(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

KOI bubble tea

I bot jasmine gree tea with pearls (I aws get that coz I dun like milk tea). The pearls really a lot! had a fun time chewing on them.

Prob is, I also ate ondeh ondeh & lapis sagu from Bengawan Solo, curry puff from Old Chang Kee at the same time. Haha so full after that.

Liping, congrats!!!

kiki, huh? i still thinking to ask my parents declare cos actually is can bring food stuffs like cakes and pasteries in de, i check from the custom website. hmmmm..but they bringing herbs also...thinking wana declare ma..but if dun declare later kana find out how? de begawan solo is at which terminal ah?

jul, huh? why cannot eat? i also ask my mum confinment can eat ma..she say shld b can ba...haha..anyway abit onli..hehehe...i also wondering when is bb comin out eh!! i m havin more frequent contractions, but not pain leh!!! how? how? other mummies all tell me real contractions is very pain wun miss it de eh....

I mean that u have to consume it within 24 or 48h from the time ur parents buy. By the time it reaches u & u are well enough to eat, will it be spoilt?
i think flight plus transit is 22hrs or sumtin..cun remb le...hmmm..dunoe leh..got wife buy before n she say its ok eh.....i only wana eat! Hahaha...kk..gonna 5am le..me go koon alrey...
i am interested in mysmoothlegs!!!! haha been "looking" for someone else to share with me leh! but i wonder if we should buy now or later. really donno if it works. haha can ask those who bought it from bp if it really works once they got it. i always do that. lol

btw, what is + $3 S/H?

how do you know u got contraction but not pain!?!! *panic for u also*
kiki:when entering US/AUS/NZL....better delcare watever food stuffs u hv cos....they can really give u hard time and actually all these items hv to be delcared.....so hv be careful

confirm is no meat/diary products.
cherrios:they will take it and maybe fine ur parents le......best is products hv english name or explainations.......dun make ur parents hv hard time at the customs......who knows other states are nt so strict but JFK/LAX/SFO sure is la
wah weishy, i move the heart shaped belly button photo and your comments disappeared! o-o

i wonder how do i add photo in the facebook "photos" page without making new album or put pic in album?
donno leh. i moved the photo from one folder to the other then *poof* comments vanished. so weird!

oh yah, you know how when you view your photo. you have like a lots of pics under the "photo" section, then all the "albums" will be below. right?

how do you manage to do that? (add photo in there without having to put photos in album or add new album)
there's bengawang solo at all 3 terminals in Sg, but your parents need take US internal flight? maybe its better to put inside container (like those lock N lock) and check in. I've tried before and after more than 24hrs, still not spoilt.
Hi Dolcevita, u din receive my msg on msn?? no wonder no call from u the entire afternoon... i din receive ur email ley... not sure what is wrong, anyway, do leave me the details on msn yah... i will check 1st thing in the morning when i wake up..

gdnite mummies.....
O-O Thanks!! I tried that and it works! but the photo still have to be inside an album hor? lol dont dare to touch it liao else comment goes *poof*

I reply to your email to me, I had even send in 3 different emails to you. Not sure y u didnt receive.
Please call me at 9150 2207 if you see this msg.
I will try to email details to you again....
My msn messenger is weird. When I receive emails, msn messenger doesnt shows that I've received new email until I go into hotmail and see. Maybe Lawshe got the same problem?
Jul - Ya lor, very busy leh.. Maybe I'm a first time mum so alot of things to learn... Still ka lang ka bo! Aiyo! So far have not heard from Pris hor..

Cherrios - Thanks!
reira, i bought the britax marathon car seat, max weight till 29kg or something...hubby say car seat beta dun save...i dunoe anything abt car seat so he was the one who bought it..i think when they grow older like 4 or 5yrs old they just need a booster seat?

i bought this car seat for my SIL's kid. It's quite big and according to her, she said the material is pretty hot.

I bought another model of safety first car seat: http://www.kidzloft.com/index.php?main_page=product&cPath=2&products_id=576&manufacturers_id=

The material is more cooling. But not sure if u can use it for infant even though it says can. Coz it's quite big and even at the lowest level, it's still quite angled. I'm using this car seat for my #1 now. He loves it coz it's higher than his Britax one (can look out of the window). U may wanna ask them to let u try it in your car too. Coz it's really big. And with it being back facing for now, u may have a prob. So just ask to try first.
sharon, ya, still here! No more signs le eh...haha...enjoyin my ME time while still can...

Tulips, heard nowadays bbmall the shippin became ex cos they tend to pack into big boxes, end up incurring high shippin costs...
Hi Ladies, i got something from bbmall abt 3mths back and paid quite abit for shipping.. cherrios is right that they pack in bigger boxes, my items arrived and it was onli half the box, and i am paying by volumetric shipping.. not quite worth it..

i did a simple calculating, bb clothing is cheap but if add in the shipping, the price is almost similar to what we are getting... i have learned my lesson.. but if more mummies do mass purchase then the cost of shipping could be shared and more reasonable i believe..

btw, who is interested in getting things from there>>?? i may wanna tag my order along.
haha thanks! yeah, my belly button is really a heart shape now. noticed it when i was checking if i got stretch marks or not.

yeah, it seems that the safety 1st carseat can use as a booster seat.

thanks! my hubby already bought this safety 1st carseat le. =( He went to buy it himself. http://www.kidzloft.com/index.php?main_page=product&cPath=2&products_id=578&manufacturers_id=

how long do you plan to use the safety 1st carseat for your boy?

yup i bought from bbmallonline before. the shipping via Vpost is not really ex that time. the 20% discount already cover like 80% of my vpost shipping le. those bodysuits i bought range from S$2.56 - S$3.80 each with shipping.

