(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Chiyojade: I did the same damage at Kino as well, we should never ever walk into a bookstore together. I've actually have a limited edition copy of Le Petit Prince. I can't read a single word of it since its in french but its one of my most prized books
jillian, ahem ...PASS IT TO ME!!!! LOL!!!! I did see a limited edition in Paris once, but I didn't buy it. Then again, I also did see a limited collector's set of Asterix as well and I really, really considered buying that, but then had when I thought about the shipping, cannot lah!! Too ex...

Yeah, I like the fox.....the fox taught him so much.. My fav quote above is from the fox....:p

Must always rem the picture of the boa constrictor digesting the elephant...so much to learn from that, esp now with a baby!
Eh! I have The Little Prince in Mandarin at home, but I can't read that! LOL!!! How about I swop you the regular Mandarin one for the limited edition in French? Hahahahahahahaha...
Chiyojade: that would be equally as useless to me as well seeing as how I can barely read a few words in Mandarin! You know how I chose Ally's chinese name? I picked two mandarin words that I actually knew how to write and put it together. Its that pathetic.

Found your fav quote in the book "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux"
Haha, it's the Little Prince day in forum today. I have 3 copies of the cheap version at home.

Read it cos it was the only book I had with me while I was waiting at a super boring queue 10 years ago and fell in loove with it immediately =) Totally charmed
I intend to get Phil, I may apply direct to MOM as my p/t cleaner has a sister needing a job here.. I have yet to think about the list of thing to do in a day, but i have a rough idea of what she has to complete in a month. But I also told my p/t cleaner that in the beginning, she will have more to do as I am waiting for a day where I have more time to wash all the curtains, clean the windows, rearrange the store room & kitchen etc. I actually prefer a half-day helper everyday at half the price I pay for a live in helper..

RE: BB from Freezer

RE: Reading
HBB, it's ok to repeat the book everyday, as of now, bb loves repetition. I am now back to reading the "My First Bible Stories" to K..

Chiyojade, I have the "Good Night Moon", I want to get the "This is not..." series, K only has "This is not my tractor".

I bought quite a number of story books in Chinese, Rapenzal to Wizard of Oz.. K & I will have another tug of war cos they are not board book, and tore easily.

It's kinda weird to be reading English story books to him when I speak Mandarin to him. However, I definitely want him to be a better reader than his mom.
there's 20% storewide disc @ Kinokuniya for members... I think it ends this weekend... We jus went yesterday and store up on Photoshop books and Photography magazine... Such a good buy with 20% disc, we immediately sign up as member on the spot..

went to Taka baby fair yesterday, roam for nearly an hour but jus couldn't find anything worthy to buy... I still prefer their additional 10% disc for cardmember sales thingy, at least much cheaper...
Went to Mattel Sales today at 11am sharp all ready to buy lotsa toys back... I roamed in there for many many rounds but nothing to buy, many toys r repetitive like last year's... And the packaging is so much more dirtier and dustier than last year... I select the cleaniest toy among the entire lot and stare hard at it figuring how am I gonna clean the toy... Decided to put them back since there's no way I could remove the stain on the toy... Those I bought last year, at least the stain not obvious and easy to remove...

So disappointed that I didn't buy anything for Dino despite so many sales going on...
re reading
how nice to see u gals reading with the babies.
i only hv time to read to A when i get home from work. but each time i try to read to her, the kor kor will come and snatch the book away
tried reading to both but still end up in the same situation.

jul is not too far away. glad u made the 2 choices.
sometimes i really wish to get a helper. but then again, don't know if that's inviting a different set of problems.

Just came back from the PD not too long ago. Yesterday, A's temp soar to 38 degrees. today when i came back, settled #1 and took over her, realised she's all hot despite taking the panadol. 38.8 degrees! rushed down to the clinic to see PD. said could see she's teething but that's not the cause of the high fever n saw her throat a bit red. no cough, no running nose. said it could either be UTI or viral fever. if viral fever, shd be ok in 2-3days. as it was late, will hv to collect her urine sample tmrw n send back for their test. really hope the fever comes down. given some suppository but really hope i dont hv to use it cos i'm scared to use it.

oh ya... weighed her today. still haven't reach 7kg mark yet. only 6.9kg. hope she doesn't lose any weight from this manz.
BBEthan, hope Amanda is well now, I felt so ssyang, I pray that it;s not UTI or anything serious.. such a little body going thru so much!

