(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

I still remember those days when I cried so badly cos I missed her so much when she was in the hospital for 48hrs for sun tanning (she had it on the 5th day). The nurses at KK were very patient, slowly explained the term of jaundice to us.

Regg, which gynae are you seeing from Mt A? $800 from week 12 sounds pretty reasonable for a package! So you're planning to deliver at Mt A? I've quite enjoyed their confinement food

mashy, yup, the PD told me jaundice is due to the liver's inability to breakdown bile after birth. Did you stay in hospital with your boy while he was there for jaundice? I was running back and forth like a mad woman delivering expressed BM, really tough man.
i agree mus read but i do believe external stuff tt contain colourin will make the condition worse.. but it up to individual la.. no doubt sun big can help but there r diff level of jaundice also rite ?
piggy, actually some jaundice cases sun a little bit in the morning/evening sun then can already. But for my 2 girls, the level was quite high, so PD admitted them to be sunned 24 hours in the hospital...
My gynae is Dr Lim YM(female)
Wen Lim Clinic for Women Pte Ltd
Mt A Medical Centre Blk B

Her charges:
first consultation : $100
following : $60
package fr 3rd mth : $800
normal viginal delivery : $1200
Hos stay(2 days)single rm :$2200-2400

So far i went 3 visit i spent $650+ with blood test done.
Hope this help
Regg, thanks for sharing the costs with me. Your gynae's charges looks quite similar to mine. Except that my gynae's package starts at week 20 for $600. I think I may also take up the single room. Heard that if pay using POSB Everyday card got some kind of special price for the maternity package, must go check it out.
if i recall correctly, Day 5 is usually jaundice peak?.. my boy couldn't get pass it and i spend CNY eve and 1st day CNY running to and fro the hospital with EBM then oso...

My poor boy kenna breastmilk jaundice. Terrible right? Can't feed him my BM. sigh. I was busy pumping my BM and rushing to see him too. But the nurses said don't visit so often coz will affect his suntanning sessions, so i only visited once a day.

yes, sun can help. For the very jia lut ones i think have to do blood transfusion i think. But those are rare cases. My boy's kenna bm jaundice, so sun can only help a bit. But must abstain from bm until he's better. It affected my BM supply after that coz he didn't wanna suck liao.
mashy oh dear, BM jaundice... that's really sad cos even if want to give him the precious bit of BM also cannot. So later on, did he take EBM after discharged?
Ya during my visit to Mt A, i do saw some poster in the lift stated POSB everyday card get special price etc.. hm.. have to ask during this coming sat visit.

yes, he took. But it took a very long while for his jaundice to finally clear. And by then, my BM levels was very badly affected already. So didn't really succeed in TBF, can only manage partial ones. And coz he didn't wanna suck anymore, i had to pump out all the milk. Supersianz...
bm jaundice last for how long ar? so u mean initial stage, it was not recommended to give BM at all, or u still can partial with FM n BM?. i know my lactation consultant was afraid my boy would get be hospitalized for jaundice... so she got me to dribble FM on my breasts while he suckled.. did that for 1-2 days.. but still cannot make it.. and was hospitalized for 2 days.. but i dun think mine is BM jaundice case

can last very long. like at least 1mth or so. Supposed to stop bm just 1-2 days. But it never really goes off so long as i feed him my BM during that first mth. Even though a lot of literature said it's perfectly fine to continue feeding bm, but to see our kids so yellow still very worrying lor. I rather not insist on bm than to see him like that.
how do we know it's a case of BM jaundice and not simple jaundice? ask PD ar? but if PD not pro-bfing. then he definitely say dun give BM at all right?
yup i know mild case sun abit is ok but serious case can be v bad.. so i eat in moderate lor.. cos when we BF if our body so much colourin content will make it worse also...
self sun tanning.
it's only for a few minutes in the early morning and late evenings hor... otherwise the direct sun rays too strong for the Newborns... and ultraviolet ridiation (cannot remmeber abt this part) can harm them more than help them
I cant eat much actually, i only eat half pack of the meehon soup for lunch, i have no appetite so i dont force to finish it... so now i try to eat abit hehe

It's thru blood test. So poor thing leh. Little bb gotta take blood from the heel of his foot. The nurse forbade me to go in but my hb took a peek after that and said it was a blood shed. There was blood all over. And my brave little boy didn't cry at all.

it won't make it worse, probably just make it a little of a mistaken diagnosis.
yah, but the blood test will onli let us know whether he got jaundice or not right, and not whether it is BM jaundice or simple jaundice?
smurfy/piggy, me too... I always very hungry, but when facing the food, I will feel full after a few bites... very sian... its esp bad at dinner time for me. Last night only ate a few strands of vege, a few mouths of rice and some fruits. Then my maid ask me, is it her cooking not nice??? haiz...

piggy, yes just hope our babies dun have bad case of jaundice. Its really very heartbreaking to see them lying in the tanning bed in the hospital without any clothes on *sob sob*
hmm...talking abt bbs with prob, my little nephew worst. Less than a month old he was diagnose with some illness - sorry forget how to spell, where a portion of his intestines not working. So it causes him to have a lot of wind in the stomach. Problem is he can only go for surgery when he is 5kg but now he only less than 4 kg. So now very poor thing, have to manually pump out his stools.
oh my gosh pink... hopefully your little nephew will be well soon. so ke lian.. so little.. den need wat? pump out stool? gosh.. so torturing!

hope he will gain weight fast fast n can get surgery to correct the problem soon.

God bless!
He shld be able to go for surgery next month.

I also have a lot of wind in stomach recently but seems like only happen when I take cabbage. I think certain food can cause wind.
Hi piggytoh & smurfy,
I also dun have gd appetite..thot MS went away for good then it returned with a vengence,now super sensitive to smell,even being in foodcourt is a torture,have to tabao.Even cannot smell anything remotely fish or garlic..
It is normal for us to be bloated n/or constipated.

Heh ladies,
U knw a grp of gynae wrote a book titled "The art and science of pregnancy and childbirth" Not bad lei..i jus borrowed it from the library.
Answered a lot of questions we may have..
It seems fish does not agree with our littles one now..haha..did u gynae put u on some fish oil pills? Gd thing tat is not fishy smelling..
i can eat fish but those smell v strong 1 i cant take it.. no leh no fish oil pill yet... next appt will see if he will start me on iron etc...
PJ.. my gynae gave me those fish oil capsule tingy... wah kaoz.. a couple of times, minutes aft i swallow them.. the damn freaking disgusting fishy smell/taste start to cm up my pipe lor... damn xin ku!!!!!!!
sometimes i will push it to the end of my tongue there den flush down water.. sometimes so bad untill.. i skip the capsule for a few days le.

oh ya.. i hvnt taken today's 'helping'!! sianz!
not a must... but some gynaes prescribe it... my gynae is again, those "Everything okay, dun need type"... told me if i eat fish 3x a week, dun need the fish capsule oredi.. me was never prescribed iron tablets as well.

hmm.. how come u gals so early must take fish oil i tot usu 2nd trim den start??

Fish Oil During Pregnancy Prevents Allergies, Asthma and Eczema.
i heard it helps in producin more milk also dunno how true..
