(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies,

If your gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth from sengkang, Pls share with me your experiences.
Is he ok with natural birth? Cos I dun prefer c-section.
How much is the hospital bill of Mt A and TMC?
pls PM me…thanks.

Re: pediasure
what kind of FM is this? Anyone know the difference compare to stage 3 FM?
Y only for kids 1yr onwards?
Is it cow's milk? Is it as nutritious as other stage 3 FM?
My colleague says it for fussy babies...my friend want give her girl but PD say stick to her normal FM
kitty/prgsfur.. i oso tink the tricycle shld b more heavy n sturdy. my MIL bought 2 for my girls.. those normal colourful kind frm those 'normal shop'... abt $80 niah.. i find not so good lor.. as like.. ya..they will owas turn here n there..n try to climb out sometimes.. if those more sturdy kind..den lower chance of it toppling over. plus, especially when they out of the tricycle..n try to climb in..or push here n there.... if we're not ard to hold it... confirm will topple over de.
sharon, i bo pian... i started having nite class 2 months back den was worried he reject FM so i ask MIL to start on FM when i'm not home.. sometimes i will feed him forumula myself... i give him the cap of the milk bottle and stuff the teat into his mouth.. so far he ok

over the weekend... he dun wan to drink milk onli had solid.. like ytd morning brought him to mac... he finsih 1 pan cake at 830 (he had milk at 7) + some scramble eggs den onli had lunch at 330pm... in between no fuss for food at all..jus play and nap as per normal.. even at 330 he onli had few mouths of rice and noodles onli... onli had his milk ( i latch) at 730pm when bedtime.. so milk drop till onli nite can latch him.. no more engorge..
janice.. ya lor.. i was abit kuku..trying to do my maths! hahaha.. enfapro was 1oz water = 1 scoop (which is abt 30ml water = 1 scoop)....then i saw on the enfagrow sample pack...it's abt 225ml of water = 40g of powder... i cant rmbr..tink on the tin..it showed smting abt no of scoops de! but my girls dun drink so much..max on 4-5oz per intake niah.. den i was like.. divide..multiply.. bahhaha.. kuku me!!!! then hb said juz make it 120ml (abt 4.5oz water) with 2 scoops powder bah.

sharon.. my helper will help them to brush at their evng bath. but then.. oso no use de..cos they still drink milk.. n still hv night feed. but i tot watever la.. at least get them used to brushing.. so that they will not dread to brush teeth in future?
usu i brush after his bath but be4 his last feed cos he will go to bed ard 7.30 den we wake him ard 9 for his last feed den he continue to sleep..
So u all bathe them twice a day?
My mum only bathe Ryan in the afternoon
at night I jus wipe him n change into PJ liao
ooppss...smelly Ryan!! Hahaa
so I fit in the brushing of teeth
Ryan also drink v v little milk...drink max 200ml in the day
he will only drink when I latch at night
now my mum mix half FM n half EBM but he still dun like
sometimes I v busy at work, no time pump
so hope i can stop pumping
used to bathe them once in the mrng.. n wipe in the evng.. started to bathe in the evng since abt 3mths back.. but if we were out till late, den oni wipe whn homed.

me not used to bathing or wiping them outside at others' hse!
Sharon, I brush my girl's 4 teeth and the gum every morning in the bathtub before I bath her. Tell Ryan you are going to brush his top teeth, left gum, right gum, bottom teeth, left gum, right gum.... brush brush brush ... let him get use to the counting of no. of times of brushing. I dont use the paste yet.

I bath my girl in the morning at 8.15am then my helper bath her at 5pm, then 10pm clean up with warm wet towel. My confinement lady told me to start bathing baby twice a day after 3month old.
i bath ethan twice sometimes thrice a day... he sweats so very smelly la

once in the morning, once in the evening b4 nanny feeds him den the 3rd when he is home and getting ready for bed so ard 7+ but all windows and door close.. now he screams and cries whenever he bring him out of the water..
i bathe javier twice a day.. morning and evening but if go out till late, will wipe him at nite loh.. brush teeth twice a day.. morning brush teeth, clean face and bathe then around 9+pm, HB will brush his teeth, change diaper then time for him to zzzz...
i bought similac once b4 at pasir ris.. when retail price abt $74 for a 1.8kg, i bought at $70.50.. i saw enfa there too.. but still prefer to wait for carrefour 5%+5% off.. cheaper.. after discount tink around $67..
fatbobo, jovia also drinking enfagrow agree the instruction abit confusing..i got the same understanding wif ur hubby too..1 scoope of FM = 60ml of water easier the sample sachet is meant for 250ml jovia max took 210ml for the last feed.
Piggy, so sorry for the inconvenience caused