but like cherrios said, seems that recently bbmallonline likes to pack stuffs in a huge huge box and cause the shipping to be very ex!

for their size, depends on what quality you buy. if buy those cheaper 5 packs one, the size will be smaller and cloth will be more thin (which is good for SG weather).

if you want to buy baby clothes there, i think the best deal will be this https://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/25/products_id/781/osCsid/?osCsid=445f980520311e1acfb853658914018e if you dont mind they give you random sayings like "i love grandma/grandpa/auntie" ect. the quality is good, like our normal t-shirt quality.
mashy, carseat have no years limit as long as it is not broken? cos the safety 1st carseat says 36kg wor... thats like when a child is 8 yrs old? @_@

there's an expiry behind the car seat. So just follow that one lor. Guess the 8yrs thing depends on when the bb starts to sit in it lor. Like my boy's 3 already. So he just needs to sit in it for another 5yrs.
BabyS : I saw in on Sat in clinic leh , u dun recogize me , I to pai she to call u .heehee

MtB: whr to get those support when BF baby(and how much is that? any spree ? ) , as one of my hand have aching feeling/Joint ache and I ask gyne why he say due to water retention .My right hand dun have much strengh now , he call me better go and get a support for BF else the pain and the joint pain will be more serious as I might use too much strenght to support bb for BF infuture
Hai, mummies:

I'm also Aug mummy. Recently only have time to log in the forum as i'm resting at home and preparing for delivery. Just would like to ask is any mum here recently brought Avent Uno electrical breast pump? May i know roughly how much? Had missed the Baby Fair. So thinking to get it from Kiddy Palace. If any mummies know recently have any promotion of this breast pump, please share with me. Thanks.
reira, I have that same safety 1st car seat. Its good for when the bb is before 1 yrs old as it is rear facing (safer). Then later, it became a booster seat for my 4 yr old. Mb it will last her till she is 6 yrs old. Doubt can use till 11 yrs old bah... by then already cannot fit into any car seat already.

lawshe, yup agree not worth to buy clothing from bbonline mall... but some other items I found to be worth it. Like the fitted crib sheet from there, after shipping only $10 each!! And such nice material. The sheets here are at least $20 so I thot that was a good deal. Have to find a spree to join, where the organiser can consolidate and help u save shipping.
Good afternoon all
Just spent the past hour trying to figure out how to use my medela pump, better get ready otherwise garang gabok when need to pump
wah! there is expiry date for car seat one ah. ok thanks! =) did you buy your my brest friend pillow before giving birth? i read some said that if baby know how to latch on when u are lying down then dont need?

siew lai
welcome! most of us got medela PIS/freestyle or ameda lactaline wor. not very sure about avent.

now you are using the carseat still? i am so glad this one is good! else will really heartache. hubby paid $299 for it. T_T

which medela pump you got? haha guess what i did a few weeks ago? i use my hubby's neh neh to test! XD i convinced him by telling him he needs to get a feel of how i feel when bfding/pumping. after that he trauma liao. everytime i took the pump out to see, he will "hide" from me.
Haha.... Later I shall test on my dh as well. I got the freestyle. I briefly try on my thighs but like no feeling leh, not sure if I am doing it correctly. Any idea how long should the first charge be? Also r u doing the boiling or sterlization method?

yah, bought the brest friend before i gave birth. Well, coz we need to vary our breastfeeding positions to reduce blocked ducts... So u can't be lying down all the time. At night, i bf lying down, in the day, i'll alternate between football hold and cradle.
siew lai

my pump is Avent Duo. Not sure if Uno is the same other than one being single pump and the other double pump. Well, i quite like this Duo. It's quiet, and comfy. WOnder if coz i abused my breasts so much during my #1 time, that now i pump, i don't feel pain already. It's the blocked ducts that hurts.
It's esp bad in the morn after i wake up. Have to keep kneading the lumps.

So sad leh. My gal has big feet! Altho skinny now, the length of her feet could only just fit the booties that u knitted leh. I think by the time 1 mth, she cannot wear already.
Reira, I agreed with Mashy. Especially daytime BF, getting a gd support pillow is very important. Kee.. I also bought a 2nd hand My Brest Friend nursing pillow, will bring it with me when I stay in hospital. Suggest if you want, buy 2nd hand one, there is alot few selling now in WTS thread - range from $20-$40
dont tell ur hubby i teach you one hor. later he blacklist me haha! i tried on my thighs also no feelins lor... thats why came up with that evil ideal *grin* somemore i used full blast on him. lol I got freestyle also. After testing on him, really can see his neh neh kenna suck in. i was laughing so much! come to think of it, poor hubby got bullied by me but true must let him taste the pain.

For the battery, it says in the instruction manual to charge for 24 hours before you first use it. so i left it there for 1 day. For sterlizer, i use pigeon de. Btw, I think nurse will help us to sterilize if we bring our own pump.

wah! i didnt know that diff position will reduce blocked ducts. hmm i wonder if i should go and buy a 2nd hand one now? but my brest friend can be use till baby is how old?

omg. will they teach how to get the blocked ducts out in hospital? did you bring your pump to hospital? if you did, do they charge you for helping to sterilize? if i need something from the nurse, do i press some button? i wonder if they charge extra if i press the button... *heard horror story about hospital charges*

yeah i've been thinking of getting one also but was wondering maybe my own pillow (quite hard one) at home will works the same. are they not? *still deciding*


yah, it can help u with the blocked ducts. Up to u lor. I also not sure exactly how long it can be used for but guess when bb is quite big, can't use anymore. But for now, i;m glad it serves it's purpose.

U'll have to ask the nurses abt blocked ducts. I didn't bring my pump. And yes, u just press button when u need something.
