(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I bought the Combi one $23.90 (think either Muffingal or Jillian recommended it before).

They have 4 diff stages, straw is stage 3 (orange colour). It was sold out in Kiddy palace marina & BHG when I went last week.
So I got the stage 2 sippy cup (green colour)& I got the replacement straw & cap. After my girl tried the sippy cup & didn't like it, I just replace the sippy cup parts with the straw ones.
replacement cap is $11.90, straws $7.90 for a set of 2 (if I remember right0
Eh, a bt confusing, hope you'll be able to understand

Meng Lee,
I'm not that upset over return to normal or smaller size (even though I'm already 'runway' initially... and easier to exercise with smaller boobs)... more concern over everything getting saggy & pointing south... like my tummy....

re bra size, mine also shrink to my pre-pregnancy size! so disappointing...cos i was telling everyone one of the up sides of having a kid is to have a change to up the size of our breasts...haha.

i gave Mia the pigeon mag cup, and all she do is bite the spout until the water 'splash' into her mouth. then she will half drink half spit out of her mouth...arghhh. so in the end i do not know how much she actually drinks! i stop giving her water from the usual milk bottle teats, cos was thinking not to confuse her? not sure if this is a correct way though.

bbethan, i cook the porridge by double boil, so will not risk the burning of pot thingy. but it do take a longer time to cook la.
Rubbing of ears..

Jav does tat each time he needs to slp.. i oso clean his ears twice a day.. at first i tot tat it was cos of his eczema cos he owaes scratches his left ear, which i notice theres a small crack dere..

La Girafe,
Welcome to the thread!..=) im a SAHM too..hehe.. orchard.. hehe sounds fun to b dere on weekdays.. shudnt b much crowd.. =D

i heard will shrink 1 size or so... mostly shrink back o their pre preg size.. hehe.. u stopped bf completely alrdy??..

Jav is still sick.. sigh.. ran out ytd to bring him go pd.. he says its some viral infection.. aft tat brought him go tuina.. today n the rest of the week will haf to go tuina alrdy.. tog w the help of the med frm PD hope he gets well faster!... wad a first new yr for the poor lil boy..

Jav has been making alot of noises recently.. like mum mum.. mama..papa.. booboo.. n wen he listens to songs he will keep mumbling n mumbling.. like hes singing.. so funny. n he will 'call' to us.. wen he wakes up n see us slping on the bed.. he'll put his head on the railings of the cot n stare at us thru the railings n start 'talking'..he will scream n go mama.. or papa.. until we wake up, look at him n talk to him..den he'll smile n play w us..
Thanks for the link! :) Will go and check it out...

Boobs - one of my friends said that it's much smaller than before? Maybe she meant the point southwards..?

Novena is not far from my place! In fact, one of my friends lives around there and we go there quite often and we also pick him and baby to go for music every Monday. ;-)
Hi mummies, I am also a July mummy. Been following this thread on/off but not active in posting. I have an emergency situation now. Forgotten to bring extra bottle for my 2nd pump session. Any mummy working around suntec/bugis area and have spare milk bag to sell to me? Any brand is fine. Pls sms me 98421275. Urgently needed. Thanks, Josephine
A confession to make (and am sure all reading will be scandalised)...er...I don't know how to cook porridge!!!!!
So the only time he has eaten that was when my mum cooked it.
When I cooked porridge for myself last time, it always either got burnt or too much water....Don't they have a porridge cooker? Like Rice cooker? ;-P

My gal is now using the combi straw mug...I got the hello kitty one...couldn't resist. I actually latch my gal directly since birth, so she hasn't fed from any bottle before. When I introduce her the sippy cup (2 diffrent brands), she just kept biting the sprout instead of sucking. The valve in these sippy cups makes the cups really spill & suck proof. I got fed up and gave her the straw mug a couple of weeks back. Initially she'll just chew on the straw. Then I show her the "sucking in air" sound & action, after a short while, she started to suck up the water. At first she'll spit everything out (coz she hated water) and choke a bit...but now she knows how to swallow until she had enough and then she'll start blowing bubbles into the water or spit them all out...
hi mommies, been so busy lately after my 2 kids down wif fever and cough and also my trip to jkt last week. so challenging cos everything went haywired, tomi was grumpy and couldnt feed milk and let alone solid, so he didnt have solid for 5 days we were there. sigh, feeling guilty, should have bought along those bottled ones. anyway, he's having constipation these few days, poor boy crying when he's pooing, came out solid poo for the first time. hmmm, i remembered last time izit kim u give prune juice? wat else can we give to ease constipation? can we still give cereal? how about banana???

