(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Muffingirl (pancake? LOLs), you can say, "请不要拿(热)的食物跨过我儿子/小朋友的头上,那是很危险的"
going mattel sales now. *bye*
hi gals

just came back from mattel sale. Bought a lot of stuff. Got a shopping cart walker at $40 (saw it at KP for $129!), a FP table playmat, the Disney Wii look-a-like game, Little People Playhouse and some other smaller stuff. So dusty and hot. Most of the stuff are quite dirty so i didn't get any of the stuff toy type of toys.

Re: Sleep thru the nt
Woohoo! My gal finally slept thru the night last night. Ok, it's abt there. She slept from 10.30pm till 5am+ this morning in her own cot.
I've been training her for the last few nights to sleep in her own cot and each time she'll cry for 1-2hrs. Yes, she's a real screamer. Last night, coz i'm seriously sleep deprived, i told my hb to sleep with her in the room instead. Within 20mins, she quietened down. Lucky hb! After that I went over to change place with my hb. Throughout the night, she woke up a few times but managed to soothe herself back to sleep. She stood up and i think she 'remembered' that it was daddy under the covers and she promptly laid back down to sleep. I think she's really out to torture me.

And the irony of this all is that, I got insomnia! After being 'trained' by my gal to wake up every 2 hrs, I auto woke up. And coz I didn't have to hear her wailing cries, I couldn't fall back asleep. This is crazy.
I use Piyo Piyo brushes (1 pair of diff length in a pack) for the magmag straws.

You can try "不要在小朋友这边上菜“. I usually ask for a table at the corner, or by the (wall) side so I can place both high chairs away fm the serving aisle.
I got the shopping cart too! But can't let my girl play with the wheels installed cos it got no resistance, can roll forward easily. The toys on it are interactive, so she likes flipping them.

Was momentarily excited when I got the msg that the slide is available but kenna taken by others.

RE: update on Seimpi,
I called them abt their arrangement, and they proposed moving us to the following week's sunday on the 4th April ard 11am, and it isn't exclusive the group either. shirley wanted me to contact all the mums to get each one to call them to confirm attendance for the 4th. I reminded her that our list was given 2 weeks ago, I cannot promise that we can all go for the 4th, and it might just end up no one can go. So they should just keep us on for the 28th mar, 2.30pm. Then she said she's gonna go back and talk to the manager. Wah, Seimpi huh...

my gal is at my ILs' place now, so she hasn't seen it yet. I got it mainly coz it's an interactive shopping cart rather than walker coz i've a wooden fire engine walker from Kidzloft which is super heavy, sturdier & rubber wheels to walk with. She can walk more steadily with that push cart.
I've too many boys' toys and not enough gals' toys. Hope she doesn't grow up like a tom boy.
Hi mummies, I just received the sms from Seimpi requiring the parents to reconfirm number of seats wanted for the 28th March, 2.30PM preview at Funan. If you have received the message from them, please reply. The number in the sms is 8429527. Seimpi's number is 67376731. This feels very low of them.
Went to taka baby fair today. Indeed, not many items on sale. I could have bought most of the stuffs on any regular day. Total damage is $551! Seems so little things, but so expensive... DH and I must be mad. I too, bought the spin and sing after hearing hbb and others mentioned in here. Thanks ;>

Got a few freebies for spending so much, the only worth mentioning is the little tikes Push-along and Ride-on Coupe which worth $50+ i think.
Mummies who going for the trial.Tis afternoon when I go over to make payment for the 2nd term sch fees.The person in charge told me that the chinese teacher(whom I felt very dedicated to the learning kids)had left(resign),plus the English teacher will be doing some other stuff and not teach in LNT Bugis branch.

Was kinda sad coz these are the two teachers which I felt that they are very dedicated in teaching.So mummies who bring ur babies for the trial next mth,will not have the chance to see these 2 great teachers.But I guess some other teachers there might be gd,just that I havent got a chance to encounter with.
Re:Tiger Food Jar,
Wanna thks Pinky and Joanna

Btw,how do mummies actually make congee with it?
Heard from Jeslyn(Hope I get u right yesterday
) that make the food jar hot,put in the rice,pour hot water,close it and it will cook by itself.
RE: Seimpi
Is it diff date? I din read sms in details, I already replied 2 seats for me and hb.. We can bring baby along right?
Sorry mummies, I just got home after rushing out the door after the last message. This is what I received from their sms:
Greetings from Seimpi school of Music. Dear parents, kindly note that we will have a MIM Preview on 28th March Sun @ 2.30pm at Seimpi Funan. Due to the overwhelming response, please kindly reply to let us know the number of seats you need as limited seat are available. Thank you.

