(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

REpost on behalf of janice...cos her name gone missing too..
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (For my boy as my hb not keen for the bash)
Babyjon(T Shirt only, Wont b in sin for the bash)

hee yup i resigned... actually since be4 CNY got offer alr but not v gd... so reject a few till now... hopefully i din make a wrong choice keke...
doc said no need.. as my food treatment seems to be working...and he is now drinking more FM...

BM less iron so doc said try to give less BM now...
will take this time to reduce my supply...

not inborn lor...its' bcos my BM less iron and he never eat anything that is iron rich...altho he got eat cereal but the iron in it is not enough...

piggy, u resign liao huh?
me also wanna quit leh...but hb say no...as my co. benefits is really good lor...except no airtix cos in aviation industry....hahaha

skin prick test
mummies interested do note that
no cough/flu syrup to be consume for a wk b4 test...
april> if i m feeding baby with milk powder n solid, i think it's much easier. cos it juz mean i need to have hot water on hand, n can easily achieved with a thermos flask. but how do i breastfeed overseas or pump while on vacation?

so till i stop breastfeeding, i won't think of going overseas =p

hehe. i dun think it's impossible. i just think i won't be able to enjoy myself much. so i dun think i wanna spend money to torture myself. =x
oic ic... ur bb dun even eat meat for iron???
yup been wantin to resign long ago.. well u can look ard if got better pay job a little diff in benefit ok mah... who knows u can get better pay n comparable benefit job? but mus see y u wan to quit la.. for me cos i v unhappy workin here la so no pt..
thank u for the information. my elder boy oso lack of iron, he picky eater.

the queue at polyclinic can kill. I call the specialist clinic and check. thks for the information.
prior to that hospitalisation...he only had fish...
only after discharge, i give lots of minced pork, beef and spinach...

me want to go over to another co. in the same industry but hb said must be at 6mths after quitting then can join...
this is my 1st job after poly and now seems that there isn't any chance to move up in my dept unless got all the relevent trade hand-on experience(means to be at shopfloor working as engineer or to get a degree)
shall wait next yr(after i complete my 10yr in this co.)...see how..
my name missing..
Re: T-shirt

"I'm ___ and I'm ONE- derful!"

Prisneo (For Ray - Baby S will pay and collect on my behaf.)
cloudme (For my boy as my hb not keen for the bash)
Babyjon(T Shirt only, Wont b in sin for the bash)
wow 10yrs.... oh so u mus wait 6 mths be4 u can join another co of same industry? hmm ya u gotta tink carefully.. my current job also no chance of movin up also...
oh icic i better make sure my MIL cook more meat for my boi cos she like to gave him fish also...
so sorry i tink we overlook la... cos i was doin speed readin keke.. i vote for 11-5pm :p

hee cos this time round i chose between 2 co so scare i make wrong choice cross my fingers.....
regg.. 11 to 5pm lor.. then we order hi tea?

just back from lunch and i indulged in a magnum gold cos so hot!

it tastes ok, expensive for an ice cream ($3.90 from 7-11) and it dripped onto my black t shirt now i got unremovable gold stains on my shirt!

i dont even remember it like dripping lor.. condensation yes but no drips! grhh..
no cough/flu medicine 1 week b4 the test ah.. javier still taking his runny nose medicine.. but i tink can stop liao coz his runny nose ok le..

i ok with 11-5pm, but i cant reach so early coz usually i go my father's hse every saturday oni, by the time i reach abt 2pm liao..