lamagier, we also accidently discovered tomi can suck using straw. my hubby drinking coke, and thinking tomi cant suck, so gave him try try, and guess wat we saw the coke coming up the straw, so we stopped him. hahahaha, we bought the combi sippy, but he dun drink much. hmmm, thanks for the idea to change the sippy into straw, later got excuse go shopping.

btw, mommies if u all go out, how do u bring the solid food? do u prepare home made puree and bring out? or bring bottled ones? or just feed cereal? i'm terrible in planning wat to pack, sometime i prefer staying in my cave, feels safer than going out, ohh no, i'm turning into a real yellow face wife...hehehe
chiyojade, i also dunno how to cook porridge, hehehehe...btw saw yann eating spinach puree, how to make it ahh? steam n blend??? i'm so slow in introducing food to my tomi, he only tried pumpkin, banana, apples, and avocado. so far he only like banana, can open mouth by himself.

etirto, hope naomi get well soon, u take care too. soooo exciting our babies first chinese new year collecting ang pows, any babies know how to gong xi gong xi already??
ChiyoJade, yes, the rice cooker these days can cook congee, soup, steam etc. Like oven, there's menu you can select from.
coolkero, hope your ribbon and tomi get well soon too. I think it's the weather. it's scorching hot! btw, you can use those thermal food jar like zojirushi/tiger to bring the porridge out (if you want it to be kept warm). I'm buying the foogo food jar from BP as it's leakproof. Zojirushi and tiger are not leakproof. the juices from the porridge will leak out if it's not upright. got so fed up with it. but zojirushi is better then tiger, it last longer. when bringing out the small amount of puree, I will use the pigeon bottle with the spoon at the end. so just need to unscrew the spoon and turn it outside and fix back. I will put that bottle inside the thermal pouch. Daiso sell the small one, just the size of baby bottle. it cannot hold the temperature for too long, but at least can tahan for 1 hour or so.
Me lazy mum. I put cereal in MR's bowl, use cling wrap to secure & put everything in a ziplock bag. Just need to get some warm water to prepare her cereal =p

She gets Happy puff to entertain her when we have our meals
ETirto: Didn't realise that the Tiger flasks were not leak proof. Have used mine for quite a while and so far no problems. I feel a bit guilty reading about how everyone prepares food when they're going out with their babies. I will either find something that he can eat or just let him have his milk. I remember always cooking porridge for my #1 when we used to go out but second time round I guess I'm definitely more lazy.
TJE: How's Ju en's appetite? Have you found a recipe for baby friendly cream of corn? In the last few days, Max has surprised us by suddenly taking an interest in his food. From not wanting to eat anything, he now wants to try everything. I made cream of broccoli for him, just steamed the broccoli, added in a small cube of cheese since he loves it, mixed it with his regular milk and just blend everything together.

Bbethan: does your older boy still sit in a stroller? Do you put Amanda in a sling if you go out with them by yourself? I find it difficult sometimes with just one stroller and both kids wanting to sit in it. SOmetimes one falls asleep and the other want gets tired as well then I end up carrying one and pushing the other.

Dh bought the phil and teds stroller for me yesterday as a surpise cos he knew I have been eyeing it for so long. Its really big but both kids seem happy in it. Ally loves sitting behind which is a surprise cos to me it seems like the child behind has no view whatsoever. I can't see myself taking it on public transport during peak hours cos it takes up so much space, think everyone in the MRT will curse and swear at me. But since we're usually outdoors its an ideal stroller for us.
Oh!! I must go and buy that rice cooker then!! Any brand in particular??

For the spinach, I steamed it, then pureed it in a U-like kind of blender..not exactly the same, but same method. I bought a packet of organic baby spinach fr Fairprice finest and the WHOLE packet was only enough for 2 baby cubes!!
I'm also a bit like you regarding introducing food...I may only have 1 or 2 things more from your list..also because I don't have that much time to prepare food and I'm afraid that he will only want to eat home cooked food, ergo, end up being difficult...is that possible???

