(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

oh i mean short term also bohua cos hor u buy 1 can still hand down... anyway i dun tink necessary la cos like u say cant ground them for too long Kyler now alr can climb up his playpen where the height is abt the same as the playyard...

bb nowaday no longer sleep so long liao.. Kyle ronly slept for 12-13hr /day...

Hi Pat,

I replied u le
magmag cup
do your put the magmag in the sterilizer? all the while i have been soaking in boiling water oni as per the box instruction.. but this 2 days being lazy as got extra parts to sterilize..
baby ja,
i dun even soak...i juz rinse with hot water only

ryan sleep ard 12hrs only too...n he has dark eye circles....will need check wif PD during the 9th mth check up on this
pegsfur, dolcevita

haha maybe they like looking down at things, after being forced to look up for so many mths?


i guess it's an asian thing lor. giving cereal to sam is like a horror to my mil.

baby ja, sharon

no one can beat sam at sleeping hrs.

he sleeps from ard 10pm to 630am. then 3 30min naps in morning, afternoon n late afternoon. that's about it!

i asked his pd when he was sleeping only ard 12h at 6mths old n pd said it's ok. he keeps telling me no need to make bb sleep so much. dun put them in sarong n shake till they keep sleeping. will hinder their development,.. blah blah

maybe u can ask ur pd n share with me?

seriously sam has an alarm clock. he will just open his eyes wide n wake up at 30min sharp. n he'll usu be like active n lively even with such little sleep. but sometimes he'll wake up n cry n wanna be carried for a while. maybe that's when he doesn't have enough rest?

I just read your post on 11pm feed scream.
My ger too - today. I always feed her at 111.30pm - 12am, then next feed is 5am.

Now warm up the milk yet she refuses to drink. dunno what to do.
i think no one beats my boy lor. he sleeps really little. in the day, he'll nap 2-3hours the most. mostly 1.5-2hours. he used to sleep at 8.30pm, then wakes up every hourly till 12.30am, then 3.30pm, 6.30am, 7.30am then starts his day liao. he'll nap around 11am for 30mins-1 hour. then another nap ard 4.30pm for half an hour. tats it.

this week he only sleeps at 11.30pm. then wakes up at ard 1.30am, 3.30am, 6.30am & starts his day again at 7.30am. faint. the later he sleeps, the less free time i have.

he's eating 3 meals a day, about 1 normal rice bowl. on top of tat still eat 1 small banana or 1 slice of bread. but he's so active tat he's not putting on much weight.
pegsfur> wah. 25bucks not cheap wor. anyway if u have playmat, can buy this playyard, than put on top of it ma

sleeping> my boy oso sleeps abt 12hrs+ a day. small buy got panda eyes. dunno y he dun sleep n let me sleep too
morning ladies, finally thursday!!! awaiting sun's gymboree trial class...

michelle, my boy also dun like to slp at nite... and also got panda eyes... sux

My boy has tis bad habit of finishing half of his milk only..my mum dun wan waste my BM, so always try make cereal wif remaining milk..she does tis at e 9am n 4pm feed..plus he has porridge at 1pm..is this considered 1 or 2 or 3 solid meals a day?

shall check with pd during next appt
last nite juz put everything in the sterilizer.. hee.. the straw din not go haywire..

will check during his next checkup in end may.. =)

wa.. ur boy wakes up so many eyes at nite huh... then u panda eyes oso liao..

tink older generation got this lind of thinking.. my fil saw i feed javier with cereal then ask me y nv feed porridge/rice, say cereal no nutrient.. then mil say muz eat porridge if not no strength to walk.. i was like huh???

for me ..i would consider 3 solids...

my boy also...
dun know if it's teething...
he drink only 30-60ml for his milk only...
made me wanna pull my hair....grrrh
morning all. yeah. it's finally thurs. going wkends soon.

