got cleaned. then after that continue to latch on, his tongue became a bit white again due to the hind milk haha

your mil dont work? luckily my mil works and she only come back around 9pm for 3 out of the 5 weekdays. since thursday, Zachary also started to want to be carried all the time. worst thing is he can tahan dont sleep from 10am till 12am and only nap a few hrs in between. then donno why sometimes he kept crying even tho someone was hugging him and dont shut up even if the person "yao" him.

mil is like that de lah. even my fil is like that lor. he told my CL dont always carry Zachary last time. but actually that time she carry him cos they were waiting for me to get ready to feed him. now when Zachary cry hor, my mil also come and hug lor. like yesterday Zachary kept crying and both hubby and I beh tahan already. so mil came and want to hug so we let her lor. when she hug him, he also cry at the top of his lung (even worst compare to when hubby and i hug).

i think some girls over here only supplement with FM at night. should be able to finish the can in 1 mth bah?

at home when you nurse, you can use something to giap the top up instead of using ur neck (example cloth clipper). when i nurse at home in my room hor, i am always naked hahaha *like now* atmost only wear nursing bra lor. i also got the same problem like you, must find nice and not too expensive nursing tops. now what i do is latch and after that pump the leftover milk out right before i go out and bring the milk along incase Zachary is hungry when we are outside.

Re: bf baby laying down
someone posted this before http://www.mother-2-mother.com/tut-layingdown.htm

the booties Regg made fit Zachary's foot nicely at 1 mth
how come your supply is dropping? is it because didnt eat well? try to eat more fish! my CL said drink preggie or nursing milk helps with supply too. i drank 2 cups a day cos Dr Wong said need 2 cups daily for the calcium.
hi mashy,
oh no! try wash the booties n streach abit or ironing, it will bcome bigger! my boy in e end dint get to wear the booties i knitted for him too, too lose, drop 1 side at home while wer going to the bb shower party!
Hi ML,
Have u tried massaging before u pump?

Hi Reira,
Zac likes KFC already? hee hee

Hi Jul,
I found some nice and cheap nursing tops (less than $20) at Spring maternity and this shop just next to the toilet, near the escalator at Plaza Sing. It is not a maternity shop but they sell sleeve/sleeveless tees with front row buttons-comfy.
Calling mummies who had ceasarean,
At wat week are u at? Does ur wound hurts when u carry bb? I m now in 3rd week n cannot carry bb for more than 10mins or else my wound will start to hurt...

yup my mil dont work,so when i go back work force she will be taking care of my gal ,she take care of cos i dont have to wori weather my gal will be illtreated or wat then other ppl,i know she will doted my gal cause she is her first grand child mah,but sumtime her thinking and way of handling thing is really out of date loh,she say dont clean tongue cannot bb will lost the taste and dun want milk,i dont know how true lah,and she will gu yi tok to my gal dammed loud ,even hubby heard already also buay tahan ask her y tok to bb like so loud,before i say to hubby,then u know what she ans ,oh nxt time let her get use to it,nxt time other tok loud she wun be scare,bt before she get scare by others,my gal will get scare by her first already,that y wat she said dont make sense to me,then when bb cry ,she will say give water give water,everytime like tat,bt for wat i noe bb dont need so much water at this stage cause kidneys haven fully develope ,and the milk that bb drink already consist of water le ,and she is on bm somemore.give abit i dont mind ,but not every time cry mean feed water.
i bought my nursing top fr MIM
tink nursing top really useful..juz now i went PD...no place to feed him...wif nursing top, i can still feed in the clinic
this week is my 4th week. Mine hurt a little too when i carry baby for too long. During my 3rd week when i told doctor about it when i went for my check up, she said is normal.

Maybe I guess we shouldnt strain too much as yet. I dont dare to bathe my baby yet.. scared tear the wound or something. Lucky still in my confinement month, Confinement lady still around.

Btw, your stomach slim down already or not? Mine still there leh...
Hi ladies

I just came back from yummy prawn noodle with crab meat in Chinatown Market.

<font color="0000ff">Regg</font>, stress can also cause ss to drop.

<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, I will demo the use of sling, not a big problem coz I pro-bfd one haahaaa.
hi Pegsfur,
As for me, i keep pumping (pump until dry dry). What I did was i kept changing the angle of the pump. erm not sure if you understand what i meant here. ok, i try to describe it as clear as possible. I am using a Medela auto single pump. when i pump, i place the funnel into the nipple. then i stop the pumping, and then place the funnel either towards the left, right, top or bottom and squeeze the milk out. i latch my bb. she only latch for about 5 min. Try to latch your bb when your bb wants 'food'.

ALso, ask yr confinement lady to cook soup and drink it hot..real hot. when it is hot, somehow it stimulates the nipples and sometines you could see there are droplets of milk coming out.

How's confinement? i really hate it. I'm so craving for my normal food plus cold drinks! i keep thinking of cold fruit juices
can't bath... thus i also don't really like to latch bb when i feel so dirty.

perhaps you would also like to drink some milk? i bought Fresh milk and drink a cup a day.

i think i am the only one here that have a different objectives in giving FM. my bb keeps poopoo when she is given breast milk. i think it is too much of a 'job' to keep changing the diaper.. so decided to give FM to cut down her poo. plus it reduces nappy rash as well since the poo is cut down.

for the tongue, yes, my mum used a cotton cloth to clean her tongue. i leave it to my mum as i think the white stain is very thick esp when she is on FM.
it's possible to still hurt, but if really worried, just check with your gynae. I did find it painful during first confinement...but it gets better with each pregnancy
Hi Ylang Ylang,Cindy &amp; Claire,
Thank you for ur replies..really reassuring..I m not wearing the binder anymore since I came home from hospital.Maybe got phobia ba.

