(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

dolce, i like the rattan chair.. *-*

weishy, envy envy!!! the view is so nice lo... so sweet...

re: bumbo chair
ethan's thigh already stuck there lo.. when i carry him up the chair will come up together with him..
whoa... seems alike quite a number are planning for Rabbit/Dragon baby! Hee... me too! I would like to have a bunny girl!

Strongly encourage mummies to get a DSLR. The speed is much faster than normal digicam and will be able to capture shots of your babies in action! We bought a Nikon D90 recently and never regretted though it burnt a big hole in our pocket. Frankly speaking, I was very reluctant to buy initially coz it's really ex until my hubby borrowed a D90 home to try. That was the first time I manage to catch a lot of photos of my boy in action and most imptly, they turned out crystal clear (my Lumix had a lot of blur shots coz my boy kept moving). We tried both Nikon and Canon before deciding on the D90 coz D90 can take videos as well.
Piggytoh-hubby says D60 not so gd.D 80/90 for u to use or if ur hubby then D300.full frame will be D700/D3. But hor not cheap lenses too.can rent though at pennisula plaza .

My canon-hummm oki le can take think about 100 pics then battery flat.got the seller to give extra batt too so always in the pouch for back up hiak hiak hiak

mich-heheheheh me thinking of diving tml but scared le.anyone here dives?I afraid I dunno how to use my mouth to breathe.ad in forgot then use nose how? Afraid of big fish too

rabbit bb-heheh having kids is a joy so timing is also quite impt.u hv good hands to handle them why not.nowadays also not cheap .like sending them to cc n pre nursery.......so ex!!!!!

Dolce-ya which cam ur hub use?Which model har?
Dolce It's Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat.... so if you plan to have both Rabbit and Dragon, you prob have to plan for a early Rabbit and a late Dragon... very challenging but it's possible! My cousins are tiger and rabbit and my aunt commented that she only has to xin ku one time! Best thing is they both just graduated from uni, so my aunt lagi relaxed.

Basically, I think once the kids reach 3yo, life will get much easier for the parents coz 3yo already dong shi, so easier to care for. I was telling my hubby that if we plan #2 in 2 yrs time, we will xin ku for 5 yrs... after that, we can start to enjoy life once again. Now we go buffet also cannot enjoy, coz gotta take turns to eat...

My husband has Canon 1D and 5D


Wow think i have to decide between rabbit or dragon. Then finish up with horse or goat as Im one myself...
100pic huh ok ok ..
sigh i tried v long den got #1 dun dare tink of #2 but like u say v ex ah..
ya i know lens v ex.. me n my HB dunno much abt photography so dun wanna buy so ex 1 wait wasted but since D60 no gd den i wun consider:p

so cute hahah hmm i tink kyler did tt also keke..

ya v ex tt y hesitatin..
If having a dragon baby, would it be difficult when they are at a age for schooling ? Cos during dragon year, there's always a baby boom....
We might be getting our house end of this year and DH want me to be involve in reno etc, so cannot be preg then...if can get a rabbit baby, might be a late one....
Mich hmm... the body itself with kit lens coz approx $1.7K (I think) excl GST. Hubby bought quite a number of accessories - prime lens, flash, dry box etc and it came up to be almost $2.8k... I personally feel that if you do not plan to take pro pics like those bridal studio shots, no need to buy so many accessories - just the body and kit lens is enough. But hubby says buy everything at one go can ask for better disc plus the accessories can be used next time if we change to another Nikon DSLR, so more worthwhile... *his excuses*

Do you have me in your FB? Can link to my boy's blog from my FB to check out the photo effects if you want.
my hb is rabbit and I'm dragon mah... so thought it will be nice. :0
Hopefully one in the beginning of rabbit and one at the end of dragon.
piggytoh then i suggest you better not borrow any DLSR to try! My hubby has been psychoing me for 2 yrs to buy 1 and I nvr agreed until he borrowed home the Nikon and Canon! He said if he knew I would be hooked (and I don't even like to take photos!), he would have borrowed one for me to try long time ago. :p
your hubby very sweet leh. care about you more than baby sia! haha

before giving birth i also never took photo thats why dont know how to use my mil's digicam. then went to buy the SE k850i 8mp camera phone incase the digicam not good haha end up now i kept using digicam and rarely use my phone to take pic.

ok lah. try around Sep this year! can try from 2011 May till 2012 Feb to get a rabbit baby.

yah, after rabbit is dragon year.

