(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

wah, my weight seems to have gained alot...hopefully more on the baby's weight + placenta + water bag..then tat means I nvr gain tat much weight..


gd that u have this kind of feeling. me also doing the waiting game leh.. only have cramps that all..

i told my hubby we like a bit similar.. same bridal shop, same name and now almost same name as you but rejected by him.. haha..

i saw one movie, wanted to call my son triston. but triston meaning a bit bad bad boy one. haha..

ball or not ball its alright la.. as long as after giving birth everything goes back to normal that is most important!! hope i can get back in shape asap..with my last time skin again.

maybe your bb gain total 10+ leh.. with everything + together. haha.. very hard to say one.. cos 6kg is only estimate.. some add liao maybe got 10kgs. who kws right?

still got your waterbag and placenta.. so don worry too much.

i haven give birth yet leh.. so i don kw induce or cs which one is more painful.

i guess both is painful. haha..
hee, still cnt diff betwn white dischrg n mucus.. but these days on/off hv some "whiteish" discharge..

WEIGHT: i drop 1kg during today checkup .

btw, CTG is for what huh..
carefreelife, for me induce not painful cos i ask for epi before my contraction starts so hb and me slapt all the way till my gynea comes and wake me up to prepare me for giving birth.

I hope this time will also be as relaxed as my last time too
hi ladies any wan here hav puppp.. is something like reashes.. very itchy and normally start on the last tri.. i got it last week... but it spread very fast.. on my belly and on my thigh area.. everynite cant slp.. any wan got cure
I had the rashes during my #1 pregnancy, started quite early during 3rd tri. So, I can say tt u r luckier than me!!!! I had used a few tubes of steriod cream! Spread super fast, mainly on join areas.
Calamine lotion can ease the itch but got to keep applying.
No way to help, got to wait aft give birth.....
i put on even more wor...21kg liao..worse thing is bb din put on alot last 2 weeks but i still put on...try control diet liao..but no use

Oh it wud be useful if u had lived with ur MIL at least a few weeks. Then u will know her "pattern" & she will know urs, so not that much of a culture shock.

Anyway u dun have a choice right? So dun think too much abt it & make urself feel worse lah. May turn out well also, who knows?
loh, ya been putting calamine lotion and having a lot of cold bath.. hai.. have Stretchmark is ugly liao.. now plus rash worst.. my belly is so red.. dun dare to show to anyone.. so for yrs it goes off immedately after u give birth.. did u avoid any food when u had it?

So poor thing. I dun have PUPPP, but I do have itch & rashes & already cannot take it liao.

But I do hear that PUPPP will go away after delivery, so hopefully u dun have much longer to suffer thru
Just back from gynae's .... BB is 2.8kg now, only put on 100g but omg, i've put on abt 1.8kg in just 1 wk! Time to cut back on my rice & sugar intake.

Gynae did VE for me but nothing happens ... not dilated AT ALL yet. So i'm still in the waiting game.

I eat alot of durian, fastfood, dessert,cakes and chocolates. Maybe tats why I gained weight so much. Luckily my baby also gained some weight. Nw trying hard to control diet but cant help at times.

Hahaha .. yah lor .. have been quite lax in my diet :p Ate more rice for the last week and even include some gassy drinks in my meals .... hiaz ... want to enjoy abit oso cannot.
I do not realised the itch aft bb was born, may be too busy liao. But aft mensual cycle kicked in, the rashes will visit me every month till I did a blood test this yr and stopped eating the sensitive food, my rashes are gone b4 my 2nd tri started. I know it is very itchy but jia you. You will feel everything is worth it when u carry ur little one on hand! When is ur EDD?
to make u feel better.. i did not eat a lot in my pregnancy.. put on 8.1kg.. in the end.. my bb's always open her mouth search for milk.. even when she is not hungry.. looks like a yao gui now... :/
I took the jab (but can't remember the nurse poked on my thigh or butt) when i gave birth to my no1. Too pain till no feeling for VE or any jab!
My rashes were so horrible last time, countless mosquito bites on the sole! Aft the peak period, the rashes did calm down and not tt itchy towards the EDD

Is it ok if u just relax a bit? Coz almost gog to seh liao leh, still need to control?


I also eat a lot opf the same things as you, except I dun eat durians coz I dun like. Very hard to control hor?


I see before liao. Really looks very tong4 ku3.
my also.. lots of mosquito bites and some even combine into wan big patch.. so swollen and itchy..

ya.. tong ku..i take some picture liao.. next
time baby grow up let her see how i suffer.. hee
i so bad hor

very hard to control lor. Last night I had chix rice for dinner (finish up all the rice), choco truffle cake and bai guo yi me.

