(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

SunshineG: I think some of the moms already managed to toilet train the kids... I have not yet though... i rather wait till she is abit older... prob cos i am lazy and my babe also sleeps alot... hahaha

My mum already started Nat on potty few mths back..bringing her to toilet every 15min or so...
But I didnt do it at home cos she is always "nua-ing" on the bed...only manage to potty train her to poopoo...

My mum always complain that as I didnt keep up with the potty train on weekend, she has start afresh on Mon, reminding Nat to "say" when she needs to urine..hahaha
My post disappeared!


I was saying that I don't agree with MIL's method of toilet training Sam. And since she insists on doing it her way, I shall not bother & let her do it. Else I'll just be wasting my time & effort & blood
haha.. kiki.... the skin of the expensive grape cost $2.. maybe!!!

at my IL's... they will use many many plates n bowls n sauce dish n watever de!!!!!!

kiki.. i oso owas cut away the 'skin' of the bread!!
kiki: wah the 2nd offering of the cheaper grapes is rubbing salt into the wound ah!!! yes u do deserve to bitch about that for as long as u like... wahahahaha...

sunshine: my mum does potty training with shayna (poo poo only and when she wakes up, my mum just makes a habit to make her pee into the potty)... just yesterday shayna refuse to pee. so my mum just let her wear pants and went to prepare her bath water then. Then in that minute, she peed while in the play pen and when my dad peeked to see what she was doing.. she was trying to cover up the urine by putting the toys over it!!!
bobo: and she had her 'act blur' and wide eye stare lor... hahah... thank GOd for some reason, my mum put in the mattress protector that day becos she had just sunned the mattress!!

dolce: forgot to add... when shayna's with me, i dont do the potty training regime that my mum set also.. hahah..
Most of the things we ask Nat, she would nod her head...only when asked if want to "she she", she will shake her head violently and quickly walked off..hahhahahha...

Duno to be angry or to laugh at what they are doing sometimes..hahaha..But Shayna is clever, to know what she did is not right and trying to hide it..
I only follow up with the potty for poopoo..after her meals, will sit her there and "ng ng"...but didnt follow up for "sheshe"..

Nat used to poo everyday but now changed, she only poo on alternate days..wonder y..
Cos poo in the potty, no mess..just dump everything into toilet and flush then wash her bum...
If poo in diaper, messy to clean and smelly !!!
hee... nat's reaction so cute... y doesnt she wanna pee?

yeah lah, sometimes i wanna be angry but yet i am laughing too hard to be angry!

eh but now hor, i find she trying to test limits leh. these few days if she doesnt get what she want, she'll lie down leh. I imagine if she were spoilt, she'll be lying on the floor rolling about, screaming..

so when she lies down, we just walk away and ignore her. THen she'll usually sit up and do her "where?" sign and sounds to ask where have u gone..

anyone elses tods starting to test boundaries?
babyS:: my Mattea has been throwing such tantrum since couple of months ago!!! she will lie on the floor.. smtimes juz throw her body back de lor! -.- or she will go into a corner...
smtimes im really worried why she's behaving like dat! sigh!!! n very annoying also!!!!!!
i tried carry her up n tell her not this way.. or walk away too... she will juz be there.. on the floor lor! sigh!!!!!!!

dolce:: could it be nat is not really ready for potty.. n the training is making her not wana pee or poo?

great... im gog for a bbq now... under the rain! bahahhaa~

selamat hari raya haji all~
Same..they do the same things, same reaction..hahaha..

Cos she dun wana go into toilet and cannot see what the rest of us are doing..she is super kpo de ( fully inherite her daddy's genes )..sometimes go in toilet liao will keep struggling but in the end, urine alot...
Super super noti de..
My mum read in some Chinese babycare book that constipation could be caused by starting potty training too early
So she refuse to potty training Ryan yet...though I have reminding her to do it cos when Ryan poos, he will cone n hug me...v obvious when he poos, he looks for mummy
I guess its the starting of terrible twos bah.

