(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

mashy, we have to go down to baby hypermart to get the hinge covers as they are the distributor. I'm seriously wondering if its worth the effort to go down all the way to get the covers?

weishy, got to call baby hypermart to book the hinge covers, as they have a queue of pple waiting for them! If u book now, can only collect later in Feb. Their # is: 6844 1123.


yes, that's the one
wah, SG30 for the washable swim diaper is quite ex. i got it from BP for about $13 with postage.

omg thanks for the cutter link! so cute!!

Electrical Appliances,
i tink got 1 at TPY also call Xin ming quite cheap also...

alot to buy rite.. all $$... wow if all instalment also v xiiong...

13 feb i tink every1 wil be busy with reunion dinner wor..
yah lor a lot to buy but with installment not as bad as all pay cash ah. heart wont be so pain cos we look for 0% installment de. altho it might be 100 - 200 more ex than those neighbourhood shop for big item.
Patricia, thanks for sharing on the cutter link!

Reira, tat cheap leh..deliver to ur hse..juz went to browse the website of Bumwear, they selling S$22.
Mashy / Mich / Weishy
I took some pics of the hinge cover. It's a work-around to solve the issue lor.
so ugly and the blue not match with my stroller


I think the problem is when opening, when the hinge snap into place, can slice off those little fingers woh...
actually 100-200 for everything add up can save a lot leh.bt of cos if no so much cash bobian also.. I still remember ttt time my weddin ,house etc all do together v xiong so I did a budget planning not easy la..
kiki, thanks for sharing the pictures, wah really not matching leh. My pram is black and grey, the blue will also look out of place. I guess I will go and collect it since they already allocated 2 sets for my 2 prams.

mashy, yes, abit ma fan lah cos have to lug the 2 heavy prams down just to collect.

el-nino, apr will be better to arrange a get together as CNY period everyone busy.
kiki:indeed its nto so pleasant!!!! but i ownder why kids get their fingers chopped????

let say b4 u put bb/child into the stroller....its already fully opened
they shouldnt hv all these happening

to my guessing.....maybe b4 its fully opened...parents already place their children inside n unaware that their fingers are nearby....therefore accidents happened....wat u guys think...cos when news were out me n my helper was looking at the stroller ....thinking n thinking how etc.....

mashy;nooooooo la cant even handle mandarin liao hehehheh.n personally thought japanese erm....not a impt language to learnt la btu nice to know ehheheheh

mich:me not gonna collect la.....cos too much hassle just for a ugly hinge.if me or my helper nto careful....other occuring accidents may happen too.
but tks for chking ya

swim date :u want weekday or weekends????

Reira:if u pay cash at those shops u can ask for more %%....when will ur house be fully ready?? slowly save up n buy at one go...should be cheaper.

installments....if u dun pay up the credit bills....interest will be charged as per the whole amt le.
patricia:tks for the link very nice cutters!!!!! i need it now actually cos to make snack for hayley to bring to school :p

pris...wat do u think?issit cheap???or reasonable le???
ladies i just copied this info from jUL thread :p

in case any one interested la.

Re: JG,
I just checked JG last weekend after KM, almost every playnest is on waiting list for around 6m. lol, think when finally chug the kid in there, can reach playclub age already. They just opened a new playnest group for Mon/Sun 9am, and it already has a waiting list.

If anyone needs the rates for playnest (6m-18m for 1&1/2hr, 10wks/term):
2 times/wk - weekday English 740
3 times/wk - weekday English 1110, Mandarin 1080
4 times/wk - weekday Mandarin 1440
5 times/wk - weekday English 1850, Mandarin 1800

Resource fee of $9.50 per student per term
1-time reg fee of $35
All fees subject to GST
Refundable deposit of $200.
email from wreen

Hi everyone,

We would like to update you on the news of the cereals and puffs. The cereals have been delivered to our place and as per earlier email the expiry dates are as follows:
Oatmeal - 13 July
Multi grain - 24 July
Brown rice - 25 July
We have asked the supplier for an explanation for the expiry dates and were informed that the items were held up at AVA for a period of time for laboratory test to ensure that the cereal is safe for babies consumption. This stringent test is done following the much-publicised China-milk scare.

Now that the cereal have passed this AVA testing and gotten the approval, we can be assured that the cereal is definitely safe for consumption. Please do note also that our supplier has purchased the Happy Baby products both cereal and puffs directly from Happy Baby itself and not from a third party supplier in the US.

For the Happy Baby puffs, we have been informed that the shipment will reach Singapore tomorrow and will be sent to our supplier sometime next week, after the AVA testing as well. We understand that many may be concerned with the expiry date for the puffs too, so we have alerted our supplier to inform us on the expiry as soon as the puffs arrived in the warehouse.

Rest assured that you will be informed of this the moment we are aware of the dates.

Thank you for all the support and patience shown by everyone so far and to those who have emailed and cheered us on, we really do appreciate it.

We are looking forward to the meet up for the collection soon. Once again we apologise and we assure everyone that we are doing our utmost best to facilitate the BP and ensure everyone will receive their items in good order very soon.

Your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

If you have any other queries please email [email protected]. If there are mummies who need to collect the cereals urgently, do email us and we will try to arrange for earlier collection. Thank you and have a good day!

