(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

u r welcome...

iyo i still waiting for the bd's pic...
cant wait to see and wanna share with u all
anyone knows where to buy eggless birthday cake? i order a PG cake already but thinking of getting a small one for my girl. for her to eat safely and to mash! thought of baking one but a bit lazy...
just a tiny one. maybe muffin or cupcake also can..
deebee, find those vegetarian bakery store. Used to hv one vegetarian bakery store at Toa Payoh below one HDB flat having eggless cakes. Very nice cake but dont know still there or not.

Emicakes also sells eggless cake but not sure nice or not.
Hi Donkeymami,
Yeap, that would be great!
Thanks for updating me. Either that or u FB me. I'm on FB more often than SMH. Thanks!

Thanks Regg for booking the venue! Looking forward to let Myra have a proper and meaningful bash, though late.
hello mummies.... ethan is having his 1st bday tml... so excited... seems that i'm not prepared at all..

am anticipating for the 4th sept bash as well!!!

am so busy recently till no time to post... btw the bash need my help~
my girl haven't tried eggs before. not sure whether to start her yet. so yah thinking of getting eggless cake for her.
but...maybe just a tiny bit of adult cake won't hurt hor...heehee
we ordered PG cake. lychee martini without the martini (non-alcoholic). so excited!
hee i let my boi try ard 11mth + after all they need to try egg mah so i tink it time to let them try???

have Fun:p hee i got so many thing to anticipate
my boi big 1, bb day out nex sat and not forgettin the bb bash
BTW, anymore mummies want to join us for the trial max 12 kids so still got 4 slot.. the more the merrier..


Date: 11 Sept
TIme: 2.30pm to 4pm
Price: $45/kid

41 Sunset Way
#01-01 Clementi Arcade
Singapore 597071
Tel: 6465 4481 Fax: 6465 4431

Mini Bubbles : 12 - 21 months
Now it’s time to get mobile! Every new corner needs to be discovered, every toy tested and every new friend explored! I get to squeeze and squelch all sorts of new tactile materials and tell the world all about it (in my own very special way!) Watch me climb and balance, drink from my cup and make my own arty masterpieces! ALL BY MYSELF . . . and a wee bit of help from you ! </font>

1) piggytoh - Kyler
2) donkeymami - Jovia
3) fatBobo - Mattea
4) fatBobo - Keona (can help me check any discount for twins? haha..)
5) BabyS - Shayna (fine with 11 or 18th)
6) Kidzskidz - Sebastian (Apr 09 Bb) Both dates ok
7) BBnGG - Janessa (both dates ok)
8) eboey - Lucas (both dates ok)

<font color="0000ff">Fatbobo, checked for u, u r entitled to 10% discount for the second child

for the rest of the mummies:they are not giving discount for the trial class, however, if we wish to sign up for four sessions, we will be giving 5% discount for the term fees.

Kindly bring apron/smock and extra towel for your child to be used for the
art activity. Snack will be provided (we will be serving cereals, dried
and fresh fruit).</font>

PG sells eggless cakes but min 2kg. I heard the eggless cakes that bakeries make aren't nice coz I was looking all over for one. In the end I got an eggless ice cream cake from Andersen. It's very yummy! Only their ice cream cake is eggless.

If she's not proven allergic, think u should try first. Cheaper to get normal cakes.
oh I haven ask but I tink ok 1 afterall it up to us parent but dunno they will catch a cold anot since the class shd be in aircon rm..
thks mashy!

kikilala, i'm staying in the east, yes near to simei! maybe i'll pop by to take a look.
or maybe i'll try giving her our adult cake afterall ~
Caden got high temp Of 39 degree gave him nurofen was well but yesterday evening 38 degree he was coughing also and got to use the neibiluser to get rid of his phiegm he was crying strugging and screaming like shit..Caden looks ar me Aa if to tell me to let him off the mask my hub was so heartpain wan to end the process i wanted to cry also
this morning I really can't bear to go for work he hug so tight don't wan to let go
The good thing is his fever and cough has reduced..and is confirmed not hfmd rosela or measles it's hives it's not contagious our family has history of "feng mong" u call hives?? poor baby
I used to work in kids membership club.

Learnt balloon sculpturing to pian lil kids.. First time got my friends together to do this.. Actually is nt difficult.. I rented e electronic pump for these balloons..
wow i thot the ballon arch u order 1...

hahah i even more cheapo goin to DIY a bouquet den buy 20 balloon let them float ard nia lol~ total tink ard $40 lol~

take it that the screaming and crying will get more meds in the lungs. My boy used to scream like mad when he was first on nebulizer too.

Hives is allergy. U may wanna see what he ate. Or sometimes can be dust or animal fur.

since your family have this history, likely your family has some allergy that wasn't checked. Allergies tend to run in families.
We rent e pump for $50.. Nt cheap oso.. Wanted to buy e pump initially, then e cost oso abt e same if i order e arch fr event coy leh..

Initially manage to find a pump on rent at $20 fr e upper serangoon place.. I make e reservation 1 mth in advance.. Called to make sure 1 wk b4 party, e guy say sorry got another event. I slam e phone on him..

In total tis arch cost mi almost $80. Then next day wen we check out e chalet, is abandon there ler..

My mum ask mi if I m bringing it home.. "_"ll
joyful, the arch is nicely done, u u so pro

Mayb we can do something for the mass bash? see if got xtra budget then we can get some balloons to decor the room.
hives can also be due to heatiness? both my bils will get like once in a blue moon. but will it accompany with fever too? think its because of flu thats why he got the fever?

no. Hives is not caused by heatiness. Hives is allergy. Heatiness may give small sized rash at the joint areas and red lips but not hives. And no, there's no fever. Fever means virus or infection.

Something must have triggered the hives in you bils. They just dunno what they are allergic to. Hives is a body reaction. Go thru the list of food your boy took. And try testing again once he's well. It could even be flower pollen or dust.
That day he took chicken brocoli califlowr carrot and potato porridge, then evening he took chicken cereal could it be chicken or potato .. All these I gave him before I am clueless .. If allegy could it be our quilt he slept all night on it

Me too .. hahah .. i just confirmed the balloon package, also cost me $150. But i think ok lah, prob just once for a big birthday .. the rest i think will be small celebration till maybe he's 12 or 21

Your balloon arch really nice done!
