(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

me too...feeling nauseous too...

putting in the egg last is for the purpose of coating the rice grain?
i also fried my rice like that...
getting hungry liao...

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, getting nausea coz bb has little space in the body so pressing on stomach as well.

<font color="0000ff">cloudme</font>, if you crack the egg into the rice 1st, after frying, the rice cameout yellow.
So there's quite a no. of ways to do it huh ... i quite like the rice to be yellow, maybe i'll crack the eggs into the rice 1st

Oh, u feeling nauseous too? Feels terrible rite? I feel like i'm back to 1st trimester now ... can't sleep, heartburn, nauseous .... sianz
re outing

doubt i can join u gals coz wonder if i can handle an active 3yr old and a bb while trying to eat. Worse, my boy may just fall asleep, how to carry 2 kids?

great that your hb is back! Now he can join in the labour experience!
Finally manage to find some time to login!
hope all the bbs here wont have jaundice.

very siong man! my bb is warded for 5 days and the total bill is about $2K. (wah lau!!!!)
then 1 day after he was discharge, the level rebound and we decided to rent the equipment home to continue the treatment and to save cost.
So I've to keep an eye on him constantly...
have you bought baby monitor? think maybe no need to invest in that! cos my doggie now double up as my baby monitor. whenever bb cries, my doggie will be the first to run to his cot side.
i like my rice coated...blur me...
mixed up all my steps liao(so long never cook fried rice liao...)

me only nauseous in the mornings...
think too much gastric juice liao...
***crossing fingers on the heartburn~~~eeks dun look for me hor***
How not to get irritated? She came back, do some stuff and she's out again.

But I was looking at her thru the door's peep hole cos i know she will always purposely mess up my plants, i wanna see wat she's doing and i caught her muttering some curses at me!!!

So how's your bb's jaundice level now? Are u still bfing him or giving him FM?
Morning Mummies..

How's everybody today? Today very fast wed liao le.. haha..
I hope fri comes faster cos got doc appt. hopefully he can tel me I can go and give birth liao le.. hehe.. best is Aug 7 admit than at night or Aug 8 give birth. Haha.. cos hubby don ned work ma.. he can be w me whole day.



Okie.. than I think the no. is you la.. hehe..
If happens we go MT A together. Hehe.. than I can sms u. haha..

Yr hubby back liao is it? Hehe... last 2 nights when my bb move I also felt pain like mensus cramp wor.. sekali u give birth first...



so how is it?
U got call your gynae? Can go to hospital today liao huh?

kiki, hope your bb gets well from his jaundice soon! Wow that bill is hefty -- the last time i warded my girl for jaundice for 2 nites, it was also around $600-700 already.
I'm trying to bf him but he is drinking very slowly when latch on... like almost 1-2 hrs.
So in the end I have to express and feed him through bottle.

he is still under home light treatment now.

Maybe jst bring one out is it possible?

I was thinking whether to bring my bb or not for the gathering cos I don kw I can handle him during the journey alone to bugis. Like quite pai seh. Haha.. cos got the pram and blocking ppl way.



wa.. yr dog so good ah? Than u don ned monitor liao le.
I bought a monitor cos my mum ears not so good. I scare later bb cry she cant hear...

U got try asking those herbal stall if there is anything to treat jaundice?
Cos my mum told me there is certain herbs that drink and bb will poo poo later than the yellowish will fade.

***************************************************************************************************************************************************WOW TASLYN
Post natal gathering

I know its abit too early but let's plan first????

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

2)shopping queen
4) BBnGG
6) sbb

wow, what level is his jaundice until need to stay in hospital for so long?

cannot leh. I'm the sole caregiver leh. No one to help me. So no way of leaving anyone at home.
MAshy:ya la just bring new born looooo,anyone to take care fro u for few hours/????

sbb:dun worry i use the train and bus regulary with hayley...so far oki just hv to practise on how to use ur stroller
open /close....escalator etc

Pris:hee can meet up b4 u go back to Aussie land :p.Kai comign along too?????

NUmber of high chairs at this resturant is 4 ,so can state beside ur name if needed ??????

Post natal gathering

I know its abit too early but let's plan first????

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

1)weishy (HAyley~high chair n Lucas)
2)shopping queen
4) BBnGG

where u staying?
i stayed at yishun..if i bringing my bb (if my mum's allow) haha.. than u living around me, maybe i can fetch u go bugis via cab.. than when coming back than i can take train or something..



u also staying near yishun right?
if i taking cab, than can tong bang u also.. but not confirm now wor.. cos my mum said bb too young don bring out.. they said best is after 4mths.
Post natal gathering

I know its abit too early but let's plan first????

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

2)shopping queen
4) BBnGG
6) sbb
Pls see this inforamation for MT A

Influenza A (H1N1): Precautionary Measures for Visitor &amp; Patient Safety

The Ministry of Health Singapore alert level for Influenza A (H1N1) is at Yellow.

For the well-being of all our visitors and patients, Mount Alvernia Hospital will continue to have in place precautionary measures that are in line with the public health measures guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

To keep the environment within our hospital safe, the measures that are put in place include:

1. Limiting the public access points into the hospital
Public access points into the hospital are currently limited to the following two locations:
- Main Lobby
- Medical Centre Block A

2. Conducting of screening checks at the two public access points
All visitors coming into the hospital must undergo the following screening process:
- taking of temperature
- checking of flu-like symptoms
- declaration of travel history
- taking of personal details (to facilitate contact tracing if need be)

3. Limiting visiting hours and visitors to patients
Visiting hours to the wards have been revised to 11am – 2pm and 6pm – 8pm.
Warded patients will be allowed only two visitors per patient at any one time.