I replied 2 seats for dh and me, and state I'm bringing my child. I also highlighted that I got 10 other families to remind her. She replied the the preview will be for children from 4 mths to 7yrs old. So yar Kim, should be able to being baby along, I mean who's gonna look after my kid just for a preview??
Linsu, they gave you a different date ar? tsk...sickening. After going back and fro about it, they do such a thing... The original preview date is on the 28th Mar Sun. They say they might do another one on the 4th cos of the response, but want me to go get each parent on my list to confirm with them. I didn't want to risk parents not being able to attend the 4th Apr cos I already posted the list for the 28th Mar which I presume we are able to attend. And the other timings are not suitable for the babies.
hahaha.. i stopped myself frm going mattel sale..cos i noe i sure will lug sth back.. but nw tat i noe almost the same as last yr.. hehehee.. thanks goodness i din go dwn!.. hahaa.. or else.. haf to wait ages for cab!!...

but J's cute wen she does the growl!!!!... like at Sharon's place today.. hahaa!.. my hb was telling me J sounded so cute.. den i ask him " ya lor.. unlike yr son rite?.. sounded like one hoarse monster!!" bahahaaa..

oh yah.. i rec the siempi's msg... mine is on 28th thou...=D

Joanna n Kim... wanna say THANK YOU for grabbing the tiger flasks for me... =D pai seh for confusion oso!..=P xie xie ah jo for adding my jars to yr collection for delivery..hehehe

mayb u wan to sms me yr acct no? i xfer u the money! =D
im so happy today!!! over the past few days..i realised Jav will hold the cot's railings n inch bit by bit frm one end to another end of the cot.. n today, while we were leaving for church frm my in laws place.. i stood up..held Jav's hands n told him " bb, we r going out.. come, lets walk!"... n, he really followed each step i took!... i moved my right leg forward, he'll move his too.. n jus like dat, left ,right, left right. . . frm the sofa area to the main door!!.. hehee
lol, she thinks it's funny the sound...and then don't know if she did it today, she's been patting her head when it gets warm. Look like she's signing headache! that's not cute, feels worrying...

Do you still put cot bumpers around? She's super happy when she gets to stand in the cot hanging to the rail, but I always worry when she falls back and don't land sitting on her bum. You saw her blue black on her cheek right?? heartache man.
Saw something really scary lately of parents using a harness on the child who knows how to walk. Please carry your child over the MRT train and platform gap if you are using the harness. Don't presume that your child can cross the gap safely. Loshita and I were so shocked seeing this grandmother letting the child walked across it, and her leg fell thru the gap. My heart almost fell out. The poor tot lost a slipper thru the gap. That's small matter, what if the doors were closing?? And the grandmother only kept telling her it's just a slipper, don't want already. I don't think that's what the child was upset about. It's scary!!
that is very horrible! the child is most prob got a scared! hw can they jus let the kids walk over? jus like hw can u ask a 3yr old take the elescator on their own even thou u are holding their hands?

re: mattel sales
met a lady at lot1 kiddy palace todae and she jus went for the mattel sales. keep saeing that i should went to the mattel sales instead bcos is veri veri cheap. regretted regretted. mayb drop by one of the weekends.
hahaa.. she really sounds super cute.. n she did it so many times today... even Sharon oso kept laughing at her!.. hehe.. ohoh.. poor Joie..tink maybe the weathers too hot.. next time rnd, lil J bathe first!.. hehe.. Jav like to throw himself backwards wen hes hot.. either dat.. or he'll start pulling his hair.. maybe hes trying to see if he can remove dem so he wont feel so warm!.. hahaha!=X
hmmm, i still put cot bumper.. thou it really doesnt help in preventing him to bump his head on the railings wen he falls while standing.. actually nw dat they're standing i feel the bumper serves no purpose.. i jus use it to block off the light tat comes frm the tv wen hes asleep.. ya! i saw her blue black.. i feel hrtpain oso!!.. Jav is owaes knock onto his head until im so afraid will his head haf a dent or nt! dats y i bot the playpen so quickly.. hehe..
Sam, i also received the date 4th Apr for the preview. Hav not replied them thou cox thought it was 28th Mar and no news about the rescheduling yet.
Jes, I sms you tmrw. So happy to hear Jav reaching a new milestone!

