(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


Hehe I think I alsow ait for the Smooth Legs thing lah. But.. I was just wondering if we can buff away our hair instead of waxing? hahaha

No leh, haven't called abt the insurance thing. Been quite busy over the weekend with reno. Hiaz..


Harlow! Hehe these 2 days got 2 new MTBs joining us liao.


Oh ur bday ah?

<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Happy Bday Irene!</font></font>

Donkeymami/Jul, Thank you!!!

Piggytoh, its true...coz I really don't want to spend my bday in the delivery suite screaming in pain. Hahaha...
Smurfy, I really don't want to share the same birthday as my girl leh. Hahaha...I am so self-centered!

Piggytoh, so you poo already still pain ah? Baby moving should be able to see one side of the tummy protruding rite?
no leh i haven poo jus got tt poo poo kind of sharp pain now sometime u stomachache den got gas pressin kind of pain ... dunno how to describe haha..

I get that kind of feeling middle last night too.
And when I go toilet, keep farting and poo a little...Got back to bed but still feeling that kind of pain that you describing.
Is that pain at the bottom of the tummy right ?
yup at the bottom of the tummy... jus went to toilet fart lots of gas n manage to poo liao... so really dunno stomachache or contraction haha..
Piggy/Dolce, hahaha...fart huh?
Usually when I get tummyache the 1st thing I try to do is to try farting 1st. Then see got poo boh...if after that ok then its really normal tummyache.

Coz contraction pain won't go away one even after you fart and poo.
now on n off i still feel the tummyache machiam like the business jus now only half done not clear out yet hahah... aiyo contraction is so confusing..

Me too.
On off I still feel the tummyache. So like Piggy, duno issit didnt clear out all or its something else.
But last night, after pooing n toss n turn for ard half an hr, i manage to doze off.....
so the pain is not intense and i think defintely not contraction, otherwise I wouldnt be able to sleep...hehehehehe...
Just that the reason for the pain puzzle and confuse me
hi everyone.. looks like most of us still playing waiting game.. been following the thread, but lazy to type :p

irene, happy birthday! i totally agree with u abt not wanting to share bday with bb.. my bday was on last thurs, spent whole day praying bb wont come out that day cos i wanted to celebrate bday in peace and not in pain!

dolcevita/piggytoh, i have the same feeling as u guys leh.. in fact i was in and out of toilet last night from 1am till abt 5am.. really thought it was D-day cos for #1, it was exactly the same kinda stomachache feeling, just that no poo each time.

mashy, havent congratulate u on hayley's birth yet! u really sound like u are coping v v well with bfing this time! what did u do differently this time from #1's time? btw, did u pump both sides after each feed once the milk came in to help the ss increase?

siewlai, i saw ur post on avent iq uno.. just some thoughts cos i used it for my #1.. found it not v efficient cos it cant be hands free unlike the other dual pumps like ameda and medela. also, the suction cld have been stronger, and there were so many parts to clean and wash as compared to medela freestyle (which i am trying this time) and ameda. i also took ages to pump and empty using avent iq uno - abt 40-50min for both sides, as compared to 15-20min using ameda. in the end, sold my avent after 3 wks and got ameda pump instead.

reira, re my brest friend pillow, i got mine from WTS thread. BNIB at $48. not v cheap but hb wasnt keen for me to get 2nd hand one so no choice..
irene, ha ha, i like the way you describe it!

piggy, ya lor, its really hard to tell the difference between BH and real contractions... the best is if the contractions can come with water bag break or a show... then sure confirmed its the real thing.

So are you at work today???
I was up ard 3-4am last night bec of this tummy pain and spend quite some time in toilet and tossing ard in bed........
Tired now.....
dolcevita, i am already on leave at home waiting to pop.. heng lor. or else dunno how to work. i only slept at 5plus, and got up at 10. still v tired though.

to differentiate between tummy pain and contractions, u can try timing the interval.. but may not be 100% also. i actually had mildly painful BH throughout the night, and it was abt 1 in 10min interval. then chong to toilet every 20-30min.
ya lor... anyway since my baby not yet engage so i tink i wun be gettin intense contraction yet.. but jus wanna figure out if contraction feels tt way keke...

nowaday i can hardly sleep well wor... n i feel my body v warm even i sleep in aircon room i feel hot... sigh~ another 2 wk to endure be4 ML start..
morning to all of you.. i'm so tired too.. cant slp well everynite... but still have to drag myself to work.. hai.. how to keep myself awake ah.. i can doze off infront of the com leh..
Jules/Dolce, although I didn't have tummyache last nite but I can't sleep well too. Was up and doze off then up again. The tummy so hard and the back hurts so much.

