(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

me at wrk. my desk is not direct under the light.. reach home no time to do, also dark dark liao..

Jul -ya Sam is not loooo think ur mil likes those hina babies types.they're really huge!!!!

Regg-flower nicer

Pris-I tried this chicken sausage with mango stuffing in US really nice!!!!! Best I ever had ,better than those German ones heheheh.sunshineG can go chk it out

sunshineG-good thing ur sahm
Janice-anyday after 23rd is fine
u know wat is good n economical to eat there??

Regg-hummm sat/sun looo if not go to the window??

Pris-heee I tried to give lucas but he doesn't like it yet hehehhe
sat i wrk full day..

my office is on site window also no use! haha..mayb later i try go outside to take again
haha yup fatty Renzo was 8.5kg when he was 4 months lor... thought his growth will slow down last month but end up still put on another 600gm.. till now still cannot flip leh.. but start to love his feet and toes also. haha.

Yup my hubby is also not that egoistic but he has this pride of being a Leo, quite funny sia but not a bad thing anyway..
I was layoff since end feb09, co hving restructuring was announced in end jun08. mgt decided to move the dept to shanghai. I nvr plan for my no#2, tat time stressful. Transition was fm sept to nov08 at shanghai, my boss ask me to bring hb n my son during nov08, tink no#2 was made in shanghai..heheheee I oso dunno…hv challenging preggie time too, everyday tears after feb09, so to distract myself me watch my idol Taiwan movie, shopping, etc wondering y tat time nvr noe of such forum…
did find a job during my preggie time, the co. willing to wait for me for 1.5mths, onboard the job 6 weeks after giving birth, I dun find the interest on the job, no pt stay long if no interest, so quit n at same time find the next job tat I m familiar with..thru ex collik referral lor..job mkt veri competitive leh, even referral oso hv to go thru rounds of interview session leh...

bb socks sharing with my ex collik lah not all to myself lah. Older one share with my sister lah ..
my bb went for 2nd jec yesterday with the oral rotivirus and today I measure his temperature I am confused. The braun themoscan shows he is 37 degrees but the normal themometer under his arm pit is 36.6. in fact which one is more accurate?
Pris-I like it heheheh

Regg-ya try a few spots

apil-haiya ur son can play with Hayley ma
how old is he now?really know where to choose to eat heheh

but not so much ppl there compared to compass pt bah.
Here's our meal for yesterday,


Kai's dinner

Our dinner - Dh & mine, a set each

Cake - Kai wanted it like this, looks like SARA Lee one haahaa. Canned peach on non-baked cheesecake.

My girl, also look like boy right?
Her new hobby is boo boo her saliva and nowadays our face is always covered by her holy water *lol*
Oh I wasn't the one, haha but think you can try this link

Yup I saw Ethan's sleepsuit, wanted to get those for Renzo also, but all his clothes i purchase online de so those type very hard to gauge the size de.. especially this boy is so big you know he is wearing 6-9 months rompers, if i buy those sleepsuit that covers his toes i scare he can't fit in sia.. haha..
wah I am drooling, haha.. you are good at cooking hor.. hehee..

I started to learn after i got preggy cuz next time got to cook for my boy mah.. nowadays i go wet market in the morning, then afternoon around 4pm start to prepare dinner, feel like a real aunty liao leh.. haha..
my 2 sons are leo, my no#1 born on 11 aug, no#2 on 9 aug, i tot hving no#2 same birthdate as the gor gor, but my gynae say he dun want take risk, m on high blood medication since my 3rd trimister, at 36 wks blood pressure keep going up, n at 38 wks it go up at not acceptable level, tot if want to induce do it on 11 aug lah, but gynae say cannot wait latest date induce on 9 aug, me hv not answer him, he oredi write the admiision form, etc n juz pass to the nurse..like tat oso can...tink back issit so serious...

my bb weight will oni noe when bring him to polyclinic tmr for his 5th mth jab.
Felicia, overseas is not as convenient as in Singapore, so we usually cook at home and eat out on weekend. On Friday, dh takes over cooking at night.

Regg, just simple meal.
weishy, next time, you can buy by asking them to put into a vacuum box for you. My friend bought back German sausages from Germany to Sg after her dh outstation ended.
hungry hungry,,u gd at cooking leh, my son say my cooking not nice blah blah, how do u do the sunny side up to heart shape? n the shape of rabbit n bear? till now my son still miss the days during my confinement, he say confinement auntie cook super nice food.

my son in pri 2 tis year, see my no#2 age gap is big, stanley does help me at times, esp when bathing bb me always forgot to take bath towel.
I see.. here go out eat very convenient lah, but now with a maid hor if 3 of us go out eat one meal sure more than 10 bucks liao, cooking at home is still cheaper..

