(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

sharon:tks for the updates
I went to Spring yesterday... only managed to get one Nursing top... mainly left with XL and the designs are limited. But the rest of the maternity tops are quite value for money. So cheap and material very comfortable ;)
Morning Reira,
I love your Bloom photos... ;) esp the one whereby your hb hugging you from behind. Very sweet...
And your hb very brave...unlike my hb...he dare not take off his shirt loh..
Hi Mummies, good morning.. i am up earli too.. thought i could slp in late n have a gd rest but apparently i get up w/o the alarm ringing.

How's everyone doing?? all preparing for popping i believe..

Kiki, i gonna set timeline to pack my hospital bag by this wkend, kinda worry if i dont get moving soon..

my hubby is at work, i gonna pack the rm alone to make space for the bb cot.. sianzz......

Liping, congrats on ur delivery!!! ur bb is at a really gd wt at wk37

LAdies, will catch up w u later, gotto start my day gg.. quite hungry now and dreaming of Mac, not sure what other things i can go for.. any suggestion??
zen/reira, gap sizing runs big...hmmm...if u use me as gaudge, before preggy i fit into their XS for tops...bottom nv buy before...old navy sizing I would say smaller than gap? seems like gap sizings runs bigger...old navy i get S/M... but u got to c the cutting of the clothes also...if its tight fit or loose one and I personally prefer body hugging clothes.

Updates: went for gynea appt today,3cm dilated! the VE check was super duper damn painful...had cramps straight after the checkup and spotting till now, which is like 7hrs later....gynea was shocked cos the wk b4 i was 0cm...and since I was alrdy having contractions he kept telling dh i will pop before my induced date which is next thursday...and my blood pressure was high today at the clinic, got sent straight to the hospital for blood test and ctg monitoring, doc warned that I might deliver today or tmr if results dun turn out gd!! got a big scare!!! but thank god, i m still here, which means my results turn out gd, blood pressure is normal but ordered bedrest..
still thought this wkend can do my grocery shopping for confinment stuffs and watch harry porter! now all plans down the drain.....before my gynea left, he said,"see u on sun!" hehehee...he predict I will pop these few days....

they'll bring to u when bb cries lor. But unlikely they're hungry this often when you're in hospital. Coz they dun need to drink so much after they come out.
Hi morning everyone,

Is anyone interested to take over Lovemagmag FOC bloom shots schedule for tomorrow @ 5.30 ( Session 6-8pm).
Please pm me if you are keen, thanks
congrats liping!

hey, my gal & your gal quite similar leh. My EDD is 1 Aug, came out 13 Jul also via c-sec. :p She's a bit heavier at 3.32kg though.

Hmm.. I bot maternity clothes from Old Navy & Gap before. Norm Old navy I get size S, Gap I get size M, not too big for me. See? Told u I'm not as slim as u think I am haha.

Wow! So sudden ah? Better get everything prepared asap since ur gynae's so confident that it'll be this week!
haha thanks. my hubby blur blur and i guess he wasnt really that mind it since the photographer is male

even if my hubby is not at work, i will be the one packing the room alone to make space for baby stuffs!! *sulk*

for asian size, normally what size do you wear? Yeah! Gap size is so big and i am guessing i could wear old navy's M size too cos bought XL and they are way too big.

omg! 3cm dilated!!! did you experience anything weird cos of the dilation?!?! VE check for me is not painful leh... just very uncomfortable. your gynae also use finger to do the VE check right? hahaha i wanted to watch harry potter too!!! but hubby dont like so guess i will be watching it online. anyway, congrats!!! will your hubby be able to be around during these few days!?

thanks! so it will be good if i ask them to just bring to me every 3 hours. but sometimes baby might not want to drink milk?

eh? for you is old navy clothes is smaller than gap? haha or maybe the gap clothes i chose yesterday was larger in cutting thats why size M fit me bah! do we have old navy shops in SG?

where is your bloom shots! =) your hubby ok with you showing us mah?

what software do you use to type chinese? for us is our own 世界. he do his own thing. grrrr! >_<

I bot size S for tops &amp; M for bottoms for ON, can wear. Then size M for Gap tops &amp; size 8 for jeans? Anyway as long as can wear I happy liao haha.

Oh which reminds me, I have size 8 Old Navy bottoms which I can't wear coz they're too big for me. Shd try to lelong off...

Oops! Haven't asked him coz he so busy with reno. And I also forgot all abt it. See lah? Fish memory, everything also cannot remember. Now living at MIL's so also diff to talk "privately". I'll ask him tonight hehe.
Btw, someone should try to take over Lovemagmag FOC bloom shots schedule for tomorrow. It's a really good experience and will be a good memory for my hb and me as well as my bb
I would reglad if i never took it! Hehe...but it's up to individual lah...
Btw, is there anyone thinking of not having full month celebration due to H1N1? My friend ask me to consider not having one..just in case...

Wow! cherrios, ur gal is gng to pop soon...nxt in the q would b "ME"..makes me gan cheong...nxt wk still nit to work leh..ML start on 27th..

