(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

ya my HB not ard my back v ache so i try lor keke..ya i got those single mattress so no issue but any idea she use wat oil?

if i am not wrong. but i saw got one part about about operation details... i dunno if they mean like if i go for c section or is that a general admisison form used for all patients..

cannot remmeber if my dr needs to fil in anything or not...

She use massage oil but I think its in Malay writing.
It's best after massage you wear a slipper to prevent you from falling cos you alone right?

bean: i had to lie on that bed (where he does the ultrasound) then check lor... when he does v examination, he will use a swab, like a very big cotton bud, to check...

but that is not routine test, thats cos i thought was leaking fluids...
Seahorse having 50% , I just bought a super single bed cum with leather headboard and diva and a foldable matteress . Total dmg =$750
BAbys : is it liek Vscan ?? why must check this for what testing ?

Nowsday stomach big like more lazy to walk , hardly do workout , very tired after work .
ya i alone now.. okie thanks noted.. so u confirm Mt A huh? hahah if i go Mt A who knows we gave birth same day keke can meet in HOsp..
Bean: V scan is where gynae inserts fingers into the vaginal to do the checks lor... some find it painful... for me, it was okay.. depends on individuals...

when my gynae did the VE, it was okay maybe coz he is male so he was gentler.. but during my delivery, the nurses were abit rough lor...
no lar... dun need to book ourselves. ur gynae clinic will book but u need to tell them how many bedder u wan... what we discussing was which hospital to book.

Hahaha...ya who knows we may give birth same day wor. haha..when is your due date? mine now is on the 15/Aug...hahah..
Reira, I actually wanted to buy the coconut husk mattress baby cpt but was worried whether it will be a concern on the maintanance of the mattress..so din place any deposit.

I bought a playpen instead coz we will get our boy to sleep on the mattress when he turns 1-2 yrs old.
bean: at first i read ur msg as "Sentosa having 50%".. heee..

they do V checks (physicalones) to check cervic, dilated or not.. in my case, he check to see if there was any leakage..

then v swabs they can do for many purposes like check for amniotic fluids, do the swab and culture for any bacterial or fungal growth..

i going Mt A tonght for my antenatal class, i help u ladies ask if they still do hosp tours...
Taslyn, thks for the clarification, thought we have to book ourselves.

I prev checked with my gynae and he told me MOunt A is a general hospital and with the swine flu thingy im abut worried.

Does TMC really anyhow charge? Can msn me on the case ? my msn is [email protected].

I think we have added each other in msn.
my last few appt my baby was constantly moving so difficult to find his body length so dunno abt the EDD anyway my gynae not v concern abt the EDD cos only an estimation he more concern abt the measurement of various body part... but my baby quite heavy keke..
Harlo Regg..
my last check up at wk24+ my baby weight at 868g
OH! then ur baby really big!
I was so affaid that i am going to have a giant baby seems like mine is OK! hee
I went last sat for my 24w chk up, bb was 605g, i have put on 8kg
... u?
ya lor v scare will have giant baby cant natural birth but i cant control also
gain 5kg so far liao.. haha i jus went on Sat:p
that is gd, better then we absorb ma..
have u book ur hos yet?
I just sign up for the pre-n class at mt a
no haven book but my gynae nurse got ask me le so nex check up mus tell them.. i cant make up my mind between Mt A n TMC
yalor.. my gynae advise me to attend after 24w... but i am a bit too late to book, may's slot already full so i only starting in june lor..
Heehee...I also same boat as u. Abstaining due to past history.

Btw as at yesterday checkup, my weight gain is now 10kg. But tummy still look small & I hv been getting lots of comments on my small tummy. So irritated.
wow... u guys really have put on weight... i dunno to be envious or wat.. sigh.. even my gynae commented to my hb that i not putting on much weight.. so he abit concerned..

i have u on msn liao lar.. cute lar u... hehehe

Haha… you know hor.. when my doc wanted to do the 3D scan or when doing the full detail scan. The bb always like don want doc to scan..
So he always turn face in…

Recently at 6mths, when I standing up I can feel the bb kicking and moving.. normally when sitting down than can feel.
Haha… I quite like the feeling so funny..

Before you go checkup, tell bb to stay still a bit la.. hehe.. they will listen one.

Cos you know hor.. when my bb pressing against my bladder, I will pad on my tummy and say hey move up leh..don press at my bladder later keep on going toilet. After a while, I don feel the pressure liao le. Surprising right?