I didn't know Zojirushi is not leakproof. I was planning on buying that! Sigh!
My friend takes her baby cubes out (frozen) and then if she needs to feed baby, puts them in hot water....
Now I must take a look at foogo..
etirto, i hv the pigeon spoon too. tks for giving me the idea to use it when going out, it's a great idea!

coolkero, i bring cereal is those munchkin bowls with airtight cover. then puree put into the Thermos food jar.

lamagier, my silly Mia do not know how to eat puffs! hv been trying to give her everyday but she refuse to open her mouth to eat, seems like she cannot 'see' the puff is it? i'm going to try squeeze it into her mouth tonight...haha
Porridge also using food jar plus i will bring a separate bowl to feed Mia in case porridge in food jar is too hot to consume directly.
2 sides of the coin here. The thing is, my silly girl eats everything she can lay her hands on. Put our finger in she will also start 'chewing'. At least yours will try to look look see test a bit..

Not stopping bf yet. prob in another 6 months. I just with mummies here in advance so I won't waste too much money buying potentially oversized bras.

Oh dear, just happen to read that yr baby is constipated. So poor thing. I get very worried and upset too when my gal don't poo.
You can try this.

Certain fruits and juices - for example prunes, apple juice, apricots - are rich in sorbitol, a nondigestible sugar that passes through the body to the colon and causes water to be retained or drawn into the stool mass. They can be increased in the diet to loosen the stool and relieve or prevent constipation.

Lactulose is a non-absorbable sugar product that is processed by colon bacteria to produce an inflow of water into the stool mass. We use it a lot - it seems to be a favorite of our local pediatric gastroenterologists. The dose is adjusted up or down according to respose. Side effects are usually not serious but can include cramping or diarrhea - obviously, stop the medicine and call your doctor if these occur.

I normally will let my gal try some fruit juice first. But if more than 2 days, staright away, I will give her lactulose 5 mls and wait for result. Usually, she will pass every thing out in 2-3 hours. Not diarrhea though. I have already asked my Dr colleague and pharmacist, they told me that's very safe actually. So, maybe you can try. Hope this info helps.
Ju en also ang mo baby? Like cheese, not rice..

Argggg, growing old waiting for my program to run.... each run 15min... I want a super computer at work or my boss will have to give me another laptop.
Etirto/coolkero/Jes, hope all your bbs get well soon...CNY is coming! They muz collect lots of angbaos.

Coolkero, i'm also a lazy mummy who does not know how to prep solids outside for bb...so most of the time, my boy has to skip his cereal time when outside and only drink milk. Lucky Kim and bbethan shared with me yest. Now have a better idea how to bring out but dunno whether have space to keep anot heehee...cox Kim saw the amt of things I bring when I bring Lucius out (like literally bringing his whole bed out hahaha)

Kim, ok we shall meet after cny for our vivio cum library trip

Lamagier, Minrui is so smart. I have not bought any sippy cup for my boy to try yet. Seems like I should get one soon.

why not buy wired nursing bras to give more support?

Re: Porridge
Kim, I used grind rice powder instead of rice grain to cook.

1stly, no need to blend (causes wind, mashed thru sieve will have less wind)

2ndly, it cooks real fast (abt 5 mins)so less nutrients loss

3rdly, can cook in small qty (last weekend i cooked 2 tspn of the brown rice powder and XR lapped it all up no wastage)

some mummies i know use broken rice (cheaper and turns gooey faster) or "new" rice which are great for cantonese kind of porridge.

Millet grains makes good porridge too

and yes, soaking helps to fasten the cooking process. But cook with the water that soaks the grain.

to cook porridge its better to put more water then less and usually will take 15- 20 mins (tip: buy a timer at Daiso, it's very useful) .. stir often after the grain is cooked will help break the grain and get a better gooey texture.

I think to have rice cooker to cook porridge u need to cook at leas 1/2 cup of grains.. which might be too much for 1 baby meal. Unless u share meal with baby.

I use the thermal pot to cook for porridge for my elder gal.. just boil it for 10 mins, once the rice is about 1/2 cooked, take it off the flame and put in the thermal pot.. porridge will be done in a few hours time and kept warm for hours.. but need to add lots of water to have watery porridge... can prep this the night before and have nice warm porridge in the morning.. or prep this 1st thing in the morning and can have porridge by noon. I use the thermal pot to prep the meat stock the same way too.

my gf cooks her bb's porridge using slow cooker and she dumps the veg and meat all in. but i feel prolong cooking will lose more nutrients so i don't really advise it.

my 2 cents worth
Nursing bras generally material quite thin. Personal preference, but I like bra with some padding.