I share your sentiments about the helper.. But I feel at least I should give it a chance to see. Most ppl say it's all LUCK, but I have my Abba, I am sure many things will be ironed out smoothly.. I admire you and those moms who works, I think you are super moms! Having the helper will definitely relief you from the physical tiredness (housework), and yes, there bound to be other issues. I am going to use my HRM to see if it will work, I trust she will be mature.
Then again, I also have to have an agreement with hb about managing the helper, like managing the kid, you know some kid will seek approval from a parent and if that parent says no, he'll try for the other parent etc, so not only we have to be in-line with our parenting, we also have to be in line with managing the helper.
RE: Reading
I called my gf to ask for parenting tips ans she told me that for reading, you need not bring an actual book to cultivate reading, you could also get her those fabric book or bath book, hang it on her stroller, bath tub etc.. When you get a chance to be with her, read her a book, even if she wasn't paying attention to that book.. My gf told me that those fabric books are great, even if they take it and chew on it.. I met up with Loshita recently, and her girl, Elisa was already displaying interest in reading! She was quietly flipping her fabric book that was hung on her stroller!! I was very impressed and embarrassed that K is still moving all over the shop and cant sit still to read. When I chatted with Jes, she also mentioned that this is the time we should start cultivate their reading habit.

Perhaps you can play teacher and pupils with your hb, Ethan and Amanda, or get Ethan to read to Amanda.. It will be a great family "game".
Bbethan: Hope Amanda is alright, it sounds like a case of viral fever that Max had recently as well. High temperature that stays high even with panadol and no other symptoms.

Kim: You're right about reading, but Max, like K, can't sit still. I still continue reading cos they are still listening even though they are moving about. It can be quite strange cos it feels like you're reading to no one but whenever he crawls back to me I'll point out the pictures in the book once again.
I got a few books too. There's one My Bedtime Tales consist of many stories. I prefer those bcos the pictures are big, the book is big, and most impt i can always pick up the same book but varies the story. It would seem to him that I'm repeative but I don't get too bore. But I'm not sure if it's the same 'repeative' concept or not. Down side of such books, it's heavy, and don't let it drop onto your feet, it's painful!

As for flipping of pages, HBB, do u mean Edna could flip the pages like how we do? that would be so nice. Regis more like grabbing and tearing the page rather than picking and flipping for me. So now some pages have the folded lines caused by him.
cs i lend books to friends, they never return, i thot lost & buy again... so ended up with 3 books!

Anyone have recommendation on where good to go buy books for babies? I borrow from lib but MR keeps tryong to grab abd chew on them.... dun wan her to destroy lib properties and afraid of germs etc
Regis tears the book?He is able to do so?

Anyway,why not give him a piece of A5 paper(under supervision)and get him to tear?And yes,tearing skill teaches hands and eyes motor skill for infants(starts young)and when they reach toddler age,they will be able to do so freely.(no problem when they do art and craft when teacher wants them to tear tiny pieces of color papers to deco say a fish)

I do sound like an 'idiot'but this was recommended by teachers(the notes which I had)for learning during infant stage.

im trying this teaching currently,and yes my gal begins to tear freely without any help..

Jus that Im trying to make Adelle read,just like how Edna does..haha...Edna shows very great interest in reading!!!

Hope Amanda is ok now.
Re: Tear books
How about buying cheap sketch books from popular, colouring and drawing on them to DIY books for babies and if they do tear it, it wouldn't be too expensive? And you get to design the content according to what you want to teach your babies?
Anyone know if residues from colour pencils be unhealthy for babies? Or use markers? Or just cut & paste pictures? Would it make it harder for babies to tear?

Just rambling on... Suffering from insomia the past few nites. Can't shut down my brain. Maybe it's sleep regresion for adults

Amanda's fever subsided? Hope she's better
Re books: I dunno what to do sometimes with Eva so I'd read to her but she will grab the book and its pages then shove it into her mouth or try to pull them out/tear them.

