(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

winnie i tink got to switch mode or sth one i not sure yet becos i ahven got mine! otw to my hse... by the pigeon..reaching tomolo

oh ya i tink its meant to b not so smooth so tat it can 'stop' at a particular alphabet.. else if too smooth then it anyhow spin then any how read then go haywire LOL
cos when spinning can feel the 'grooves' one
GUAI?@?@?@ ehh u din see hw i smack her meh? tsk.. angry manz she wan to play wan ppl to talk to her and the ppl is not me ok its other ppl at our table.. keep fussing moving figeting dun wan her lunch...
i finaly realise why i onli smack her when we goout.. at home no such prob!
becos at home if she is nottie she is sent bk to bed IMMEDIATELY.. outside i get v angry esp if she misbehave in front of my friends.. i feel v sia sway! hahahaaa so she better behave!
I just tested the Leapfrog Spin&Sing Alphabet Zoo. There's 3 modes, Mode 1 - Reads the alphabet it spins to, Mode 2 - Spins to the animal and says the animal name and the animal makes a sound, Mode 3 - Sings the entire alphabet in parts, makes the sound of the animal it stops at but does complete the whole 26 alphabet sequence.
hbb/sam, you mean there's no new piece of swing and slide set? I think hav one...that time when i bought, they say I got the last one but my friend went the other day, she still managed to buy. It's really worth buying but the colour of my set has faded off a bit due to shine and rain.

Chiyojade, i agreed with all other mummies that not worth getting an exp potty. My boy uses a super cheap and simple potty now and rejects his more exp potty. It really depends on how comfortable he is....so prob let him sit on it to try at the stores.

I'm also returning to check on carseat. Which one you looking for?
Winnie, mine works like wat sam described. The only song is the full ABC song, provided your child muz keep spinning the wheel. If not, when it stops...it will provide the animal's sound that it stopped on.
thanks!! oh great!!
I shall go buy when i go to the fair again! bought a stacker toy for nana but she lost interest in it fast! regret nt getting the musical stuff. =.=

u smack edna dun tell kim! she'll kidnap her away!!!!! LOL!

oh! just nw nana rolled her eyes again! But i think i noe why already, anyway, i'm a happy mummy once again, i think she's reallie alright, it's just the paranoid mummy!
I also think have one, just that have to wait for the worker to carry it out from the warehouse, they lazy to go see themselves cos they want to rush people to close shop.
HBB, I only know she wanted Xavier's attention and he was sleeping.. Sometimes, kids know to test the boundary when they are outside the home..
kitty.. arghhh i angreee liao.. i go all the way jus to buy tat swing u know! WAT THE.......

aiya.. i tell u the best way to keep edna fr gettign smack is dun let her go out n get a chance to b nottie hahaaaa
yes she wan to test boundary she tink i wun smack her bcos there r other ppl ard so try to b funny.. i already gave in by letting my sis feed her lunch n she still misbehave!
when r u going back? which carseat u looking at?

thks for the feedback.
looks like i've to bring her down n try myself to see if i can manage.
for me, it's bus or cab when going out with her alone. but once the circle line is operational, i've the option of train all the way. hmmm... so does this mean shd not hv any prob with the quest? hb will then convince me that the current stroller will serve it's function since it's train all the way as he thinks it's not necessary for another lightweight one.
seriously speaking.. if u takin train ALL the way u realy dun nee dlight weight one becos u will hang thg ont he pram n etc .. if too light it topple easily! dangerous!!!!
I'll bug dh again tml after j's swimming class.

BTW, if you ladies need a A4 laminator for home use, I saw one at giant for under $35, comes with a free pack of 100pc laminating pouches worth $27. I'm intending to use it to laminate cards and stuff.
hbb/sam, if any of my frenz go, i ask them to keep a lookout for any new piece for you. Should have one... It's so sickening of them. I was pissed also when the person say they dun even have a screw to test run the laugh and learn baby grand piano when it's on display and not in the box.
ya... that's what we r always debating on. i always tell him there may be places i need to go by bus mah. or if i go shopping n buy things, need to take cab, then how i manage that "jumbo" with her n stuff? haha... i've all excuses to buy 1. but i do see his point abt lightweight stroller being toppled over easily.
bbethan bes tis hav both hahaaa
i got both but despite as much as i wan to use the heavier one when i go out alone i cant becos the stupid pram is so BIG that if i open it up in the hse.. it cannot get out of the hse!!!!!!! so meanign igotta open outside the hse leh..leave edna outside int he pram put all the thg in or put all the thg in and put edna last? either way i also scare either 1 get 'stolen' hahahaha
Car Seat:
Jillian recommended one that day, I think hers is maxi-cosi - it looks cool. I think she also said to contact them directly as may have discount, of course, that is, if you want to get the maxi cosi.
I have the infant car seat so I have to buy a new one, plus that was on loan and my friend who loaned it is preggers, so I gotta return it!

