(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Mich, for initial stage when i had brown discharge, she gave me 5 days hospitalise. Recently also given me 7 days hospitalise (2 days really in hospital), 5 days at home....

My gynae fm RH.
fatbobo, thanks for the welcome! I also had something similar too. I had it removed too cos it keeps getting infected/swollen due to contact with underwear. Yes, really expensive to remove isn't it? Mine was really small, and the surgeon charged me $700! How come your company won't pay for this? Thought this kind of surgeries normally would be covered under co. insurance?
i din hv company doctor's referral leh. the bloody doc say cant backdate.. 2 days oni niah mah. PUII!

anyways.. i tink i will still try to submit in the insurance form c hw lor... $2k leh! i nearly faint when i saw the invoice..

oh btw.. my gynae's package is $1k!!!! another fainter!!!!!!!!!!!!
shirley, stayed in hospital for vomiting? Is your MS better now? I almost landed in the hospital for my no. 1 cos puke too many times a day and couldn't hold down anything. But my boss was really kind and let me "work at home" so I ended up lying at home instead of hospital.
morning gals

How was yr cny shopping yesterday ? Must be damn crowded everywhere.

I am taking it super easy this cny...not going to stress myself up. Left most of the tasks to dh...poor thing he not only must work, still must buy lunch for me everyday & do all the household errands. Really appreciate him
fatbobo, yes, you should try to submit the claim, maybe it'll actually go through! What does the 1k package cover?

smurfy, who is your gynae?
har.. den like dat...
hw much his per visit consultation? then like dat.. izit the hospital part latr will be very exp?

actually such package.. izit kind of included the hospital charges already? hee..paiseh..dat day i oso din ask properly inclusive of wat.. but generally leh? is it so?

tink like dat.. i shld schedule abit more visits.. haha.. more worth like dat? s like instead of 4wks.. schedule for 3.5wks or smting?
bahaha mich.. seriously.. i din ask wat the package include.. anyways.. oni paying half at my next visit. (oh ya hor.. so other den the $2k i owe the clinic.. there'll be another $500+ lor) prolly next visit den i ask bah..

anyways.. it's fixed de le mah.. unless i halfway chg gynae? he's actually quite good really.. but to some..prolly too easy.. i mean like chin cai?
for my gynae prenatal package is $650 for delivery is another $600 so total $1250..
u got to ask carefully urs is prenatal package or the full package..
Hahaha ... shopping was tiring yesterday! We arranged to go shop for cny goodies and reunion dinner stuff, end up my sis & mum go shopping for clothes first. My hubby kept calling me to remind me to take a rest whenever possible & dun shop too much.

The crowd at ntuc was ok lah, the Qs were ok too as there were alot of cashier counters.

The package does not include hospital charges and gynae's fee.
fatbobo, think gynae normally have 2 different kinds of packages. The first is the antenantal package to cover monthly visits, scans etc -- for some this begins at week 12, for some at week 20 or something. Then there is the delivery package aroud 1-1.5k depending on whether its natural or C section.

All the above doesn't include hospitalisation charges though. I think for my previous pregnancies, I must have spent 5k each time but of course some of it is from medisave.
quizzing my coming 2 yrs old son - QY.
a few wks ago, i asked QY whether he wants didi or meimei. he answered meimei. someone told me i shld asked the reverse way coz he could be just repeating the last word, and i did so a few days back....
me: u want meimei or didi?
QY: meimei
me: u want didi or meimei?
QY giggling away, knowing this is a trick question
QY: meimei!
me: okie later u tell papa u want meimei
the moment the daddy came out of the bathroom, he goes "meimei.... meimei"..i hope it really turns out this way
Last nite i go kajiao QY again.

