(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hi jul,
my boy also 9m+ liao, but no teeth yet....though i think i see 2 bottom teeth going to be out soon i think can feel abit hard hard in the gums.

ya think boys are more active...mine is also trying to crawl, but unsteady, so got to monitor n follow after him..he also just learn how to sit up on his own from crawling position...he also trying to push himself up to standing postion liao..so quite difficult to look after
lately he doing multiple flips/rolls...think 2 mattress tog also like not big enough leh..

i look after few hours also very tired liao,..can understand...now really appreciate my MIL can look after him the whole day...old folks somemore dun even complain..we young parents buay tahan quite cia lat hor...

so how mummies is the baby cot too small already? so how do u all put baby now? need to put on floor with mattress, then daddy n mummy sleep with baby on floor? hai got to rearrange the whole house again...any recommendations?

morning all..

jul: that thinking about the 7 sit etc is old thinking lah.... how many of our kids actually match that? shayna sat at 3, teeth at 6 and 9 almost than months liao still only trying to crawl!!

can i ask ah, what r ur opinions about driving up to malaysia? cos my hubby wanna drive up then i a bit worried cos only 2 of us plus one baby and i cant drive... so cannot help my husband..
I bought the Brown Rice Si Sen powder from Eu Yan Seng. So sometimes when I run out of time to cook porriage, can just quickly boil the brown rice mix and add some fish/vege.

Si Sen actually contains "HuaiSan", "LianZi", Barley.

Anyway, dont be too bothered lah. Let people say all they want and we just listen and take it for reference.
morning ladies..

wah u v gd temper if i were u most prob i will ask them to shut up alr keke..

i tink ok la many of my friend does tt.. i can drive i also dunno the road in malaysia lo... n afterall 1 of u need to sit with bb mah...
depends on where in malaysia. if too far maybe will be quite siong for him to drive alone.

Its definitely no easy task to entertain the little ones when they are confined to the car seat.

For me, I think its much easier to handle baby on the plane than in the car. at least on the plane can move around or hold them on the lap, but driving must really strap them when the car is moving.

But its worth the trouble.

We had so much fun travelling together with bb.
i buy sishen brown rice too fm eau yu sheng as well, juz like kiki time constraint i use the sishen brown rice power.

everyone hv bring baby out for overseas trip.
my hubby kind of hesitating he find troublesome.
kiki: yeah i think plane maybe easier also..

i just worried if like he tired fall asleep at the wheel or crime on the road etc..
april> haha. me oso have yet to bring baby overseas. cos msia i not interested. hk or taiwan i worry troublesome to push the pram n cant enjoy with a baby, somemore breastfeeding is another prob
NEXT MAJOR PROJECT FOR AUG MUMS/BUBS: road trip to malaysia. we can hv a convoy up north. prolly start with nearby malaca. lala~

btw..my hb oso has been wanting to drive up.. but ya.. me abit worried we cant handle the 2 very active girls!! -.-"
Hi jul,
I just called the Chinese Medical Hall which I always frequent to ask more about Si Shen powder. Si Shen Powder contains 4 types of chinese herbs. I dont know how to write the chinese I try to use han yu pin ying. It contains Wai(3) Shan(1), Fu(4) Ling(2), Qian(4) shi(2), and Lian(2) Zi(3). It improves baby appettite, reduce chances of getting flu and cough. If add cordyceps, will strengthen internal organs like lungs and kidneys,... It's better to buy from reputable stores cos u wont know what is exactly in the packet of powder. I've been asking around about it when my baby is 4 month old. I started to feed her Si Shen and cordyceps when she is 6 month old. I heard Eu Yan San Si Shen is not bad but cos I'm very particular so I choose to spend few hrs in the medical hall to witness how they blend the si shen (pure si shen cos I dont like other things to mix in) and the cordyceps(which I request to pack separately). Normal Si Shen is good enough, u dont need to go into extend to buy the cordyceps cos it can amount to $1k for good ones. It's really up to ur choice on whether to introduce chinese herbs into ur baby diet or not. For me, I love chinese herbs so I'm very into it especially when I had my miscarrige, when I was pregnant again after 3 months and during my confinement. Just ignore ur mil or sil if u think u dont need such things.
re: travelling with bb
if you think u can u definitely can! i believe i can and i did it with my hubby! kiki did it with kiron as well.. joyce brought denson to TW also... donkey brought her ger to HK also! so nvr try nvr know~

when i wanted to travel, PILs also think i cannot but u and hubby think u can den can liaoz lo!!~
my MIL has cordyceps left from when i was pregnant, can i give that to baby?