Smetimes at night when I feel hot went to eat ice-cream. Whenever I walked past Macdonalds, always buy the ice-cream to eat. Can't resist.
babyjon:wow ur ML fly u aeroplane ar...maybe can try TAnti too?pm me if u need her hp number la

kiki:ur hubby go back so fast!!!!!!think u should ask ur MIL to go back n rest la

bb vicks hor.....too young better dun use le....use the "huo zhuo suan" can clear phelgm le.buy from medical hall....save for bb...but i use cotton bud amt only

sbb:sure u sms me la 8223 7104

we can meet at the wards kakakkakaka cos gto certain visiting hours ma

My #1 goes to:
1) Poly/GP & Pd in hkg
2) Follow health booklet schedule, my pd follows that too.additional like chicken pox etc
hi mummies,

my bb cries when i carry her but when CL carry, she's okay

she's supposed to drink breast milk every 2 hours. sometimes, after 1 hour, she'll fidget on the bed, then i'll carry her up, thinking she may want to burp. But end up, she keeps opening her mouth and wants to suck my arm and cries even louder !

when my CL carries her, she will quiet down and fall asleep in her arms. Why is this so ? what should i do ? Latch her on eventhough it isn't time for milk yet ?

help help
I oso want to enjoy but can't .. cos i got GD mah ... it was actually 1 of the banned food/drinks for me but the weather was so hot and i keep feeling nauseous, so i took some gassy drinks and it was HEAVEN ....! But now gynae found out le, told me to stop drinking it

I had the same thinking as u!!! Want to seh liao dats why so lax in my diet control. But ah wong was saying since i have no signs of labour yet, i might give birth in full 40 wks, which means still got 2 wks to go. She was saying some bbs have growth spurt at the last 1 or 2 wks so she said i better control.
weishy: ya lor, now cant get thru her at all.
would b glad u PM me tanti contt,now most ml full le..

so strange my appet increase but i lost 1kg this week

don't watch the time. Sometimes bf bb may need milk earlier esp during growth spurts. And the reason why she wanna suckle when u hold her coz u have that smell. CL doesn't have the milk smell.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, per day output. Today, it is increase, coz up to now I have express more than 200ml after feeding Ray. Think hand express is very effective. Morning i can easier express a extra of 70ml to 100ml after feeding Ray coz both breast are so heavy and hard.

<font color="0000ff">Joeey</font>, coz we have the milk smell. Think I carry Ray most time, he only drinks when hungry. I only have the problem when he wants to sleep.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, if I dun latch Ray on, I could get more than 150ml in the afternoon and morning is more. I latch Ray on in the afternoon, earlier my express ebm after feeding him was 60ml. Today, milk supply is increasing again.
thanks mashy, pris.

So it's the milk smell... if i latch her every hour, my nipples will be very sore and painful.

last night, CL couldn't get her to sleep from 11pm till 2am. I woke up and let bb suckle and she treat me as her pacifier, immediately fell asleep.

Is this okay , let bb treat me as pacifier to fall asleep ?

Haha u preparing to "blackmail" ah?


I will drink Milo everyday, eat 4 slices of white bread with Nutella everyday, most of the days got eat chocolate, almost everyday also got soft drink coz weather v hot... Like hungry monster haha.


Hiaz.. I think next week when I see gynae &amp; BB grows even more, I might have to be like u liao. Everything also cut
Boohoo.. I really hopr not. I've put on maybe 12.5kg at week35, but BB already 2.8kg.
Hi all, just to share this web page: http://www.babybix.com

Now I am using this to record Zachary's feeding so that I know how long he suckled on which breast. =) Today I think my milk is transition milk le. but he still dont like to suckle on the right cos my nipple quite short on the right.

my CL said mine is sensitive so have to ren until i dont feel any pain anymore. now Zachary is doing much better. i was so worried cos from yesterday afternoon till this morning 10am, he didnt poo or pee much... very worried his jaundice will get worst. but after the 10am feed, i went to nap for 2 hrs. hubby woke me up for lunch and he said Zachary poo and pee a lot.

about the formula fed, actually i agree with you both about the latch and latch part will make us suffer. in the middle of the night today, i felt like just feeding him formula sample! but luckily somehow my milk starts already.

i cant find the $15 for visitor health screening and mask in my bill wor.

mai4 ya2, san1 zha1
i went to clarify with my CL. She told me the mai4 ya2 and san1 zha1 is herbal stuffs de. not those in milo/horlick or san zha gao snack.

totally! atfirst i was quite firm to not give him any supplement. then the nurse said that made me have a 2nd thought. that happened about 5 hrs after my labour. come to think of it, they just want their job to be easy cos if Zachary cries due to hunger, the whole nursery will be noisy too.

they didnt even ask if i wanted bottle or cup feed! i only remembered about what i read like much later. then for the 2nd night, Zachary refuses to suckle as usual and the nurse asked if i want to supplement again. so instead i told her glucose (my room mate told me this one will atleast make baby full and pee or poo) and cup feed. when i said cup feed, i can tell that she is a bit unhappy and she said "u really want cup feed?". TMC is suppose to be "pro-breastfeeding" but some of the young nurses there doesn't even care.

about bringing baby to me, the nurses at level 6 is quite ok. i asked them when will they bring Zachary to me again, they almost always tell me 3 hrs from now unless Zachary didnt suckle at all then they will bring him to me once he cry.

oh dang gui also ah? must ask my CL le since she is so experience.

maybe it is different ginseng? the one my mil like to buy is american ginseng i think and CL saw and thought it is for me to take so she quickly told her cannot.

Thanks for the video about hand express technique! i havent check it yet but book mark le.
last leg liao...if can control the control...else i tink its ok to gif in la
else the next 1 mth of confinement goin to b quite toturing!
i love nutella too!

yday i went c dr wong...she neva do VE lei...but previous visit got...she juz say most prob not tis week...but hope bb can come out by tis week

ND's girl,
y ur bb not growing well? din put on weight? or?


i see. do u know when our breasts will stop feeling so hard in the morn? or will it never go away? I'm in a dilemma. At night, when she sleeps well, my breasts will be so hard and uncomfy. So feel like waking her up to feed.
