(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

FOZ, dun worry about it! I am already very grateful you are doing this for us (esp us who are SAHM).. Shy..

Amber, perhaps I dun always hv my mom & MIL around so I only hv little experience. Somehow, my hb is the least patience with K although I really think God has given me a great child who doesn't fuss very much.

Gina, do you have a playpen? You are always welcome to come over my plc to use K's.. He hasn't start using it yet. (Oh! Just like my comment in fb, rolling around in the playpen wont get Juen preg de hahahaha!!!)
I wont spare the rod, but I still believe hands are to be used for love.

Jes, you "school" your MIL & mom well!! They should know you are trained in handling kids. I must read the link you posted, never heard of the day & night milk. I only know the foremilk (usually first 10mins) has high level of oxytocin and make bb sleepy..

Hi girls, remember we were talking about the large cotton pad from Guardian pharmacy? This is how it looks and take note of the "normal" cotton pad at the bottom right below the "large" one.
It's $3.95/pkt (80pcs)

Friend of Zoo,

Regis is going for his jab which could result in fever this sat. Can I pull out from the 25th Sun GYMBOREE TRIAL if he is feverish? Otherwise, I might as well pull out now. Sorry, I blurz... forgot abt his Sat vaccination.
blocked duct
i can feel a lump each time i'm due for expressing. during expressing, i will press hard on it (ouch) and it does 'disappear' after pumping. yet by the next pump, the lump 'reappear'. is this wad u mean by blocked duct?
thanks for the feedback. my phone died on me. Phoneless for 3 days liao. so tempted to get one that can surf net easily. saw the HTC Hero.. not sure if good. at the same time, wants a camera phone too. dilemma...

forgive ju en lah... she's still young and knows nothing. if u really smack her... i tell u, next morning, u will feel really bad. think at night, we r not in the right mind. gets frustrated easily. i smacked both my kids before cos they fussed at night. but when next morning they give u their innocent smile, i really regret what i did the nite before. now i control a bit wif Amanda. last nite, i tried to dreamfeed her and she doesn't want to drink. end up she was totally awake n i was fed up with myself n also wif her cos it's 2am n i still need to wake up at 5.30am. n as usual, she smiled lor.... i really cannot bear to be angry wif her. so i leave her on the bed beside me, while i close my eyes n let her play on her own until she makes noise wanting to sleep again.

i totally agree wif yr views on mil. my mil is also a divorcee. normal days ok... but once she quarrels wif my hb, she'll bring up all the nonsense.... always harped on the point that she has no companion when she's old. i hate it when she always says that cos she always said she has already kan kai over such things. that's why a lot of things i now close eyes. cos if i said it out, she not happy will bring up everything. give her no chance to rebuke on me.

it's ok lah... i sent u quite late too. but i must say it's really nice. thks for all the efforts.

Sorry, i very slow in catching up the thread...
Congrats! It could be bcos of the massage too. But do take note of the advice of malt reducing ss. Haha! I think now i know why my ss so pathetic!
Planning to go orchard tom to get some toys for my ger.whr can i get the leapfrog caterpillar and the violet My Pal in orchard? or any other interesting toys?pls let me know.
Pe@nut, no problem, understand. Hope Regis is a brave one and won't cry when having his jab. Hope he also has no fever...does any mommy want to take Pe@nut's Gymboree slot on 25 Oct (Sunday) at 12pm? Venue: Harborfront

Amanda and Kim, thanks for your replies. I feel 0.000001% better now!

Btw this Tan Chong just robbed me blind and blown off my next few months shopping budget - I sent my 3.5 yr old car in for servicing and the bill was a whopping $468! For just an oil change! It better purr like the pussycat dolls 'morrow when it goes to work with me!
try metro at paragon for both. the other time there were scout n the caterpillar, not so sure abt violet. members r entitled some disc (not sure how much 10 or 15%, ask joanne/etirto) cos both are blue tag items. taka has the caterpillar too.
Re: Day & nite time expressed milk
don't think it makes a difference leh. i always give the earliest (regardless when it was expressed), faith has been quite gd to sleep through the nite... last feed at 7 or 8pm and she'll wake up at 5 or 6am next day...
or i'm just lucky... hee
re: olive oil

Kim, yup i am a Christian. I think it's a good idea to ask the pastor help me pray over the oil and apply it everywhere
i will ask him to pray for me this sunday. Then i can start to apply on samuel's head.

