(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

<font color="#1cbab4"><font size="+0">Mommies, thank you for the overwhelming support!

Terribly sorry for my late response but as you may know, my guy is away and am so busy with the household chores, baby, pets and everything.... I just went on killing spree! Found a big army of ants climbing from neighbor's house into my kitchen!! Ran to DIY shop to get some ant trap... doesn't work.. so start spraying insecticide...I killed 3 batches of ants on separate nights but another batch kept streaming in a new line! They are carrying loads and chunks of food; think they wanna settle into my kitchen...Anyone has experience of such problem? Save me!

Back to Lil Sprout, will greatly appreciate if you could kindly PM me your email addy and I will get back to you on the payment details! (5% discount for all + free local shipping and safely wrapped with bubble wrap for safe delivery to your homes!)

Later if I got the time, will look back the archive thread.. meanwhile please PM me asap (so I can reserve them for you) if you like to get one cos there are shoppers who are using paypal to pay directly at my site. Thanks again mommies...!



<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>
in weight terms... I'm back to pre-preggie, but hor the body shape is gone. My butt had upgraded from S to M, tummy flabby, thunder thighs... like a big pear.


My weight is back to pre preg weight but like you mentioned, body shape is gone....
tummy is wrinkly with dark lines n stretch marks and hangs out.............. *yucks*

I bought S815 Black ( same as Janice ) heeheehee..hope halter more flattering

And also C220-Pink..hope this would be able to cover the whole tummy
kiki:me me me !!! Sbb sharing the swim diaper...u wan???she wil bring there :p

u driving????can pick me up somewhere ???wakkakakakka

the svc centre is at toh guan or toh tuck.. one of those ulu places right?


maybe lor. then no milk coming out, i lagi tense, then even lesser milk.


3weeks n lose power liao? my pisa used for 3mths 5-6times/day.

i wonder if it's the tubes kena water?


er.. not possible to increase coz i dun latch lor

ovann's 7.1kg? feels very gd to carry leh. maybe i'm too used to carrying sam liao?

ur mum still want him to jump more? that day he already jump like kangaroo liao haha.. so cute!


hiaz.. my tummy got no stretch marks but got very ugly black chkn pox marks from long ago
it's very bloated too. if i let it hang out, it looks like i'm 5mths preggie
yeah.. finally after think 1 month+ in my cabinet..

april / phy *o*
i cut the apple into small pieces then steam it.. blend together with the juice.. after steaming got abit of juice so i mix together
Hiaz ... yah lor .. it just isn't the same anymore. But at least yr weight went back to pre-preggy, mine still have a few kg to lose

S815 is nice! I was deciding between S815 and Y202. In the end i chose Y202 cos i like the colours

Hahaa .. ya, i think 7.1kg is a nice weight now ... i can't imaging carrying your sam whole day long leh .. arms sure break de
My mum said must make him jump to make him taller ... hahaah

go and get ant gel from Home Fix. It works. Just apply a little at the trail and very soon they're gone. 1 tube can last a very long time for recurrent ant probs.
weishy> 22nd? meaning tml isit? okie. so i bring to office tml. remember come pick it tml k? else i dunno wat to do with it, since i cant leave it in office =x

sms me 5mins before u reach k?
baby ja

show him the growth chart in the health book and tell him that he's not short.

anyway, tall or short u can't tell now. Some can grow very fast now but later slow down. Some grow slowly now but will catch up or even surpass the 'taller' ones later.
Next SK/Punggol gathering,
i prefer wkend too. m gonna to start work on next monday liao

Parking in Mt A not a problem. Ovann weigh 7.1kg at his height 66cm good.
Edric went for his 5th mth jab yday too on his 2 thighs, he now weigh 8.3kg, at 69cm. he oso not veri tall.

70.8cm tall leh, my bb edric 69cm oni leh, lagi short..i finally buy the blender at best denki today, open ceremony immediately reach home, went to test on ripe banana, wow real fast n easy to use,,,hahaha, I can teach my mum how to use tmr..
i am now teaching zachary how to get used to turning to back from tummy haha. he still cannot do it most of the time. so amazing to me that he can suddenly do push up so high, crawl by using his head and lifting up his butt right after flipping.