Yeah, I remember that you are looking for one too!

OK, am not getting ex potty. :) Will just buy an el cheapo one. I also can't imagine paying so much money to contain .... Will try Mothercare, since I am member or Kiddy Palace - also member. Or just try my HDB estate! Hehheh...Thanks mummies for the tips!

Am also reading about the strollers...atm, I have a big hand me down one, which is good bec it can fully recline and so Y can sleep flat, on his tummy...but it's not light!

I can't imagine E getting smacked! She is already so well behaved. Y cannot be so quiet for so long - that day some of you witnessed his meltdwon when he was tired! Waaah! Waaah! Am sure the restaurant was glad when I left!!! LOL!
Coz just nw i carried her high up and put her in "flying" position, (like sky diving), den like blood rush to the head that kind, the eyes rolled a little... aiyoo... dunno wat i'm toking abt lehs... hahaha...

but edna reallie v guai le lehs, my ger den is the VERY NOTTI one!
Oh by the way, where to buy the non slip mat to put in bathroom?

Thanks too!!! ^^
winnie mummy
u can get those mat from those shops in the market that sell household products. dept stores also hv... i remember annuku brand (or something like that) hv.
i dunw an to smack her also lar.. spoil my image leh hahaa but she no guai too bad! in the train to mattel also she make noise... tsk... i got a feeling tat was partly becos she wasnt full since she did nt fin her lunch... serve her right.. idid not giv her dinner at 5.30! i purposely drag till 6!!! and she guai guai sit in the high chair and eat.. partly hungry and partly no ppl ard her cos the restaurant was empty

ehh u rem tat day at Bg she was nt so gd too make mi bend up n down to pick up stuff she throw! arghhhhh
thanks!! i am glad too! I totally lost my appetite ever since & today my colleague said i lost alot of weight, asked me go see doc! *roll eyes*

ok! Thank U!! ^^
she really likes attention of ppl or rather likes to entertain other ppl leh. her eyes always light up when see new faces/things. very alert looking.

amanda's also into throwing things PURPOSELY! she finds the thrills of throwing n seeing us pick up for her. otherwise, she'll throw n lean over to see where the thing dropped to. end up i always confiscate then she gets fidgety.
I have told you this many times, but I really, really think that E is very guai. Even at BG, you just rock her in the stroller and she can go to slp just like that! Y must rock in arms and if got distractions, then die lah!
i seriously duno manz..i noe she see other ppl she v happy one...see me also same...i wonder if she is too bored at hm?

chiyojade... tat day she super tired! if she still dn slp i feed her to e swan lor!else v hard to make her slp..yesterday at taka she refuse to slp till 1230! hhaa
Winnie, I think she is not ready to do that yet.. Give her some time.. Do the spinning (like ballerina but not so fast at first) instead. I think she'll like.
Finally someone agrees with the stoop down part for the maclaren quest.
I half thought the saleslady lied to me lol!

Anyway, bbethan I feel that a lightweight stroller is essential in malls, esp weekends when the lifts are full of ablebodied adults who fight with you for the lifts.
My 10kg stroller almost rolled onto me (thankfully minus the baby who was with hubby) when I was trying to go down the escalator at great world city.
I almost became muffin pancake!!
I love my stroller cos it's super light, closes and opens with a press of a button and a flick of the wrist, and stands on it's own. I really dunno if I went back in time whether I would still buy a big heavy stroller LOL
TGIF, looking forward to the weekend and week ahead since we'll be off to Bali on Sunday! Club Med promises us Baby Welcome services - baby stroller, baby cot, baby tub and additional baby amenities in the room. Plus, subjected to availability/occupancy, priority check-in. Let's see if they deliver...

Just back from firm's D&D - aiyah, didn't win a thing though there are 100 prizes. Company was great though and I had fun

Advice needed: I tendered on 23 Feb so last day should be 22 Mar, boss asked me to stay till 26 Mar, I agreed. Now, asking me to stay till 30 April - should I? Especially in view of the fact that I am moving in first week of April?