She's quite gong-gong one lah. Quick quick by sippy cup then Lucius can join in the fun. It's nice that at least through forum try to get a feel of what babies are capable of at each phase. I didn't think to buy a sippy cup till many mummies here started discussing it. Now I'm to send her to cramp school to learn how to 'gong xi gong xi' like bestberries' girls.... get more ang pows

my sil mentioned my girl is center of attraction at her wedding, reunion dinners etc. (my girl is only baby in the entire extended family). Was wondering if she minds that the family not really having proper adult conversation these days...
sunsweet, 5 mins to cook porridge??
i also use grind rice powder...but i cook in slow cooker and soup stock for 3 hrs. hahaha...
i must try the 5 mins cooking then!

re slow cooker, i only cook the rice there. for the fish and veggie i cook and puree separately then put into the porridge when Mia is going to eat.
re: cook porridge

I also find the best is use the small Endo thermal cooker. just boil for 10mins then put into the thermal container. Like that won't burn and won't stick to the bottom. Fuss free and u don't get as frustrated when bb refuse to eat it. Don't spend too much time on making meals, it just adds to the frustration when they refuse to eat it.

since its powder why need to cook so long.. as long as the powder is cooked ok liao mah.. ok maybe longer then 5 mins.. maybe 10mins.. keke i dun look at the clock but surely not too long cos my baby will not let me stand at the stove to slowly cook her porridge.

her stock i boil for 1 hr over the flame and keep in thermal pot for another 2 - 3 hrs..

you cook for 3 hrs?? how much powder u cook? won't it all stick to the pot and burn? cos powder form porridge thickens and burns easily.

I need to find Care Bear Cake Toppers ASAP for my gal's birthday party on the 21st (initially wanted to do it on the 16th but too rush).

Any idea where can i buy them?

Saw some online but they take sometime to mail over.
sunsweet, I thought the idea of having slow cooker is that it can cook -slowly- so that the nutritient wont be loss in the usual cooking with the higher temperature. The nutritient from the veg or meat will be slowly absorbed into the porridge/soup. so actually it's ok only to eat the porridge/soup since the nutritient are there anyway. the high speed takes 2 hours and the normal speed takes 6 hours. But I really like the smell from the soup when boiled from the slow cooker, it's like being 'trapped' inside the pot for so long and nothing has managed to escape...u know what I mean? well that's what I thought.

Korean pounds the rice grain into powder before making it into porridge. I haven't try yet. My pounder is all stained with chili from everyday use, worry later the porridge will turn spicy.
Jilian, is it the flask or food jar? have you try to bring soup and turn it upside down? even when I enquire the salesperson in taka/tangs said, that the jar is not meant for 'very liquid' stuff. I was like HUH? then how about if I need to bring soup out. he said it's meant for solid food with less water because the water seal cannot tahan. haiz so that's y I wanna try thermos.
Japa, how is your thermos jar?
can share the cheese brand u're giving Max? cos all the cheese i saw got added salt/sodium in the ingredients.. so i'm trying to avoid that..

Philips has one.. rice & porridge/congee cooker
Chiyojade, Mine is a small rice cooker which can cook 1/4 cup of porridge (will checkout the max capacity and brand when I get home). This will come out to less than maybe 8oz of grains after draining away the water from the porridge.
heheh...is it the one that Dino-mum and Bell ordering? give me the link! email me the pic! I think it's ok la, I got at least 5set already and another one it's on the way.

what is disintegrate. I only start speaking english 10 yrs ago. kekeke

the laughing cow is salty! off coz she likes it.
It seems like Ju ju doesn't like milk (because of the throwing up etc), so don't mix the puree with milk, just water? Now really a headache, naomi start to reject her food. I hope she's only bored with her potato-peas puree. I will give her carrot today.

I think the preference of babies liking flavourful food is cause by us adults..

if we let them taste the flavourful food once, of cos they will prefer it to the blend tasting ones.

so once started difficult to turn back ..
TJE, eh just realized that we registered at the same time. ya la...sunsweet is right. we adult is the one who introduce the food to our babies. but hor, the funny thing about Nigel, until now he only like plain taste food. Bagel. White bread. Plain rice. even the ice cream must be the white and not-so sweet (just found one from mr.bean...heheh). I've been 'forcing' all the tasty food to him but he simply refused. Lately, I manage to ask him to try sugar cane-juice. I told him it's BEN 10 drink since it's green. then he gulped it down happily.
All the talk abt swim suit makes me wanna go get a nice one too. Saw Etirto, kim, TJE all with nice ones... i splurged $70 on my UV protection shirt cos wanna use that for dragonboat too... now must go row boat, work off the fats and save money for nice nice swim suit
japa/linsu: I bought the laughing cow cheese for Max, tiny cubes , comes in a pack of 15. Honestly, I didn't read the ingredients but its not too salty in my opinion. The only reason I bought it is because one cube is the perfect serving for him, not too big or small.
Chiyojade, my small rice cooker is indeed Philips. Max 5.5cups rice or 0.75cup congee.
Note that the congee texture is not puree type. Need to smash abit.