Yan, i just bought that shampoo, using it now
will see if the cradle cap goes away

Is constipation common for babies? My baby seems to move his bowels once every 4-5 days recently..not sure if it's because i am down with flu and still bf him..cos i noticed he has runny nose too
FOZ, so wish we could just drive and dun need to incur extra expenses right?

RE: Day & nite milk
I also dun think there is a diff for me, cos I can;t afford to separate them sinze it's pte ltd ss.

Maine, do apply on other parts of his body too (just for blessing lah), I even apply on his cot & crib.. and use it for massaging him every evening.
regis & shanna shared the same bday lehs...
and do u noe, we actually attended the same class tgt @ gleneagles!
i only realised it's u when i'm back home! heheheh~
Kim,i think i will use it to massage him
and continue to pray that guardian angels will watch over him

Hbb, ooh lucky, then he is ok cos after a few days, he will "let go" one big pile of soft stool until leak out from diaper.

Re: Day & night time expressed milk
Think no difference, the fats is in the hindmilk..so as long as baby drinks both foremilk and hindmilk during bf, should be ok..
After using the shampoo, apply olive oil and brush the area.. do not b afraid to brush it thinkin it he will b hurt coz u need to brush off the dry flakes.. U shld see improvement within 5 days if no improvement must see doctor liaos.. Also i did ask the doc how come my boy sometimes only poo every few days he tell me its ok coz if bb on BM they will absorb everything n jst pee it out.. so long stools r soft can oredi... Hope ur boy recover soon..
winnie mummy, my son belongs to Class 2 on Sunday but since I organised it, it will be good if I can be around for the first group on Saturday, to ensure all run well. Plus it will be nice to see the mommies and babies!

Re Sat's Peanut's slot, someone has asked me to reserve it and once confirmed, prob tomorrow, I will post it.

Glad you guys like the second montage

Thinking of having a get-together at my place (in the east) on 7 Nov, show of hands those who are keen?
Can also but predominantly dependable on number of pax. If it is a small grp, I'm happy to ask my helper to whip up something...
FOZ, U so sweet!
I m keen on gathering at your plc too!! I can bring granny's goo (chocolate cake). But It's K's Lunar 4th month and I may shave his hair, hmmmm...
Hi mommies! I'm back, still got things to pack away, things to wash! And I missed my Joie loads, everyday must stare at her picture and run thru the camera's library for her photos. But I'm kinda glad I didn't bring her along, cos we were on some guided tours and had scheduled times, some cape trekking, canoeing and wine tasting (I'm will be horrified to trek thru the bushes with her - got snakes one!)

AU really loads of pretty stuff for kids, if the exchange rate wasn't so high, I would have filled half my luggage with clothes! 'Cept it got burdened down with fish oil supplements and glucosamine for the old folks (might stun some myself, feeling a little sore in the joints)

Great montage, so cute all the babies with folds, like those posters that mums/mils will pyscho us to look at when preggy.

I added myself to the list, don't know if I'll have duplicates, but nvm, can dump some at MIL's place when the bb is over there.

I'll need to do some catchup reading on the week's posts!

Hey finally one gatherin that I am able to join!! Good timing but I may have to bring my elder daughter too.. Unless my MIL willing to look after her for me..
i would like to go too... same like ning, may hv to bring my elder son along if hb is not home. can consider catering if a lot of ppl... refering to those mini buffet type. then can save the trouble of cooking.

Welcome back... seems like u really enjoyed yourself. i missed aussie. wonder when can i go on a holiday.

If I m not wrong, ur elder son same age as my gal.. haha maybe shld juz bring both n let them play n entertain themselves..

Me bringin my gal to aussie next month.. my 1st trip after being mother.. Lookin forward to it!!
FOZ- me on for next gathering. yippee. yay another social outing. brining my twins out for colleague's daughter's 1 yr old party this sat. last wkend wanted to practice bringing out twins on my own with maid. no joke man. got 2 bring 2 car seats cos we took cab. then got to figure out whether to carry car seat first or bb first. but this time will bring stroller. so also got to figure out which goes into the cab first, bb or stroler ? cos i got 2 hands, can only carry 1 bb. if maid carry stroller (in case taxi driver inconsiderate kind), who carry other bb ? also, maid needs to know how to fold up stroller. i bot the baby bjorn (thanks LS!) but forgot to use it. cos kallan kabot, wanted to use but totally forgot abt it. its a lot like those riddles, like 3 animals want to cross river, then how to cross cos only 2 at a time etc.

and enuff of my ramblings. thanks for the montage. havent check it out yet will do so later
Good morning mommies!

