(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


Im using Philips Avent...
Initially the pin was stuck in the motor when I pulled the plug out, so went to change and they gave us a new motor....happily went back to try and realise the suction is no good, very mild. So Ive been using manual pump since then as we have no time to go back to change.
So yday emergency, no choice, hve to go back again for 2nd time.
They tested it and indeed the motor very weak, so gave us a new motor.

Its a small part on the pump that we attach the manual pump handle that broke. Probably I compress the handle too fast n too hard when using it manually...hahahahahaha...it couldnt witstand the strand ?..hahaha...
Or maybe it already crack when i knock it sometime back...
But customer service was good !
Hope I wont need to go back for a 3rd time, when Ive only use the pump for less than a year

Im pumping soon too in an hrs time, during lunch.
Still using the manual pump as the motor is kinda heavy n bulky to bring to office. Shall use that only when Im home bah.
Still feel manaul pump is more efficient and faster..

Nope, I got the single electric pump and it already burn a hole in my husband's pocket..hahaha...
He bought that for me when he saw me struggling with Medela Mini eletric passed down from his sil.
hi Pris,

Just wondering if you can help. When is a good time to let our babies swim in a pool? Looking back the 2 occasions when i brought the baby for swimming, it seems like he was pretty scared, kept holding onto the handle on the swimming ring.

I was thinking if i can bring him to the pool, i can slowly introduce him to the environment so that he will not have a bad experience about swimming. Also hoping to expose him, make him more daring and experential.

Realised that my baby takes a long time to warm up to strangers and do not really smile unless it is familiar faces. How to make him more receptive to the environment and people?

Apologies for the numerous questions, i just hope that my boy is able to get some social skills which is pretty important in life. Is my expectations too high?
how ah? I'm so tempted to get the super expensive stokke stroller. It's so expensive, will burn a big hole from my pocket and dun even know if i can even afford it 2nd hand. Wonder what's the resale value...

Reason: Coz my gal hates strollers and i've been carrying her all this while. If not for her being so light, i would have surrendered long ago. But she still gave me a numbed arm once a while. Yah, so numb until the hand had no feeling and just flopped down. She seemed ok when i tried her on the stokke stroller a couple of days back maybe coz she's higher up and nearer to me. Should i just continue carrying her? Also scared later buy liao she doesn't want anymore...
afternoon ladies

april, weishy,
thanks for the info on daiso......

does teething cause fever and sorethroat?

my boy is having mild fever 37.3++ to 37.5++

boy was cranky cos he was also coughing and doesn't wanna drink his milk...

i did a check on his gums and i spot a white tip(very very small) one on my boy's lower gum...
asked the granny and hb to see...and guess their eyesight not sharp...both told me can't see...

after i see that "tip" on his gum and applied the dentinox teething gel...guess it helps and he begin to drink his milk(latching)
I personally find the stokke stroller too bulky leh. I've seen a couple using it at the foodcourt and it's not easy manovuering the giant around .... and .. and .. it's really ex :p

Hahaha ... my mum kept saying sam's size is good! Old people always like fat fat bb

Seems to me that your bb is sort of insecured? I'm not really sure cos i'm oso a 1st-time mummy. Do u bring him out often?

Next sengkang/punggol gathering
Not sure if it's gonna be another weekday cos most of the mummies are working .. but if we do have our next one, maybe we can venture a little further to Hougang Mall!
Cannot come to punggol cos punggol is still a pathetic village, only got 1 neighbourhood shopping ctr

Just to add, there's another new Daiso outlet at Rivervale Plaza .. or Rivervale mall .. can't remember the actual name.

ya, it's really ex. that's what is stopping me. even a 2nd hand one cost $1100 to $1400. i'm trying to find a solution so that i dun need to carry my gal. :p
i'm also looking for a stroller that I can take ethan for jogging, any recommendation? I bought combi but its good for flat floor surface, when I brought it to the park, it was way to bumpy

meet up
I have yet to meet up with Aug mommies, would like to have one if possible. but i will be back between 12-16 Feb, next trip back should be Songkran in Apr.
Pris-ya was thinking of that too.hee I always hv my tape n extra bag in case I need to chk in something

ASus-oki will go look see.buy in twn cheaper right?maybe but for sure HK is cheaper than sin le

Jul-think u can go with ur hubby together hehehehheh will be a great experience

Reira-think u did enough for a day la.swim/walk/flash cards.

Flash cards usually 30 or less start with a few first n u will be surprised when he's about 8/9 months he can pt out to u Liao though he can't talk yet.

LNT is like shicida their lessons maybe 3 times a week or once weekly I think.

Example-mon-English ,wed-mandarin ,fri-Japanese

Whether they can absorb n learn from it....yet to hv good feedbacks.parents plays an impt part of practising with them at home

Swimming-for me I would ensure
1)not nap time
2)noon time cos of the afternoon sun warm up e water abit
3)after feeding but nt so full can always continue e milk feed after they swim

Hougang Mall is good for me too, cos easily accessible via NEL.
Probably we should have one more b4 CNY ?..heehee..
*cross finger* that nothing will crop up last min ;)
<font color="#1cbab4"> Sengkang/Punggol Mommies!
I am fine with Hougang Mall too! Thou abit crowded, but love to go there. Sorry that I can't make it yesterday cos it's my birthday! Wheeee!

