(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


wah u so power...
i tink milo also got malt rite.. i tink process 1 shd be ok bah...

how can the nurse say that to u? That u wanna let your bb scream coz hungry? Too much!

I was on the 3rd floor. THe nurses were too lazy to get my bb over. I asked them to bring bb over 3hrly, but they said only bring bb when bb cry.

some mothers in the jul thread said dang gui also reduce milk ss, altho i didn't see much of a diff (i took dang gui every nt). Actually, i even drank dang gui with dom for 3 nts. :p but cannot tahan the alcohol, made me feel sick, so after that CL didn't add for me anymore.

I bf my gal after i drank the soup, i hope it's ok...

RE: Malt from chinese medical hall...
can't find a pict...but

should be those in a white container
and we use a stick/chopstick/fork to dig out the sticky yellow glue like sweet
(looks like honey but is much thicker)
and can really stick to the stick well...

am i rite?
cloudme"yup yup tomolo 7:30 am !!!!!! dunno can sleepo tonight or not kakakakkaka

was asking my fren should i drink one bottle of chicken essence first after dinner :p......will lose alot of blood one ma.....

san ja:ppl ususally buy for slimming brew ...in hkg la.

i dunno leh, coz i only tried newbaby last time. From what i heard, someone else tried it recently and said it still sucks. And they give food that confinement mothers shouldn't eat like kang kong. And can forget to deliver food, deliver food cold etc.

Some other mothers ordered from natal essentials. Seems ok so far...
i dunno how malt look like from medicine hall but it brown in colour la taste like honey but thicker lor

ya i have ur msn alr...
hi mommies!

I got my show yesterday morning while at work. No feeling lei...Just went toilet and found blood stains on underpants.
So went see doc, no dilatation of cervix yet. So offered 2 choices, go in hospital to get induced, or wait at home...
Decided to go home since i really wanted to avoid induction like last pregnancy.
So now on MC. and waiting at home. Still having spotting. Contractions still not a lot nor intense.
So still waiting....
morning all

ma ya here is maltose??

<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, the veg they served is not kang kong, it is western spinach.

is it? heard from one of the ladies who said they served kang kong. anyway, i find it taste yucky when i ordered it last time. So much better now that i've CL. My appetite is so much better.
wow...tomolo 7.30am...
jiayou hor...

....hmmm when will be my turn???

yup...same thing...
previously saw in NTUC...
but hor can't find on their webbie...
Confinement Lady

Anyone interested in taking over my Confinement Lady? Not that she's no good, but my MIL suddenly "offered" for me to stay at her place the first month. So now, need to think of alternative arrangements

u like your MIL? If not, just say cannot cancel CL lah. I think it's better to have a CL than MIL to do. Usually MIL will get tired after 1-2 weeks and disappear.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, dh ordered from them as mil played me out again. It is western spinach coz I cooked that overseas. Food is so-so, no where near wat my mum will cook for confinement. Mil cannot take it as I was giving her instructions on how to cook haaahaa.
ello mummies,

nua at home for 4 days le..

weishy and piggy - good luck for the c-sect and induce tml..

i'm still waitin for my turn... will admit to hospital on tuesday is bb does not come out during the weekend.. can't wait to c him... but worried he dun wan to come out den have to emer c-sec or i got no milk for him...

jus curious any mummies have those suan suan feeling at the lower part of yr body.. cos jus now went toilet felt abit suan suan like tat.. is it normal..
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, having lochia cannot take dang gui, will coz flow to be heavier. Even on tv today, the tcm was saying when they were discussing about confinement and herbs.
mashy:.....no le.....kiki also havent get hers :p

but i think i may get to "see" her or her hubby in the hospital :p so if tehy chk out then can ask for the "M" loooo at teh same time :p if i;m lucky enough loooooooo
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, I have been taking cong cao from day 1 till now every morning brewed with black chicken into essence.
I am from the twins thread... Posting this thread on behalf of fat bobo... She has popped yest morning via c-section with epidural. Mattea and Keona weighed about 2.13kg and 2.03kg. Will leave it to her to elaborate more when she is up to it... congrats bobo...
mashy, weishy

Yeah, I quite like her. Then I stayed at her place recently for 2 weeks while I was doing reno. No big issues lor. And she wun be the MIA type for confinement lah. Plus I'll be staying at her place so it's easier for her to do mkt-ing.