I'm same as u ... only bathe ovann once in the late morning, and wipe down b4 bedtime. I think maybe ovann has little hair, so not that smelly .. hahaaha .. furthermore, he's in aircon room quite a lot of time.
the stage 3 milk powder, the scoop is bigger right? cos all the while my ger is on enfa, 30ml to 1 scoop... lately I got a sample from Gain and the instruction is 1 scoop to 60ml... I try to measure the scoop, its about 2 scoop of the enfa scoop so I assume that it is still the same 1 scoop to 30ml water, just that the scoop now is bigger....

Wanna ask fellow mummies whose baby on enfa and switching to Gain... any issue like watery stool? Isit ok? Cos the abotte ppl say Gain is made up of all veg fats thus its ok for watery stool...
puroland, i like to tink that different FM has different scoop size.. so whichever it is..it's better to follow the mixing instruction on the tin. :) i hvnt open the enfagrow tin, duno wat's the scoop size, if it's the same ast enfalac or enfapro.

for us.. we dun intend to switch FM.. frm birth my girls on enfapremmie (duno wat exact name..given when still in hosp) then to enfalac then to enfapro..nw going to enfagrow.. if latr on they still wana be on FM, wld prolly b on enfakid bah.. but by then.. (even now) can drink cow milk le rite? can or not arh? (when can start try cow milk?) so..ya.... hehe..
fat bobo
so what brand of tricyle or riding toy is more sturdy n safer for baby. only 1yr old still quite small hor...got the huggies little tikes promotion now..wondering is it really more sturdy then those we can get at 50 plus from carrefour or kiddy palace? any advice anyone??
of cos double the price...so wondering is it worth it or not...
bobo, very nice photos on the blog! so creative!

Pris, I'm glad to hear that yr mum is better now. Your brother stays with her, right? So he will be around to look after her, and you don't have to worry too much.

Sharon, Isaac only bathes morning and does the wipe in the evening. But just yesterday, my hb decided that its best he be bathed in evening instead as he's smelly after all the day activity. And I have not brushed isaac's teeth. Been too lazy :p

Pediasure is supposed to be for kids who do not eat well, so need milk to make up the nutritional supply. If Ryan eats his solids ok, then no need this one. If Ryan won't take FM, you can try fresh milk instead. My sister who lives in the US was telling me pple there dun normally take FM. Its straight from breastfeeding to fresh milk at 1 yr old as FM is exorbitant. One of my friend's girl also didn't take FM, so she weaned directly from bf to Magnolia HT Milk which her girl is ok with.
oh tt great..

no worries still waiting for them to reply me..

Kyler even lesser hair but still stink he perspire alot..
piggy & fatbobo, hopefully the center can accomodate

Mich, for fresh milk kiddo need to take those full cream right cannot take those low fat high cal type?
Similac: usually I dont buy 1.8kg similac milk powder. if you read carefully, got to finish the tin before 3weeks. Usually i go for 900g.
sigh.. for me..i 'hfta' get the 1.8kg tin.. haha.

only recently enfapro (stage2) den hv 1.8k tin de.. my girls finished it in less than a week (tink abt 5-6days bah). but nw go on to enfagrow..will definitely get the 1.8kg de.
fatbobo, vy siong for u hor..somemore u so good give them the most ex FM in the market hehehe..

i still thinking to take 900g or 1.8kg one...1.8kg is cheaper right?
babies, though the tin mentioned need to finished within 3wks i thk doesn't matter if cant finished right? but cannot open for too long also..i thk within a mth+ shd b fine..my own guideline la kekeke
actually i duno enfa is the most expensive until recently niah leh!!! =.="
din go research! (oh..wat's new frm this lazy mother!!! haha!) cos since frm hosp they were give enfa.. so we juz follow on, n dun wana switch for them lor.

