(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

morning ladies..

oh it a procedure to check block fallopian tube.. becos they will pour some chemical into ur fallopian tube to see if it flow thru n the force is quite big so it helps to straighten the tube make it easier for spermie to swim thru...

oh... i didnt know there was such a procedure..

maybe my cousin needs this procedure.. cos she said they did some x ray, seems the tubes are blocked and they still cant have kids yet..
i tink the x-ray refer to the HSG... they willl pour the chemical in n take x-ray cos the chemical is those special 1 for x-ray... but if ur counsin is only 1 side block still can conceive if both side i tink operation needed bah..
one side the drs confirmed that it was blocked, then the other side they not so sure. Suppose to do more tests but she was scared. So dunno if got go or not..

re straw bottles: I am thinking of getting a bottle with a soft straw for shayna. Cos she loves her magmag (with step 2 teat) so much.. I cannot put on the straw top and give to her, cos she'll either 1) try to use the straw, then decided to put her whole mouth over the cap and all (hope that she can use it like step 2 teat) or 2: after a while at straw, she'll protest and ask for step2 teat.

So i thought of getting a straw bottle that looks totally different from mag mag and with a longer straw.. (Cos magmag straw so short, the cap/ cover gets in the way and she cant really suck.. and if she doesnt see the magmag bottle and handle she may not demand for the magmag teat that she likes)

I was looking around, munchkin straw bottle looks like the straw is quite long and may not block .. any other suggestions of brands?

donkeymami: i saw u using the hello kitty bottle for jovia that day.. how much was that bottle? straw long enough?
anyone knows where to get this type of milk bottle in SG?
there's a flexible straw inside the bottle so kiddo no need to lay down or tilt head to drink

kiki: I think i saw something similar to this at tom and stephanie.. but i saw it around dec last year. dunno if still have or not..

i know in the BPs/ Sprees they sell bottles like this but is straw kind, not milk bottle..
I bought the munchkin one...it's much harder to suck
but colourful designs
i'm looking for alternatives as well
cos Mag Mag v hard to wash...or is it all straw cups the same??
piggytoh: oh i see i heard before before dont know the real term for it. think PD will see what colour comes out also? purple or what?
magmag: i also got problem with the straw. my boi still cannot suck cos it stuck at the bottom of bottle
i go to my gynae he refer me to a lab lo.. can go any gynae 1 they will be able to refer...

no the colour dun matters cos mainly to see if can flow thru anot n take x-ray only...
pigeon also had another type of straw top, the shape is hour-glass one
when my boy drink from the straw bottle, his mouth will surely touch the cap one, its to help them judge how much of the straw should go into the mouth bah... cos when I give him the normal coffeeshop straw, he like almost poke the whole straw in. I have to put my finger on the staw to stop him from doing that...
sharon / babys
must wash the inside of the straw, especially if you use with juice or milk.
Most shop sells those very fine straw brush. if really too dirty already then got to change the straw... but I find replacement straw price not much diff, so might as well get a new bottle.
thanks for the iherb spree. I already transferred my payment

tks for the gino scissor spree, made my payment too.

haha paisey owe so many ppl $$ :p
oh.. talking abt the straw cup.... Mattea has been using her teeth to 'ply' open the cap.. n den turn the other side n close it! im afraid her lower teeth will be crooked or even worse if break!!!!! how to stop her from doing it. (she's so stubborn.. the more i stop her..the more she wana do it!! n even laughed at her sis for using hands to open the cap!!!!! faint!)
yes yes piggy, collect from your MIL ok? Thank you very much.

Btw the fish oil really so much cheaper as compare to I buy in SGD. The price I bought here is $90+ for big bottle...
kiki:: *faintz* haha~ nvr associate with that tho.. bahahhahaha...
hmmmm~ then muz be the daddy who 'taught' her de lor! sai la!!!

re: milk intake
aft hvg 'stucked' at 3-4.5oz for the loooooooooongest time.. my girls suddenly decided to increase their milk intake to 6.5oz (abt 180ml) nw! weird, y increase milk intake at this stage... when they're supposed to increase on solid intake!?! m i not gvg enuff food? abt 1 chinese soup spoon of rice grains per meal per baby..... not enuff arh?? shld i be increasing it?
ya tt y i buy from iherb direct all this while alot cheaper... sure i jus checked the package have arrived.. be4 u go let me know k...

usu at 1 yo they wil have growth spurt 1..
bobo: hahaha.. she laugh at ur sis cos she thinks ur sis is weird. "why she open with her hands? the correct way is to open with your teeth, thats how i do it!"

so cute lah she...