Hai...how to continue reading? Should I just stop and move it further from her (but she sometimes wants to touch the pics and all) or just let her do that? I try to stop her but she'll do it again.
hope Amanda gets well soon!!... poor girl..but im sure shes strong.. n will overcome all these.. don worry okay..=) do keep us updated of her conditions..

yup, tink its really a good time since 6 mths old to start cultivate reading to the lil ones.. even thou they may nt b listening but yes, its really a good way for them to absorb n pick up words or actions.. don gif them books dat r too lengthy.. i owaes borrow books frm library using Jav's n my cards so he normally gets hm w abt 14 books n 2 for myself.. normally, i'll bring him to the library, pass him one book n let him meddle w it.. (try my best nt to let him bite thou!) while i actually choose other books for him to borrow.. i owaes go to the bb section cos their books r rather interesting.. with all the feely n lifting the flaps book.. all these will help to train their sensory n motor skills..

n yes, i tink edna is really a bb who enjoys reading.. esp wen i see hw engrossed she was wen HBB read to her.. she can jus look at the pictures n try to touch dem..

aiyo! u don sound like an 'idiot' la!!
i totally agree w u abt the tearing paper part!.. hehe.. Jav tears everything!!.. thou mayb nt everything he takes may be tearable..but he'll jus try his best to rip them apart despite it being impossible to do so..(eg. wet wipes cover)...
good morning to all mummys,

i was taking leave together with hb accompany my gal at home this few days, this morning i was crying because i can't bear to send her to my mum place, feel so sad and down that i cannot stay at home with her.... haizzz hope my emotion can recover back faster...

how are you now? hope you dun have any morning sickness.

Hahaha, i am sure that the Auntie not you because i can see that she look 40+.. Wow! you took 12? i took 3, my hand like going to break, you really something. peifu

When my gal teething her upper tooth, she have fever 38, running nose. My mum told me it normal. Hope A will be fine now.

Baby Fair at Expo:
There will be a Babycare fair at Expo on this coming Friday (19/03) to Sunday (21/03.
bbethan - hope its not UTI. why does doc immediately think that UTI is a possibility? is it cos they simply say say only, or really a possibility. not funny to scare mummies with UTI stories leh.

books - i read to my bbies but they ignore me leh. they more interested in tearing up the pages and putting the pieces of paper in the mouth. so halfway through reading i'll give up to stop them from swallowing the paper. i feel silly reading and no one listening or looking at me. so i thot maybe its the books i bot that are too easy or too difficult for bbies.
hope amanda get well soon n nothg serious!!!

ohh haa yes tell mi bout it i lend some korean language books and audio cd(cost mi a bomb) and nvr got them bk either sigh,,,

ehh edna can flip if i ask her to flip but i need to lift up the page a bit. she duno hw to lift up the page lar.. where got so steady LOl but when she hear flip/nxt page pls she will turn to the nxt page LOL
Oh dear! I hoe its' nto UTI. Can be very painful for her! :-( If it IS UTI, you can give her cranberry juice. My PD recommended that and it does help. For bbies as well as adults.

I find the best place to buy kids' books is Kino. Good selection/good condition. I don't like Borders. It reminds me of a library. Most of the books there are not in good condition.

I also read the newspapers to Y, the magazines (when I read any), the menu, etc, etc.
I read the newspapers when I'm feeding him brekky. He is in his feeding chair, I sit next to him and then I feed him and read at the same time. Of course, you don't get to read much, but just scan and skim for info but if I see soemthing interesteing, I'll tell him, "Oh look! xxx did this....There is a xxxat this place and I try to show him the photos as well."

Flipping the pages:
You sit "V-legged" (feet are apart) on the floor, put the baby in between your legs, on the floor. Hold the book in front of the baby. Open and read. Put your finger under the page you want bb to turn, so that the page is partly lifted up already for him/her. When you get to the end of the page, I usually say, "Turn the page" and of course, bb won't understand, but then I do the action of turning the page and I say it at the same time and after a while bb will get used to it. Plus, there is something interesting (read different) on the next page. I think it took Y 2 or 3 days to understand that he had to turn the page. I tell him to turn the page though. Sometimes now, when he takes the book himself, he will turn the pages himself when he is finished reading with that page.

I showed what I did with Y to hbb and E turned the pages in 2 days :-D, so go and try!!