Date: <font color="0000ff">7 November 2009 Saturday</font>
Time: <font color="0000ff">Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm</font>
Venue: <font color="0000ff">foz's nest in heart of the east</font> (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam


a. Don't feel compelled to bring something, seriously. What's important is the company.

b. Can bring a blankie for your little one to lie on though my world map mat is cleaned before usage.

c. No strollers in my house but you can leave it in my driveway, which is sheltered.

d. Changing table will be set up with necessary (tissues, wet wipes, diaper cream, etc.) so you have less stuff to carry.

e. Feel free to bring your #1 + #2, if any
Sam, welcome back to sunny singapore! So any gifts for all the little babies? haha...

Bestberries you are so funny, I like your ramblings!

To those who are bringing #1 for the get-together, I would probably send them with my daughter to her room, for that's where all the toys/drawing board, etc. are kept. One helper will be stationed there to keep an eye on them. You won't be able to see them from the living room. The following drinks will be offered to the little ones, pls highlight if your kids are not allowed:

1. Vitagen or Yakult
2. Milk
3. Juice (apple/orange)
4. Milo
5. Water
Date: <font color="0000ff">7 November 2009 Saturday</font>
Time: <font color="0000ff">Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm</font>
Venue: <font color="0000ff">foz's nest in heart of the east</font> (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
HBB, Peanut,
I massage, pump, latch. Empty every 3 hours like what the senior nurse at TMC told me. Took about a day after I drink the malt &amp; San zha to clear. Previously I could get about 280-300 easily after my girl's wee hour nite feed. After mastitis drop to about 150ml. Now climbed back to 220ml this morning.

Thanks! I'll go check out the montage!
Hi mummies,

Can share how many of ur babies are experiencing rejection to milk? my boy is really cranky these days and has reduced appetite for milk greatly. I am very worried. Not sure if is really a phase when all babies are going through or somethign is not right with him? brought him see PD twice but didn't help.

Appreciate if those mummies having the same problem share their experiences with me. He weighs 6.3kg when he was third month, now coming to 4th month, he is only 6.5kg. Put on only 0.2kg. I thought babies supposed to put on 200g weekly.
Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell

thnx FOZ!!!
Sam, welcome back!! Looks like lots of fun activities U did down under!!

Thanks FOZ, I will be there after 1pm..

Bestberries, U are not using the car seat carrier when u take taxi rightr? U want to consider using BB Bjorn! Put bb each in a bb bjorn wz u &amp; helper, then ur hands will be free to handle all the barangs! and of course, get the taxi driver to help with strollers.
u r too thoughtful. thanks.

kim's suggestion is gd. alternatively. either u or yr helper get into the cab first with both babies. then one of u load the strollers into the cab. then take over one baby from each other. when alighting, just ask the taxi driver to help unload the strollers. most r always willing to help. but i ever encounter one that totallly dun bother. my hb was totally pissed cos we were carrying alot other things. guess what he did? he left the boot open.... haha!!!

yes... our #1 same age. mine also turning 2 in dec. TERRIBLE TWOS!!!
Bestberries, sorry I just read your post carefully snd found you were using car seat.. This is what I suggest:
If your car seat the carrier type, get your helper to place 1 bb fr one side while u stand on the other side of the taxi with another bb, get the taxi driver to pull the seat belt over for you to buckle while your helper come over your side to watch the other bb. The u enter taxi to sit in middle seat, get your helper to place the other bb on the widow seat and pull the seat belt to you to buckle the car seat, meanwhile, the driver help you with stroller(s). Your helper sit on the front passenger seat, driver enter and you are on your way.
Start from the driver side to avoid unnecessary run around of driver &amp; helper.
I really don't care if driver is fit, so long as they decide to take passenger, I deem them fit to help and will ask them to id they appear unhelpful.
I usually tip them between $2 &amp; $5 if they are helpful w/o having me ask, else, I just round up to the next dollar.
If you don't have good feeling that day (you know sometimes we moms have very good intuition), call for a taxi.
Hope this helps!
FOZ, what time will be the gathering? I want to join in, but since it's on sat, I have to consider my 2 boys. I can bring one of my boy to play with your gal if you don't mind.

Mummies, I brought ariel for her 6 in 1 &amp; pnuemoccal jab 2 wks back at the GP. Her thigh was swollen and till now there is still a lump. The GP apologised to me after I called to complain on the lump. There was quite a fair bit of blood too during the jab. It never happened during her first jab at the PD. According to the GP, it will take months for it to subside. I just checked with my PD and he says should subside within a week. What do u gals think? Should I bring Ariel to the PD to check? Its so ugly to have a lump on her leg.