Sharon: oh yeah hor, never thought of that (lets them gauge how much of the straw to put in)

Oh the munchkin harder to suck ah? then maybe not too good for shayna now.. sometimes when i give her normal straw, she can suck, but when i give magmag straw, no success.. also cos she is distracted by magmag..
re: babies' development
is it true that those whose motor development r earlier will be slower in speech development?
or no link... it's individual de?

actually Mattea & Keona r not considered fast in motor development oso la... but hor.. i tink their speech development quite slow. they r speaking very little now.. n still "arrh arrh" "urrh urrh"..n watnot alot. randomly will speak few words..though smtimes 2 syllubus words.. but ya..i find quite random kind.

hw arh.. when shld we really get concern abt it..n bring them for test... or just leave it..they will when they are ready!?!
babyS:: no.. Mattea laughed at Keona when she uses her hands to open the cap... she's like.."see..no hands..neh neh neh bu bu~~"
my boy motor skill also not fast wor, till now he cannot really walk, stand walk 2~3 steps squat down again - super kiasi :p

words so far his 2 syllabus will be daddy and mummy which he pronounced very clearly, the rest are single words e.g. car car, milk milk, bye bye, gor gor, star. Else most of the time he will be blabbering :p

OF COURSE no need to bring them for test!!! They will do it when ready :p
tt wat i heard la many say if 1 learn to speak first their motor skill will be slower but i see my boi v talkative n he can walk pretty fast now so i tink depend on individual?

i jus trsf to u. pls check. thanks for helping to order.
the package so fast arrive?! i'm surprised.
what time will u be home today? i'll go over to your pl either today or tomorrow.
ok ok will check when i get home.. ya via DHL so v fast.. i tink tml better cos i need to collect from my MIl house n sort first... :p
Baby S

i agree with sharon, munchkin straw harder to suck but javier prefer the munchkin one than magmag.. so now usually i use magmag for teat and munchkin for straw..
My gal can't talk much yet. Only daddy and mama. She's happily toddling away.

was thinking of wat your jap colleague told u abt the weather while thinking of what to wear. Then recalled an incident in Harbin. We were sharing a lift with a bunch of locals. The locals were talking about how warm that day is. Our eyes all big big coz it's -16deg outside and we were wrapped like bah zhang. Then they commented on us 肯定不是本地人. So don't take what the locals say wholesale. Their idea of nearby can be a 20 min walk to us. And when they say 10mins walk, add another 10mins to it. Kekekeke
haha i agree with u.. tt time i go Korea it was -10 deg i wear like 5 pcs of clothing n still shivering n the gal ther wear short skirt with leggin tt all.. faintz.. cos i ever in Jap when the temp is ave 17deg n it cold for me all thanks to my aunt who went to hokkaido den Tokyo n told me Tokyo not cold n the followin wk i go i only bring a norm jacket
... n my local kolig who was there end oct also say it cold keke..
re: flashcards
anybody bought flashcard for your toddler? I am searching for a proper set not those from popular ones :p

oh dear, did u have to buy clothes to wear then? Ya, cannot listen to those who came down from colder places. After I went Harbin, we went Beijing and altho it was 5 deg, we were sweating like pigs. Felt so hot at 5 deg. Crazy hor. Kekeke.
Hi Mummies

Does yr mag mag leak? Cos my alway leak. Previously my elder gal used it before but don't have this problem. Now brought the new 1 alway hv this prob.

Btw the brush to wash the straw is available at Daiso...
ya this time round goin to bring more clothing...

my mag mag also leak but i realise it becos the way i tighten it so for mag mag mus be v careful..

I bought from popular actually. It's real photos not drawing which I prefer. I have an animal set and 2 double sided animal & everyday life set. I made my own Glenn doman red dots flash cards too. Too lazy. Esp with no 2. My elder boy will quickly tell me the flashcards before I can even say it when I flashed to my gal. So end up I flashed words for him to read instead.

There is a shop at United Sq selling the flashcards. But don't know is it the one u looking for.


Oh really... Will go bk and look on it than. Cos alway leak.
bobo: i think it all depends on the individual lah..

Shayna was slow in motor skills compared to the babies here. up till now also just "mamamammamama" and other random words, but no proper words..

celine, yeah must check that the words are spelled correctly.

I saw one flash card b4, selling really cheap. but thank GOd i never buy. Cos there was a pic of a xiao bai cai, and the chinese words read "you cai".. as if thats not bad enough, the english word read "RAPE."

i have no idea why xbc is you cai in chinese and even worse, rape??? piang.. haha
my girl will also read out loud when i flash the cards for my boy...
so jiejie read for didi...haha

ur magmag leak?
is the pc of white stopper still there?
if the stopper is not position properly or is missing,it will leak...

i got my flashcards from the big book shop. Mine is photos pic with both chinese and english name for that object in flashcard.
i oso got flashcards.. not used.. crazy during #1 time.. bought the whole GD set.. then when i wanted to start the program.. #1 keep cheekily run away from me.. or play peek-a-boo w me when i tried to flash the cards... argg boys r monkeys .. gonna start with #2 bah??

Initially i thought my mum never put the stopper properly so leak. But than when I fix it properly still leak leh. Don't know what happen. Might go and get the colourful 1 fm pigeon to see if having this problem as well...
#2 me not worried abt motor skills and such leh? :p.. coz she can clearly "communicate" what she wants in her own ways..? e.g. she was practically dragging me n pushing me when i was lying at the sofa area.. when she wanted me to carry her to her tricyle to play.. arghhh persistent stubborn girl

lazy mummy for #2.

oh.. finally after 2 mths of maidless. my maid arrived yesterday :D
