(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

babyja, u open ceremony the handheld blender. easy to use? oso saw it best denki but hv not buy yet. did u steam the apple n blend or blend apple directly? i feel joy n heartwarm too when the 1st time i c my bb finish the apple puree i made for him
i let him try for a week before letting him taste new puree. bb luckier than his gor gor, i nvr made such puree for his gor gor.

arghhshs. i m so bz at wk. no time to monitor here in office -_-" n when i'm hm, i'm so tired

weishy> lol. dun think i'll go town anytime soon leh. cos hubby juz brought me shopping at orchard last wkend n he hates it, cos he got to handle baby n walk down orchard road =x i work at dsta henderson road. so if u r driving, u can consider picking up from me at office? but let me know in advance k, cos i need bring ur stuffs to office =p
hi ladies,

long time nvr login .. only reading silently cos always get called by my elder gal. She's sick again - stomach flu.

Re: Apple pureen
Can teach me how to make? So far i only let my gal try apple juice. forgot hpw to pureen.
Hi ladies,
Those who are bfg, do you find your milk ss decreasing? Dunno why my supply is lesser each day. Take all the supplements already but still like that.
Michelle-erm u hv th exact address?any buses there?I cam pick it up on 22nd cos goin to Bt merah central.

Apple purée-just cut into pcs n blend with abit of water /bm/fm.

U can also steam it first if u feel so.

Usually I will pre mix the rice cereals,add apples then blend together
Good morning everyone! Yesterday I slept from 8PM till 5AM. Too sian and end up became sleepy.

haha, i woke up, Zachary also woke up. then he flip to his tummy and cannot turn back. i bo chap him and now he fell alseep again on his tummy.

Zachary also takes awhile to warm up to strangers. the stranger will have to keep talking to him and smile then after a few minutes of staring at the stranger, he will then start to smile back. i bring Zachary out atleast once every 2 days since he was born. even go shopping during confinement haha

Last sat was the first time i brought Zachary to a swimming pool. He was a bit nervous initially as before that I only let him swim at him in his small swimming tub. haha maybe because i was a bit nervous also thats why he can feel.

you use sling right? maybe go and try the stroller a few more times. if she is really ok with it then buy bah. but then how long will baby sit in stroller for ah? is it possible to train if i dont let him sit in stroller once he can walk? dont want him to be like those kids that still continue sitting in stroller even when they are a few years old. (play psp somemore!)

i got my bumper playmat from small small world BP in the BP section. buy 1 at $119 and then the next few at $90 each. we had 5 ppl in total to share so each person only paid $95.80. =) original price around $140+ i think.

or maybe you can try the WTS thread?

oh wow, maybe i need to go print out some simple chinese word and japanese hiragana + katakana to teach him. everyday he listen to me watching japanese show. donno can absorb from there or not hahaha. myself only understand very simple japanese.

i love the sprout chart and handphone holder! need to check with my eletrician next time if i can make individual socket for each hp as charging station or not haha

ytd was the first time Zachary nap so long ah. he napped for 3 hours and i went to wake him up. else dont need to swim and bath liao haha. how i wish he can spread the nap time. like maybe an hr at 11 am so that i can cook my lunch + dinner without hearing his scream cry.

yah, bored cos i finish everything le.

i decided to get safra card cos swimfast conducts infant aquatic in yishun safra. $155.15 for 10 lessons (safra member). haha so cheap!

thanks for sharing the swimsuit BP. i also need one! maternity one too big liao. the designs are so nice and cheap!!! love the shorts type.

omg, i think the sizes of the BP swimsuit too small for me le. so sad!

no change to my supply. but i think Zachary drink lesser now cos i am having engorgement these few days. can try preggie milk to increase supply. thats what i do if i think my supply drop.

babymallonline spree
making one soon. anyone interested to join and share shipping?
Morning ladies

As usual, I am busy packing for the move this coming Sat., packing is almost done.

Phy, my bm does not decrease, in fact, I ebm for the cereal as well. Think u might be too tired out taking care of sick children, bm decteases.
good morning ladies!

morning pris! i v peifu u can handle so many things at one go. i'm so tired out wif work & my boy. wan to clean up the house for cny but really no time & energy. ethan is taking up all my free time as he hardly naps.
Buying appliances
Is it worth it to wait for GSS Sale to buy appliances like TV, Fridge, washing machine? Or just wait for Expo sale can liao? (if I buy from Harvey norman)
good mornning to all...

phy *o*, my mil cook the papaya fish soup for me and it stills work.. ss increase abit.. usually 2-3 packs x 180ml to 3-4 packs x 180ml so maybe u can give it a try?
wow! yr boy can sleep so long also ah! i envy u!!! my boy will usually sleep at 8.30pm but sure wake up at 11.30pm or 12am for feed. then after tat still waking up every 3 or 4 hours for his nite feeds.

wow, your boy can really sleep. *envy*

Dun wait for GSS coz they usually just have lucky draws and not discounts for the appliances. Expo sales are good but do compare a bit coz some things may not be as cheap as they claim.