I tried to tell him, "Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm Mama that day, but he just looked blankly at me though! LOL!! Anyone can teach me how to get him to say that!? Hahahahaha
there one time my charloote dun drink milk, i got scare and took her to PD, PD will collect her urine and test for UTI, lucky that time she dun have it, PD told me maybe she going to teething her bottom teehing, maybe she not feeling well that why she dun drink milk. dun worry, maybe A is not feeling well only, sayang her...
I wanna buy "My First Bible Stories" for stacia too.. may i know who's the author & where did u get it from? TIA!

hmm kino 20% til when? good time to stock up books! how much to apply for member? I'm not a "reader" so dunno much about all these hehe.. stacia has changed me a lot!
motherhood rocks!

oh nooo.. no wonder u din join us yesterday! I tot u can't take leave or wat.. hope amanda recovers soon!

haha, i just went SKS yesterday to get Vegetales Bible for my son. This is his full fledged bible.

My gal has also been 'eating' the books rather than reading them. She doesn't have the patience for me to go thru the pages. When my boy was her age, he was happily flipping pages and 'reading'.
thanks mummies
last night her fever shoot up to 39 degrees. quickly wake my hb up n put in the suppository. this morning fever is gone. but hope it's permanent. so still monitoring. waiting for her to pee now.

PD just wanted to play safe it's not UTI as she suddenly has high fever with no other symptons. And brother is all well *touch wood* *touch wood*. so if results is negative, can safely conclude as viral fever. this is also the reason why i bring her straight to the PD when her fever keeps going up. no play play with UTI esp since she's a gal too.

if got UTI, means they will feel the pain or it's a silent infection?
btw where can we get Sandra Boynton books? wanted to take a look at her books before buying online.

u gals can buy books from www.bookdepository.com
i like their service. very fast too n cheaper than at kino n other book stores.

Tearing books
hehe...don't think that board books are not easy to get torn. it can be! my terror Ethan tore don't know how many board books. n so the poor sister is picking up all the torn n repaired books to read. LOL

i don't think the 10% taka discount will apply in this sale. normally is during the first week end right? my #1 also likes to stand behind the stroller... that's the good thing abt peg perego cos it's so sturdy. but the weight really kills all.

glad that her fever is gone.

i always leave the stroller in the car, so it's alright. Dun carry it much. :p Anyway i've a lightwt Maclaren Daytripper already, so if need be, just use that one lor. Thought it'll be great if i can accommodate 2 kids in 1 stroller. :p

Really hope they'll decide to give the extra 10%. Spring is giving 15% off. Wonder how much they're selling it in the taka baby fair. That day when i went there, i didn't bother looking at it.
there's no reply fr seimpi despite I wanna change fr 4th Apr to 28th Mar..give me the impression that they're not 'well organised'.. I'm gonna give it a miss cos' most likely I wanna sign up with KM after my 2nd trial in their mix-aged class next Sat.. thanks anyway for organising in the 1st plc..
router giving me problem for the most of yesterday, but feels good to take a break from all affairs after consecutive days of shopping and errands. J's horde of toys suddenly exploded over the weekend from thurs onward, so much boxes to put away.

Not sure when the kiddo is going to put things into practice despite guiding her while she plays, she still prefers to put toys into her mouth. Books are not spared too. I have a stash of Tag books bought over the xmas season, which I fear reading to her most of the time, cos she is merciless to my magazines when I read them while she sits on my lap at my desk. If the tag book pages get torn, that's it already, cos the pages are coded for the tag reader. I agree with BbEthan, the board books are not babyproof, can be torn too. Once in a few years, I do go to the library book sale, went there last year, bought mostly baby care books, and some children's books. Some books are practically brand new maybe because no one saw them on the shelves. Board books and large format books were extremely popular and grabbed up pretty quickly.

hope A's okay, and nothing serious will come out of the ordeal.

