(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

wow 10-14days ah... no wonder... he have been cryin on n off for almost everynite lo.. sigh...

okie alr bott the onion hope he recover faster....

i heard the mother n her 2 YO gal also die leh...


I placed unpeel onion in my room....


Perhaps you can place more in the room ??..hahahaha..so they can absorb ALL of his flu virus ...
mother? n 2 yr old also die?

i read the news and it's only the helper die...

the mother aka "madam" is ok and the child is ok...

the "madam" wanted to remit 10k to the helper's mum as a form of "condolence $$$"
there's a pic showing the "madam" and the "sir"...
yeah. the bao yin dan is good and cheap but this is only for slight flu, cough etc. last time, claira merlion every nite, i fed her this powder for a week and she recovered. i suspect it was the wind. so min. still need a few days to see effect. in fact, chinese medicine needs sometimes to see result. not like western one...

Yu Guo
i need to bring claira to yu guo for tui na. any physician there to recommend? or need to let dr xu zhen yu to see 1st one?

claira still have a bit of running nose and her appetite is poor. my grandma wants me to bring her there to improve her immunity. mommies, any recommendation???
ya.. mashy is correct.. Javier is also prematured and he is 9 weeks early.. so i dun take his actual age for his growth and development coz he will be way too behind and oni make me worry.. =)
cloudme, Ray eats onion and garlic too. I also take the raw ones especially now winter is coming and we place the unpeel ones in the bedrooms, living room etc.
piggytoh> haha. hood? din c any =p tell u juz now i went vivo for lunch with colleague. i saw one guy wearing the same shirt as wat i buy from the shop for my boy. initially i wanna go up to him n ask where he got tat top, so my hubby can wear with my boy. haha. but i paiseh -_-"

cloudme> i saw de headlines. but the article juz refused to load on my office internet machine -_-"
my HB went to check the organic shop at harbourfront.. wa.. very ex there.. he told me $9.50 per tin and he still buy..
baby ja, thank you. Ray is 3 weeks earlier too.

Peg, all tcm takes a while to see effects. How much is bao ying dan in Sg? It is A$40 for a box of 6 tiny bottles here in Oz.
headline in xinmin or wanbao...i also dun know what papers hb bot yesterday...
blur me

can't find the e-version of that article anywhere leh...
sorry, gotta go back to work.. too much back log.

for the helper who saved the boy's life. i don't know what to say..

"thanks goodness, there are some good maids around?"
"she is so stupid, to ignore her personal safety and upset her own initial plan (i.e. to come to a foreign country, work hard, save money and go back home). now her family might have 10k... but it is never gonna be the same, without her around".
wow sooo ex ah.. i only paid $20+ i tink.. ya the chinese medi take longer so if got bad flu cannot ah cos they alr v xin ku....

hahah jus now i ask my HB pick me up we go JPT for lunch so i can buy den i saw 1 bb abt 6-7mth old the muumy on the spot put on for him soooo cute lo.... cant wait to see him wearin lol.. got lots of hood 1 leh almost 1/3 of their shirt got hood 1...

ya v ex i got the card after less 10% still v ex ...
cloudme> lol. i dun read chinese papers one. cos i cannot really read chinese very well =p

i saw de e-version on asiaone. juz tat i have prob loading it in office

piggytoh> erms. jp n vivo carry diff stock isit? cos i really nv c the hood ones. haha. juz now nv go in walk. cos oredi went for 2hr lunch. so faster come back office =p
Michelle, envy you. today my boss jz reminds us that our lunch time is 12-12.45pm...sianz lo cos we drove out for lunch & oli cum back 1.10-1.20pm. seems like he's unhappy wif this.
piggy, so exciting shopping for clothes for 1st birthday..i'm still looking for nice dress for my gal...nowadays bb's clothes are so nice parents spending alots on kids lolz.
hahah no la the hood 1 is like norm material jus tt they added in to their shirt design.. which i find cute n unique...
piggytoh> hehe. i walk ard the whole shop leh. but juz din c de hood shirts. so this wkend de sales end. think hubby wun wan me to buy more ba. wait for their nxt sale =p

i really nv c de hood. erms. shuld i go c n buy more =x

donkeymami> lol. my office ok. cos sometimes when i busy or go site, i oso nv go lunch. at most dabao eat n wk tgt. i think sometimes need to close one eye. we are all executive. cannot finish our wk, den we wk ot lo =p sitting at ur desk during office hrs dun mean tat we are wkin oso ma =p

hehe. ya. agree with u that we are spending alot on kids clothings. sometimes i think my boys clothes are more ex den mine, considering the amt of clothes i buy for him. now i nv buy for myself -_-
i've said it in that post.. "to ignore her personal safety and upset her own initial plan (i.e. to come to a foreign country, work hard, save money and go back home). now her family might have 10k... but it is never gonna be the same, without her around"."... it's is never heroic to risk ur own life and forget abt ur own family u have back at home... likewise for u, would u have taken similar risk especially when u have young kids?
hahah ya lo esp their shirt v nicee n special.. even my HB like keke... can even get few for them to wear durin CNY haha....

oh we buyin shirt for goin out 1 so diff la.. cos tt shop havin 50% discount now so v worth it
Re: Maid
i tink none of us know what exactly happen at tt point of time n wat is the situation. i tink when it comes to accident we cant predict n dun tink we can tink properly at tt pt of time? maybe at tt pt of time everything happen too fast the maid cant react in gd time? i tink only he maid have the ans bah.. at least she managed to save a life din die for nothing?
RE: Helper
That helper is single and its to her good thinking and reflex that she managed to flange away that bb girl...
if not it will be 2 lifes on the road instead...

what i feel is that
she may owe her life to this bb girl in previous life...
that she is returning to her this round...
anyway, it is a very sad thing.

her family back home, their life will never be the same.
the family over here (her employer), they will also live in a life of guilt.
Me! Can help me collect from bbmaking?

maid incident
I dun think she is stupid lah .. it could be her natural instinct at that flick of the moment to flung the kid away. I'm sure she thot she cld run away but the bus was faster than her. Mmm .. if she's stupid for risking her life to save the kid, then wat is she if she ran for her own safety and the kid died as a result? But like wat piggy said, we wld't know wat really happened at that time and i guess everything happened too fast for her to make the 'right' decision in such a time of danger.
Michelle, i'm working in a Jap co..u know japs are more rigid but i doubt we will really follow the lunch hrs :p

re: helper
the mother sure vy sad cos she wif the helper & kids when the accident happen
esp the helper saved her daughter's life.
RE: Helper
Didn't know of this news till I read here. Was it in the papers?
She's very "wei da". As Pris said, now want to find good reliable helpers are as rare as finding gold on the floor!
donkeymami> hehe. i m wking in a singapore company. dunno if it's mnc or sme. haha. but my office actually oso enforce 12-1245pm lunch. but i m attached to site, at a clients office. client office oso singapore company, but less strict here as long as we finish our wk. i think tat's all tat matters
last week i let him try the normal straw once and he cant suck leh.. then u say u din train Ryan to use the magmag straw right.. i juz let javier try and he can suck abit the water too..
i in Jap firm also but i bochap 1 haha... n heng my dept is not run by Jap lol~

i tink every bb diff i tried lettin my bb try to suck the mag mag straw cup he dunno how.. so i tink mus still train him sigh..

so far i only succeed once usin norm straw to train him haha cos i seldom got time to train him... if only i got more time on him