My boy is 4 and we still put him on the stroller! haha. Once we didn't let him go on the stroller, he ran all over the place. My hb was so tired out and decided to use the stroller all the time. Even when they start to walk, u will still need the stroller coz they can't walk long distances. And of course the stroller can hold all your barang barang. :p Ya, i still sling my gal, that's why i was so tired out from it. Aiyah, i'll still have to think abt it. Haven't told my hb altho we went to try the stokke at motherworks. He also thot the price is ridiculous.
weishy> de bus stop is u know 145 from vivo towards redhill mrt, one stop after safra mount faber. here got bus 272, 273, 145, 57, 175 and i dunno wat leh. cos i nv take bus to wk =x

is de bus stop opp the hdb flats - opp henderson blk 1. let me know earlier if u wanna pick up tml n ard when k? but 1115 to 2pm cannot. cos usually i go for lunch ard tat time.

phy*o*> no change to my supply too. think becos when u pump, u nv empty it, so supply drops

reira> gain city having expo sale this wk if i not wrong. price is good
Reira-yishun safra swim lessons -cheap le!!!

Japanese-well they learnt very fast may seemed to u that they dun.

Proper jap is not easy anyway :p me myself knows simple ones wakkakakak.to start a conversation sure no no

but it's goo that they can learnt more languages

wished I hv to time nnpatience to do that heheh.

All e abc taught by my helper :p. Me just be around ,came back n she knows all.amazing memory they hv.

Babymall-our bbs should outgrown those clothing soon le babes.dun buy so much ya

Warehouse sale-maybe should waitfor those . Like I got my plasma from philips warehouse sale at less than 1k with delivery.so if u no hurry then wait la.

Even if u buy now where u gonna put?moving will cause $ n installation le?they won't install for u later right???hv to chk before u buy.

The store at katong is cheap,go back I dig out the card.

Michelle-ya I can take those buses
good good issit opp the safra?24th at 8:30 oki? Send off my girl n come meet u. Let me know la
Reira, tis is wat i do when i move in to my new hse. i take down the model number tat i like & price lah, from best denki, courts, harvey norman, SAFE superstore. i chk with those store , Lee Meng @ jln besar, Goh Ah Bee @ Hougang st 21 kovan area, Green island Appliances @ AMK Ave 10
kiki, do you think the hinge covers are useful? Will it prevent baby from sticking his fingers in the hinges? I have been using my Maclaren strollers almost 5 yrs, but never realised that its dangerous... hmm...

weishy, they told me when I put my name down that I have to bring my 2 strollers down to collect before they give to me... I call them again to confirm later. If can collect on behalf, I can collect for u?

U starting work in March? So guess we can do our swim session in Feb b4 CNY?

Rei, wow $155 for 10 lessons is cheap! So u are gonna sign up for that?
no lah, my boy does wake up 1 - 2 times throughout the 9 hours. then i just latch him and back to zzz.

Thanks for the info. does Expo sale have any installment plan? compare with where? their own shop ah? i missed last week's harvey norman warehouse sale haha so pissed! lol hope they got warehouse sale again so i can buy small items.

thanks! gain city sell other stuffs besides aircon ah?

thanks for the info.

haha yah i know the sellers of the BP. Well, i bought my swim tub from them and they saw the photos i put on my facebook. they did asked permission to put his photo there. =)

yah! it is quite cheap hor! but need to be safra member wor. if not safra member is $190 ish le.

same. i know simple and can listen but start convo cannot haha

for appliances, now just sourcing see what kind of sale is better. got sale then buy haha

yah, kelly & Steven (mums2kidz) are on my facebook friendlist. saw Zachary's swimming photo and asked for permission to use some.

those shops thats not major appliance shop hor, dont have installment de right? i prefer 0% installment so dont have to fork out so much cash at once wor.

yup, going to sign up for that. but before need to go there view the current class haha. their next intake is in mid march anyway.

morning =)
SAFRA Yishun Swim Class
my son hving his swim class there every sunday morng 10.30am, last sun was my 1st time bring bb down to the pool. I nvr hv confidence to bring bb down to the pool, m fear i drown the bb, coz mi dunno how to swim lah...thks to the aqua duck trial on sat tat increase my confidence.