that's the impression they gave me too when I tried to ask for a separate session for us. It feels overly commercialized rather than a genuine interest for the kids. Anyways I'm not buying too much into music training at this early stage, I prefer to be guided by J's interest. I bought some percussion instruments from Sexi during taka fair, she can bang/ting/clank away all she wants, or take over my piano when she's a little older. There are similar cross activities such as singing and motion which she has thru Sharon's session. At a certain point, I have to agree with TJE, it leaves so little time to rest during the weekend as a family when we are busy running out the door for classes. Furthermore, she's got to spend a little time with her grandparents of both sides too being number 1 grandchild on either side.
Don't think you are an idiot, cos it's the kind of hand coordination activity we will want them to do later for arts and crafts like being able to tear paper into certain sizes, and even certain shapes and later being able to glue them to the right spots. And yes J loves going at my old magazines too. I saw some Eric Carle - related craft activities that I wish J can do some day cos his books illustrations have that torn paper look, which some tools for tots aids use as an idea.
chiyojade, thanks for tips about turning page, i'm going to try...hehehe. my tomi babble more words now, his first word is ok, hahaha, then to mama, now to ciecie (big sista). but he only babble a few days then stop. just like drinking wif straw cup, can suck already then now forgotten again. sigh...but i'm happy i managed to capture him calling mama on video.
im feeling so bad..Jav fell again.. frm the bathtub n fell head down to the bathrm flr.. all thnks to me.. losing my grip n strength..
i've been having extreme pain since i had my mensus on sun.. n ytd, i was feeling all nauseous n giddy w the terrible pain.. i cant tk it n went to my gynae's nite clinic.. he said my flow was far too much causing all these misery.. am given some med to reduce flow, iron tablets n super strong painkillers which i m oni allowed to tk one a day.. despite all dese.. the painkillers cld oni last for an hr.. ytd nite cldnt slp at all due to the pain.. jus nw, jav tried to stand in the bathtub.. n i was to hold him to carry him up wen i became giddy n lost my strength..his head landed on the flr.. w the body still in the tub.. head was red, ribs area was red due to abrasion to the tub, arms were red due to me trying my best to save him.
sigh.. i jus kept saying dat im so useless n kept apologising to Jav for making him fall. while i was carrying him, he jus hugged me tight n laid his head on my shoulder.
really am useless.

You are no useless... please dun say that... you are also trying your very best to take care Jav. Sayang Jav. How is Jav now? For you, maybe can call to your dh to come home early to help you so you can have some rest.
Re: Nap...
I have been having a hard time getting Char to nap... *sian* She falls asleep nursing and wants to be held while she naps, and if I succeed in putting her into the crib (after she's asleep), she would wake up in 15-20 mins. I try to put her down awake, she would scream for very loooooooong, nearly 45 mins, fall asleep for 15-20 mins, then continue to cry
How heh? How do u put your LOs to nap?? Does your LO get a bottle/nurse before nap?It's a very frustrating process for me; doesn't help with the maid keeps wanting to go in and pick her up!!
jes - dont be too hard on yourself. you are doing a great job in take care of bb. not easy job as you're on meds as well. take care ya ?
Thank u Pinky, Noelle, Winnie n bestberries for yr support.. am trying my best nt to break dwn in front of Jav jus nw..sigh.. but he makes me feel all better wen he smiles to me.

cant, he can oni be back at 7.. sigh..but he din sound too happy wen i told him over e phone tat Jav fell..

yah..tub on flr.. so it wasnt too bad a fall i guess..sigh.
does Char do tat always? or its jus on rare occasions?...hmmm, last time wen Jav was younger he wld owaes cry b4 he slps.. for nw hes better.. i tink its jus a phase tat they'll grow out of.. don worry ya..
hmmm, maybe try cuddling her awhile..tok to her, assure her den put her into the cot? well, some bbs dont slp v long, for Jav's aft nap, he oni slps 30 to 45 mins thou..hmmm,
wen Jav was younger, i wld jus leave him dere n let him cry for awhile b4 picking him up.. cos it helps them learn tat they wont get anything if they cont screaming..

*pat pat* you boy understand you did not do that on purpose.. so sweet of him to lay his head on your shoulder..

I was reading ard and many suggested to draw out a schdule as the best communication to a new maid + 1st time empolyer (me)

Humm i try listing out things to do but like cannot fill the days leh keke

I got to go thru the housework once again to assign the job better....
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks

aiyo .. i knw wat u mean by the pain manz.. last week i pain for 2 days.. and v heavy flow... hope jav is alrite.

this seimpi hor really jia lat.. to tink that they r supposed to b better in the curriculum as i was told.. but but but.. tsk...

haa ya same edna got more toys since thurs LOL