Same thing here.. My EDD is 22nd Aug which is my hubby's bday so of course he wanted our baby to have the same bday as him.. but I also got high blood pressure from 3rd trimester lor.. then gynae ask me to induce on 11th night... I also thought where got so serious one, i dun feel anything lor.. till the actual labour comes, cuz i am not on epi, so i asked for laughing gas to ease the pain, at first i feel quite giddy when i breathe in through the mask, but after like 1 minute there's no effect at all liao.. i still dunno what's going on then just endure the pain till 1 hour later when my gynae came, he said my baby head is still high and not engaged into birth canal so might need to go for C sect, then the nurse said no pain killer for you hor, i said err thought i asked for lauging gas, she said we changed to oxygen mask for you long ago liao, cuz you are having high blood pressure, when contraction comes, your baby's heartbeat will drop, so we cannot let you use laughing gas but to give you oxygen to help the baby.. wah then i realized it is really so serious sia... scary..
Felicia, here one person meal is at least A$15. Then my family of 3 is like at A$75.

Kikilala, how much in Sg after conversion to Sg?
felicia, i all buy at least 9-12 months 1 so now still can wear.. then MIL go buy from FOX (12-18months) very long... the sleeve also long.. haha
kiki, the moo moo shoes and the baseball 1 quite nice... but last time i wan to let ethan wear a lion 1 cos he is leo.. grandmother in law dun allow.. i think now he cannot wear liaoz la.. sad...
i think the mould can buy from daiso. i bought a heart shaped one too. but now still sitting in my kitchen. havent 'open ceremony' yet.
i intend to buy soft shoe but dun c anything nice in spore lor..less than 1 yr cannot wear shoes. no nice n cute soft shoes, juz wear socks lah...:D
pris, peg, weishy

huh.. my mil used to keep saying that bbs too fat no gd, not healthy; sam like v fat hor?.... then when sam put on only 500g from 3rd to 4th mth, she went, "hah? so skinny now? put on so little" then she kept examining his thighs size, press here, squeeze there. haha there's just no pleasing them


wah.. i guess i'll be watching man u vs hull on cable


pampers so cheap meh? what is 'normal' type?


i can only tong from 9pm+ to 7am, coz sam will poop after his first feed!


chaim.. i have an ox leo n a dragon leo. i sure kena bully!
my hubs is sooo nice to me!

he rushed back during lunch to pass me the stroller so i can meet pegsfur, dolcevita at compass pt
pris, oh tat make different, kids are visual type.

peg, thanks, i shall chk it out fm daiso. tink there is new daiso at sengkang rivervale mall.

felicia, birth of each bb really hv different story, now focus attention really on the bb, making sure he is healthy, sleep & eat well..
i jus called my aunt who told me that bb cannot wear shoes b4 1yr old... i ask how come!! the best part is she told me cannot means cannot la.. she also duno how to explain to me.. *faint* call her den kanna scolding.. too long nvr bring my son to visit her.. lol
April, I also gotten egg mould that can transform hard boil egg into rabbit, bear, etc. I want to buy more cutters haahaa...think dh will faint.
can let us know if there's a diaso branch at sengkang...

seems that the nearest diaso in the east will be at sengkang...

am i right ladies?
Hello ladies!
Priscilla, you cook so well! Food display so nice, ur boy sure like to eat especially the vegetable. Guess I hv to put more effort to look around for those food cutters. It really encourages the kids to eat.

Regg, how to see ur hair pins. I heard you hv a website. Is it fb? Can add me? Baby hair still very short, but good to know you make so nice hair accessories.

Baby's weight. My baby still drinking 90ml every 3 hrs, plus for the last 18days one teaspoon of Frisocrem rice cereal. She is 5 months old around 7.5kg. She has shown some interests to flip now (NOT YET FLIP), hopefully she flips very soon.

Baby Swimming/course
Hmmm... I'm not too keen to let baby swim. I heard we can let baby attend music classes now. Any recommendations?

Baby allergy
When I was pregnant, I was still happily eating manuka honey till my boss (a doctor) saw me eating it n advise me to stop. He said better dont take the risk, baby might suffer allegies next time.

I didn't know the oxygen gas was meant for baby. i was given that too. that time doc has not arrived at the labour ward, so i thought that they are buying time for me to inhale oxygen. haa. i got a v high blood too.

Can I be added to the FB?