2011 tiger
2012 rabbit
2013 dragon

yah i upload on FB. my email is [email protected]

my digicam got this function says white balance but then dont have +1 leh?? got auto white balance, daylight, cloudy ect ect

haha i love the photo which we took at babymaking's house. so many babies on bumper playmat!

hmm i have no idea how many babies aug thread have leh. from the aug data, 107 of us in total but dont know how many can make it!

how much is DSLR?

wow! Ovann suckles both feet! mine only right side haha

I'm also a dragon but my hubby is a piggy. We did consider for a #2 but hubby wonders if he still have the energy to run around & chase the kiddo at the toddler stage .. LOL!

Now with Ovann i think he already cannot make it liao ... cos last time i noticed he already cannot chase around coalie le ... hahaaha .. weak lah.
Tzen-ya 心苦 few yrs looo but would be nice if they can grow up together.we save on toys/clothing etc too hehhehe

Piggytoh-ya maybe can rent n try out good idea

Dolce-hubby uses D300 but says he WANs D3 I was like rolling my eyes Liao....men.they dun buy impulse stuffs like us but always more ex

Thats true....
How much does one romper or one dress that we buy cost ????? Plus we always try to save and buy from BP...hahahaha
kikilala Hope you can get both Rabbit and Dragon bb!

Reira DSLR ranges fr 1-2K just for the body alone.

Weishy Yah, closer age gap would be good and they may be closer also.
Wah.. ur hubby has very ex taste and yes! I totally agree that men don't buy much but their every purchase is equivalent to what we spend in months lor...
my hubby also say wants to buy those camera thats around 2k because his colleague got that. then i just told him off that he dont even take photo!!!!

now even worst, want to buy car cos friends/colleagues also have lol
Reira-it's a expensive hobby loooo.there's a forum on photography maybe ask him to go look see first.sure hv good n bad feed backs on many models.hubby says got travelling trips etc too.snapclub or something

ya n we hv to look for cheaper diapers n fm.....do they???

Probs will say this is the latest la.cheaper to buy in package la.
Thanks thanks.. think he is still not used to the life of being a father ba.. his world only has us two and his game maybe? haha.. he used to care about himself only lor, and he was proud of being a person like that cuz he said that's the character of a LEO, that time when i first knew him our poly teacher asked us to talk about the 3 most impt people in our lives, then i remember his answer was: ME, I and MYSELF.. gosh, what an answer sia.. dunno if my boy will become like that also in the future, since he is also a Leo.. wahahaha.. alot of Leo babies here sia..

ask your hubby to save the $$ on camera and buy car better lor... benefit everyone in the family mah.. heng my hubby never likes all these, his most expensive purchase must be his PS3 games, PS3 itself is a wedding gift from his buddies, hahaha..
Actually wanna to have a pair of zodiac but bb and hubby both already a ox and I am horse if all pair then my family will be牛头不对马嘴 or 做牛做马了 *lol* so have to go for rabbit
weishy, leo are more egoistic... more self-centered from wat i c... i told my hubby.. ox is stubborn, leo egoistic.. our bb combo of both.. cham..
yup weishy, like Janice said, exactly these two words, egoistic and self-centered, haha

but of course not all Leos are the same, and being self-centered a bit is also not a bad thing sometimes cuz they take things very easily one, cuz just need to think about themselves can liao mah, hahahaha..
weishy, can just scuba dive instead? LIke that less stressful..

tzen, wow that's a huge investment, I dun know if I will "she de" spend the money. I wanna see your photos, what's your FB email? Or u add me? michyms @ yahoo. com (without the spaces).

re: hbs saving money
Think its more us that save money lah, if I try to save $1 or $2 here and there by looking for good deals, my hb will just roll his eyes and say "never mind, I give u that $1 lah" arrgghhhh
hi all
thanks for sharing all the bb cute pic!
Regan also sucking toe haha.
I just changed nw job really dont hv time to login often, like to share my latest Hello Kitty series. lousy pic taken with limited lighting

hahaha yah lor. they dont care about small savings like us do de.

hahaha yah thats the character of a leo.

hahaha funny leh you. I am also OX. hubby is dog. So 2 Ox bully 1 dog. keke.

hahaha my hubby also. he said $1-2 never mind lah! or he will say he want to faint cos i am too cheapo.

very nice clips!
Janice/Felicia:eek:oooh hope Lucas not le.....dun lie characters like that le.... :p

Mich:hee no la i think i will skip the scuba n snorkel instead...no guts le....my hubby says i kept makign him laugh he cant concentrate
so.....i stay in the hotel n lay pa

Reira:not at all la...they probs will think we go all the means to safe a feew cents then buy too much
janice> same. 1 is already a headache -_-

piggy> haha. if my hubby can breastfeed i dun mind wor. save me of alot of hassle =p

pris> haha. dun sound very simple to u. happy anni to both u n ur hubby. hope u have a good time tonite

dolcevita> so cute

mashy> keke. guess i'm de only one who din buy any cam =x lucky my brother is taking pics for my boy every once a mth =x

pegsfur> omg. another baby is on de way. within 1yr i heard =x

weishy> diving! omg. i dare not dive. haha. btw ur jshopper stuffs are here. but de bras abit bulky. u wanna pick up from my place instead? doubt it can even go into de postbox =x

My gal can recognise ppl when she is 4 mths. Now only allow my mum, me and hb to carry leh... Other ppl carry she sure cry. Even FIL and mny sis also cant carry her...