Anyway, wish u have a smooth &amp; short delivery
Reira, i am packing a cupboard wher we keep all our impt documents, had clear almost all, except another big portion wher he files all his document, just called him n he prefer to pack himself (shall let him be), otherwise i misplace anything then i will be in deep trouble..

shall continue w my packing later... quite tired already... but i am less than half done.. sux.....

berry, as for the bloom pic, i am quite keen but rather last minute n not sure what to wear........
gals...i just lost my mucus plug abt an hr ago...hehee..gt me so panicky...me went to bath n scrub clean clean just in case contractions kick in...hehhee...so far still ok.. *cross fingers*

One outfit would be tube wear as that would flaut our beautiful bump ( if you do not have a tube, we do hv some in our studio to choose from ).
You would then need to take just one more outfit..and if there is any props which you wish to include in the shoot..
Just relax and dun stress over this...hehehehhee...
Hope u wld b able to make it...
Lawshe, I think Dolce has tubes if you need it..do confirm wif her

Just choose another top that you like.For me, I worn a white blouse on that day.
piggy/reira....hmmm..dunoe isit special feelings..but i did feel like bb "scratching/rubbing" against the V wall for the past few days...and the pelvic bone's aching has worsen and when walk like feel very heavy at the bottom le....mayb its really soooooooon.....
donkeymani, ur edd 1 day diff frm mine only, very fast it will be your turn too!

jul, nt very prepared..hehehe...till now still in a shock, dunoe wad to prepare eh.....
piggy, no eh...some ppl can lose mucus plug but dun go into labour...

dolce, hehe..ya lo!! today at the hospital i was sooooooo hungry, so scared they ask me to admit straight away for birth and I dun get to eat....hehehe...
you temporary move to in law's place for the reno? does ON have stores in singapore?

mommies preggie with boys
went to Gap website and saw this : http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=45975&amp;vid=1&amp;pid=618979&amp;scid=618979002 . Anyone buying/bought it? haha since can use until 6 mths old hor, i am thinking of getting it since it is only $20ish from this BP -> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2379849.html and can save me from the horror of Zachary wee wee on my face!!

yeah! i will also regret it if i didnt took the bloom shots!!! love the feelings inside of all those photos!
for full month celebration, i am very concern about it because one of my hubby's friend tested positive i think but not confirm case or something. that guy is in the army now. my mil should be the one handling Zachary's full month celebration but I hope she will make it a small affair. Not that I think relatives &amp; friends wants to "hai" my baby lah but they might get the bug from other people in the public but no signs yet mah... better to be safe than sorry. wouldnt want my boy to suffer in the ICU due to the celebration if somehow a friend/relative got the bug.

oh! haha i am still trying to look for a chinese software for my comp.

haha must sms me leh if you pop. then i will announce it here and vice versa! hohoho~

i want to teach my boy to be like your hubby when comes to personal stuffs!!! my hubby hor, he just heck care heck care dont want to do and will leave it there for FOREVER. so i will just pack and if he cant find any of his stuffs, serves him right. cos he is simply TOO LAZY to do mah!!! come to think of it, i better find a place to put all the cds he dig out recently. they have been on the floor for 2 weeks already.

oh wow!! i am so excited for you!!! hope you have a fast and smooth delivery and no tear!! did u talk to ur dr about episiotomy?

how was it like when you lost the mucus plug!?!? i am scared what if i lost the mucus plug when i am showering or emptying bladder then i just flush it away... without noticing it omggg. are u gonna shave yourself or let nurse do it?

actually i still dont understand if lost mucus plug but no signs of labour... do i just walk in to gynae office!? aiyoooo so kan chiong... now is weekend so hope i wont lost my mucus plug today or tomorrow. @_@ scary scary!

have you called your gynae about it? what did he advice you?
morning gals

just had a discussion with hubby, found out that some relatives got H1N1, although thankfully recovering well...now wondering if we should postpone the 1st mth celebration to when bb is older...like 3 months later?
Cherrios, get ur hos bag ready &amp; also ur hubby, like wat ur gynae said will see u on Sat/Sun heehee..excited for u, jia you

reira, yest gynae nv do VE for me leh only said bb's head half engaged..but he did said if waterbag burst hv to chk-in hos
cos in Sg usu muscus plug aka "show" we mus call gynae immediately i tink if have contraction mus admit hosp liao.. most of my friend after they have "show" they call their gynae n admit hosp within few hr wor...
Agree with you that some of our friends and relative might get the bug without knowing it... Both my hb and I really wants to have the celebraion..but too concern abt current situation.Hopefully by then, H1N1 will be gone...

3 Months later...might not be a bad idea...maybe my hb and i can consider that too if H1N1 is still very serious by the time my bb is born.
a mucus plug blocks the opening of the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Before labor, this mucus plug is expelled so that the cervix can open to allow the baby to pass through during labor and birth.

reira/piggy, no leh...here dun hav eh..juz now hospital got give me a "When to come back to the hospital", below states,"Note:Losing your mucus plug is a normal part of the birthing process and there is no need to come to the hospital for this alone"....hehe....so me now waiting for intense contractions....hubby at wrk..wun b back so early......

reira, asked abt episiotomy today..he just say ok, nv say much..hehe...will remind him again when i deliver..scared he forget..hmmm..the mucus plug is glooey n sticky wan...really like what the name says, mucus lo....but mine is bloody..think because of the VE checkup I was still spotting... I saw it cos it stick to my bottom when I try to wipe it...not gonna shave, they dun practice shaving here even if its VB.