HBB, btw I postphoned my JG till May 2010 and if class is full, to Term 3 (starts 28 June) - no bandwidth now to juggle so many balls in the air...
Muffingirl, were you with your new stroller (Combi right) and not the Peg? I totally agree with you that sometimes those w/o stroller or wheelchairs loves to fight with us the elevator when they hv a choice of the escalator. I usually let others go ahead ans wait for the next lift (like as if I am first in the Q), but yet again, there'll be those who loves to sneak right ahead of the stroller and fill up the lift, by the time my stroller gets in the lift, there is no way for me to position the stroller in order not to "knock" into them.
I finally hv more confidence using the escalator but still not in crowded mall with my heavy weight stroller.
I love my heavy weight cos even whn there is no bb, I could stil hang losts of shopping bags at the back and wont somersault. If I go back in time, I will still get a heavy weight, however, I would get one with a tapered front (either a single front wheel or one with 2 wheels closer together).

FOZ, glad to hear you have fun at the D&D, it worth more than "lucky" draw winning. However, I hope the door gift or favor make up for it.
Jz to add, I love to go Vivo, but find that the elevator is NOT enough, and ill-designed--not all elevator has access to all levels incl carparks. The 2 that has access to all floors were lobby L (next to info counter at level 2, also provide access to Sentosa monorail station, therefore making it even more crowded.

K was super tired from ystd's shopping (Came back at 4+pm), he was so tired he took a 6pm nap until 7+ and after his (late) dinner, we play a while a he KOed from 9 to 7 this morning!! No dream feed and I am so happy he din even wake up mid of nite when he was usually hungry 6hrs after dinner.. Hmm.. now I am thinking, should I train him with this timing?
FOZ: Let me know your review on Club Med Bali, was thinking of going there for a holiday as well. Have fun! I love Bali!

Kim: I agree with your view on Vivo, the lifts are a pain. When Ally was younger, it was one place that we couldn't take her. Somehow the crowd, noise and lights used to disturb her greatly. If we went in the evening, she won't be able to sleep once we left. More often than not she will have a melt down within 1/2 an hour of reaching there. You're really lucky that K can sleep from 9-7, I'm still struggling with Max's frequent night wakings.
MuffinGirl, i bought my combi straw cup during taka sales. 30+10%. Quite worthwhile if you can wait for their nxt member sales.

Jillian, any idea how to wash the combi straw?
thr is a strawbrush i tink at kiddy palace under dr brown brand..

muffngal...ur pancake is cute haha

im like u...i willl still buy a heavy weight stroller! else no need rn errands le! tml gg zoo..the heavy stroller will be good! cn hang my camera bag....picnic boxes..diaper bags... etc etc

i nvr bother to take a lift at vivo... those shameless able body ppl thr! and sometimes whn im w friends who dun dare use escalator..i will jus say it out LOUD why r ppl fighting w us for e lift!

no hurry to start esp if u r busy....i noe my schedule forever jam oneso i cant b bothered to chg anymre haha
enjoy ur bali trip!
HBB, thanks! i bought the pigeon straw brush. cannot enter. *waste money*

by the way how's the mattel sales? suitable to bring bb in? hot or dusty anot? going later. wohohohoho.
People who fight with babies in strollers for lifts - they make me angry. If I can see someone trying to squeeze pass my stroller, sometimes I just ram them with the stroller hahahahah.
Then when they look at me, I will act blur. Usually they will say sorry cos they hit the stroller with a baby.

Another thing I hate is for waiters/waitresses to carry food over baby in highchair or stroller. I will tell them not to do it.
If it happens again, I will scold them.

Educating the masses for other parents and for me when I have my next baby somewhere in the future
At taka once, there was this lady with taka staff name tag who dashes into the lift while I was trying to get out of the lift with the stroller - I glared at her and told her off "next time let people out of the lift before forcing your way in!!! Especially with babies!!! Where are your manners??!!??"
tis mattel sale ok to bring bb cos its inside the warehse.. definitely hot lar.. but edna managed to nap LOL and dusty for sure rem to standby wet wiptes!

muffinpancake... thr is no standard on hw to tell them but usualy if they try to do it over the baby i will giv the PISS look and ask them to serve on the other end of the table!
usualy the better trained waiteress/water will know where to put the baby chair/stroller
they got the LNT trial at $10.. i duno hw good is the trial as compare to at LNT itself but worth trying since their trial at the center cost $150 for 3 session.. i jus sign edna up!!!
