(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

My great-grandma told my mum that bb less than 1yr cannot wear shoe, if not next time will fall down often when they start walking.
hmmm... tradition pass from mother to daughter... haha! Maybe next time I also wont let my grandchild wear shoes.

sian... 6 mths later than I bio the shoes again...

I was told bb b4 1yr cannot wear hardsole shoes, so I just put on those soft soft ones. Dunno the reason also, i just take it as some tradition thing bah.

zr finally flipped from back to front over the weekend. He did it when on the bed with me in the middle of the night so I was like half asleep when it happened. But he still can't go from front to back. Will complain like mad when he's on his tummy
claire, she works in town la so always c those kids/babies stuff.. some more 1st grandson keep buying.. there was a period of time.. every few other days he got new clothes.. i think influence by her colleagues also...
janice & claire, both your mils are nice, mine talked only no action. Till now, I have not seem the stuffs she told every1 she getting for bb.
pris.. some ppl are lucky to have nice ILs. i think i'm fortunate to have them.. but have sucky SIL>> she bought socks with ribbons for my boy... she still can tell me she dun dare to carry my son cos she dreamt that she carried him then she dropped him and his head came rolling off..

my fren has nice SILs but not so good ILs.. calculative ILs..

Ur MIL not nice but u have a wonderful hubby and a pair of obedient kids
Long time never post here.

Wah.. You mummies are getting so geared up for solid foods already.. I don't even know how to start or when to start..

My bb girl gave me a fright this morning. She vomitted twice..no fever.. then after that she looks fine.. Is it reflux? Any of your little ones experienced it before? The vomitting is scary.

April :
you are staying in the same area as me. =)

haha... My SIL gave a pair of shoes to my boy for his birthday which are too small for him and looks like they couldn't fit her son, so she just passed it over to my boy as a birthday present.
hi mummies... help! help!...
How did you all deal with milk strike?

My bb is coming 5 month and started milk strike... she is on cereal like 3 scope can i feed more than 1 meal?

ya, but he's very big size. now almost same ht as my boy already and definitely very much heavier.

The reason why i thot it was fr her stash of forgotten shoes were coz it didn't come tagged and no shoe box. The shoes got brand name type, so should have shoe box. Even if dun have shoe box at least will be attached to each other with that pc of plastic.
mashy, my mil was pushing to me, dh's nephew's old shoes which is so small that Kai could not it in and she insisted that Kai could. Kai is wearing size 3 and the shoes were only size 13 which is same as size 1.

Forced Kai to wear that he was screaming painful and she insisted he could wear.
Sorry can someone advise me how come the braun themoscan shows my bb after injection is 37 degrees but the normal themometer under his arm pit is 36.6. in fact which one is more accurate?
at least if it fits, then dun care liao lah. But it doesn't. sigh. now dunno what to do with them. Maybe have to pass over to another friend's kid. I already have a pair of brand new shoes that my boy hated wearing and I've decided to give them to my friend's kid when i meet them during CNY. Well, she 'zhuan dao le', now get 2 pairs of shoes. haha.

the armpit temp is usually lower. The best is rectum, followed by ear, then armpit. Coz our babies' ears are small now, so ear thermometer may give a lower reading. I would say, the braun thermometer is more accurate in your case here. But 37 is still not a fever, so u dun have to worry at all. For babies, fever is above 38.
teething gel/tablet,
hi mummies.. recently i notice that my gal start to get irritated easily and keey bitting her hand and milk bottles.. is she teething huh?? u all brougth teething gel or teething tablet last time rite.. wat is the brand and has anyone try it?
hey gals

so fast this thread move. can't catch up.

re:aquaducks trial
those who went last sat - what's the feedback - anyone joining the paid classes?

zac so far have only multigrain cereal and mashed rice with banana, what are the rest of the foods available? eh same qn again, i think no one replied, shd i skip a milk feed if feeding cereal?

re; other classes besides swimming
there's gymboree gym(other types also) - i'm thinking to let zac join that when he's more physically agile. now he can't even crawl, not much fun i think.

there's also music classes - think kindermusik or something.

re: avent steamer cum blender
where else got offer? i really need one - esp when the maid gone home.

i'm thinking of going LNT for a trial, u wanna go? :p

re: weaning
yes, that's the pt of weaning. So that u feed lesser milk. But it also depends on how much solids they are eating. Initially they eat only very little, so u still need to give the full milk feed. As they master eating solids, u can get rid of that milk feed and give them more.
jacqueline, hylands teething tablets, available in the USA. I have not tried yet, but some others have and commented its good.

babymaking, I think I'll wait till Isaac is older to sign up for aquaducks. The class is fun, but my thoughts are the baby is kinda young at this age for swim lessons. And the biggest con is that its logistically challenging to bath a baby who can't even sit properly in their not very well equipped bathrooms.
hi babymaking,

I went for the aqua duck trial class. I think all mothers and babies enjoyed the class.
personally i enjoyed it even though i don't get to swim. ha...nothing much. we carried our babies in the pool, carried bb, sing and swing, turn and did some actions which i don't know how to describe. haa..