Bobo, yeah shayna will sometimes go soft until very hard to carry her..

Dolce: we let nana go into those round potty but do it in the hall leh, not toilet. Maybe let nat get used to the potty first, let her do her stuff yet can see pple. Then when older start moving her into toilet?
wanted to try on my 14 month old boy, is this brand of butter fine? any mummies try before, please advice. Thanks

Baby development: my boi has been murmuring words which i dont understand. that day i caught him saying NO MORE so accurately, i was so surprise hahaha. Now he can bye bye or hello or mammam(eating)and point towards the cabinet where i put his biscuits. When its time for milk, he will say "ne ne". His favourite show is "WO WEN TIAN" the taiwanse show. He will hum with the song and dance hahaha so funny. He now enjoy sorter and put in the right 'hole' and On Off his toys,but still he cannot say proper word. He also trying to walk a few steps but no confidence, but with wagon he will run with it very fast but of course with my support behind. Think he still need time to walk his own
We also let her do it outside sometimes...as in not in toilet..
But think my mum wont listen to me if i tell her Nat not ready..she feels its more of habit..so I just let her be... =)
baby s,

I think i've shared in fb before, ovann will scream or bite anything within sight. If nothing is within his reach, he will bite the floor. If he screams, i'll tell him 'no shout shout'. Most of the time he seems to understand, but the biting part i will ignore.
My nephew is 2.5 yr old already but still not toilet train leh.
last month we tried to stop wearing diaper for him and ask him to go pee every 15 mins, end up he got UTI and pee until got blood. so scary... now he is back to wearing diaper...
Zachary loves laughing cow cheese, i love it too. but the taste is very salty. i feed Zachary slice cheese. any brand is fine (ntuc ect), just not low fat for toddler.

Zachary been lying down when he didnt get what he want. since last wed i think. T_T

poor boy!
Poor boy. My girl refuse to wear diapers about 2.5yrs, but still not toilet trained tt time. so sometimes she will wet the bed and diapers. Takes about 1-2 months to train her. Now she is diaperless, sometimes bring her out very ma fan cos gotta bring her to toilet.

Haven trained my boy yet. btw, hw to train boy to pee???? sit down 1st right????
I think he is not ready leh. Sometimes he will say ek ek for his poo poo. i think still long way to go..... by tt time, gotta wake up at night to bring them to pee pee. reminds me of their night feeds time.... interrupted sleep again.....
i just give like that haha my boy loves it. also if u want less salty cheese, can give cottage cheese only available in cold storage and bigger ntuc. my neighborhood ntuc dont have.
morning mummies..

babiesmeme: i use unsalted butter for shayna. Spoke to the PD about using butter and he said use unsalted, since she doesnt need the extra salt anyway..

I use it mainly when i am cooking. havent given her buttered bread to try yet.
Any recipe for pan fried dory fish? Just bought a pc from carreffour yesterday and was thinking of cooking it today. Any cooking experts?
i bought the laughing cow some months back oso.. still hvnt finish.. my girls not very into it. (prolly they're like me..dun really like most cheese..except blue cheese. haha.) anyways.. ya.. so many mths liao..shld be still ok to give them la hor?!? else, i hfta try to finish le..hehe.

LV @BP juz called to say i hv confirmed places for my girls in feb le. oops! need to part with $1k+ now le! (ok duno whr to find now!!!) but.. feb woh..suddenly tink tink abit too soon! hoho~ nvm la..try out...duno the girls will be ready or not. :)
pegs: how about pan fried with a garlic lemon butter sauce? and butter rice.. ala fish and co style!

bobo: i bought the cheese (the small cube version). Shayna gives a weird face after eating it.. the rest i eat. hahah..

u dont like most cheeses but u like blue cheese? that taste is quite strong right..
piggy:: ya.. ultimately.. i tink LV..cos hb & i..n my mum felt that corporation there too many heavy vehicle traffic.. n ya.. duno wat else..if my mum needs to pick the girls up.. prolly IBP there easier to flag a cab.. IBP is oso near my FIL's offc..he's at tradehub 21.