Must it be grounded into powder or can boil with stock?
gd suggestion. but driving up is tiring lah. my frend who is in travel agent biz she will do customised tour. maybe i can ask her to do customised tour for us. be it to malacca, or other countries.
Hi BabyS,
If u already hv the cordyceps, maybe can rinse them then dry them, then put them in oven to dry bit then blend them into very fine powder for baby. It's for better absorption. Else very wasted why not u drink it cos mommy also need to strengthen immune system to take care of baby
ya.. i like wat n hw janice put it.. hv faith.. u believe u can... u already hv done it the first step liao.. next is to pack n go niah. hehe.

like a few times.. hb n i brought the girls out niah..without our helper. (ok fine..it's juz local..but...can be quite challenging oso de woh.) the other twin aug mum asked me few times.. "how u & hb managed the bbs alone when i hfta bring mum & maid along??" well..there's oso no exactly on "how".. if u tink u can..it's already CAN le.
hehe.. april... good one.. "i m possible".
but hor.. i fin d the fun part is actually the driving part... so i will prefer a drive up.. but of cos.. if we have a bigger scale 'overseas gathering'.. den all seat-in coach oso can la.. LOL~

next week hb & i going bali for 4 days.. will be leaving our precious behind.. hmmmmm.. every other day we ask ourselves.. 'hw arh...sure will miss them de.. duno they will miss us anot leh..' blah blah.. hahaha...

hmmm.. ya, must definitely bring them overseas at least once this year!
but sometimes when i was to go travellng with my frens.. i will think twice cos they dun have kids.. they cannot understand that we have to compromise with the bb not the other way round.. so i usually go with hubby alone...
Speaking of road trip, i just organized a trip to malacca for my hubby's colleague...

If you are not keen on driving up, actually the coach is pretty ok too... i book return coach at $40 per pax... children under 2 are FOC but no seat lor...

i did a roadtrip with hubby, me and 2 girls last dec. was pretty ok and fun... went malacca and kl...

i think e key thing is to ensure they have sufficient rest so they would not be grouchy...
friend who do not hv kids they will not understand. can oni travel together with those with kids or we juz go our ourselves.
In year 07 I done a DIY trip to Tokyo-Japan travel with my elder son he is 5 years old then. accomodation is reasonable sleep tatami room. and near the MTR train too.
Hi Jul,

Is it possible to baby proof your house so you can let Sam roam on his own, 5 minutes would be good.
1) Try to hide the standing fan somewhere so he can't reach it, use chairs to block ?
2) Power supply, hide it so that it's not visible.
3) No table cloth, in case bb pulls.
4) No standing vases

In my own room, i let my gal roam freely for about a minute or so, i'll close the room and toilet doors. In the living room, it's more difficult, but try to bb proof as much as possible so we can have some freedom.
Ovann oso crawling around the hse and even tried to playing 'catching' with coalie! It's really back breaking trying to catch him & put him back at the 'legal' spot, only to have him crawling out of it again. I think it's time to get the playard

Hiaz ... i've also not gone overseas with bb yet, and like yr hubby, he finds it troublesome. I'm so in need of a holiday

The other day i was complaining to my sis, saying i'm very tired taking care of bb. So she suggested going to batam for spa and seafood, just the 4 of us siblings. Since we shld be going on a sunday, i can dump ovann to hubby
Haha .... i'm so looking fwd to it.

Road trip sounds fun! I mean it'll be fun if we are going with all aug mummies & daddies cos like some of u mentioned b4, friends who has no kids, or those who has already grown up, wldn't know the things that we need to compromise. I think i'll be interested if we really organise 1
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
thanks for the packing list, it's good !

i'm also amazed you can handle 2 kids outside with without helper, it's tough, you must have lotsa patience and energy, and a hands-on hubby !
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (can i just order the t-shirt?)
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
The 1st step is just go, just bear in mind that baby tends to cry. Dh and I travelled with Kai when he is like 6 months both through air and road trips.

