(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Mich, if you want to keep the maid at home till someone wants her then you have to bring your maid down to agency every now and then when the potential employer wanna interview your maid. So this is quite troublesome.


Yes i ate sam's leftovers


Well so far she's stopped at submerging his cup of tea in a basin of cool water haha

I won't be surprised if she did the saucer thing when he was a boy!
Jul: what.. Haiyo.. And if she did the saucer thing when he was young ok lah, but if she still does it when he is a adult, wah she really pamper her kids lo..

I'm so happy, shayna finally started walking yesterday!!! Still a bit wobbly, angle a bit off (suppose to walk straight, end up walk 45 degrees away.. Hahah)



Btw I got birds' nest only when I was expecting. After delivery, the birds' nest miraculously dried up liao haha
jul/baby s
Haha .. guess i'm the only opposite! I din want anything from my mil, cos she will boost to everyone that she bought this & that for her dil. Pui!

baby s
Ok, i finally understand when you said u were being squeezed to the edge of the bed by shayna and can't move. I experienced that yesterday!!! Really arm-numbing ....

Oh yes, congrats on shayner's 1st independent step!
mrng everyone!

BabyS, hooray to nana! she will b able to running ard for ur HK trip end of the yr tat's bad hahaha

I only had red dates chicken soup (oli few times) from MIL when i was preggie cos MIL vy "shen" de.
guess i am lucky huh? i got birdnest and cordyceps chicken soup b4 and during preggy. even till now i still get them.. mayb i am the oni dil?
pegs: hee... yeah arm numbing is the word!

donkeymami: hee... yeah hooray that she can walk and yeah.. alamamk cos she'll be runnign.. hahah... but yeah, that gives me more chance to exercise!!

babyja: u very fortunate lor, ur MIL gives u very nice gifts too lor.. =)

Wana get the address for clothes donation from you again.
Ive packed a bag of clothes and since Im off for the rest of the week, thinking of asking my husband to send me there to drop off the donation...thanks

Nothing from my MIL when preggy, she only have time for her 1st 2 grandchildren...she dun have time for Nat de...but I dun mind..hahahahha..so she compensate by buying stuff for Nat...BUT she always buy exactly the same colour, same design for my niece too..Strange, duno y she dun wana buy different colour...
though my MIL is not those shen kind.. i oni had birdnest less than 5 times.. n no chicken soup before! (not frm my mummy too.. no chicken soup at all during pregnancy!) anyways.. watever la. haha.

my MIL likes to buy weird toys for my girls.. n clothes too.. she likes to buy PJs (duno y)..n sm home clothes too.. once awhile, oso gaigai clothes.. but (oppts of dolce's MIL..) she will buy all the different different design..idividually..n especially gaigai clothes....which i dun understand y!!! they r twins, already doesnt look alike liao.. y dun let them wear same same? different colour nvm..different design oso! well, not tat they hfta hv exactly the same now.. but since they r still young..this is the time they shld enjoy the 'identical' part more........

baby s,

For mince meat, it's about 100g but it's for both lunch & dinner so it's abt 50g. For chicken, I buy chicken breast meat and divide it into 4 portions. Again, 1 portion for 2 meals.

As for vege, it depends on the leave type. If big leafy ones, i only take 1 or 2 leaves. If it's your fav xbc, i take abt 3 leaves
oh babyS:: my girls r still hvg baby-style porridge leh.... with a piece of pork rib, mince pork, some fish...n sometimes some vege..all in. same old way of cooking everyday. oni once in awhile we gv rice with same old dishes (either in soup or lightly stirfry)..once in a blue moon hv macaroni or once in a blue blue moon hv meesuah.

not like Shayna darling.. hv your adventurous cooking n all. :)

when we're out, i do let them taste some of our food (those more possible kind)....but that's it, not really eating.

hw to gauge hw much protein / vege we're gvg? :)
dolce: its MINDSville@Napiri, 7 lorong napiri (s'pore 547533). Pls tell the guard that the donation is for the Home (you can write my name and attention it to me) they should put it into a box by the side.

The guards ah, always remind them but come weekend, different guard or they canot remember!

bobo: haha.. ur prob, totally opposite of dolce..

my MIL buys clothing for shayna, but all too small or its those gawdy party party kind of dress, or long sleeved. in all the kinds of designs that i will not buy for shayna or let her wear. So far, only wore one dress that she bought (but had to wear immediately cos too small)...

re portions of food: I have been giving shayna the same amt of proteins since we started her on porridge lor. Like pegs portion, one breast meal cut into 4. one portion of that is a portion for a meal lor.. vege i'll give more..

nina: hee.... yes my fav long lasting XBC... hahaha..

bobo: she's has to eat what i cook cos her mama is the adventourous sort who likes to cook and hates cooking the same things all the way.. which reminds me, i need to think of what to cook for shayna tmrw..
was just looking at a polyclinic pamplet about baby's food intake.

