(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Dear all, good morning.
I also very much wish to stay at home and look after my bb next time, and cook for the family. But I cannot tahan facing my mil at house

There is not much job satisfaction in my job right now, but for the sake of a fixed mthly salary and the need to give my parents monthly allowance....bo pian, just have to continue working.

Tmw, I am going for my NT scan at NUH in the morning. Wish me luck and hope everything is normal... * prayed hard*

morning mummies... yesterday i took mc cos i was so tired and so achy all over.. i now dunno how to differentiate if i am sick or having MS.. haha..

tinkabel, matthias is a handsome little guy.

pris, will keep u in prayer.. =)

re lou hei: I volunteered to do one lou hei that i had on tuesday.. cos i know if use radish i cannot eat.. so i volunteer to prepare and i used cucumbers instead. ahha.... then my friends so nice, becos got two preggy women, they toss the veges first, then fish add onto their own plates.
i gian eating the yusheng... But prob hv to give this a miss this year since I am not returning to Singapore. Sigh... I have been having cravings for braised duck rice for some reason. Haha...
yah lor, and i didnt include the seeds too.. and whole portion in the whole plate of yu sheng only two cucucmbers only.. so the amount i ate is prob about 5 slices of cucumber..
a bit of yusheng should be ok, just dont eat the raw fish... normally I will eat about 3-4 mouthfuls, which mostly is the crispy stuff, veg a little bit only, I think even less than 3 slices
I still take sashimi though. As with all other food, I think moderation is the key. Just don't take too much.

kilala, the four seasons japanese buffet in shanghai is really good and the sashimi is so fresh.
kilala, haha... The last time we went there and ordered so much sashimi... Really fresh. Price is about RMB 200 ++. I mean for a fresh Japanese buffet, it's freaking worth it. Other gd buffet to try is the Shangrila one in Pudong. They say it's very good too... But I dun eat a lot so my hubby tends to tink it's a waste of money to go buffets. Maybe I can try in my 2nd trimester where I start eating more. hahaha...
shirley, yeah i realised that you also used RH.
i think antenatal for #1 for me was $1K and delivery charges another $1K t- that was apr 07. this time round, the package started from my last visit (9w). i love RH - so new, clean and comfortable. the food was also very nice.

i also love sashimi - that's why cannot resist eating one slice last night. i dun dare to take from buffet though coz u really dunno how long the fish has been placed out there. normally i'll eat from those jap restuarant that i am familiar with that imports the fish weekly directly from the famous japanese fish market and i normally order on the day that fish arrives - usually means very pricey but i think generally 'safer'. i do eat a lot less than before though.
michele, the buffet I was taking about, is an ala carte buffet. So u order, then they serve. So no worries about it being placed out there for a long time.

hey anyone using Dr Chan KH from Glen E?
i just vomitted out my bak kwa breakfast.... sooo disgusting.. 2.5hrs and still not digested in the stomach... and the red coloring... yucks yucks yucks!!!!! at least bak kwa still dun smell so bad as braised ducks..
tt time i eat KFC den 3hr later i vomit out the meat lor... can see the meat pcs clearly yucks lor... so i tink the food maybe not even reach our stomach jus stuck at the throat..lol~
piggytoh, the puking sounds gross. Arghhh... Next time, mayb eat a little at one time. But I guess just bear with it abit more. 1st trimester will be over very soon for some of us... Count down...
tinkabel:hehehehe me also stil take sushi and sashimi :p.......which is nto supposed to cos uncooked mah.........if kena food poisoning........really can harm our little friend
......mommy always takign risks :p

braised duck rice ~~~~~hahhhhhhhhhhhhh nice nice!!!!!
hello everyone!

hey, i jus realised tat there're so many 'horses' ard. i'm also a 'horse'! haha!

totally agree wif the after-taste in the mouth after vomitting. i've to brush my teeth each time i vomit. told my mum tat no point eating. eat alreadi puke. sigh....

tomorrow will be going for my 3rd appt, which will be my 12th week. most prob not going to do the DS test. only doing the blood test. can't wait to see my baby again.
oh.. according to fengshui... last day really bad yr for horse mah.. but like getting preggy is one of the tings dat will like happened to horses oso de.. errrh.. cant rmbr wat exactly or how they put it across.. but i rmbred at the start of the yr last yr, my MIL said smting like dat to me de lah.
hi all ladies here,
I am new here. Thks to dr foong, i manage to get pregnant after go thru his fertility treatment. Now i am in my 6wk,consider junior here.. Havent go 4 any scanning yet.. Now i am in a delimma. Not sure whether to continue with dr foong?he is a nice doc but not sure whether his stiches is it gd since never hv friend under him b4.anyone here has dr foong fr gleaeagles as ur gynea? Also not sure whether to continue due to gleaneagles is far far fr my place.. I am staying at sembawang.. Had been thinking of going to thomson medical but not sure who is gd there? See many of u under jacelyn wong,is she gd? Kindly advise who is gd at stiches in thomson medical? I am very confuse now and will be grateful 4 any reply... Thk u.
I think I just had my first experience of preg hormones.

Last nite, hubby came home then gave me disapproving looks for a couple of hrs. When I asked him what's wrong, he scolded me for eating too much Rocher, that I'm gonna be a mummy & I need to be more grown up & take better care of myself.

Dunno why I suddenly just burst into tears, & started mumbling abt how I was hungry, there's nothing to eat at home, I can't go out to get food, Rocher helps to temper my nausea & heartburn,.. then I ended with crying for my mummy! Gosh, I dunno what happened to me!
babylet:thhink hormonal change la......ur hubby must hv been lost??????think can eat but moderate loooooooo
i love rocher too kakkakakkak

but take care though.......dun wanna get urself pre natal blues mah
hi tinkabel,

Im seeing Dr Chan KH from Gleneagles.
In fact, he was the one who delivered my gal last year
u seeing him too?

Is there anything I can do? The pus is very terrible leh. The face looks like a carpet, so rough & disgusting. I dun even wanna look at myself in the mirror now


Hi5! Gues we're a bunch of lazy horses, not the hardworking workhorse type hahaha.


Dun feel guilty lah. Not all of us are created the same. If u're hardworking, u shd do what u're best at. Forcing urself to change into someone else will only make u unhapp[y, & u will take ur stress out on ur boy, which is no point right? Sometimes I also wish I were more piah, but CMI
Ur boy is so cute, hee looks a bit Japanese. Why do all boys look a bit Jap nowadays?


Congrats on the gd news!

Wow, ur BB is big! When I went for scan at 6 weeks, babylet only like 3 mm wor.


Gd luck for your test 2moro. Dun worry ok? Be positive!


Hello & wlecome

Really got such thing as pre-natal blues???

Think hubby very pekchek. Scolding me for being naughty, then I burst into tears, so he cudn't scold me anymore. Aiyoh, really dunno what happened to me.

Maybe I hse arrest this week so cooped up in the hse & went crazy.

I dun seem to have oily face. In fact, skin a bit dry now. It's the horrible pus that is driving me nuts. Really looks like I ate a few kg of seafood then kena toxin attack *sigh*
hmm.. i will ask her next week then. Very pek chek to see my face haha.

Gog off to get lunch. V hungry. C u gals later! ")
Joanne, Welcome!

I also went to Dr Foong last year, fortunately after 1 cycle of clomid, we strike already.
I like him very much and he is very nice, but I agree that his clinic is too far for me also.
That's why I decided to go to RH now cos its just next to bugis MRT.