I brought Kai and Ray over to Oz alone when mil said that I could not handle alone. The same thing she sid when I brought Kai over to Vancouver alone when Kai was 18 months. Nothing is impossible if you have the will power.

Now we are training Ray to sleep in long car ride so that we can drive long distance in Oz. Hopefully it will not be long that we can travel long distance in car trip again.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Re: T-shirt </font></font>

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (For my boy as my hb not keen for the bash)
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (For my boy as my hb not keen for the bash)
RE: skin prick test...

brought my boy to kkh for the test yesterday and
finally got a glimpse of what maybe causing the rash for my boy...
shellfish, whole eggs, peanuts...
agree with you, it got to hv the will power, the problem now lies with my hubby, till now i hv yet to convince him, how bad is my convincing power.
can juz wwlk in to to do the test? mayb i get javier to do the test too when he go for his check in end may.. he's always getting rashes..
dun think can just walk in leh...

cos last mth my boy hospitalised due to blood problem and the doc recommended for the allergy test as he find my boy's skin is bad...

the doc yesterday also worry about his 1yr old cake as most cake have eggs loh...the doc is so cute ...kekeke
but i tried fully hard boiled egg yolk...he is ok leh...

maybe u can call KKH to check?

my boy have not eaten shellfish but mummy eat lah...so now mummy know the results and must abstain from those...

but doc do tell me that some bbs when they eat they don't have problem only when they got in contact with the item...
huh? blood problem?? he ok now?? sounds serious..

ok, tks.. then i check with his doc during his 9mth assessment at kkh..

btw, can order eggless cake ma.. the doc so cute.. worry his kind of things oso.. i havent let javier try egg yolk.. wanted to but he fell sick. wait till he fully recover then try..
yup he is ok now...

that time one of the blood component is low..think is the red blood platelet low or something...

so now is intense food treatment with spinach/red meats cos lack of iron also...

think must make appt ...
u can call them to enquire?
glad that he is ok now..

doc din say add iron supplement for him?
that time javier was anemia coz prematured so doc gave him iron drop..
RE: GYNBOREE PLAY &amp; LEARN 2 TRIAL - 23rd May, 5:00pm, Harbourfront Ctr - S$40/baby

>23 May<
1) Javier - babyja
2) Teagan - Su
3) Zachary - reira
4) Ryan - Sharon
5) Ethan - Zen
6) Shayna - BabyS
7) Zachary - babymaking (btw does bb need to know how to crawl?)
8) Edeline - joeey
9) Samuel - jul
10) Megan - ML

*=* all, please be reminded to bring along a pair of socks and dress your baby comfortably *=*

NOTE: if ur name is not in list abv but like to join in.. u can b on waitlist. pls put yur bame below.. thnx.:
1) Jayla - irene (prefers 23rd may)
2) Jewelle - sandy dee (prefer 23rd May)
3) Jovia - donkeymami (from 16th May)
4) Charlotte - Puroland (from 16th May)
5) I-Xuan - tsktsk (from 16th May)
6) Issac - Michele
7) Alyn - babyjon (23 May)
Re: Eggs.

I have been giving Alyn 1 Steam Egg for breakfast every morning. Also gave her try Chesscake when she is ard 6-7mths.
These few days saw the thread, baby before 1yrs is best not to intro egg white..
Oh dear!!! do need bring her go for check up?

Kikilala: wow your packing list is a lot.
Cny we brg baby to Malacca too. But my list are same items where we use to bring when out shopping,jus that i bring the whole can of powder, more hanky,extra pacifier.
2months ago, Alyn also had her 1st plane flight to shenzhen. Item also e same.jus added some medi to stand by.

Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (For my boy as my hb not keen for the bash)
Babyjon(T Shirt only, Wont b in sin for the bash)
woo hoo so happi finally resign...

did the Dr say wat cause this prob? if it is due to the food who ate durin preggie to cause blood prob? or the gene?

u can go polyclinic to get referral or call the specialist clinic. After u see e dr then dr can refer u to take test. No anti histamine one week before the test.
