(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

I am 10 weeks as at today, so by then we go lo hei, should be 11+ wk bah, erm...ya I still pantang lei. But I think some of them suspect, because I have been declining a lot of invitations to lunches, parties, etc.... Guess after I pass 1st trismester, I got a lot of explanation to do.


I still have constipation despite taking a lot of veg & fruits, I even took the fruit acid tablet from gynae but like no help leh...anyone got any suggestion what else to take to ease the problem?
This CNY yr, I have no mood to shop, eat and buy anything at all. Basically becos I still puke. Feel so frustrating at times!

My girl refused to answer if she wants didi or meimei, she just replied "It's a BABY!"
In the beginning she said "meimei" then I also don't know why she suddenly begins to say "It's a BABY".
keke u same as me exactly 10wk today..
for me my friend ask me if i preg when i gave the pukin action when we went out for dinner i jus gave them a smile lor.. anyway most of my relative know abt it liao thanks to my mum so i not so strict it not comin from my mouth can liao..
Finally did my 1st ultrasound today. 8 weeks now and bb's heartbeat is a racer haha... Wow all the food is making me salivate... Can't wait to go back to Singapore

Why can't take bananas? Just avoid delmonte banana will do, other banana species are ok to take. Papaya oso ok to take mah. Dun worry
hmmm..1st tri is 12wks or 14wks? Some say 12 some say 14 eh..im confused..my friends also guessing if i m preggy..i kp avoiding answering them lo..after hiding so long feel like hiding till i give birth..haha..but i think quite difficult..
Re: Fruits

Actually i heard extreme sayings that cannot eat any fruits that are orange/yellow in colour. Cos might cause phelgm and prob even jaundice. but hack la, how to avoid all orange stuff. I remember when I had my 1st baby, it was summer and I had huge cravings for mangoes.

Ya lor ... my mum didn't eat fruits, or specifically orange/yellow colour fruits, but my brother oso kena jaundice.
ya the delmonte banana cannot. the other banana species should be ok, but my dh only goes grocery shopping at cold storage ( most convinient) & they don't sell the other species there. I will take papaya then, I like the hawaiian kind

u r like me, hiding from my friends. I think end of week 12 and start of week 13 is the 2nd trimester.

my tcm specifically told me to avoid
1) pineapples
2) mangoes
3) del monte bananas ( this one is from friends & colleagues & mother in law )

He said the best fruit to take are apples & chinese pears.

But according to gynae, best fruit to take are kiwis, strawberries & grapes
pink, after hearing so many stories, i dun feel like announcing at all..haha..anyway i m far far away,they cun c my tummy also..my dad even say dun need to tell my relatives,if not they will come n kpo..haha..
my problem is my friends keep asking me out for activities like shopping, lunches, dinners, drinks...aiyo, I ran out of excuses to tell them already. I give in sometimes, just going for a short dinner at most, but will say no to after dinner drinks.

i really really hope I can past the next two weeks smoothly, so I don't have to think of excuses to tell them anymore
pinkmama, I am not so sure abt strawberries, cos my hubby didnt let me eat. He says strawberries are one of the most porous fruits. Meaning, it could hv absorbed the most fertiliser. But hack la, just eat everythg in moderation.

Cherrois, I think as long as u are comfy, u can let them know. No need to wait till 1st trimester is over. Act, I think a good time, is after u get the oscar test done.
Re: Constipation
For me, drinking lots of water and milk helps.
As compared to a few weeks back, going to toilet was like "Lian Gong", now's quite smooth.
yup,was thinking after the scan, but....my results take more than a week to come out...haha..but oh well,i can wait till then,since alrey hide so long le...
Hey gals,
Hm.. i still dont have special craving to any food/fruits.
Today not a gd day for me.. feel so bloated
Hi Ladies,

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Pls PM me more more info
My colleagues also keep asking me to join them for their gym sessions, and i just keep quiet and smile..hahaa...
Will tell them after come back from CNY holiday.
By then already end of week 12.
im back.. lala.

had a bowl of bar chor chor bee hoon... den went to long john silver n share a fish+chicken set with my fren.. den went food court to get guava. haha..i pour alot of powder into my guava, oni to realise it's SALT.. bahaha, luckily auntie kind to wash for me..den i pour in the serng mueh hoon. haha.

dolce, u oso work ard suntec area? im at tower 4, pegsfur's at cent towr (errh..correct?).. den shirley at tower 3 or smting izit arh?
piggy, wow 8 years ago is $500... I remember the doctor's fees at Mt A was only $400 for the epidural. Hopefully its still $400 now

smurfy, oops... but if its a good friend, then never mind bah... that time my friend stay in hospital, when I visited, also helped her to go toilet to pee.
oh.. i've been eating qutie abit of oranges lately leh.. errrh..hopefully ok bah.
especially with the nausea feeling, i feel dat after eating cold oranges, shiok arh.

oh, izit we're not supposed to take too much citrus fruits? oops.. i juz bought 10 oranges at hm leh.

wah.. the guava with the plum powder.. shiok leh.
ya the colouring i referrin is jaundice.
i still eat papaya but not v often if eat too much i tink will get.. my aunt told me sesame oil also dun take too much...
i still feel nausea but a lot better le..
I just had BK mushroom swiss.. So sinful.. Craving for guava again.... lol!

1 packet of guava is ok.. Wont get constipated.. =)
my sis deliver in GE, MT A n TMC be4 i tink the price is abt the same maybe she round up bah...

i was told orange eat too much baby will have lots of phelgm n mango my MIL say contain toxin so better dun take so much.....
piggy.. u noe why sesame oil cant take too much?
recently when i cooked my own meal (eg meeshua soup).. i used lots of sesame oil with ginger leh!
fat bobo,
my aunt got all this info from those newspaper report 1 u know sometime chinese newspaper they got those lifestyle section with diff topic everywk if not wrong i also not sure...
but i tink not every1 kena but i rather play safe den sorry.. cos u nv know the gene in u etc..
i tink she say TMC n GE bah... cos my gynae as long pte he can go keke...

i tink it becos of the food tt Asian like to eat... out cookin add a lot of sesame oil n soy sauce etc..
eerks.. suddenly come to think of it.. ginger we oso cant eat too much nw hor?

garlic? oso yellowish de rite?

but ya... i oso agree that since noe.. den better avoid le.. better be save den.........

yawnz.. so many things cant eat... i miss shark's fin soup.. i miss lamb chop, lamb stew, soup kambeng, sashimi, sausage (wah..ikea de hot dog).. half-boil egg, pineapple, ... ... ....
Re; jaundice

it's coz the liver not well developed lah. Not becoz of orange stuff that we ate. We ourselves will turn abit orange if we overeat orangey stuff but it's harmless. So everything in moderation. I didn't eat much orangey stuff my boy also got jaundice. So pls read abt things, find out more, don't just depend on hearsay.

Anyway, why worry. Really, most bbs will get jaundice. The good thing is we're giving birth in July/Aug when sun is plentiful. When my boy had jaundice, we had nowhere to sun him except admit into hospital coz it was raining everyday.
Hi Mashy,
i agreed with u, we have to really read more instead of just hearsay.
From what i know oranges wont cos jaundice but cannot eat too much when preggie cos bb next time will have alot of phlegs.. so i take 1 orange alternate day.
Those food if we over eat and will cos colouring is carret and papaya... i still eating just moderate.