Gina, thanks.
Left my one-piece swim costume in the changing room, in no condition to wear a 2-piece, so pls mail me bp link too. And please lah, if the red tankini make you look like a whale then I must look like an elephant in a tutu!

La Girafe,
Welcome to the thread!

You feeling better? Naomi ok?

A went for his 2nd pneumococal today, he is now 71cm and 8.4kg. Surprisingly, we only waited for like 5-6 minutes. Next appt end July for his 3rd jab and chickenpox shot. Forgot the c acct so gotta pay by cash
So very expensive...

PD also said can let him try egg yolk. Our babies grow up so fast!

On way way back, I tried nursing him while he's awake and he bite so hard my tears rolled down my cheeks, my #1 was never a biter
The one I bought in the BP few months back is still untouched... haiz... I was a "L" size back then when I bought it, now I can't fit in, reduce to "S" size... And I threw away my pre-preggy "S" size swim suit thinking that I upgraded to "L" size... shit!!! now I gotta look ard for another swim suit...

I gave away so many of my S size clothes back then, urgh!!! regret regret...

Re: Porridge & baby food
My mum bought us a mini slow cooker... dino-dad jus dump the "xin mi" aka new rice with either meat, dried scallop or vege into the cooker... It seems pretty easy to prepare with the slow cooker... Dino had tried frog leg, chicken, threadfin, duck, spinach, dried scallop, egg yolk, bread, tofu, potato thus far... been finishing up the food all this while... She's a chi-na dino baby, every day must have 2 meals of porridge w/o fail... hates cereal now thou... the first time we prepare the porridge, we r so goon-du, thinking that "xin mi" ("new" rice) is a brand new packet of rice... No matter how long dino-dad tried to smash and cook the porridge, it still appear in whole grain form... as dino is yelling at us for her porridge, we jus gave her the "whole grain form" porridge, exactly like those I normally eat... Surprised that she finish up and didnt gag on the porridge... after checking with TJE, then we realised that the goon-du us bought the wrong type of rice... "Xin Mi" not equivalent to brand new packet of rice... the one we bought are "jiu mi" aka old rice... aiyo...

seems like many babies here dun like carrot... mine seldom eat vege/fruits, often eat meat and more meat... A potential T-rex in the making...
Pe@nut and all other mums re rice/porridge cooker,
Thanks very much for the info...now I can go and check them out next week when am a but more free!

Lucky my swim lesson with Sharon is not with you! Alamak! I don't care lah. Just wear my swim suit - even when fat! LOL!!! Maybe I should also wear my rasher - cover up more! Hahahahahahaha....

Y is soooo far behind so many of them...I read all the things you all give - CHILLI (TJE! I also fainted when I read that! LOL!), cheese, etc. I even held off fruit puree until last week - so scared he has sweet tooth like dh!
now my boy associates the stroller with amanda. only sits in it when he's super tired or sleepy. if i go out alonw with Amanda, i always use the baby bjorn. hv no guts to bring both out shopping on my own yet. the only time i'm wif both of them alone is when go parent's place, meet hubby or go market only. cos i run the risk of having to carry both.

is the leak proof food jar the one with pink/blue cap?

those using slow cooker to cook porridge,
how much water to u all use to cook to right consistency? would not dry up if cook too long? contemplating v v long to get one cos currently using endo smallest thermal pot. prob is it doesnt get warm by the time i come back fr work when i cook in morning.
tje.I have not been out for DAYS. I feel so stucked!Now Nigel turn to get sick. I think Daiso trip will be after CNY already. It's not with the zip. I bought it because it's simple, compact and it's only $2! My gf said it looks like $20.ekeke...it's with the pull-string kind. But I think thermal function cannot be compared to the avent with the zip la..U know, Naomi only drink half of her feed everytime, so I will put the remaining in this thermal bag when I need to go out. Don't go to the pS one, so small. Let us all meet at Daiso-VIVO next week.
Btw, you don't look like whale in that red tankini la...otherwise won't have so many comments and in the end have to be 'sensored' out.heheh...you look slim enough and gorgeous. if you look like whale and FOZ looks like elephant, I must be Dinosaurs already.

bbethan,it's purple and pink if I'm not wrong. I bought it partially because it's pretty. I will have the matching straw cup.