Everyone also say Bevlyn is a boy. Even in pink ppl also say is a boy? Faint...


My #1 also look like a boy when young. Everyone also say next 1 will be a gal. In the end #2 also a gal like yr case. Now ppl till say can consider #3 cos will be a boy cos #2 look like a boy. I tell them #1 also look like a boy #2 still a gal leh. Than they got nothing to say liao...


Happy anniversary


My hb has Nikon D80. Buy liao now keep in the safe. Also lazy to take pic... I'm the one taking pic for the kid... Haiz...
felicia> have ordered ur stuffs. will forward u the mail on order shortly after i receive it. and once i receive the shipping info email, i will forward to u again too.
<font color="#1cbab4"> weishy (hlmommy) &amp; sweetmama (sweet_mama) >> yay, previously was working as a multimedia designer then quit and now am working on my humble blogshop. sell apparel, bags, accessories, gifts and now, unexpectedly, more baby stuff coming up..haha. ! figured out that i could use my skills to do up something so am glad that I'm still doing design yay. love to shoot pictures too! My guy also camera crazy...spend loads on marine fish tank and cameras... and our baby gal of course. haha. Curious; Any mommies' hubby is soccer fan?

Regg Hair (reggh) >> pretty clips you have there! did you update in ur multiply?

pegsfur (pegsfur) >> omg ovann is so... flexible!! both legs also can reach his mouth. *twist and turn

piggytoh (piggytoh) >> I'm so amazed that your bb can hold his own bottle!!! I din wan to let mine hold cos she kept playin with it. You mean feeding time, you just let him hold and he'll be a good boy and finish it all up?

baby ja (jagiebaby) >> omg, 31weeks is early... it must be a crazy experience for you! would love to hear ur ordeal if you don't mind sharing! thankfully ur bb is all well yay.. must be a hefty bill..

Re : Pregnancy Complication
SunshineG (sunshineg) >> I had severe UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) during my 29 week. the bacteria shot up to my kidney and hospitalised during CNY. had running fever throughout CNY. drank loads of cranberry juice and was praying bb won't look too red.(she looked quite red when she was born) hahah. bled during 32th week cos carry too much stuff from my shop..and walk too much! And my bb gal not shiok; she threatened to pop. Anyone walked too much too? i pray so hard and thankfully she stay put and wait till 37th week. damm drama story la.

How about you?


<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>
<font color="#1cbab4">jul (jul_04) First glance hahahahahahahahah so adorable! and pinching the belly fats too! Am using the same pampers and the shirt! the shirt brand very comfy! got the long sleeve version and my gal sleeps longer yay.

check out the sexy thighs! how heavy is ur bb now? Do mommies weigh your bb?


<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>
<font color="#1cbab4">Before I forget, any mommies keeping blogs?

If you haven't got one, maybe you should load up one! I'm sure you gals take loads of pictures of ur bb!! Flaunt them on your own blogs!

BTW, don't want to sound too 'kiasu' but have been 'pressurized' to get a set of flash cards for bb to learn and play. Any mommy swears by it? Heard its quite effective for bb's brain development!


<font color="#fd79a7"><font size="+0">❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤,
[email protected]</font></font>
I hav check wif my meighbour the Medici e hall friso also price increase. I tink from Jan onwards all increase liao

yes he will lie ther n drink cos he love milk haha bt sumtime he will play also la..
my hb I tink man ego dun tink he will wan bt I will tease him keke..

my hb love soccer bt 4 he go on course he used to play every wkend 1..

Yeah hubs is a man u fan. I was a non-football watcher until he converted me

i use the long-slevved version for nite PJs too. But he's kinda outgrowing them. Waiting for my babymall stuff to come so I can upgrade his t-shirts.

Oh I've 'upgraded' to Fitti 360 now. The back is much higher so his poo doesn't leak out

hmm.. at 4mth 1 wk sam was 7.9kg. Will weight him again on fri when he goes for the 5mth jab.