janice> my boy ok la. sleeps from 9pm till 630am or so. but last nite special, he sleeps at 8pm so woke up at 550am -_-" but he stll got panda eyes

sometimes he wierd will wake up at wierd timing. but usually is only wake up once at 2am if i never dreamfeed him at 1am -_-"
my boy also like to try such stunts on the bed!
hey, yr boy hair sama sama like my boy leh heehee...

baby ja/janice,
i am looking forward to the gymboree trial too 1st time bring him to such class
Books collection
if you are going to the baby fair tomorrow and would like to collect your books as well, sms me. will be at expo tomorrow from 11am plus till 2 or 3pm (tackling bb fair/borders sale) :p
How to train bb to suck from the straw? I have the stage 2 pout kind and the straw. BB refuse to suck from the straw... but when she is on her tummy she try to suck the pout and nothing come out she get angry...hahhaha
i juz let javier try and he can suck like wat sharon did to ryan, din train him.. i skip the spout tho i have the whole set.. that time let him try spout always got choke by the water leh..
sharon, baby ja

thanks. do let me know what ur pd says. sam's 8h sleep at nite n 30min nap in the day really leaves me sooo tired

baby ja

my mil keeps pointing out that ever since sam ate porridge, his legs have grown strong. now he can crawl v well n can stand. duh.. isn't it time to do it n nothing to do with porridge?
tink they juz wan us to believe wat they say loh.. mil say porridge is like rice to us.. then we got energy ma.. haiz..

tink u can try compasspoint metro.. my friend told me sometimes they have 20%..
BHG Sales
BHG bugis has sales up to 30% for regular item and 15% for sales item.... for DBS card also... Grab a no. of baby stuffs... kekekekke
puroland, BHG is it storewide 30%?
got any good buys for baby stuff?? pigeon got how many % off...??

robinson not sure how much off also..anyone know?
check with u mummies hor.. how your make prune puree huh? use the dry fruit or fresh one? my boy likes gerber bottled prune puree leh..
9th mth old check up - just called dr ong clinic, clinic nurse said not necessary?

Zachary used to try to pick up his toy if it fell from bed and end up falling down (a few times). now he very scared when he is near the edge of the bed. instead will look for other toy to play or cry so that i will pick up the toy he dropped for him. but sometimes too excited will still fall down trying to pick haha

where to buy safety gate? next time will need one for Zachary's room or the kitchen unless i close the door

Re: teach baby to drink from straw

i use the method pris taught me. found a website with similiar method:

Re: BHG sales
pigeon is under 15% or 30%? need to buy mag mag cup

mil always like to comment de lah. yah now is the time for them to crawl, stand and walk with support.

baby ja
i think puree should use fresh prunes. but sometimes it is sour. dry one is sweet. is gerber bottled prune puree sour or sweet?

i bought it at Kiddy Palace.

Re: prune juice
I use the del monte ones since it's pure prune juice. I just dilute and give. But my gal hates prune juice unlike my boy.
gerber one abit sour... but tink fresh one quite difficult to find leh.. i will go search those bigger supermarket see have. btw, prune is mandarin is call wat huh? if supermarket dun have, got to try wet market too..
thanks..im goin get e lindam tis weekend..is urs the one with auto spring or without? Can't decide..my frend say without better? Shop say with spring better?

mashy recommend lindam one for safety gate..its only 55 or 65
i haven call my PD but previously she mention need go back for 9mths assessment

huh? What's with spring? I guess mine doesn't have then. Is it the auto spring mean that the gate will auto close? I think that will be more dangerous esp if bb is trying to get in when you're opening or closing. Auto spring may hurt bb's hands if it's in the way.
Hey happi,

think I read somewhere there was a spree on birthday stuff some time ago. Now dunno have

Btw, where r u guys all planning ur 1 yo bdae?

Any suggestions for venues?
i wanna go for baby expo tomoro, but no cc, so my 2 older ones are at home...how to go?? saw the deal car seat+sackngo+lamb cushion for $199...tempting man.