Baby S
wa.. $3.90 for ice cream, indeed not cheap.. dun tink i will spend that $$ for ice-cream.. hee...
baby ja: haha....

just thought once only lah, since i dont usually like chocolate or ice cream.. since i have this craving (the advertising works on me) and since its SO HOT, i thought just once only lah..

never again man... must borrow Nana's bib then can eat.. hehe..
bobo: really leh! even if its gold colouring, reallly looks gold!

i read in a ad that they dip it in edible gold... of course not real gold lah if not i think have to pay $390 and not $3.90..
trust ur instinct lah, no worry so much. u hv not start u worry, look at good side. normally at initial stage joining new company is tough period within 3 months. after tat shd be ok.


just go ahead book 11am to 5pm timing.
babys, indeed gold in color? i tot is caramel & the ad they make it like gold color..so actual one also in gold..if it's gold $3.90 is not ex la kekeke
the salted caramel is inside with the vanilla ice cream... but cant really taste it leh... just generally taste sweet lor..

sorry me not fan of ice cream so my critic of the ice cream doesnt make it look very attractive.. hahah .
Wanna check with fellow mums here if your child had fever during teething time? My gal has 2 bottom teeth now and we see the upper one cutting through the gum... she had fever since sunday and range from 37.5 to 38.5... keep feeding fever medication every 4 to 6 hours... dun know if it cause by teething... she has been grumpy but eating well... brought her to doc and the doc say throat infection... but already fever for the 3rd day liao... dun know wat to do next...
ya i agree with u..but it my nature la not say worry but will feel scare lo... dunno y everytime i will feel this way hahah but once i started workin i be fine
erm...how to cook meat for bb huh?
can we buy minced pork from supermarket? then?
steam or boil..need to blend?
i'm totally clueless!
piggy: thats normal lah... i'm sure u'll be fine!

deebee: for pork i'll get the butcher to mince it 2 to 3 times. My mum will tell the uncle she wants lean meat, ask him to wash first then mince..

For chicken i buy breast meat and after cooking will cut it up really fine (since chicken meat falls apart easily after cooking)

Anyone here ever heard b4, that can only give chicken meat from a hen and not cock to baby?
eeew! salted caramel?!?


Puroland> actually teething will not cause fever. but babys' immunity will be pit low during teething period, so easier to catch cold, cough, fever.. watever viral infection or whatever la.

keep sponging your gal oso arh. your feeding of medication every 4-6hrs..izit according to the prescription or not? careful dun over dose leh. wear comfy loose clothes oso.. dun keep too warm..n dun over-expose. let her drink bit more water oso lor.

hope Charlotte will be well soon.
regg, i also prefer the earlier timing. 6-11pm is too late as Isaac sleeps at 7+pm. Thanks for your help!

piggy, congrats on your new job. I remember you mentioned that you had been on the look out for a while. Will u be joining a new industry? Don't worry too much about whether you are making the right or wrong choice. We all make the best of our circumstances. So even if next job dun work out, you can always look for another one later on.
BabyS> that's something new.... cannot give cock to baby arh? y arh?
errrh..but anyways, both my girls hate chicken (which so far i oni tried chicken breast niah).. so.. prolly latr on try the chicken leg or thigh meat try (prolly they r like me.. dun eat breast meat de.. heeee~)
work in other field for that 1/2 yr lor...

kekeke...me got other options but see i wanna sacrifice my current benefits or not..
But if we buy from supermarket, it wont state if its from hen or cock..so how do we differentiate ?
Ive not heard of such sayings though...
thanks for your encouragement... all it a new industry.. come to tink of it all my job r diff industry.. hahah used to purchase tobacco lol~ it the nature of the job la... :p

ya haha but abit sian to start all over ago but no choice la;P

bb need to learn how to chew so no need to be so fine... usu i will buy lean meat for pork n brest meat for chix.. i will use hot water to go over it first den mince myself... den add into the porridge n cook together...
sorry ladies, i know we had earlier discussed on something abt giving liver to bbs at some point.. but i din really follow the other time?
so.... can we actually like use pig liver, boil the soup base for porridge now? or cannot, hfta wait till when they r bigger?
I'm still bfing and I brought my nursing cover along when I travel. So anytime can just feed on the plane or restuarants.

After baby start solids, more troublesome cos got to bring food that is suitable for him as I dont want him to eat outside food yet.
i heard b4
but how to find so many hen in the market...
cos they all go lay eggs for the companies...
unless its those very old hen....

supermarket...mostly r males...very seldom got females...

to differentiate think must look at the head for the crown...???