Oh my... as I was typing this post, Zachary fell asleep on his tummy.

seperation anxiety
i think Zachary got this. this afternoon went to brazillian wax and leave him with Lynn's sister in law to take care. after 5 mins he started crying so loudly! (4 months ago he was ok with her)

Then just now at home diy dyeing my hair. while i was waiting, he woke up from his nap and start crying. even my hubby hug him he still scream cry until i carry...


Happy birthday!

oh wow. the hinge cover sure looks ugly. maybe can just buy those seat belt cushion thingy to cover it. might be much nicer hor lol

in the end guess we are going to use cash haha. saw the fridge i want from courts today. selling at $999. original price they sold is $1399! might even move in later just to wait for this kind of sale lol unless my hubby really beh tahan his mom and want to move out ASAP.

yah lor if dont pay the installment then interest will be high but now got giro mah. wont forget to pay. well in the end might wait for sale le. should be ready in april. but will wait till got sale if no sale around that time. recently harvey norman warehouse sale dont allow to wait de cos they need to clear away so must deliver ASAP. so bo bian must wait lor. haha

House warming
when my house is ready, everyone are invited! but need a few batch le cos my house only a 90sqm 4 room. hehe!

i really dont remember who i bought the swim diaper from. if i remember correctly is by the name of jacqueline.

oh! so Dr Ong will still be at TMC till feb ah. good good haha. did the clinic assisstant told u that he is shifting to mtA?

yah i know the mega discount store. will check out how much they sell those models i want haha. wow $1200 for all ah. omg courts installment is crazily ex leh!!!

i think can call pests control company to kill them for you?

baby ja
thanks for the info. will go check it out tomorrow! to see price only =( many shops dont allow to buy now and deliver 3 - 4 months later. haiz!

wow Javier very tall leh!! 70.8cm! Zachary is only 69cm at 5th month.
vacuum cleaner
anyone can share which brand and model you are using (is good)? =( this one don't need to choose design so as long as lightweight and strong suction can le.
Babyja-now all teenagers taller than us dun u think??? So thy won be short la

Reira-well hv to set priority wat to buy first looo.things like fridge/tv/washing machine is a must

when will it be ready???u must be excited now hehhe
yah but we will buy everything in one go now. must wait for sale else if 2 months after we bought our stuffs got sale then i will heartache for the next few weeks hahaha like the fridge i want got promo selling at $999, if i buy at $1399... sure heartache! lol

yah excited!! lol 1st appt is 30th Jan. 2nd appt will be 5 - 6 weeks later. so will be ready by May.
hopefully no delay during reno and got sale for me to buy all my stuffs! lalala~ xD

super happy as everyday got closer to the 1st appt!!!!! wohooo~ 9 days left :DD

Javier is considered tall. My son, Lucas is only 60cm at 4 mths. This month end going for his 5th mth jab, wonder how tall will he be?

where will your new place be? was at kallang leisure park last weekend and there was home appliance sale on the ground floor foyer. Not sure if the sale is still there?

Yes, Asus in Taiwan is much cheaper than here. That time my hb cant wait if not can ask my frd to buy. really cheaper by few hundred dollars. Somemore the warranty is international 1 leh.


Happy Birthday...


Wow ur Kyler quite tall leh... Tink my gal only 56cm and weighting 7.4kg... She also slim down liao.