CNY is 3/4 feb izit? i cant rmbr. ya.. they will be 18th on 5 feb anyways.... so.. juz start them on 7 feb if hv slots lor. so ya, juz nice they say feb hv slots. hehe.
(but they hvnt work out our fees yet. i tink they r working on something for sibling discount - for twins de!)..
my husband and i were at cold storage that day and he was at the cheese section... then he asked me over and asked me to smell one.. my loud reaction "WAH LAU EH! SO SMELLY!!" ahhaahah...

got chao ta taste meh?

so sad now.. HK got one case of H5N1.... oh God please dont let this spread and pls dont let this affect us on our trip!
no lar.. not chao ta.. juz chao..smelly niah. hehe.

har.. really arh?!? H5N1 arh!?! is this another new strain or wat? last time is H1N1? SARS is wat H wat N? then izit got H3N2 or wat oso? oops!

ya.. hopefully it will be well contained n resolve soon!
baby s,

Ya, i thot of that too .. but er .. how to cook? The sauce? I know i sound really stupid but just mix and pour over the fish when cooking? Haha .. cooking idiot
<font color="aa00aa">re: bouncing kids
19th nov fri 2pm onwards

Fat bobo

anymore mummies interested?

<font color="0000ff">re: yishun safra - swimming
22nd nov mon 10am

sharon teo

any more mummies interested?
yeah u can do that..

Or u could put the fish into aluminium foil, put some butter, some lemon juice (and the lemon), garlic and some pepper, wrap it up and bake/ toast it?
baby s,

Tat sounds nice too! But i dun hv oven so i guess i can only pan-fry it. Will go get some lemon later .... hope it doesn't rain
got oven toaster? will work too, since fish is rather easy to cook. Just make sure u cover the fish well (no lobang in foil) and cook for longer..

i dont have a oven too, but i cook this way too.

I make fish pie with dory. It's great for kids.

Here's how I do it.

Boil potatoes and mash it. Sprinkle salt and pepper on fish and ccok in milk in a preheated oven. Take out, pour out milk and reserve. Use fork and mash fish. Add reserved milk, butter to mash potatoes. U can also add cooked pureed cauliflower to the mash potatoes. Put the mash potatoes on top of fish, sprinkle shredded cheese and bake in oven.

My boy loves it.
and the cheese covers the fishiness.
Ang mo supermarket having Drypers sale again..$15.95 for all sizes..restock another 2packs L72 even though I still have a spare pack at home..heehee

I went to warehouse sale at macpherson juz now..claim to have Levis, Dockers, Carters, OshKosh, Aldo etc..
Bought Aldo slipper for myself at $20, a Levis Tee St $10 n size 8 OshKosh shoes for Nat (oversized, but nvm cos can keep)..have adidas shoes for older children but all very limited stock n design..only have 2 wagons of Carters clothes but for younger babies..not tat cheap too...
Shoes only cost $9 for OshKosh brand..but very limited size n design..not alot of shoes on display...more on bigger children shoes..if u wana the address, let me knw..I fwd email to u..think it's only for 3 days, with today as 1st day
for the fish pie, do u make portion for yourself too? cos i find it not worth to pre-heat the oven and then bake any dishes haha so mafan and donno if will cost electricity bill to shoot up!

a small $30 toaster oven will do the job, unless u plan to bake cake or bread then can invest on a $100-ish worktop oven. i am kind of considering getting a toaster oven.

yishun safra swim sounds good. but too bad i left my swimsuit at friend's place lol only getting it back next wed. =( i still have my maternity swimsuit but too loose liao. T-T