for 12 month old the example states 1- 2 dessert spoons of vege and protein each per meal..

now i need to guess how much mean/ vege a dessert spoon can hold..
are u here?

i think i will give the hada labo lotion a miss...
cos my gf just passed me her bot last sun...

dun think i can finish 3 bottles by the rate that i am using...
only using 3drops per time...
1-2 dessert spoon arh? hmmmmm... den like dat seems my girls r not getting enuff!!! cos abt 1-2 dessert spoon probably or less..but BOTH sharing..n for TWO meals!!!!! oh no!!!!!
i think the portion i give is prob about 1 dessert spoon only.. but even that somettimes also looks too much leh..

bobo, for urs then ur porridge gotta cook for 2 pax liao lor.. but even based on what u are giving them they are still growing so well!
baby s,

U mean protein also 1-2 dessert spoon? Dessert spoon is the small small type rite? Isn't that too little? Ever since the pd suggested to give ovann more red meat, i have increased abit of his meat portion liao. But definitely alot more than 2 dessert spoon.
Pegs, no dessert spoon is in between table spoon and tea spoon.. i went to google, 1 flat dessert spoon is equal to 2 teaspoons..

vege need to give 1- 2 dessert spoons, proteins also 1- 2 dessert spoons..

but this is based on 12 month old diet, couldnt find for 15 month old..
oh no! i was tinking of teaspoon!!! sh*t.. confirm guarantee my girls r taking way too little liao!!! cos i guess the portion was abt teaspoon serving!!!!
baby s,

Ooh .. ok, that means my protein still more than 2 dessert spoons, so shld be ok for 15mth old de. But i think my vege need to add
Hee! finally can post here... dont know why my computer mad already...

talking about MIL.... hiak hiak!
once my MIL showed me a bunch of jap grapes which cost $70, then she pluck ONE grape off for me and kept the rest! wah lau! luckily I dont like grapes but even if she just put there to let me take I also wont take more than 3 lor!
salted tortise!
hmm... wondering how to measure 1-2 spoons of veggie....
its cooked already right? cos if 1-2 spoons of raw veggie then after cooking not much already
babyja, cos my MIL is teochew & FIL is hokkian but i heard teachew vy generous le

My hubby is oli son too! But my MIL vy shen de la. so i thk ur MIL generous la.
Hurriedly scanned thru the posts..

I think Teochew are supposed to be very "shen" - according to my MIL who is Hokkien (no offense to those who are Teochew)

Ok no prob. Maybe I ask if anyone else wants.

Hado Labo Lotion

Anyone wants? I opeend liao, used 2x, then broke out in rashes
Can pass to you. Pm me


U sent me the Taobao stuff last week? I wondered why I have this bulky mail notice. Thot got windfall haha

Wah ur MIL might as well not give u any grapes. So insulting to give 1

Why yr MIL ask u to eat those leftover food. My mum will definately wont do that to us.


U are so lucky... My FIL only cook bird nest for me once in a while....
donkeymami, SL

I think it's b/c MIL & FIL were not well off when they started out. MIL was a SAHM & FIL didn't earn that much, yet had to provide for his wife & 2 kids, so they're used to scrimping.

In fact, ILs will use only 2 plates when eating breakfast & will pass along the plate to whoever eats later so that they only have to wash 2 plates & not 4 or 6

Guess it's also to help reduce MIL's workload during the days when MIL was a SAHM with 2 kids & no help?

Anyway, I also had culture shock when I went to Hub's place the first few times heehee

Oh must qualify that it's normally bread for breakfast so the plate isn't so gross. But I'm just not used to it lor.

Hubs also carries on the habit at home sometimes. Normally I will just take my own plate if I'm not in the mood.

I think SIL practises it to a great degree too
Hehe!... so insulting right... take out one whole bunch of grapes and only give 1 grape to me...
worst thing is that she then took out another bunch of normal market grapes and ask me to eat that lor!
heng I dont like grapes lor.. I threw the expensive grape skin away in front of her... think maybe her heart bleed too. hahaha!

think she just want to show-off to me what her elder son and the rich DIL can afford to buy lor... KNS
yah... this is what I hv to go thru every week and my hb not here so they think they can bully me. anyway I already reported to my hb and tell him I deserved the right to bitch about this incident for the rest of my life! haha!
yes yes! posted your items already... but was 1-2 weeks ago leh... so you just received? hmm... maybe bulky so take longer... hiak! hiak!

hmm... at home we eat bread no need plate one... so dont even need to wash... haha!
and I will cut all the 4 edges away... think maybe your MIL will faint if she sees it!

Yeah I got the receipt on 10 Nov leh. I can only collect it today after work coz it takes a few working days to transfer

I don't mind no plate, but sharing plate is too much for me :p Oh don't worry, MIL also cuts away the edges.. but recently she doesn't. Hmm.. is it coz got more mouths (aka me & maid) to feed???