Parking at MT A is quite ok... Don't have much prob like Thomson.
heard good things about the scooba/roomba (I think that's what it's called. Those auto vacuum cleaner that run around the house and clean up.
Brought Ethan for his 6mth vaccine. Dosage include 6-in-1 vaccine &amp; final course of Rotavirus. Growth record 7.8kg; H=69cm. He'll be 6 full months in 10 days time

I'm using Dyson. The suction is v strong and can even use it to vacumn the mattress etc.. But than is heavy. But hb is the 1 using so not too bad...
if parking at Mt A for a while, suggest u use their valet service. $4 nia, dun need to count parking fee. If going to wait at PD/gynae for 2-3hr, more worth it. But valet got timing one. up to 1230 or 2pm (cant remember which one). If valet closed, just have to go carpark with the ticket and they'll let you know where your vehicle is. In that case, u just have to pay parking charge, not valet fee.
hahah now tall no use la nex time tall den gd:p i amshort n my HB average height nia but he got 1 cousin v tall 2m hope myboi got at 1.8m nex time keke..

now teenager no tall leh.. esp boi i find short wor...

ya la if got cash use cash better.. vacuum cleaner i use philips 1 so far so gd...
buy dell, got 3year NBD onsite service. the new Vostro V13 is very slim &amp; power can last 6hrs, check out DELL website. will cost 1400 with microsoft license.
hi sorry to interrupt here..I have the following brand new fm and organic cereal for sale as my bb stops taking them:

1. Enfapro A+ stage 2 400g
Expiry date:26 Dec 2010
Selling at $10

2. Friso Gold 2 900g
Expiry date:28 July 2010
Selling at $16

3. Earth Best Organic Whole Grain Oatmeal Cereal
Expiry date:22 July 2010
Selling at $6

All are brand new(i.e unopened). Self collect at Whampoa Drive.
Interested pls email me at [email protected]

I also use the philips vaccum cleaner. If you want to buy philips stuff maybe want to wait for their sale??

Actually seems like some of the babies here having anxiety seperation. My little one will also calm down only when i carry him.

You mummies might think i am being "evil" but actually i am happy that my little one is comforted by me. COs i am worried that he does not remember or like me as i am not a Stay at home mother. Of course it meant that it will be tiring for me lah.

Contridicting thoughts right?

Sengkang/Punggol mummies, i do not mind meeting on weekend. Let's fix it again! What about next weekend??
my place will be in admiralty =)

oh! those robot vacuum cleaner ah. i need a normal one wor. i know iRobot is good. haha but dont need those for now since I am SAHM. use normal one cleaner (my mil got one of those robot type that runs around and it doesnt cover all area)

thanks for the info. too heavy then cannot le. i want this electrolux and it is 5.4kg... other electrolux vacuum cleaner only 4kg. @_@

piggytoh, joycec
do you remember what model are you using for the philips vacuum cleaner? how much did you bought it for?
the 1 i have is cityline 1800watt.. but cant remember how much shd be 100-200 bah... but it was bott in 3-4yrs back so dunno this model still have anot..
by the way during house warmin pp will gave present mah so maybe u jus buy those big item first like fridge,tv etc the rest like iron, airpot, oven u can list it in ur wish list mah or after house warmin den buy..
vacuum cleaner i buy is the Karcher wet &amp; dry model A2004, bought it in yr06 @ S$167.

thanks for sharing on the link for swim pants/diaper.
Asus has 3 years international warranty. It comes with window 7 licence and microsoft office licence as well as a virus scan licence. So far, I am very happy with its performance. If you can get in Taiwan, it is cheaper.

I am not in for Dell, coz have bad experience with it while working.

Personally, I prefer Toshiba and Asus for the time being. Lenova is not too bad too, it is actually IBM if I am not wrong, I could not recalled the brand now, memory failing me...
Will not have internet access till we get the connection up at the new house. Will MIA till then, dh is going to arrange for the connection as this one will be cut off by Sat.

Not sure when we will get the internet connection.
my 2 cents worth of sharing :

performance of laptop depend on the processors built in the laptop. next consideration is the after sales customer service support of the company, very important.

It all voice down what is the usage for. eg, all netbook the small version notebook, now use Intel Atom processors, this type of processors are not capable of multitasking, create, edit photos, videos, encode music, cannot run complex office software, watch HD movies. if u r doing all these, u r likely get hang or it closes all ur applications..

we can go for brazillian wax when we're breastfeeding ah? my gynae assistant asked me to wait till after i stop bfing leh. i feel like doing it + my package is going to expire in a few months time. but i also worry it'll affect my boy since i'm still latching him on now. did u check wif yr gynae on this?