Sam, OMG!!!! My heart missed a beat (again).. I cannot trust ANYONE to care for my kid anymore!! Indeed it's not a slipper, the "parental guidance" is all wrong!!!

Talking about children slipping.. Today's swim class was canceled because there were lightnings. Since hb did not have his lunch we decided to go to the "longhouse" to have something, the rain was heavy. Hb decided I should take K from where I was seated and he'll use the umbrella to "ferry" us to the food court. The rain got heavier so the plan has to change, I told him to take K and I will grab another umbrella myself. As I was passing him the bb, his umbrella was blowing away, thinking that he already had K, I tried to grab on to his umbrella, that was when K fell and almost hit his face on the door sill (Thank God he was still inside the car or it'll be a fall from my seat to the ground (and some of you girls know how high it is), to make things worse, we were parked at the very first lot on the left which was above the curb, I cannot imagine further... We both got a shock but managed to act composed so that he'll not be scared. Thanks God no injury on him, just a little redness on the side of the head from the rub against the door frame..

Today's K's 8th mth birthday, and he finally showed off his "small step"--crawling (not exactly crawl but moving) forward.. It makes Yeye & Nainai's day too cos we were skyping with them.
Jes, Jav is so fast! That day when i saw how fast he stood up, by all means...i was already very amazed.

Happy 8th Month K! Gd job K! My L is still cruising on his bed round and round... But he's doing more push-ups now.
it's fine, I'll check w/ them tomorrow.. if couldn't get 28th slot, I'll give it a miss.. thanks for organising thou! wahhh, J also starts to stand already.. my silly billy still tried so hard to get her butt up from sitting position this evening.. she sat on the floor, holding onto the cot railings.. lift up her butt a bit then sit back again & again & again.. she was so frustrated that she's 'screaming' & hitting the cot railings.. at the same time, looked at her daddy pitifully, seeking for attention..
she starts very early (not in standing) but trying to 'replace' me in daddy's heart kekeke...

Jav's fast!!! can't wait for stacia's turn leh..

Happy 8th month to K!!! Glad to know that he's alright.. your 'imagination' story is so scary.. but God will never fail in His protection!

re: K O
everyone's sick at home now
hb's down with flu since yesterday, my teteh's gastric acting up.. Brought her to A&E this morning cos she woke us up at 5am, barely could stand & in so much pain.. It's been a long day.. Having a mild sore throat now & stacia's sneezing a few times today.. I hope me & stacia COULD SURVIVE!
Kitty, Linsu,
If you can go only on the 28th, just bug the person cos I sign the group up early. The 4th April session that she says she can put the whole group in is not exclusive to our list of parents. But if you can't attend, don't worry about it lar, cos it's just a sales talk and demo. When the babies are old enough for the next stage, there'll be chance to arrange for a trial then.

Welcome back TJE! I think Muffingal wanted to include you in for the preview while you were away. Seimpi sent an sms to get parents to confirm seats, so I send a sms to everyone to make sure we received the sms from them. yar, do reply to pass your slot up if they put your name in on the 28th
I love the mattel sale! almost went back today to exchange the barbie keyboard organ because one of the key is spolit,but when I check again, it's finally ok. Bought LOTS of barbies stuff and hot wheels. They're really good deal and best to stock up as bday gifts. I feel that this time sale is better then last time. Some of the boxes are still in proper condition. Or may be because I arrived there 11am on the dot. This time spent less then $200 and my hb volunteered to sponsor hehehe. We brought naomi in bjorn and she can naps somemore.
So tempted to buy the barbie giant castle but I kept telling myself that I have no place to put and this mattel sale will be like twice a year thingy...
After 3 consecutive days shopping, today I literally collapse. Puke a few times in the morning and afternoon. Haiz.
Thanks hbb for the Tiger jar again. Sorry din manage to find a swing set for you.

