(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

pinkmama, hope your nephew gets well soon!

piggy, think last time my gynae only give fish oil from week 14-16 onwards...
u can start goin for 1 from 3rd trim onwards..
Promotes relaxation, helps to relieve stress, facilitates transitions through physical nurturing and emotional bearing
resulting in lesser pre-natal depression suffered.
- Reduces swelling (Edema), increases blood and lymphatic circulation.
- Relieves trigger points
- Reduces any musculoskeletal strain and pain especially in the 3rd trimester. (7-9 months)
- Fosters maternal touch
- Reduces complications on foetus development
- Lesser swelling
- Lesser numbness
kilala, I think it depends. I still do massages now in Shanghai with my beautician. She uses the stretchmark oil to do for me. Although, my malay massage lady in Singapore would only take from 24 weeks onwards. But I will die if I dun do the massage. I need the destress.
May i know ur reasons why? Cos i m also considering whether to do it..

Fish Oil
Dunno,gynae give i eat lor.Anyway,no fishy smell compared to previous brand i took.Anyway,good also since i cannot stomach any fish related stuff now.
finally went for my 1st gynae visit...can see bb moving!!
bb is 2.7cm....9 weeks

gynae is dr wong fr acj...she is really a nice lady...feel v comfortable wif her

will b going for oscar test during my next visit
Thanks Piggytoh.
Just that the tot of fish now can make me wana puke, let alone swollowing fish oil, and some of them even mention the fishy smell start coming up after swallowing it. That would indeed be terrible.....................
Really not looking fwd to it. Hope the doc does not prescribe to me today
no prob.. but u can take first n try to take when u feel better lor.. cos with all the benefit i tink it better to take..
congrats sharron

massages?i love them kekkekekke
Went for massages almost every week ( foot reflex too) while having hayley,1st child.

continued my fott relfex straight after delivery in the hospital...really helped for my pain and blocked milk ducts :p
ok, only from 3rd trim.
my back is already almost broken and shoulders are sore all the time. sign.... have to ren then.

Any recommendations?
thanks irene, shirley and weishy

yeah irene...i b seeing dr wong on 11th feb again

yup shirley...shld be ard 11-12 weeks, will be doing at TMC, more convenient

re: massages
can we go for normal massages? i haf a uncompleted spa package...wondering if its safe to go??
Hi Ladies

I am back from my test and the verdict. The NT U/S result and the blood test contradict so doc wants me to do CVS to confirm the result. Feeling really down as we have pray for so long and finally pregnant with #2. Please pray with us that the result from CVS will give us favourable result and that BB will be healthy with no Down's Syndrome.

Pink, thanks for asking.
better dun go for normal massage if u wan must tell them u preg dun massage the tummy area... or u can call n check with them..
sharon: From what I feel, normal massages might be ok, as long as it's not too hard and u don't use essential oil (oil like lavendar is not good). And as long as the person doing the massage for u is aware u are pregnant, and knows what to and what not to do, I think shd be ok. I act even went for a few times chinese tuina massage when I was pregnant with my 1st kid. U need to be comfortable la. If u keep worrying, then I would suggest u dun go.
i ask my dr in shanghai and says no foot massage cos if they press on the unterus spot will cos it to contract...

I've stopped my weeking massage session and I'm missing it!
Sharon, the OScar test only accurate by taking around wk 11 to wk 13. So as long as within that period would be already
pris.. prayers are with u & family..
dun worry.. the CVS will be orite de.. prolly they din perform the NT U/S & blood test properly.. so results abit off.
dun tink too much okie.

God Bless~
why are essential oils not good too?

errrh.. sometimes i use the tea tree oil (the oil itself) on my pimple spots on face.. is it ok?
pris, dun worry, i m sure the results wil turn out well, stay positive ya?

I woke up after 1.5hrs of slp n cldnt slp back
sharon, congrats!

pris, hope everything goes well tomorrow. Don't worry too much. My friend's test results also showed there may be a problem, but ended up the baby was fine!
Pris, don worry too much, you will be alright!

BTW, you will be doing the CVS by Through the cervix (transcervical) or Through the abdomen (transabdominal)?
i was juz feeling hungry agn.. den made a mug of hot milo... nw oso feel weird weird de.

juz nw managed to purge a-little-bit.. but was glad.. n was juz tinking.. today feeling better than ystrday.. den nw.. the feeling cm le.

kns.. they say.. "singaporeans bueh sai oh lo aeh" (cant praise a singaporean.. ugly pattern will surface....smting like dat)... really lor.. juz tot better today.. cm already lor.

still rmbr couple of wks ago.. i still say i abit worried hw cm u all hv MS.. i dun hv! YA LOR.. say le.. oso come nice nice one lor! *clap clap*


errh.. actually wat is CVS arh? wat thru cervix or thru abdomen?
oh... my evng-till-nite-sickness is much worse de.. i mean.. smtimes daytime (if heng heng) still better.. but when cm to sun setting to sun set liao... *pui*
Pris, dun upset although ur result not vy good but doesn't mean ur BB has D/S. Anyway CVS can give u better idea on this

I'll gng for OSCAR test tmr also...wish me good luck
fat bobo,
me too.. lunch i can still eat but dinner time i am v turn off by food.. after eat feel terrible like thing stuck in chest n v bloated..
I read somewhere that lavender oil is for relaxation and is especially good if you have menstrual cramps, it will help to relax the uterus and break down the blood. Thus avoid using during pregnancy, as it can induce labour or m/c
