(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Gymboree Play & Learn 2 Trial class
1 Maritime Square
#03-09/10 Harbourfront Centre

Date: 2nd May
Time: 5pm-5.45pm
Minimum pax: 3
Maximum pax: 15

Play & Learn 2 (Trial fee: $40.00)
Class Description:
- Enjoy playful "baby games" and songs
- Children learn cause and effect and discover how to make things happen for themselves
- 45mins play sessions

Will confirm with u gals when to make payment

1) baby ja
2) janice (if end of may, pls exclude me)
3) sandy dee
4) babys (but if sundays b4 1pm, may not be able to make it, will be in church at AMK)
5) jul
6) Sophia (Fine anytime, preferably sundays)
7) fatBobo + baby Mattea ([email protected])
8) fat hb of fatBobo + baby Keona ([email protected])
9) Patricia ([email protected])
10) Puroland
11) pegsfur ([email protected])
12) celine

i think the helper did not think much of the consequence lah at that danger moment. But what you said partly is true...it will nvr be the same for her family..got $10K so wat!
hmm... will try the straw later see he can do it again..

i cant find the spree thats y see outside got sell anot..
I worked in a jap co. when I was very young...wow totally horrible culture! Worked there for less than 6mths quit liao :p

Somemore lunch time got bell ring!! YUCKS!
baby ja,
I emailed you the details, when do you need me to transfer the payment? OR can I transfer to you today because I will be going biz trip tonite coming back on sat noon.
baby ja

u remember the tsunami? so many pp donated so much money but the money never reached the victims. They were used to line the pockets of the officials.
hi everyone

been very tired these days. sam's recovering very well but poor mummy is coughing!


what type of pasta do u give kyler? our normal type? or special baby pasta? then need to chop/mash into small pieces? what sauce to use?

el nino

hope ethan recovers soon

baby ja

thks for organising the trial. think hubs will faint when i tell him we're gog for trial again. i din tell him yet

It seems that alot of people dun like to work for jap co/boss .. haha . but my previous job in a jap co was good. My jap boss is also a very nice man, everything also can cham siong de
I still feel it's a waste to quit that job to be a SAHM.
baby ja

btw did u start with plain porridge? i started with plaing porridge then later added ingredients. i only use 1 ingredient at 1 time.. then sam got sick.. mil insisted watery plain porridge for almost 2 weeks.. then yest started him on pork in the porridge.

think i'll try beef next
pegsfur, actually jap boss are nice but they vy loyal to the co so will expect staff to follow the co's policy & those stupid rules la..
sumtime i use puree add some meat n ingredient or make my own tomato sauce n throw everything in.. i use the bellamy star pasta.. i saw the organic shop got sell pasta sauce for bb also. if u lazy jus buy tt n add to pasta :p

hahah yes the buildin i work in got bell too but i nv follow 1 heng this is not my own company i jus located here haha...

usu Jap firm more stingy so v few Jap firm r gd..

oic. thanks.

i haven't intro olive oil, garlic, onion etc all these to sam. now scratching head on what i can use to make the sauce.
michelle, i dunno le..but her kids are like 1yr+ so for smaller babies i thk can cut to smaller bah.

I thk Pris alr starts ray wif pasta, mayb she can advise you more.

Pris, can you answer ours doubts? hehehe thx
mashy> which brand's abc pasta? find my boy so ke lian. only got cereal to eat. porridge only sch will cook for him nice ones
u can make payment on that day itself..

hee.. y faint?? he dun like ah?
i straight away give him porridge with fish leh.. shou start plain first?

thanks.. i go see see..
i have not start my boy on porrige at all...because I noticed he wil make the "vomit" face like something stuck in the mouth or throat, is this normal for 1st timer?
i straight aaway gave my boi porridge with fish n vegie.. he ok so i tink it depend on bb..

i tink it norm sumtime i gave new food to my boi he will frown cos he not use to the texture but after 1-2 time he will open his mouth n ask for it...
my boy not only frown, he will do those "vomit" face I worried the sticky texture "stuck" in the throat or what.

but I see alot of you already feeding quite normal food, I am still giving him veg/fruit puree.
every bb got diff way of expressin mah
now tt they r bigger they need more nutrient like iron n protein so mus start givin them meat wor...
ya i think i must let him eat some meat..wanted to start him on ckn but dunno how to.

blend the ckn to puree and mix in the porridge?
Hey ladies,

can check with u if your baby's milk intake falls when on solids? My ger drinks 7oz everynight before sleeping. But today she's only drinking 5 oz. A bit worried. Afternoon she also drank less.