Glad you didn't have to make a trip to exchange the keyboard. But the husband decided it's not worth the effort to go back to exchange the jumperoo, so MR gotta make do with a no-music jumperoo. But she prefers her cheap Lucky Baby Walker more than her Jumperoo. Sigh

Eh? I didn't receive any sms or calls from seimpi.

Oh dear. Your teteh's gastric sounds really bad. Hope everyone gets ok and stacia just sneeze due to dust and not sick.

Close call. Thank goodness K's ok.

Home alone with MR sleeping across my lap and Transformer on TV =) The husband went off to a wedding dinner.

re: Cruise
Need some advice. Thinking of going for a cruise with Star cruise with the husband. Would it be cheaper to boook online thru the star cruise website or thru a travel agent? Cos dunno if travel agencies would have deals with star cruise that entitles them to cheaper rates than those publish on website
Welcome back TJE! :) The shopping spree must have been fun? How many bags were for JE?

Waitress/Waiters serving food over bb:
I think must be nice to them lah. They don't know. Those who know will actually not do that, so just educate them nicely. ;-P You never know what they'll do to your food if not....

Not sure about which is cheaper - i.e. website or through agency. Have you checked out website details? I have a very good and honest travel agent. If you want the details, let me know and you can contact her and compare prices. I don't always book through her. I always book the cheapest I can find - that is reliable, of course, but I have never been on a cruise!

Glad tt K is OK! Phew! Point noted also about the MRT!

Tonight, the 3 of us had a bath time tog (first time) with the new squirt toys (hehheh) and one part, dh was not really holding Y as he was trying to stand and suddenly he fell backwards into the tub! We quickly pulled him out and all I could think was : I'm SO GLAD he has swim lessons so he didn't panic underwater! Of course, I still scolded my dh, who was too relaxed about it! Pah.
Kim: Thank goodness K is alright. I'm always very paranoid about the gap between the MRT and platform. We used to carry Ally over when she first started walking, even now I'm always ready to pull her whenever we walk in or out of the train.

Chiyojade: thank goodness Y didn't panic. Actually Sharon's advice is to try to stay as calm as possible so as not to scare the child. Once we were sitting at the edge of her pool waiting for their lesson to start and one of Ally's friends fell in. Sharon was in the water, I was next to Ally and another mom was there as well. The other mom jumped in to fish him out, I had to hold on to the rest of the kids cos they all thought it was a game and wanted to jump in. Sharon then told us that since there were so many adults around, we didn't need to panic and just let the child come up to the surface and help him out. But of course natural reaction is to jump in to get them out isn't it?
hee finaly got my internet back! yay!

wow.. realy lucky Y was 'trained' hehe

TJE welcoem bk yea =)

u r welcome
u bought the jummperoo thr? and it din work?!?!?!?! u work near jurong so if go bk n chg still nto so back. my dh work in changi.. go thr sure die manz... anyway my car also spoil i din realise shld hav music until i go home.. no music.. sad =( now dh say he will se eif he can repair it when he is free
ok now i REGRET buying the car for edna bcos she duno hw to move w her leg so i gotta push her ard and the stupid handle is sooooo low i literaly gotta squat or bend to push her.. and she is so happy when i push her! hahahaaa
she giv a v cute face! but she humpty dumpty... when i left her alone ask dh jagar her while i get the milk.. she tilt 1 side n fell off and cry
stupid dh .. got scolded by me.. and he still say she is nt scare lar
i not worry she scare anot.. iw orry she knock her head and get sillier since she is nt tat smart LOL

we had a gd time at the zoo today... thou most of the tiem we r on the tour.. onli managed to do the animal show ourselves then it started to rain
edna wasnt thr to see the animals.. she more thrilled w the big brothers n sisters who went along!!!
the rest of the mummies who tompang me to buy the jar
they wil be delivered to mi by tues evening so i can onli pass to u girls aft tues yea =)
re : mattel sales
i was loitering there for nearly 1hr. empty handed. i wasted dh's effort driving me all the way there. but i really dunno what to buy for BOY. haha.

Sam/Kittyng..... i also rec'd sms from siempi's msg on 4th apr. ok, shall call tml to check if can go on 28th apr. wish me luck!
can PM me your travel agent's details? I went to a few websites for travel agents and they all dun show price. Prob will have to call up to get the prices.