As for the area,it was 42" jus be4 birth,now am 35-36",as for wt,have lost 8.1kg out of 11.6kg gained. How abt u ladies?

At hospital,was so dependent on it tat once it was taken off,i panicked cos the area is soo wobbly and exposed,so told myself to get rid of fear n not wear it.Now CL and hubby asked me to wear to strengthen the area...aiyo..i also dunno wat to do.

DH wanna engaged CL for another mth for me to heal...i feel so useless..see CL so connected to bb (he responds very well to her)while i cannot even carry for long...like macham no bond like tat.
re binder
actually, my gynae asked me to wear it as long as i can, and i generally wear it for about 2 mths until my pap smear test. It's good, helps to hold the area and reduce the size of the uterus. anyway, mummies who go for malay massage also wear binder, and it serves a similar purpose

Didnt take waist measurement, but lost almost all preg weight already, 8.9kg, and bb was 2.8, so in total lost about 6kg...But still got many many more before i return to pre-#1 pregnancy weight
Please take note: <font color="ff0000">Date change to 11 Sept 2009 Meet at the main gate nearest to Glen hospital</font>

RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am

Anyone keen to go to Botanic Garden with baby and young children for a walk?

I am thinking of bringing my boy and baby there for a walk as well as to take a breather in the nature.

There is an air-cond foodcourt near the entrance at Holland Road side where we can also sit down to have some snacks after a walk.

If you are keen, please put down your name. Preferrably in the morning like we meet about 9.30am outside the Bus-stop at Glen. Hospital or at the entrance of Botanic Garden.

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
3. weishy (with Hayley n Baby Lucas)
haha donno if he likes KFC or not. just now i went to long john silver he sleep like a pig. must be the KFC smell.

i dont pump at all now cept today haha pumped twice. do you latch on? how much do you yield now compare to before?

ylang ylang
whoa! your mil's thinking is really out of date leh! dont tell me thats the way she handle your hubby when your hubby was a baby wor?
ylang ylang
my mil also talk very loud to bb. Dont know who she heard from that bb will only remember the loudest voice.

dont worry, bb very forgetful one! and CLs are so experience that they can mold their hands into baby shape, so bbs are very comfortable with them
ML, i dun really pump every 4hrs usually longer than 4hrs...tat's why can feel lumps there though after massage...actually Mdm rokiah suggest me to let my gal latch instead of pump out &amp; bottle feed.

Tdy 1st day take care my gal alone, so far so good..but i do find pumping milk is a prob cos sometimes bb sleep then mayb not the timing to pump..when it's timing to pump bb wake up liao...
so will try to let my gal latch tmr in the day then night time then pump see how.
Ya, taking care bb alone the main prob is to settle our lunch..esp BF cannot anyhow eat. hubby did suggest he packed breakfast for me in the mrng then i take heavy breakfast the snack in the noon.

But i thk i can cook some simple meal like soup or porridge.
reira, i thk zach can recognise the KFC smell &amp; make him hungry i remembered tat time u preggy also craving for KFC right? heehee

really? Thanks! If not so sayang. They're so lovely. Really want my gal to wear them.


haha, i was very uptight when i had my #1 too! wanted to scream at my MIL to get away from my son then. hahaha. But now more relaxed already. Anyway she's so busy now she doesn't have time for her grandchildren.

Re: slimming
I still have 3kg to go! HOw to get rid of the extra wt on the tummy? The binding like not much use for me leh.

Re; Pumping
I've slowed down my pumping lor. SOmetimes don't even pump. Now just latch everyday. Think my milk supply has stabilised, my gal is pooing &amp; peeing well.
She didn't poo 1 day and i spent all my time cleaning her poo the next day. Yesterday poo until we ran out of diapers when we were outside.

Re: Botanic Gardens outing
I'll come if i can. Must drag myself out of the hse.
help, help.......

any mommies here exp rash on bb face, my boy have heavy eruption, pus like pimples and i dunno if its due to allergy from FM, i supplement 70% FM with S26, or its purely milk rash or heat rash.
elp, help.......

any mommies here exp rash on bb face, my boy have heavy eruption, pus like pimples and i dunno if its due to allergy from FM, i supplement 70% FM with S26, or its purely milk rash or heat rash.
Those with gals, where can we get nice hair accessories for gals? wanna get some hair clips or something. ANything that's not heavy and won't tug their hair? My gal looks like a boy &amp; her hair is all standing up now, so have to start dressing her up a bit.
el nino

see the PD. My PD gave my gal Fucidin H to help with the rash. She had the same stuff all over the face. It went off after abt 2 days. It's prob eczema. But have to keep applying coz it comes back after i stop. Wonder if it's allergy coz my boy also has a range of allergies.
RE: Go to Botanic Garden, 11 Sept 2009, 9.30am

1. Prisneo (with Kai and Baby Ray)
2. Babymaking (with Baby Zac)
3. weishy (with Hayley n Baby Lucas)
4. Sunshineg (with baby Claire)
El-nino, i also this prob wif my gal starting wif forehead then now cheek also hv..i dun thk allergy to FM shd b heat rash. Then rashes all red cos she likes to sleep on tummy.

I try to clean my gal's face using wet clean cloth then apply Sebamed Face Lotion for her..can get from Watson &amp; Guardian..i find it's helps la..but take days to heal also..

For nappy rash, i applied desitin (thick layer) for 2-3days then healed alr..again my gal nappy rash is in the front not the backside cos she likes to sleep on tummy.

wondering why all the MIL pattern the same!... tok loudly, kpo like to suggest this and tat, keep pestering their sons etc . haiz

maybe 80% of us dun like MIL to help to take care but bobian sometimes