Hey…you 24 weeks heavy liao lor. Haha.. my one only 700g. doc said 24 weeks normal is 600-800g nia leh.



Don worry…doc said 24 weeks average weight is 600-800g…

You going for the Antenatal course at MT A huh? I haven book yet..don know want to go or not leh…


Ha .. we have alot of similarities

Hey, dun worry ... i guess i'm nearing 10kg as well cos last check up was already 8kg. Dun get irritated by pple's comments cos sometimes it depends on your build mah ... smaller pple's tummy will look bigger becos they have smaller build. As long as bb is growing well, that is more important rite?
dun bother when pple say ur tummy small lar... i dun care what others say lar.. as long as gynae say bb is healthy can liao.. evone is of diff built mah...

aiyo.. my #1 refuse to lemme see her face de... now her didi oso follow her pattern of blocking his face with his hands... tell him going to see dr.. must guai guai let Dr ang take his pic.. he jsut refuse too cooperate... notti boy.. i give up liao... if he dun wan to let me see.. then bo bian lor
Yes, the taobao spree is still on...

Can help me buy the BN? It's those concentrated ones right? each day eat 2 spoonful right? 1 bottle can eat for how long huh?
okie okie...

how many bottles u wan? it is the concentrate one... each day eat 2 spoon lor...
1 bottle if eating 2 spoon a day.. can tahan ard 4-5days depending on spoon size...anyway once bottle is open, can only store in fridge for a week...

u got msn anot? add me [email protected].. then can advise u better there.. or pm me the qty u wan asap coz i need to place the order by tml noon then transfer 50% of the price of the BN to me.. jin si yan is $65 per bottle.. xiao yan yan is $60 per bottle...
yesterday when I was on the bus, it pass through a hump, I was thrown up (my butt actually left the seat!).

Immediately I felt that my whole tummy tightened and was in a odd shape (some parts higher). Is this considered as contractions huh? There's some slight pain also, like those kind that we get if run too much... montioring today and fortunately there's no spotting...

Wonder if this will affect BB or not.
hi mummies,
sorry to interrupt..

I have the following for sale or exchange with Huggies Barcode:

1 x 700g Similac Mum Voucher (for $5 OFF), Expiry 30th June 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Shop n Save & Guardian.
*Selling at $2 including postage*

1 x 900g Similac Follow-On Formula Voucher(for $3 OFF), Expiry 30th June 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Shop n Save & Guardian.
*Selling at $1 including postage*

1 x Enfapro A+ Voucher (for $5 OFF), Expiry 1st July 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Giant, Shop n Save, Guardian & Market Place outlets.
*Selling at $3 including postage*

1 tin of 400g Enfapro A+, Expiry Aug 2010
*Selling at $12, self-pick up*

Pls PM or email me [email protected]
morning mommies...

ya lor my baby is on the heavy side from the last check up but i tink as long as his body dimension ok shd be fine...
my baby v active be it stand or sit i can feel his movement greatly 1 keke.. but at this stage a bit difficult to check his full body length also lar...

wah din put on any weight tt gd mah as long ur baby growin shd not be much a prob
Hi all mummy,

recently, my belly is pain on and off, and feeel that there is something coming out but dun have blood or anything coming out. did any mummy experience like me, care to share?

i am 7 months pregnant
MOrning ladies:been raining here since this morning!!!!!shiok to sleep but girl wakes up loooooooo.....Have a great day
carefreelife: tmc also accepts general medical and surgical cases just like MAH leh... i think TMC was just being safe, want to contain all their cases and not risk cross infections from other hospitals..

Regg: I attended my first MAH antenatal class yesterday.. u'll have to pay for the class on the 1st day, u pay liao then they tell u where to go.. better go early. Class starts at 630, everyone rush there after work, must pay b4 class starts, so was quite a squeeze.

i think there was a group of forum mummies there, but dunno which month...

piggy: wah.. ur bb is big.. mine only 540gms wor.. need to fatten my baby up..

Pink: nvm lah, i'm facing the opposite prob u have.. i gained only 7kg, but pple look at ym tummy and "Wah! so big ah! must be twins" etc etc..

if i haev the patience i'll tell them i had half of the tummy b4 pregnancy... or i just dont bother.... as long as baby is growing fine can liao, heck care other comments..
Morning ladies ...

These few days have been raining in the morning ... makes waking up so difficult. Even my dog oso wants to snuggle in our bed

Pinky Xu, while sitting or standing also feel something coming out but went to check is nothing...dunno why too. I din bother to think much until I saw ur post.