Mich (michyms) My humble tiny listing is at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/450761/3474071.html?1263924447
cos suddenly alot of mommies from sgmotherhood emailed me on the items I'm selling and the response good, so giving 5% disc. for all items.
Thanks for your support babes!

wow u r a programmer! i am bad at that! thankfully I was doing mostly design+flash and motiongraphics works so need not to touch programming. it drives me nuts! r u still doing it now? spore design industry not really big and work day in and out. its crazy! i'm sure u know what i'm talking about. hahah.


<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>
<font color="#1cbab4">mashy (mashybrainz)
I am a true fan of stokke stroller! When I first saw it, I was blown away by the animation and the usage. looks real goooood but also tooo xpensive alr for us.. can see look and touch. r u gg to get one? omg when u bring it out... everyone will have the lingering looks; guaranteed!

El-nino (nino)
wow I always wonder how mums can jog and push pram... need to try out after the 7th month!! can't wait!!


<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>


cloudme:no prbs la good now i know sengkang also hv

think bb is teething,if doesnt wan milk just let him.for them is very uneasy esp their first tooth(as well as the big molar....most painful to them liao )

night time will b e cranky n keeps wakign up,prepare for that.
did u buy the teething tablet?cos dentinox doesnt work for hayley n so difficult to apply esp when she in pain.....(struggling thru out...

may hv fever or diahrea too.

Joycec:some bbs just dun like water so dun force them.try a few times maybe diff timings to see wat timing he feels comfy about.

a friend's son of nearly 3 yrs old stil stands next to the pool playign with water guns/balls etc while others are in the children pool....so takes time.the more u fore them the more fear they hv.

anyway dun swim can do other stuffs
flash cards...watching birds/cats/dogs......cars etc.....

mashy:wow stokke ar......too big to use in sin liao to me le....europe or states oki la...area is big ma.imagine go mall with it?????or lifts....ppl will really stare....mostly issit easy to maneuvour???? hv to think twice oh.....maybe chk on expatsin to see whether hv 2nd hand?

hubby also same date as u

aiyah, tempted lor. haven't thot hard abt the maneuvering part coz just want to dump my gal somewhere. haha. I'll just go crashing on everyone. :p
haio all... im back agnz....

hey..im interested in the sprout chart too... ya.. i need 2 oso... 1 each.. lala.

n i love the 2carat cup.. so cute! haha~
n oso the handphone holder tingy.. neat.
i nvr own a safra membership card before.. but there are certain priviledges card holders hv that public dun rite? tink oso depends if u use the facilities regularly bah...n if it's convenient to u..yur new plc?

i've the safra membership card too. I say yes if u wanna bring zach to swim next time.
We prefer to go there than public pool coz the toilet facilities are better, and u get hot bath water.
I'm eyeing at the bugaboo... someone selling 2nd hand at the WTS thread, but still too ex for me. guess have to stick to my maclaren...

why do u want to change to a bugaboo? maclaren is good too.

Besides stokke, anyone knows which other stroller's seat can be higher up.
ya lor. my new place will be in admiralty. then Yishun got safra haha

oh. hmm my hubby got safra membership card. so i am wondering if we should renew his.

is it better if both of us to have safra membership card?

It's ok. I broke my Philips Avent Maunual pump too. Reason being I pumped too vigorously. Always like to squeeze left right top bottom. Haha. I had to buy a new one in the end. Got the same pump though..
I'm not happy that maclaren cannot be backward facing... My boy will fuss if he dont see any familiar faces around him.
my boy is quite used to the stroller now. initially he will scream, but after I hang a humpty dumpty toy for him to see, he's ok le.

good for u. My gal still refused to sit on the stroller. At most 5mins.
I gave up and gave away the lucky bb stroller to salvation army. Now just using the maclaren stroller for my boy.

very soon your boy will want to face forward, so don't worry. Coz the outside world is more interesting... hehehe.

Is it within the warrenty period when you broke it ?
They change a new one for me ( that is if they have stock ), though they say this is not covered under warrenty. Good customer service !

The pump is good but I think im the one who is careless..heehee

Nope mine wasn't covered under warranty. But thank God it's not too expensive. My brand new one only cost $85 with one free bottle some more. Got it from kiddy palace.
yah! quite cheap. just checked with them, 9 years is $230 hubby + $116 me = $38.45 a year only. But then go to pool still need to pay?

then if we bring Zachary in, does he need to have membership also?

ya, u need to pay if u're not member. so just get lah. Zach doesn't need to pay until a certain age. So no need for now.

u can go in as a guest of your hb but need to pay lor. Think $4-$5. might as well join as member.
bb making,
that time i buy avent steamer cum blender at isetan at 149 ofter,orginal price is 199,can try at og also if they gt store 20 percent
haha ask for when Zachary is older mah. hehe now baby ofcourse dont need lor

yah lor, i am getting le. somemore now renew will get a philips 7" digital photo frame. If don't want to keep it can lelong haha!

ylang ylang
is the steamer cum blender big? good? besides blend cooked food, can blend other stuffs?

haha i haven start using yet,but when i saw the auntie desmostrate really fast,simple and easy,can steam and blend any thing,make proride,make puree until very soft,dont need to look after fire when cooking,really fang pian