Dino, finally you got your slow cooker. I also have the miniest one. very simple right? but I also dunno about the different rice. got new and old? what the hell is that. I haven't try to give porridge yet. Intended to give on Monday, but she's still sick. so I delay another few more days.

FOZ, can give egg yolk already? MIL said she's been gving my hb egg yolk everyday when he's baby that's y he got high IQ. dunno true or not...my PD said FAT is good for baby because it contribute a lot in the brain development.
tje.I have not been out for DAYS. I feel so stucked!Now Nigel turn to get sick. I think Daiso trip will be after CNY already. It's not with the zip. I bought it because it's simple, compact and it's only $2! My gf said it looks like $20.ekeke...it's with the pull-string kind. But I think thermal function cannot be compared to the avent with the zip la..U know, Naomi only drink half of her feed everytime, so I will put the remaining in this thermal bag when I need to go out. Don't go to the pS one, so small. Let us all meet at Daiso-VIVO next week.
Btw, you don't look like whale in that red tankini la...otherwise won't have so many comments and in the end have to be 'sensored' out.heheh...you look slim enough and gorgeous. if you look like whale and FOZ looks like elephant, I must be Dinosaurs already.

bbethan,it's purple and pink if I'm not wrong. I bought it partially because it's pretty. I will have the matching straw cup.

Dino, finally you got your slow cooker. I also have the miniest one. very simple right? but I also dunno about the different rice. got new and old? what the hell is that. I haven't try to give porridge yet. Intended to give on Monday, but she's still sick. so I delay another few more days.

FOZ, can give egg yolk already? MIL said she's been gving my hb egg yolk everyday when he's baby that's y he got high IQ. dunno true or not...my PD said FAT is good for baby because it contribute a lot in the brain development.
tje.I have not been out for DAYS. I feel so stucked!Now Nigel turn to get sick. I think Daiso trip will be after CNY already. It's not with the zip. I bought it because it's simple, compact and it's only $2! My gf said it looks like $20.ekeke...it's with the pull-string kind. But I think thermal function cannot be compared to the avent with the zip la..U know, Naomi only drink half of her feed everytime, so I will put the remaining in this thermal bag when I need to go out. Don't go to the pS one, so small. Let us all meet at Daiso-VIVO next week.
Btw, you don't look like whale in that red tankini la...otherwise won't have so many comments and in the end have to be 'sensored' out.heheh...you look slim enough and gorgeous. if you look like whale and FOZ looks like elephant, I must be Dinosaurs already.

bbethan,it's purple and pink if I'm not wrong. I bought it partially because it's pretty. I will have the matching straw cup.

Dino, finally you got your slow cooker. I also have the miniest one. very simple right? but I also dunno about the different rice. got new and old? what the hell is that. I haven't try to give porridge yet. Intended to give on Monday, but she's still sick. so I delay another few more days.

FOZ, can give egg yolk already? MIL said she's been gving my hb egg yolk everyday when he's baby that's y he got high IQ. dunno true or not...my PD said FAT is good for baby because it contribute a lot in the brain development.

tje.I have not been out for DAYS. I feel so stucked!Now Nigel turn to get sick. I think Daiso trip will be after CNY already. It's not with the zip. I bought it because it's simple, compact and it's only $2! My gf said it looks like $20.ekeke...it's with the pull-string kind. But I think thermal function cannot be compared to the avent with the zip la..U know, Naomi only drink half of her feed everytime, so I will put the remaining in this thermal bag when I need to go out. Don't go to the pS one, so small. Let us all meet at Daiso-VIVO next week.
Btw, you don't look like whale in that red tankini la...otherwise won't have so many comments and in the end have to be 'sensored' out.heheh...you look slim enough and gorgeous. if you look like whale and FOZ looks like elephant, I must be Dinosaurs already.

bbethan,it's purple and pink if I'm not wrong. I bought it partially because it's pretty. I will have the matching straw cup.

Dino, finally you got your slow cooker. I also have the miniest one. very simple right? but I also dunno about the different rice. got new and old? what the hell is that. I haven't try to give porridge yet. Intended to give on Monday, but she's still sick. so I delay another few more days.

FOZ, can give egg yolk already? MIL said she's been gving my hb egg yolk everyday when he's baby that's y he got high IQ. dunno true or not...my PD said FAT is good for baby because it contribute a lot in the brain development.
