(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

you giving similac? I tasted and its very very sweet! dont know if want to switch to that... using Mamil Gold now.

Must use by 1 month? My boy only drink 1-2 times FM per day and I already can feel the pinch on my pocket!

yup.. give my boy similac.. i tasted too.. sweet tho but he's been drinking since discharged till now so juz let it be.. hee.. if ur boy ok with mamil gold that no nit change ba.. shou b able to finish by 1 mth ba, coz i give 1 feed at mil's hse and that 900g tin can finish around there.. haha.. ya loh.. we went carrefour can easily spent $400+ there coz got to stock up FM/diaper/wipes/baby detergent and some baby food.. that time we bought 3x1.8kg and 2x900g in mid june now oni left 1/2 of 1.8kg and 1/2 900g.. siong..

that time I found hardened milk the size of half a peanut in it. The in charge can still tell me it took 2 hrs before a small pc of it disintegrated in the hot water.

I gave my gal so many types of fm, now she's ok with any brand.
Kiki stopping bfing ah??

I was out when the torch relay passed by my place so Ethan did not hv a chance to feel the aura.

FM lifespan
Tat time Ethan newborn I bought the enfalac den ask gp can put hw long. He told mi 6 mths. So long FM nvr turn yellow shld b ok..

Now ethan is 1 I super adventurous let him try alot of food. Lol.. When can thy start taking Milo huh?? I let him take few sips ytd.. Keke
Happy Belated birthday to Edric too
do share ur pic ya

yes Friso increase price also...btw Yan acknowledge the payment liao
Piggy, Tat time I thk for stage 2 ard $30 but now selling at $33 in ntuc but I thk friso got do home delivery for bulk-order I thk still cheaper. I quite ok wif Nan de gd & cheap who knows they chg the manufacturing plc the powder is different loh. They told me they move to nearer factory so that wun hv supply shortage problem.
I stopped pumping but will let my boy latch in the morning and at night. in the day he will drink FM.
Last week kena mastitis! wah so painful. Mdm Rokiah say cannot fully latch but always pump out the excess each night... but I super lazy.

I also let my boy eat abit of whatever I'm eating. I gave him "soda" biscuit dipped in milo as afternoon snack yesterday.
he also had jelly hearts last week... kekeke!
sharon~hummm think feeding is a big problem for u till now.....porbs u should try to let him cry it off....esp during night time.....by now our littles ones should sleep thru unless teething or ill.....if this continues.......never ending liao.........Hayley's friend ( same age) still drinks milk in the night
family members or helpers will be tired n they dun get proper sleep as well.

hv to "heng xin" abit la......

teeth brushing~hee this cannot skip....if tn next tiem sure dun wanna brush
donkeymami, yes, fresh milk should be full cream for kids their age. U planning to try fresh milk for your gal? For FM, my guideline also 4 weeks +, very heart pain to throw away :p
sigh weishy... both my girls still waking up for night feed... we try gvg water.. n watever le.. let them cry? can..but at high risk of being complained lor! they both scream n shout with all their might de!!! even use pillow to stuff their mouth..still can hear lor!!!

i need another miracle!! haha~
thanks...so those normal fresh milk that are cold?

yah lor...its a big problem!

u stop pumping for how long liao?
still got supply?
my boy also take abit of mamil mix with ebm
but im tinking of changing cos mamil is pack in msia...most FM made in spore or netherlands?
mich... i am ashamed to admit that aft i got my 2nd helper... i no longer wake up to attend to them le.. well initially of cos still need to, then aft awhile.. i juz leave to them for nite feeds! im old le, easily tired.. until i cant hear them cry! but if i did..n woke up..means gone case, i cant sleep back anymore liaoz!!
most times i still can hear them cry for milk..as long as i dun get off the bed...i shld still be able to sleep back!

*im so selfish and so unmotherly!!!!*
piggytoh - i am afraid i can't make it on 11 sep for the trial class as moving office on that day. If it's on 18 sep, i can make it. Pls let me know which date majority is opting. So sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Morning mummies.. Sigh, after 2 days of mc last thur and fri & leave yesterday, i dun feel like returning to work! Haha..

Re expiry for fm: i never bother to monitor how long i take to finish a can leh.. And over one yr liao, shayna no prob so nvm for me lah.. Haha

I noticed that day that friso has the least amt of dha compared to the other milks wor.. Wondering if i should change or not..

I went to kidzloft yest, didnt buy much. Maybe cos i already have the necessary things. Same for taka fair..
MOrning all...

yup i have request to change the date to 18 Sept waiting for the centre to reply:p

hahah i simply dun feel like working all day long.....
good morning!

i tried to brush my girl's teeth yday with a finger toothbrush. but she hates it!
how? should i insist or is she really not ready yet??
Good morning all.

I'm giving Similac stage 1 to my girl still, hiaz... She's lactose intolerant, but i'm slowly going to transition her to stage 3 Isomil soy powder. Hopefully it's fine.

hi donkeymami,
i'm taking part in the explorer kid race! wow, your girl can walk, that's good, my girl is still crawling... she's afraid of falling or maybe i'm too protective :p

Hi Sharon,
thanks for the kiasuparents link. it's very informative.

Re: night feeds
I'm still waking up for night feeds, around 1am, my girl doesn't drink much in the day, at most 170 ml of milk, she's still underweight!
i signed up for the race too! in Cat B cos he is 12mths n 1 day old.. he is not going to win cos he can only crawl while the norm for CAT B is walk or RUN.. bleah~

who has signed up?


shall we meet there??
I stopped pumping in the afternoon for 3-4 months already. One side is ok (no pain or engorge), the other side cannot (always engorge) but I just "ren"

Finally last week kenna mastitis.