i tink dat time when we saw the 1.8kg enfapro (which oni available in ntuc).. the price is not any cheaper frm a 900g which we got frm medical hall.
but ya.. going forward, i might check the price like if get frm carrefour or wat... aeh..but is carrefour moving out of singapore?!?
where u buy cheaper enfa FM ah? now i switch jovia to enfagrow abt a wk so far so gd...she was on total BF till 7mths old then she took Nan Pro 1 & 2 but recently Pro are made in Philippines & the powder is diff..got alots of foam & vy hard to disolve so i chg to enfagrow after she turned 1.
oh.. my hb's colleague oso juz swtich to enfa for her 2.5yo girl.. was on nan.. oso cos nw frm fili.. hehe.

anyways.. i got it frm the chinese medical hall near my hse (below pioneer mrt). i duno if it's the cheapest in the 'region'.. but at least it's cheaper than supermarket..n convenient. :)
was able to get a 900g enfapro for $38 (cash)... duno hw much they selling the enfagrow tho..
i bathe my girl twice a day. first in the morning around 9 and second in the evening 6 plus after dinner. then at night when we reach home at 9 i'll wipe her. but nowadays getting lazy so only wipe hands and face. unless she's very sweaty then i'll wipe her back (sometimes just use a piece of baby wipe to wipe! haha..)

for fm we have been giving friso since 6 mths. didn't really do any research. we just stood in front of the shelves at ntuc and chose friso cos it's mid-priced and the tin looks cute. hehe..anyone else on friso as well?
i buy the 1.8kg tin as well. think no need to follow so strictly by the 3 weeks expiry la.
oh yes, friso also got a lot of foam! sometimes when my girl finish drinking all the milk, there's be 1/4 bottle foam left.
she like drinking cappucino everyday!
ya.. i tink as long as we dun place the tin under direct sunlight... shld be ok to cont feeding past 3wks de bah. :)

hehe.. enfapro smtimes oso leh... i tink oso depends on hw much we shake.. n temp of water?!?
hello everyone,
edric cake from PG too. celebrate on sunday.
tiring and my elder son enjoy so much.
held it at The grassroots club, food cater from the chinese restaurant at the grassroots club.
All the guest love the food and cake.

upload the cake picture when home today. me juz finish clearing office emails.
fatbobo, actually i dun really mind it from philippines jz tt the FM is diff from switzerland de..i try the tin i bot from Msia which from switzerland no such prob lo..so since after 1 need to chg so i switch to enfagrow.

my gal was on friso. Going to switch to mamil step 3 coz the friso quality control is very bad. They promised to call me back abt the hardened milk thing but they didn't. And the friso step 3 packaging is really spastic. The scoop has big holes in them. Can't scoop the milk properly and the tin cover is loose. Can't close tightly.

thank you for the birthday wishes for edric
he is one of National Day BB too..
i hv started edric on Enfagrow yesterday, juz nice enfapro finish.

Thanks =] just saw 2more new arrivals at kiddy palace today. ask from mothercare.. but they dun have any display set to try..

ya.. u are right bout the toppling part.. i din think of that. i had some difficulty pushing the little tikes one cos it was quite heavy.. or perhaps the floor was a little carpeted.

will let my boy try the new ones at kiddy palace =] hehe..
My boy's bday cake is from PG too.. looking forward to see the design next week when we pick it up! so excited over his first birthday too! order lychee martini and orange zest choco. i hope it will taste good =]
kitty.. mine oso the same 2 flavs.. i din try the orange zest though.. it was on the upper tier, n distributed before i cld grab anything! sad.

im sure your boy's cake will turn out great too! :)
what milk hardened thing?

i didn't monitor the price leh. just buy only..

hmm..now dunno whether to switch fm or not. a bit troublesome to switch..
i bought the 1.8kg coz my boy used to finish 900g in a week so i buy the 1.8kg loh.. but i will scoop out abt 1/3 in a tupperware then finish then 1/3 again.. then now his milk intake drop so finish in abt 3weeks.. my guideline is abt 1mth loh coz the 900g at my mil's hse can drink up to 1 mth as 1 feed at mil's hse oni..
fat bobo
thought i saw fairprice selling enfapro @ $38+ coz same price as similac.. but if u go shop&save/giant/carrefour, price is slightly higher by few cents..


i realised that too when i got the sample from friso.. thats y till now i still like similac.. stage 1 no bubbles/foam at all whatever u shake then stage 2 abit after shake but when drinking near half, the bubbles no more..