i wonder who in my group is going to join the paid swim class. i'm going to be my bb's 'instructor' for the next swimming lesson. haa, will bring bb to public pool and i shall be the fake instructor. :p
generally is fun. you should go for the trial class if you can make it.
april> haha. icic. nvm la. i oso bought a pack of 12 for my boy. can slowly wear anyway =p

kikilala> ya. my mum told me, less den 1yr cannot wear shoes

jul> haha. i m evil mum. i will juz ignore de poo =x

bb> haha. my boy is 6.5kg at 4mths4days old. he flipped quite long ago. first time he did was xmas even n tat was before he turned 4mths. managed to flip successfully everytime only 1wk ago. haha. n i really hope he din

claire> mine wun complain, he juz wanna gain attention n let everyone know he managed to flip. cos he can sort of support his head quite easily liao. n now he flips n sleep
what's LNT?

re; weanng - well i thought that was the point too, but my little fellow still demands his full milk feed 20 min after a half a bowl cereal. he cry until tears drop kind. even giving him water doesn't help!

good point. the last time i brought zac to the public pool, we just change his diapers, rinse him off and immed brought him back to bathe.

sweet mama
ah so u are not going to sign up for the classes? registered for the trial last week but hubby sprain his ankle, registered for this sat class but i sprain my back, i guess will still go but hubby will be the one in the pool :p
re: shoes

i've already let my gal wore shoes once. The reason why only once coz they kept coming off. I'm not superstitious type to insist on not wearing shoes before 1. And even if my ILs/parents tell me, i will just ignore them. :p Once my gal can walk, i'll start wearing shoes for her. I've already bought her a pair of shoes so that she can wear them in future when she starts walking.

BTW, my friend's gal started walking at 9mths! Imagine if she can't wear shoes. Then what's the point of learning to walk so early?

Little Neuro Tree. Shichida's competitor.

then obviously the cereal isn't enough to fill him up. Just give him the milk. Follow his cue.

same. I hate having to bathe my gal at the pool too. Who to bathe first, me or her? But if she's clean, then how to bathe myself? It's crazy just thinking of this prob.
hey babymaking,

i don't think so...if i am not wrong, each session is $20++ for a 30min swim.
i don't think my hubby is willing to send my bb for lessons. instead of sending her to the lesson, we prefer to have our family swim time where hubby, me and bb will play water together.

o, you brought your bb to public pool too? I wonder if the swim diaper can hold bb's poo if she happens to poo poo in the pool. haa... i am also thinking if i should bath bb after soaking her in the pool or shall i quickly clothes her and bring her home to bath.... or not need to bath at all? haaa

hey u sprain your back? my back hurts. the nerve seems to snap each other and i'm sourcing for a good sin seh. :'(
my mum said that i never do my confinement properly. i wonder if this is true.. sigh
how much does it cost for paid lessons? can't find any info on the website.

erm i think zac is overfed, ever since he started cereal, he put on a lot more weight

and he's greedy too.
mashy, exactly!!! And I was alone with Isaac so had to count on the other mummies had to help me carry him when I went to bath etc. Its not practical for me and my hb to bring Isaac for swim class together as then who will mind the 2 older ones.

babymaking, it takes 2 persons to bath/rinse the baby at the pool leh, and I dun have the extra hands. I was trying to take off Isaac's clothes and rinse him on my own and he was screaming away cos I had to hold him in such a strange position so as not to drop him.
not sure how i sprained it though - but it hurts like hell, was hobbling to work this morning, in the end went to see the company doctor and got 2 days mc.

but class is only 30 min-45 min the most. i am also wondering how to stimulate zac - without me going craxy when i stop work next mth.

at the moment i still think more physical activites like gym, swimming, to make him tired so that he can sleep longer :p
i read from the jul mommies thread:

Per term of 12 weeks
Weekday class=$550+$50(registration fees)=$600
Weekend class=$600+$50(registration fees)=$650

But then if u are a safra member or having OCBC credit card,can flash it to them,they will give u a 10% discount.

Trial is $150 for 3 lessons of Chinese, English and Japanese which u can deduct off the fees if u sign up.
babymaking, hope u feel better soon. Zach is gonna be real busy without u entertaining him the moment he can crawl, he'll be all over the house and you'll be spending time chasing him.

i'll probably join the gym activities only when she is mobile. like able to crawl or walk. Right now no pt joining the gyms coz can't do a thing. No swimming coz of the logistics prob. I wanna go there to enjoy, not hate every week. :p
i can imagine. cos i had the same issue. what i did was to bring the stroller in as well, so after changing zac out into fresh clothes, i put him in the stroller and went to shower myself. but yeah, it's damn hassle. making me think that hwa xia is still the better choice for now.

pros as follows;
no need to watch for weather
no need to bother abt washing up
anytime also can go
heated pool
yeah, gym is out for the moment, not much fun when baby can't crawl. guess it's still hwa xia swimming for the moment.

tried bb massage - that's out

gym will be another 2-3 mths later

LNT probably when he's 1 yr old.

maybe music classes - will check that out later when after CNY when i am off work.
babymaking, my hubby's auntie brought her DD for sign language classes.. so before she learn talkng she communicate with her mum via sign language... quite cool leh

i heard from the jul moms that hwa xia doesn't change the entire tub of water and have been giving a lot of probs. Not very hygienic. Why not be like pris and reira, buy the tub and DIY at home?