Piggy, I would describe contraction as tummyache. Its like you have a 'qian1 nian2 lao3 sai4' stuck down there and cannot come out!
And the contraction pain is like when you eat too much chilli...the pain keeps coming the whole day. That's why I stop taking spicy food recently as I scared I get confused.
u r not alone.. i am draggin myself to work everyday...

ya i know wat u mean but really not easy to identify:p n i love chilli wor cant eat without chilli...

Lucky you...
I had opt to work till I deliver..hahaha..as I thought I would be bored at home but didnt realise that the freq of waking up at night would be this many, such that Im feeling tired during day time.....
My DH always encourage me to take urgent leave or mc whenever I woke up late =P


Im still not that bad, as long as aircon is on, im fine, not hot anymore....

Wonder if the pain last night is cause by the fruit that I ate ( lu-ku-lan-sat ). Think that fruit cause wind in my tummy thus the pain...
dolce, u can't bring forward ur ML to 1 week before u deliver? So if nite cannot sleep well, at least can nap in the day.
irene, think our bodies preparing us for the sleepless nights ahead..even without the tummyache, also cant sleep well. luckily #1 sleeping with ILs now.. or else even more no need to sleep.

last night hb was still saying that i shld have experience liao ma.. how come dunno if it's real contractions or not. so gek.. nearly wanna box him cos i already so uncomfortable and tired from the toilet visits.

piggy, if it's really contractions and u are in labour, usually will have show or waterbag bursting, so u can use those signs to help identify also.
hahah same lor everyday come to work jus look forward for lunch den KO super sian...

hahah sometime i v tired i also go see GP take MC but wat excuse u use huh? i dare not take mc too often wor... keke... n not nice if everytime use same excuses lol~
dolce, ur hb is right.. shld take mc la. anyway, i'm sure u have enough mc to last u till end of the yr right.. since we have 16 wks ML as well. :p

actually i'm on Hosp leave.. cos bb is small and bld flow to bb not v gd. going for scans twice a wk to monitor bb growth and bld supply.. will need to be induced if there is any sign of deterioration or bb not growing well. so gyne has ordered me to rest at home ever since i was abt 35 wks preggy..
for my nex checkup i am goin to ask for HL to rest at home manz...really v tiring to come to work everyday with my aching body:p
i think your girl guai guai will wait till you are induce bah! or maybe even best, she want to come out that day then dont need to be induced! save $$$. heard induced cost like $200 ish just for the medication. lol

aiyo, better call TMC fast bah. reno you also cannot go and supervise right? just relax let your hubby and contractor do everything while u busy with baby stuffs bah.

my hubby also not that keen on me buying a 2nd hand lah. he kept saying "can use for #2 also mah". lol wah lao, #1 not out, he plan for #2 liao. what is BNIB?

I also! Feel very warm all the time. Even in aircon, I can perspire if it's not turned strong or low enough. And I also kena the tummy ache thing.

Ok a bit gross topic.. I can't poo everyday. Will only poo every 2 days or 3 days. But when I poo that day, it's very difficult &amp; I take v long. But.. after I tot I finished, I will have a "tummy ache" &amp; need to finish the poo. After that, my whole tummy will feel tight &amp; uncomf &amp; "strained", like got tummy ache or contractions. *angry*
i tink u r havin constipation...
now my aircon temp is 21deg i still feel hot lor... i heard confineement worse... cos of the food we eat we sweat a lot!!

I could but I dont have much to do at home and its boring to do nothing except waiting at home to deliver...hahahahaha..
So thats y i continue working, if only i could work from hom but there are some paperwork thats too many to bring home...hehe...