Mdm Rokiah came to my rescue and told me cannot just latch, HAVE to pump put excess in the night. Thinking of taking the pump out again I super sian leh.
Think supply dropped a lot already, but should be still enough for 1 feed in the evening cos accumulated for the whole day mah
My boy also never sleep thru till now. Want to let him cry but distrub me leh...
think just latch and go back to sleep is so much more peaceful. hahaha!

I everyday also dont feel like working, maybe only on payday then ok.
Night feeds

hai my boy also still waking up 2-3hrly..sometimes 1hrly even for comfort latch.. i really duno what to do la...i got to work somemore...so damn tired.

then so habit to latch to sleep....i duno how if i stop latching to sleep, will he get to sleep or not....i so tired, but also scared stop latch at night, he will wake up n cry cry n refuse to sleep..then i wouldnt' get any sleep either....how how???

last night i tried give him bottle after latching when he sleepy, he refuse n refuse til he woke up n refuse to sleep..made me so angry at 10pm plus...then play til 1130pm...wah biang...usual sleep time is 930 lor...

day time he wouldnt' take bottle unless he is almost asleep lor....hai only wants to latch..people all say should stop bf n latching liao since 1yr old..otherwise v hard to break habit...i also duno how to do it leh...

maybe u can try pediasure? Those with lactose intolerance can take. Isomil have stage 3. Thought only till 2. My boy was on that last time.
my gal used to latch to sleep too. But she's not anymore after I weaned her. We gave her the bottle an hr before bedtime and she didn't ask to latch. She's not on pacifier either. Maybe u try for a few days and see.
kiki, i also latch at nite onli.. no more engorge after 14hrs... jus feel abit full nia.. ample for his nite feed and morning feed thats all.. he is still waking up 2-3 times but this time rd i feed him water... he seems to be really thirsty leh...

but my boy sweats in his slp wor..even aircon room.. till his pillow also wet...
deebee, make it fun during teeth brushing. U can sing a song while brushing the teeth. Due to teething, the gum may be swollen, so sometimes baby doesnt like it. My girl some time will wave her hands to tell me "No, No..." or close her lips really tight when she sees the finger brush. If your baby doesnt like it, then make it a short brushing session. Can be a few seconds. Then slowly extend the session. Dont give up. Good habit starts from young. Good luck.
Janice and Kikilala,
My girl same here. Sweat in the air-con room when she sleeps. Sometimes my bed has a round sweat patch. First time saw it I thought it was my girl's saliva. I bend my head to smell it then my girl saw me doing it, she also bend her head toward the patch. hahaha... later I checked with my helper, she said her bed has many patches from my girl sweat. The patches r formed by my girl's head sweat.
aiyo.. so jialat.. cannot too cold... but on aircon they still sweat.. now i dun dare to let him wear those slp suits with covered footings cos he'll sweat... in the middle of the nite i still need to fan him den he'll slp again...
back frm shanghai kekeke.. bought lots of kiddy dvds back :p

my girl took her baby steps on 8th Aug @ 12 mths 2 wks.. so proud of this lil daredevil..
hi joyful, donkeymami,
my girl is in Cat B, let's just go there and have fun since it's our baby's first race

joyful, hope Denson wins too, i've voted for him last week.
so this sat, we meet at NUS for our baby's first National Day and next sat, we meet at Downtown east for our baby's first race. Nice !

Thanks mashy,
I didn't know Pediasure is also suitable for lactose intolerance children. Yeh, i have 1 more choice to choose from. Thanks.
Abbott just came up with Isomil 3, red packaging, so i thought, just give it a try.

Re: pacifier
Finally weaned my girl off the pacifier over the 3 day National day holidays. My nanny also stopped giving her too ! Phew !

I've been maidless for a month, new maid will be coming this friday 13 August. If we do not have help, both hubby and me will fall sick at least once a month. One lesson i learnt, appreciate the maid for the help she's giving. I have to learn to be thankful.
wow joeey 3 days can wean off ah..so good?
others how long u take to wean off breasts?

but problem i still have milk..so if night time dun latch, will have to pump...
hi janice,
do wipe his sweat away from his head before fanning him. for the first 30 minutes, my girl's head also perspires, i'll try to shift her to another position then wipe some sweat on her head.

Something to share :
We sleep in aircon room on the floor mattress. Once, i was afraid she would be cold, i shared my blanket with her. After a while, she cried, i woke up to see my blanket covering her head. I almost suffocated her !! So scary !!
hi smurfy,
oh dear, why was your maid rejected ? Normally, shouldn't have a problem if the agency has processed all the documents ...

i took a transfer maid. She was returned to the agency after working for 2.5 months at the previous employer. The agency said it was because the grandmother kept scolding her, that's why she choose to return.
hmm, i wonder what the agency told others about me when i returned my previous maid... must be something bad about me ... haha ...
wat's the reason why u returned urs leh? mine wanted to go back agency herself.

phili side controlling the maids coming to sg without embassy contract, with embassy contract their salary must be USD$400 (SIN$600)... mine came in as direct hire, no embassy contract.. with this operation (2wks oredi) going onz, she is stuck, we tried bringing her in yesterday but she cannot clear the immigration interview. argghh dunno how much longer maidless now..

with this operation going onz, transfer MAIDS will be in high demand.... and ppl might just turn to indonesian maids lor.

I signed up for the xplorer contest too. Same as Denson, Nat is Cat B but she will definitely lose too..hahahah..just enroll her for the fun and experience =D

Yeah we can meet there and cheer each other....
Really hope Denson can win the contest =)

Xplorer Contest Sign up