Dolcevita, yes, yes i noe, my parent hme at Sgoon ave 4, tat time move in 1985 my mum always go there n buy lor. tat area shop all veri long liao...my mum oso buy furniture fm tat shop before too. my mum bro, sister all stay kovan area, guess they must hv buy stuff fm ur parent shop too.

Reira, whr did u buy the reuseable swim diaper? tink more pratical n economical, though i hv buy a pack of huggies little swimmers liao.. hv not really surf wat can i buy fm babymallonline. i had buy a lot of rompers for him during carter's sales at tampines liao lah..
Hi mummies,

Thanks for your recommendation. Yah, baby seemed a bit insecure at times. I thought that swimming is one activity that can help to build up confidence. Will take it slowly.

Gain city sell other stuff as well. Last time they extended their warehouse sale pricing in their retail shop as well. one of the big one will be in Marina Sq, near the end where mothercare is.

Yap, shop shops recommended by April does not have installment plan. That is why they are able to sell it at a lower price.

Sengkang/Punggol mummies when is the next gathering?
kekeke i oso know goh ah bee.. actually very popular shop right? coz so much cheaper if paying cash.. i got my washer.dryer.fridge frm them
Zen, not super woman, just that we are moving nearer to mainroad and also away from the bushes. I do all my packing when Ray is napping and also while Kai does his homeschooling work. Ray has two nap now, one from about 10.30am to 12pm (1.5hr) and the other from about 3.30pm to 6.30pm (3hr) and then he sleeps from 9.30pm to morning 7.30am. He will be unhappy if we are not in back by 9pm where we read and pray.
joyce, if you start bb young for swimming, they are usually not afraid of water. The latest it is started, they are more reserved about it. LIke both my boys love the water.

Reira, you can source around usually pay by cash on delivery is much cheaper.
thanks for the info. gain city got installment plan during warehouse sale? i only know harvey norman got 0% and warehouse sale dont have installment de.

haha, i also dun understand how those kids can get their fingers at the hinges. How to get the covers anyway. I bought mine at taka leh...

ya, u should charge for 'modelling' fees since it's for business. Re the expo sale, yes they've instalments tied to whichever company lor. I think only courts doesn't have 0% interest instalment.

your kiddo learn japanese???? i learnt japanese for 5yrs last time. But now return back to teacher already. hahaha.
Re: Japanese Learning

I am thinking of getting the dvds for Kai to learn, he is very interested in Japanese. Think of our outstation there and also the Japanese friends we have that he enjoys their company.
wow! Ray's nap time is so long.

I hope Zachary can nap 2hrs daily. ytd he napped at 2-5pm and i was so bored. lol after that 8pm he already fell asleep.

Maybe my parents know ur family if they regularly buy from them..hahaha..


The shop is pretty crowded at times and i have bump into frens there couple of times too...hahahaha...


No date fix yet for the next gathering but I believe it might be on a weekend.
Any dates to suggest ?

i saw reusable swim diapers at mothercare b4. it was a very nice, aqua-colour with bright fishes. but i din take note of price.


i also bot quite a few things from goh ah bee
haha it is ok lah. dont need modeling fee haha. oh great that those company got installment plan! from now till april I can wait for expo sale le. already know what appliances i want :D so happy!

vacuum cleaner
i am eyeing this electrolux ultra silencer and it cost $400. 1250 watt i think. dont know about the suction.

Is it ex? or can find good one at cheaper price le? I prefer one with bag so can just throw away. if not washing the dust out might be messy (right?)

Btw, it says "1250W motor with the efficiency of a 2000W cleaner". Does it means that usually the higher W it is, the better suction?
but warehouse sale must pay cash hor? might buy small item during warehouse sale but expensive big item will have to be by installment le.

yah lor! really exciting!
Reira, yes those shop mention dun hv instalment plan. tat time after comparing Lee Meng give better deal, so we get everythig fm them they give free oven toaster to us. i do agree with u lots of money going out, heartpain feeling...

i will chk on BP for the reuseable swim diaper.
Rei-->> you can also check out the electronics appliances from Parasilk at holland village.(but also cash payment that's y so cheap

Mummies -->> those who's looking for food mould maybe can take a look from this blog http://jmamababy2.blogspot.com/
But i never buy before this link was send to me by my fren.