4. Restricting 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services to Patients
The 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services is restricted to patients only. All patients are to enter the 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services department from its main entrance. The screening of patients will likewise be conducted at the 24-hour Walk-in Clinic and Emergency Services department.

We seek your kind cooperation and understanding to support these measures that have been put in place to safeguard the environment of our hospital.

For more information and updates, please refer to the Ministry of Health Singapore website (http://www.moh.gov.sg).
Babys : corg to u .

Me jialet having flu , sore throat , hope wont effect my bb inside . worry .This friday going for 38 week check up . Hope can delivery fast else I sick bb dunno will effected a Not some more nowsday have H1N1

travelling there isn't a prob coz i've car. but it's the managing them during meal time that's the big headache. Then after that, my boy wanna take nap. Wait he falls asleep in the car then i'll have to carry him, maybe throw him on the stroller, carry bb and diaper bag to go home. challenging.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>. I will bring Kai &amp; Ray, but don't think can stay very long with an active boy and a baby haahaa.

<font color="0000ff">kikilala</font>, just feed more frequent and you can also give some glucose water.
sbb: actually can bring la jsut hv to be careful where.....crowded places better avoid,....more virus ma....hv to be carefull of those daiper changing rooms too.
if bring bb out after 4 months...let say har.....for my personal experience....bb will be more afraid of ppl etc......hv to standby "jing fen san: and give bb after eahc outing
like even goign for japs......to me it helps looo and my girl is not afraid of ppl as we as not sticky too......also depends on bb's character .

nashy:should be oki la....practise first ma
we;re better than 1st timers liao le :p

pris :ya usually after lunch they restless liao......kids set meal hv toys or colourign books for them so can keep them entertained abit :p
Post natal gathering

I know its abit too early but let's plan first????

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

2)shopping queen (marcus~high chair)
4) BBnGG
6) sbb
Cos i am short so dun tink my tummy can go any lower keke my my MIL got say now look low liao..

No la i tink labour no matter how many time will bw scare 1 jus tt for us dunno wat to expect so more scare keke..

Ya lor mus let my HB know how tough it is to gave birth keke..

yes.. staying at yishun area wor..
u staying north which side?



don kw leh.. i wanted to bring
1st thing - i scared no experience to bring bb out alone.. have to bring out w hubby liao than got more experience.

2nd thing - don kw my mum allows or not..
see what she says la.. else i can jst throw to let her see. haha...



a lot of ppl said my one very low liao le.. this week sure give birth..haha..



me 1.62m leh. haha...
u kw yesterday i go and measure my hip.. from 34" to 37"

tummy i forgot how much i measure liao le..
piggytoh, haha u remind me of my last pregnancy. Din read the archive, not sure why ur hubby not ard. Anyways, for my 1st pregnancy, my hubby also came back just 1 day earlier. This time, we are hoping for another miracle too, since mine is natural and not sure when bb will come.
Congrats to Babys.

Post natal gathering

I know its abit too early but let's plan first????

Date~ 1st oct ( can be adjusted la )

Time~lunch time



Price range set lunch is less than $10 after ++

They hv nice kids meal for those bringing their toddlers etc plus free gifts too

2)shopping queen (marcus~high chair)
4) BBnGG
6) sbb
7) SL


Me 2nd time mummy i also scare....
dun worry so much in fact many pp i know onlygave birth 1-2day be4 EDD

hahahnot true 1 my friend many can see the bb drop but still gave birth 1-2wk later

oh ur #1 also ah.. hahah becos of my HB we decide to induce this wk if he does not come out by himself

your kai is so guai, no prob lah. my boy won't listen to instructions when we're out. Have to hand hold him all the way else he'll run his own way. Scared he run across road or onto the escalator.

my boy is very active. i can't even handle him alone when i was preg then. There was once when he just dashed across the dead end small road (between blocks) and i couldn't run fast enough (heavily preg then). There was a huge truck but thankfully it has stopped moving already. Scolded him big time.
hi everyone! i am back home :D now breastfeeding haha

after going to tmc's breastfeeding class... i realised that my ward nurses taught my room mate and i all the wrong stuffs about bfding. made Zachary cries at the top of his lung due to wrong method of latching and my left breast bleed...

but after going to the class and learned what the LC taught, Zachary can now latch on both my breasts very well for the 1st feed after going to the class.

=) will post my labour story later but nothing much to say.
went to the next room to check on Zachary cos hubby said he saw dimple on his face when he smile. but he was sleeping so soundly after his feed that he couldnt bothered about me haha

chintz, thanks =)

piggytoh, thanks! in the middle of the night today i was still crying lor... cos Zachary cried when i try to feed him. now come to think of it, might be nipple confusion also cos i was so heart pain when the nurse said zachary is hungry but he dont wanna suckle. nurse asked if i want them to feed formula or not but i said no. then the nurse said something like "so u want ur baby to cry the whole night ah? we can let him be". i heartpain and let them feed him one similac formula and forgot to ask them to cup feed so they use bottle feeding automatically.

i dont think it is milk leh. mrs wong said my milk is coming in but now still colostrum. i gave birth on 4th aug 00:25 so Zachary is only about 41 hrs 35mins old. milk comes in 3-5 days de bah?