Aiyah now last min then say...

<font color="ff6000">Congrats Bobo on your twins!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">congrats fat bobo!</font>

extract fr yday's post

Pls see this inforamation for MT A

Influenza A (H1N1): Precautionary Measures for Visitor &amp; Patient Safety

The Ministry of Health Singapore alert level for Influenza A (H1N1) is at Yellow.

For the well-being of all our visitors and patients, Mount Alvernia Hospital will continue to have in place precautionary measures that are in line with the public health measures guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

To keep the environment within our hospital safe, the measures that are put in place include:

1. Limiting the public access points into the hospital
Public access points into the hospital are currently limited to the following two locations:
- Main Lobby
- Medical Centre Block A

2. Conducting of screening checks at the two public access points
All visitors coming into the hospital must undergo the following screening process:
- taking of temperature
- checking of flu-like symptoms
- declaration of travel history
- taking of personal details (to facilitate contact tracing if need be)

3. Limiting visiting hours and visitors to patients
Visiting hours to the wards have been revised to 11am – 2pm and 6pm – 8pm.
Warded patients will be allowed only two visitors per patient at any one time.

4. Restricting 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services to Patients
The 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services is restricted to patients only. All patients are to enter the 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services department from its main entrance. The screening of patients will likewise be conducted at the 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services department.

We seek your kind cooperation and understanding to support these measures that have been put in place to safeguard the environment of our hospital.

For more information and updates, please refer to the Ministry of Health Singapore website (http://www.moh.gov.sg).
hi all mommies..
jus back from gyne check up, baby 37week5days,2.56kg,

Gyne suggest go TMC for CTG this weekend..
By the way , any mommies know the charges for CTG? I intend to go around 11pm on sat, duno got mid night charge or not..

By the way, Please PM me for ML contacts.
Really need to get one ML urgently, Mdm june phone cant get through at all.

Many Thanks
congrats bobo!

if i pop early i would like to engage your CL for 2 weeks coz my CL only can come on 20th Aug... but my mum did say she can help me to do confinement till my CL come lah.

your mucous plug drop? mine haven't leh...so far only bb fully engaged like no other major signs...dunno wait till when. *sigh*

ONLY Good news for me is I am settling my new hse legal documents with lawyer during these few days while on ML so hopefully can shift in after my confinement :p
re: gathering
I would like to join since still on ML but cannot confirm yet. Most likely will only bring my #1 to attend heehee...#2 will be with CL :p

True also. Got pros &amp; cons lah. Aiyah very "fan". At this stage still got this to consider


Hehe my EDD 4 Sep leh. Not possible to engage my CL if u come early lah

me same situation as u, baby's head engaged and no major signs le. Dunno have to wait till when. U started ML le, me havent, next thu then start.
When is ur EDD?


If I got budget, I will also hire CL. But in my case MIL coming over to stay at my hse during confinment. Dunno if will have any conflicts / arguements abit scared.
mebby u can try Mas 90068026..quite a few mummies usin her...i also engage her
my frend recommend another one...macik 64444046...but i haven try b4

Well, if ur MIL is staying at ur hse, I wud think that "being ur hse", it shd be better than staying at her hse.

Have u lived with her b4?
the suan suan feeling on your lower body, could that be the mild contractions? take note if it turns to pain and getting more intense
pris : thanks for the pricing, so $45/hr is whole day charges lor, no midnight charge right

sharon : thanks for the contacts, will call them see if they still available


she is those type of conservative type old pple, tis one cant tat one cannot. I sure wanna bathe and then she sure won't allow.

Never lived with her before. Don like the idea of staying with MIL worr...keke

see so many negative posts prev in this thread abt the MIL issues. So scary.