I would either apply urgent leave or mc.Usually my problem would be gastrics, flu ( i had sinethsis during this preg ) or diahorrea.
I went to my gynae for mc instead of GP :p
But think my boss pretty understanding as now at this stage, we tend to be tired easily

But I feel guilty for taking MC when im ok, just that I overslept..hahhahaa

I'm tired too, but I can't fall alseep in front of the computer. So much work to do, boss keeps irritating me, feel so stressed, how to doze off? sigh.
wah i got so much thing i can do at home lor keke.. even surf net do nothing is better than comin to work keke...
oh if i go gynae noneed tink of excuse liao cos my gynae charge for unschedule appt unless he gave me mc durin my appt... so cheaper for me to go to my company doc for mc... u r really a gd worker hahah..

Coz he will come home &amp; discuss with me the progress, then got complications need to change change plans, he needs to seek my "consent" lor. haha

Ok I will drop them a call to ask them to call me next mth! Haha


It's constipation ah? I am really quite fed up with this prob. Been like this for maybe 2 weeks liao? Dunno y I aws get new probs just after I see the gynae!
Finally can log on ...

Had cramps again on sat &amp; sun ... nearly rush to TMC cos at times it was really painful. But in the end didn't go cos the interval wasn't regular ... it could come in 2 mins interval for 15mins, den disappear all of a sudden and came again aft abt 30mins or an hour... so i guess it shldn't be time for bb to come out yet. Stayed at home and rest instead. Now no more pain le and at work ... hope it won't come back again
piggytoh, ya u shld.. think most gynes are quite willing to give HL in this last run..

reira, BNIB = brand new in bag. cos the pillow is just a pillow case over a foam cushion, the foam not washable ma.. so if the previous bb using a preloved one had vomited on it b4, a bit hard to clean. that's why my hb object to me getting preloved one.

Also the one to replace me is not here yet, might be in only next week.
My package with gynae covers for all these, just that medicine is not. So I opt to go for gynae, though I can claim for GP too..hehe..but like you, i paiseh too to forge excuse for MC..haha
plan to ask for HL from nex wk onwards 1 but who knows my nex checkup in 2wk time instead of 1 wk so have to wait lor...
I've been getting ALOT more discharge these days .. Luckily the clinic just called to say i'm clear of infection ... but super irritated by the amt.

Oh.. u ok? Shd u really be at work? I hope ur hosp bag is all packed &amp; the BB stuff is all ready. Just in case keke.

Ya, i'm ok now ... i just hope it wont' come back again. Cos last friday i was oso ok le, den dunno why sat afternoon &amp; sun the contractions came back.

Hahha .. my hosp bag is still half packed nia .. cos i din managed to go to the pasar malam to buy my pj due to the pain. Maybe later i'll go. Hubby abit kan cheong and started to wash the beddings le
dolce and piggy: I also having that wanting to poo feeling...

when i get it and go toilet about 50% of time, i do go, but 50% of tim i just sit there.. then when the discomfort subsides, i walk back to my chair, it comes back again.. like that how to work...
yeah. i guess need to check the quality of the pillow first (like open the casing and see the foam inside) before i pay. hehe. there are a few pink stripe one at $30 only. but my hubby dont want pink wor. aiyo! so die die must look for blue one but i dont like those dark blue de. *choosy*

the infection you mean strep b? i am still eating my anti biotic nia. today and tomorrow to go. i was so worried just now when i got the "vomit" feeling after swollowing the pill. *haiz* i wonder if finish this antibiotic course can really really clear the strep b bacteria away mah? *worried*

anyone know if any department store got sales now?
Pegsfur, I also got more discharge now. Sometimes its really alot.

Jules, its not true that 2nd time more experience hor. Hahaha....coz it can be different each time.

Jul, you better take more fluid and fruits. Coz I don't think you dare to 'gek' very hard rite? I definitely dare not lor.

now i dont even dare to "gek" at all!! just wait for it to come out itself and I am eating veggie as if it is rice!! not to mention, i used to hate hate hate hate veggie and never eat that much veggie before in my 23 years of life!!

when i beh tahan and try to "gek" a bit... feels as if my tummy kenna squash. scary.