me: you want meimei or didi?
QY looks at me and beams & giggles (knowing mummy is there to trick him again) and i oso laffed with him
QY: koR-koR!!
piggy, wow delivery fees only $600??? Envy sia... my gynae is charging 1k for natural, 1.2k for assisted and 1.5k for c-section. Geeze, mine is definitely overpriced... haiz...
ya he charge $600 for natural.. but excludes hospitalise charges la... wat is assisted delivery huh? with epidural?
smurfy, mine is Dr HK Ho at Mt Alvernia, his clinic is the always crowded kind. I wanted to change gynaes this time round to save cost, but my hubby says its better to stick to the one who knows all about you. He has been my gynae for 8 years liao, and he's got all my medical history.
piggy, assisted is when he has to pull the baby out using forceps or vacuum... epidural is charged by the hospital one cos they provide it, then for epidural also have to pay the doctor to come insert the needle.. that is another $400... everything is money money money.
smurfy, your boy only 2 already so smart

piggy, maybe its closer to $500 nowadays, price go up liao... I also have no guts, infact I want to have it before the pain comes kekeke
he's coming 2yrs old next mth... i oso die die want epidural before the pain kicks in kekekee.... but hor, the day after delivery, i got urinary incontinnues (dunno how to spell)... scares the hell out of me.

me not hungry - as usual
smurfy, i just saw your earlier post that he's 2 yrs old... 2 yrs old so smart, impressive!!

yah the cannot pee feeling very scary... so happy when the first pee came out kekeke

pinkmama, i'm waiting for lunch!
smurfy..cheeky son u hv... cutie.

oh gosh! i better go check... mine's at gleneagles.. so i tink.. sigh sigh sigh!

last time my previous company..alot fo private la..specialist la..whatever oso can claim.. maternity can claim up to $5k somemore lor! sigh..but sigh.. retrenched le.. wat to do.. the company nw.. sux mannz!!! even a minor surgery oso got prob claiming lar.

ya..den agn oso.. cos this gynae already seen me for my previous cervical pre-cancer case le.. so hb oso tot better to stick to him oso. plus, im already 30..n this's our first... so.. ya.. if hv future, wana switch gynae..den see how.

but juz dat now.. timing like not very right oso. haha.. money like sooo.... errh.. hahaha. hw to afford such 'luxury'!
Mich, i am feeling better these days with the medicine given by my gynae, but still will vomit one or two times in a days :p
i dunno leh my sis told me $500 since his son tt was delivered 8 yrs ago... not sure the price now hope not too ex..
hahaha i think it's more abt cheeky lar hahah.. no no.. i urine... i got up off the bed (without knowing my bladder is full) ... and urinate on the floor when my friend came... i was soo pai seh then... luckily next day alright liao.
i tink i wana sneak out for lunch le...
buey tahan arh...

it's gona be millenia food court today...
"bor chor chor bee hoon tar, geh hiam, mai tur gua".


oh btw.. we can eat guava rite? cos i many days din purge le.... need some 'help'..haha.
all the posts abt lor mee make me feel like eating that too !!
Hmmm..beach road market is too far to walk, otherwise there is a stall there selling very nice lor mee with lotsa ingredients.
Wonder if there is lor mee in suntec foodcourt.

I checked liao .. suntec dun have. The nearest is marina sq, as recommended by bobo. Not too bad lah, i find ... alot of ingredients too!
Wow Pegsfur,

So nice of you and so efficient..hahahaa.
Okok..my colleagues dont mind going to Beach Rd hawker...Yeah..going for my lor mee now...and also the Tang Yuan...
at first I thought maybe can eat without the raw fish, than I realize that majority of the veg is radish, which is a no no....
actually raw vegie better dun eat also... cos u nv know the bateria in it...
even no raddish the yu sheng will "touch" the others ingredient when we lo hei

Hahaha .. cos last week was craving for lor mee and went to suntec foodcourt to check out. Then found out dun have lor, feel very pek chek. Then i think next day bobo recommend the stall at marina sq so I immediately without hesitation chiong there to eat ... hahaha ... the things pregnant woman will do for cravings ...
I am just thinking of what to tell my friends when we go lo hei....I haven't told any of them about me being pregnant yet.
HI Jermaine:too much gauva causes condtipation le....u dun hv such problems????

Priscilla:really super mom la u cos me cant juggle toddler alone,wash cook and clean.....

hmm.. cannot skip? for me heng i dun eat sashimi all the while so my friend wun ask.. i only told a few of my gd friend abt the gd news
... hmm by then u how many wk le? actually if u pantang can gave some hint let them guess if they guess it not u tell them 1 mah so ok...