Yah, the husband got the jumperoo to try to entice the 'stable' fat girl to jump. SHe did it a few times and got tired of it. Now back to cruising around in her walker =p No car, hard to get out of my workplace to go Lok Yang Way. And dunno if need to bring whole jumperoo or just the music/lights toy bit down. SO the husband said 'forget it'

Hahaha, Edna enjoy life mah, let mama do the work and she gets free ride ~
Yah, our kids prob won't be able to enjoy the zoo till about 1.5-2 years. Now is just for them to look see, look see, get acquainted with the animals. My bro let MR touch stick insects and my sil let her touch giant rabbit (cos they are zoo volunteers) =)
ehh the jumperoo not cheap leh... if can chg then chg lor!! call them and ask!!!

oh the stick insect is ok to touch i tink..the kdis got to touch tat todday too! and also the giant milipede! hahahaa
i use to work in the zoo as volunteer int at dept also.. quite fun playin w caterpillar everyday!
Welcome back TJE.. miss your bitchiness kekeke!

Thank all for comforting word and wishes for K!

Chiyojade, wow, I wish I had install a tub at home now.. K loves to play with water so much but he is really growing out of his $2.50 bath tub..

Sam, I just checked, my date they gave me was also Apr4, and I already replied for 2 seats.. I would prefer to have the talk together with the Jul Moms, cos easier to discuss our opinion of the classes/ program. But I am also open for new mommy friends. hmm..
Y in the bath:
Yeah, actually he closed his eyes and was lying in the bath! Quite scary! And I actually had a dream with him in that position! ARGHS! Like as though "drowning"! And I also remember in the dream thinking"Luckily he has swim lessons!" Phew!

My dh said, "What can happen to him? We're here!" Plus he has gone underwater, blah blah blah...And I'm like, "Sharon said not more than 1 s under water! Babies can drown with just 2 inches of water, blah blah blah.." Am just glad that Y is OK! :)))

You've got mail!

If you are checking this in Bali, must tell us all about it when you get back. Am booked for next month and this Club Med sounds interesting instead of staying at my usual places! Only thing is that it's at ND!
oh oh, you were assigned the fragile forest when you were volunteering? You know a keeper by the name of Ronnie Soh?


The rainforest jumperoo is $150
thks mummies 4 sharing how 2 dry kitchen equipment/dishes/cutlery etc, appreciate it =)

edna is one smart girl to let mummy do all the work =)

oh, tis siempi's sms i also rec'd, for 28 Mar

Re: Play-yard
Mashy, i remember u hv a play-yard at home right? can share how u get ur baby 2 get used 2 it? bon is only willing 2 stay in the play-yard if the door is opened/one person is keeping him company inside, otherwise he'll wail *sigh*
re babies with fever when teething
can i know what's the temp like?? How high has it reached? don't know why A is running a fever of almost 38 degrees yest. But she's active, no running nose or cough or any discomfort n is eating well. suspect it's teething cos saw a bit whitish on her lower gum but can the temp soar so high?
lamagier bk then it wasnt even anmed fragile forest haa i tink more than 10 yrs ago!!! i dun tink i know Ronnie Soh

bbethan i dun tink teething fever is so high leh
ard 37.5?? but it also depend on individual body normal temp =)

muffingirl, kim - talking abt strollers and pancakes. 2 months back when i brought my bbies to marina square i had a similar heart attack. i dont go that place often so not familiar with where lifts and escalators are etc. and now i conclude its not a bb friendly place at all. so many directions and no bloody sign boards. anyways, i digress. i was carrying 1 bb, the other baby was in twin stroller. so we finally found a bloody esclator, after making many detours, and seeing so many unhelpful teenagers who OVERTAKE us in taking the escalator. so anyway again, i got onto the escalotr going upstairs, my helper push the wide strller onto the bloody narrow escalotor, and the stroller almost fell on her, with my baby IN IT. then my helper use her mighty strength to push the stroller upwards, and then stroller wasnt fully opened up and folded inwas WITH MY BABY IN IT. lucky a guardian angel out of nowhere pop up from behind my helper and help to support the stroller. i didnt see where the lady angle pop out from, cos as far as i know, i had to wait till everyone else took the escalator before i was ALLOWED to take it. and there wasnt anyone behind me.

sigh. the thot of the stoller incident makes me shudder. but i got a lot of this kind of experience, cos always me and helper, and 2 bbies.