R we able to give baby biscuits now, despite them having no teeth ?
R those for them to chew on to relieve itchy gums ?? Any brand is ok right ? Off the shelf from supermarket...

no teeth also can chew but pref after 6mths. :p Get those melt in the mouth type. U may wanna check the ingredients if you're particular abt what can feed/can't feed at a certain age. For teething type, it's very hard type of biscuits. My boy hated it when we gave him the heinz teething rusk.
mashy / weishy,

Thanks thanks...will take note...
Just that Nat put everything in her mouth now and keep munching on her fingers..was thinking of letting her munch on real food instead

Nat will be 6mths end of Jan
el-nino> yup for jshoppper: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/3512252.html?1263828120

weishy> keke. is one stop after de busstop opp de safra. but but, 24th is a sunday, n i dun wk on sunday. only mon-fri =x n 25th i'm on leave =p

mee hoon kueh?? sorry i dunno. cos i dun eat tat =p

reira> yup. dey do. i bought my aircon, fridge n washing machine n tv from them at their expo sale. pretty good price too

claire> u can try gain city. now having expo sale. i bought mine from them. they are not exactly de cheapest, but their installation work is good
Hi ladies who are using Huggies for ur bbies,
Jus saw advert on special promotions at:
Sheng Siong
Huggies Dry : $14.20 (all sizes)
Shop n Save
Huggies Dry Comfort : $14.20 (all sizes)
What's wrong with my boobs! These 2 days the milk refuses to come out! I dun think I have THAT little milk, so it must be my pump right? Hiaz..

i bought the orange flavoured ones for C. It's so tasty that C likes to eat it up. And i bought 2 tubes of it!

I've many friends who order this earth best for their babies, so i suppose it's ok?
kiki:happy birthday

dolce:phhhh from now till few months later....till they can walk they will put everythign in their mouth.those teething toys can be use

michelle:eek:ooh oki 22nd afternoon around 4;30 oki???

JUl:read that it happens n later part it will increase cos bb will be drinking loads too.

mich:me using that spray brand oki le...apple flavour think about $7 or so.
Just came back from Dr Ong's clinic .. Ovann just had his 5 mths jab. He cried a little ... hahha
Now he's 7.1kg and only 66cm ... quite short huh. Btw, Dr Ong's clinic gonna shift to Mt Alvernia in March ... so from March onwards, no more going to TMC le. I hear the parking at Mt.A is oso a headache rite?

I think the store which weishy said is Mega Discount Store at Katong Shopping Ctr. I remembered i bought my TV, fridge and washing machine there, all for less than $1200, paid in cash
Of cos, that was like .. 7yrs ago lah. But others like stereo system and pc, we bought from courts under installment, i think.

Next SK/Punggol gathering
The next date still not fixed yet, still have to see if it's a weekday or weekend. I remembered someone suggested next monday?
i would say parkin at Mt A is so much better .. keke Kyler is 7.5kg but i tink he is more than 70cm liao ..now every1 comment he look slimmer keke..
Hubby was saying wanna bring Ovann to SK pool this sunday, so i tried on my old swimsuit this morning ... wah piangz ... abit like bak bah chang! The seams look like they gonna split. So i tried on my bikini .. the bottom can fit nicely but the top covers too little .. if i wear liao i think the men gonna have nose bleed
So i shall wear my bak bah chang swimsuit this sunday ...

Hiaz ... until my new swimsuit arrives ..... hv to bear with the fats juggling out

Wow ... more than 70cm! Envy ... i think my son cannot siam liao, cos both me & hubby not tall. My mum was saying 'only grew 1cm tall from last month? Must put him on the jumperoo more liao!' I nearly flipped.
now too early to tell la i tink mus wait till puberty den know keke... ur mum funnie la keke..
u also funnie when u say bao ba zhang.. i dun like 1 pc leh v difficult to wear usu i go for 3 pcs.. or bikini but now my tummy still got the black line etc cannot wear
Hahahaa .. ya lor ... i think the men gonna hv concussion if Ovann pulls at my bikini ..LOL

Ya, 1 pc very difficult to wear & take off, esp after in contact with water. Now that i grow fatter, it's even harder to get in that darn swim suit!

Eh, i think tat's really the case leh ... i dun hv high hopes that ovann will be big & tall. But as long as he's taller than his daddy, i satisfied le. So in the meantime, more jumperoo!
Next SK/Punggol gathering

I would prefer weekend.
If its weekday, I can take the day off but need to confirm earlier so I can take leave.

Im also waiting for my new swimwear to arrive then I dare to go swimming pool.
Hope it fits well
Thanks! Going for dinner later with hb.

keke! got bb already mah, so got good excuse to have fats juggling out.
last time before give birth, must cover all the flabs. now I dont care lo... I'm a mum mah, so I'm allowed to have loose parts.

working + taking care of bb at night + bfing = very good weight loss program. just less than 3 weeks and I'm back to pre-preggie weight already. I'm like eating 4-5 meals per day.
I think cannot replace the freestyle pump, but those tubings, caps, etc...
only started pumping for 3 weeks and so fast already out of shape.
hahah nvm when durin his puberty ask him go play basketball keke..

Happy Birthday.. wah 3wks time u can loose back ah.. but quite true i take care bb alone really lose v fast..

Dun mind if i ask, which swim suit did u buy? I'm still browsing around, dunno which to choose

Hahaa .. is it? I'm still a bit conscious leh, will auto suck in tummy when people around .. hahaha
Eh, dun make me jealous lah ... i think my weight is stagnant liao. I dun bf but i have only 2 meals a day .... still cannot lose that extra kg ...