Is it cos I started her on pork this month? More meat, more food, not so hungry?
i tink it norm tt bb milk intake reduce when we intro more solid... as long as she drink abt 500-600ml per day is fine..

oh u reminded me of the waraku soup pasta

baby ja

i think bbs r different. some may prefer watery porridge n others thicker ones. some like a lot of 'liao'. since u're having prob feeding javier the 'hor liao' porridge, maybe u wanna try the plain one n see if he can get used to the taste?

phy o

sam's intake did fall when he started on solids. in fact when he was on 2 solid mealsbefore he got sick, he only drank abt 450ml per day.

i feel like murdering this woman at the clinic. that day we brought sam to the pd to check on the pee. there was this lady who had a 4mth+ baby who was quite big-sized. dunno what she told my mil abt feeding her baby. now my mil is asking to feed sam quail's eggs to make him smart!

darned irritating lor. i tell her NO EGGS b/c of allergy. n sam has a bit of eczema rash too. she said "but quail's eggs are very small. it's not chicken egg, so ok. n it'll be hard boiled, not soft boiled, so no danger anymore"

argghhh!!!!! what's with her n eggs to make baby smart? think she's feeling guilty that she din make soft-boiled eggs for hubs, that's y he's not smart, n now she goes crazy making him soft boiled eggs. i kept telling her to watch the cholesterol n she says nvm, only a bit. n it has to be soft-boiled egs to make the brain smart, not well-cooked eggs. faint!
bring sam for allergy test? might be the fastest way to solve this problem of her wanting to introduce egg. i've introduced Zachary with well-cooked egg yolk. dont want to start on egg white even tho he don't have allergic reaction to any food yet.

introducing high risk allergy food can wait. no need to rush. better be safe than sorry. but then again, in laws can never accept our suggestions. good thing is you are the caregiver, not her.
yup...i read that its safe to intro cooked egg yolk from 8mths onwards but no egg white till after 1yr old
for sensitive babies...better to wait till 1yr before introducing any egg
tell her doctor say one lor...heheee
but this is wat my PD advise for ryan cos he has some eczema too
i told hubs abt the lady with quail eggs in front of mil, n he immed replied "siao ah???" so end of issue.

but of course mil can't resist suggesting once in a while. but i just say no. it's kinda difficult coz i'm camping at her place on weekdays. need to give her face also lah. but at least i'm there to 'watch her'. since i've started giving sam fish, n recently, pork.. she's been more 'appeased' coz running out of things to suggest liao mah haaha.

hubs also says that mil is 'like that'. he says she's a 'typical lao ren jia, full of inconsistencies'.

for eg, she doesn't allow sam to be in front of the fan directly. the fan has to oscillate else he'll catch chill / get phlegm etc. i'm fine with it, esp since he's coughing.

but.. the other day, i saw her fanning his head vigorously with her manual fan. i was asking her why coz she said strong wind is not good. she replied that this is 'natural wind' n is different from the 'electric wind' from the fan. i was like ??????
baby ja,
Dats good..maybe can let him try a few more times

Haha..my mum also say the same bout the fan

safety gates
any type to recommend? Need get one to prevent my boy from goin to kitchen

my boy has only tried carrot, potato, pumpkin, butternut squash, spinach, sweet potato..plus pork in porridge for taste..wat else can intro to him? Running out of ideas
jul> old pple got alot of their funny logic. if living with them, juz got to close one eye abit =x

sharon> i m getting the 6panel playyard from bp forum so i can keep my boy within a specific play area
