(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

you using picasa? after you create the video, you have to click on "save". then it will save into wmv format.

last min? I only completed the montage like 3am on the actual day...

I never make into CD leh. i brought my laptop there to play.


Ya lor, now trying picasa as recommended by u
Oh i dun hv laptop that's why need to convert to dvd so that they can play it there.
picasa is quite user friendly.
I airbrushed those pics taken during delivery until my skin is flawless! no black panda eyes after 20hrs labour! kekeke...

if possible try to borrow a netbook/laptop to standby, in case the dvd cannot play.
Thanks for the contact joeey

Hiyoh my girl looks like kena HFMD from the infant care. first case was on Tuesday then by end of day had 2 cases. To play safe we kept her home. Last night started to develop fever and this afternoon blisters started to appear in her mouth. She's been so cranky. Refused milk for afternoon and porridge for dinner and only wants to be nursed. She's been biting my nipple till it hurts but seems bait no choice since she's most comforted when I nurse her. Mow cam only apply lanolin oil and hope the cracks quickly heal. In fact hubby also had fever and diahorrea. Applied for leave tomorrow to tad care of two babies.
CK stall still selling them..Im buying mine from their store @ Kovan.

I can provide the dispenser. I used it when I had Nat's party and ordered from GoodLuckKitchen.
I also still hv syrup (2-3 bottles) from the party, I dun mind to sponsor those too.
However I might need help to mix the syrup with ice and water...heehee....my friend help me with the proportion during the party....
Let me know if you all are ok with it ya
Hi mummies,
Anyone ordered those anti-mosquitoes stickers for bbies and find them effective? Pls share with me.
My parents' area is now listed as dengue zone..so worried.
Pjpj: i went to pharmacy and bought thosr kind of anti mossie satchets then tie on shayna's cot. And also bought j&j anti mossie lotion. My place always have mossie, so far only these two methods work.

Can be used for adults too..

Pls b careful cos hfmd may b spread to u wen u latch her..

My colleague got it fr her gal wen she latch her..
If possible dun latch bah..

fatbobo says the tees cant fit her gals leh..

i tink u better prepare a red top oso..

Let's meet at 9.30am at the entrance of event venue.

Date: 14 August 2010
Time: 9.30am - 12.00pm
Venue*: NUS Centre For the Arts,
University Cultural Centre (UCC) Hall,
50 Kent Ridge Crescent,
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 119279
i am waiting for the admin brief from the event organiser.

We have allocated seats which is near the GOH..

will send out wen i get the admin brief.

those babies going on stage will get their hand (forgot is hand or foot, hehe..) imprint and frame up.. mummies got to collect it at the vendor place. *erm i duno which vendor lah..

national babies will have their imprint together w GOH hand print.. so ur frame is bigger.. wahaha.. duno if this Mr Ng (Minister for Education, 2nd Minister for Defence) will go far ornot.. both the national day boys will b so proud in future..
Joia: not just u got risk of getting it from her, she'll have risk of getting it again if the virus lingers there..

Joyful: oh no if mattea and keona cannot wear then shayna also cannot wear then. Think she's bigger than them..

But i already got her a top just in case..

Umm, just in case anyone late, and cant get the shirts, shall we exchange contacts?
please take care of yourself too. pray that sophie recovers fast.

thanks for organizing, liasising this sat's event.
haha.. ya.. my girls already those slimfit kind... oni head + 1 arm can go in... den that's it! bahaha~

we hv red tees oso.. but with colourful designs de woh... aiya.. the same tees they wore on national day lor. the tees r gona be so worn for this mth!! hahahaha.
joyful, i alr stand by a red top for jovia liao cos i thk she's the biggest among haha sure cannot fix in the tee.

Babys, will PM u my hp#.

Dolce, thanks for sponsoring drinks & dispenser for the party
Gals, shall we cfm cater to use Good luck kitchen? in order to fit in our budget we will order 35pax @ $12 per pax. according to those hv tried the caterer thier portion is really big so shd b enuf for 50 of us.

Any objection?
hello mummies, jus wondering..what time are ur babies sleeping now? 9pm-10pm? or later? and wake up at what time usually in the morning?
naps in day time how many hours?
donkey.. thank you very much... fine by me.

lalala~ personally..i tink my main objective for the bash is to enjoy all the babies.... so not so particular abt wat food/drinks we hv. hoho~
ask them juz get red tees... den get vendor hv those iron on de design or logo.. chin chai.. small small at the front.. or back can liao lor.. at least smting. or at least juz the babies gog up stage??
so the excess maybe we can order agar agar or other food?

Btw sum1 mention satay rite? Gdluck menu gt satay as well can consider..
my boy's sleeping pattern

8.30-9.30pm (sleep)
1-2am (wake up to nurse and go back to sleep)
5-6am (wake up to nurse and go back to sleep)
7.30-8.30 (wake up)
11am (nap, usually 1 to 1.5 hrs)
3-4pm (nap, usually 1 to 2 hrs)

sometimes siao siao one, will refuse to take nap the whole day.
Hi Jeni,
MY girl sleeps at 11pm and wakes up at 6am for milk then sleeps till we wake her up at 7.45am. Sometimes she doesnt wake up for milk at 6am.

Day time nap. From 1 hr to 3hr, unpredictable.
Donkeymami ,
they got 2 type mus tell them satay stick not satay chix I order both be4 I see all finish shd be not bad lol..
piggy, ic..good then we order the satay. wat else? fried rice, curry chix, satays? u wan me to order or u order then i pay? usually is COD right?
i can help to order no prob. yes COD. jus let me know the menu... personally i find the pineapple rice, curry chix and kong bah bao is nice n also v popular.. prawn the cereal prawn is popular but if u gals lazy to peel the shell can consider the stirred fried prawn with cashew nut i find not bad as well..
Dolce: thanks!!

Donkeymami: yeah shayna also big size like jovia..

I also dont mind any kind of food, its the company i look forward to!!
huh i decide ah.. stress leh.. but at least u gals mus tell me u prefer cereal prawn or the cashew nut with prawn? n dessert leh??? hard to chose leh.. personally i like orh nee la but better let u gals chose first keke..
Think we wont have time to leisurely peel prawns ?..hahahahahahah
So i would go with no shells prawns dish..

Think its ok lah, u decide bah =)
my maid agency's latest update frm his contact in phili..

<font color="0000ff">Latest news.............any lady leaving any airport, Manila and Clark... in PPines for overseas...even tourists on 2 way tickets..........at imigration counter..MUST fill up a form and undergo 4 separate interviews by 4 different immigration officers............Once fail interview..will be offloaded from plane.By this way..........tiger and Cebu air..always fully book..but when takeoff.........about 1/3 empty. Sad but true.

Only safe way is by SQ flights..if offloaded..can refund .....but must be able to have "show money" when ask.</font>
nope not gong bao but taste ok la .. Ya lo I know v hard to eat those prawn with shell tt y suggest this dish haha ..Ok let me go see the menu den show u gals in case any 1 prefer any dish feel free to say
smurfy, that's a really strange thing that ladies will be interviewed 4 times. How will anyone leave the country like that?
