(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Bestberries, I think it's the weight too, K also just lift both legs, put both feet together like clapping and wave left and right. Nainai lept saying very soon he'll flip, but uhgn uhgn.. wrong..

Pprincess, ya manz.. these fat boys just want thing easy, want us to flip them hahas..

Re: baby rollover
My little gal is also not showing any signs of rolling over... She's an average size bb, height and wt both ard 50 percentile. I guess I didn't give her enough opportunity to learn that skill cos she's always in the swing, rocker, crib or in our arms ;p So meimei, you'll be going onto the mat more fm now
wah ur girl can flip! so good. my edna sooo tiny weeny oni can flip fr tummy to back when she liks it.. else she wun do anythg! lazy girl rite?!?!!!

the robert titzer oen can buy from KP, taka, robinson or tangs. its white backgroud w colour words.
i tink edna also got hinder haa co sshe is forever on tummy so hard for her to learn to flip -p but dunc are liao lar.. dun flip so fast else i headache bout her rolling off bed haaaa
re flipping
dun worry abt them being too lazy to flip. my girl also shows no sign of flipping earlier on. hates to be on tummy. but one fine day she just did it. now she does it non stop when on our bed. sometimes got to pin her down n distract her with other things. agree with hbb, dun flip fast also got it's advantage. dun need to worry too much. now that she's flipping, she can actually flip front n back continuously across the whole bed!!! very dangerous!!! now i cannot leave her on our bed n go n do our own things. leave her in the cot, she also attempts to flip and end up knocking herself against the cot rails.
Kim, it's nice of you to remind us to pray in our crazy-hectic-no ending daily schedule. Sometime I really think myself is very lucky coz God gave me healthy 1 boy and 1 girl. So to keep thinking positively, even when Naomi cries during the "don't want-milk" phase, I feel she cries very cute. hahah...Mummies, when your baby cries, try to give them your BIG grin smile then they will smile back to you. Really. At least it works for Naomi. If you show your frustation, your baby also can feel that and cry even louder.
My boy pray for her (he put his hand on her chest) every morning with the extremely long prayer, so surprised he can memorized it:

Dear Jesus, I love you
Please bless my family and my friends too.
Mother Mary help me to love Jesus
My Guardian Angel please watch over me
God makes the earth and God makes the sky
God makes fish, and the birds that fly
Animal, flower, trees so tall
God makes everything you can see
God makes me

Yesterday we went for JB for a shopping trip. tired but so happy. Found those mama shop along the street selling milk powder even cheaper than supermarket. E.g: similac stage 1: NTUC selling $41, there selling RM63=$$26. so 1 can different by $15!!!!It's made ireland and the can is exactly the same as singapore ones.
re: pneumoccocal
the medisave usage i think is onli applicable if u take it at polyclinic. bcos i check wif a few PD, they sae they dun use medisave, onli CDA. but i dun haf CDA, guess haf to go back to polyclinic for this jab
finally i'm alone! My hb decided to take leave to relieve me of my stress. phew! Now he has gone out with H to buy lunch.

Last night (in the middle of the nt), my gal pooed and it dirtied her entire back, her cot bed, my pjs. After cleaning her up, her pee leaked at the next feed. Actually she was practically stuck on me the whole night. Weird. Yesterday refused to latch and only want bottle. But at night wanna latch all the time to sleep. Thank God my hb took leave today else i'll be in a mangled mess again.

Guess what, i placed H on the bumbo yesterday and she could sit in it! She held her head pretty well without extra support unlike her bro who could only sit in the bumbo after 6mths. Her bro's head lopped all over the place when we placed him in it before 6mths.
BBEthan, time to intro Amanda the playpen, safe & secure.

RE: saliva rash
I notice K also has abit on the top right abv upper lip. Besides calendula, can we use nappy rash cream?

ETirto, your boy is so sweet!!
I realize whn bb is stress up, if we keep our cool, they get influenced too!
Mashy, I think your hb is so sweet. I am sure it's bcos he knows what u went thru ystd & last nite.. no wonder I rarely see u vent abt him here. Praise God!
I think I need your hubby to "teach" my hb a lesson or 2 hahaaha..

Twinkle, are you able to massage you boy yet? Does he enjoy it?
maybe can ask the clinic to check again since it's a new regulation n will only take effect next mth.

ya... the playpen is still in the box waiting for the house to be ready.
i dun even dare to use calendula cream too much cos so near the mouth. scared she'll suck her fingers n get all the cream into her mouth. only applied when she's sleeping.

i dun know whether to stop latching Amanda. my ss is going up and down like roller coaster. sometimes ss a bit low n she gets frustrated. sometimes she hong sim and keep pulling up and down while drinking when she hears noise. sometimes she's sleepy n fuss on my boobs. kind of difficult to make her have a full feed especially when we are outside. hesistant to stop latching n give ebm instead. cos a bit troublesome when go out wif ebm n having to pump out if outside for too long.
BBEthan, I still think bottle is so easy to feed, gao ding in 10mins, but latching has it's conV. for me since i dun hv enuf, I just bring FM when I go out.

K is acting weird today, whole am want me to hold him, refuse rocker, bb einstein, cot, playpen.. dun even interested in normal tv. now I so tired, songs done, stories done, prayer done.. he's talking to himself n dozing off in my arm.. hahaha...
anybody interested in baby masssage class in baby breeze? they starting on 31st Oct. Please contact Ms. Lily at 9781 3189
aiyooo Gina, take a deep breath...
Swaddle her so she has no hand to pull the pacifier
put some bolsters or something on both side of her body to prevent her from moving.
then empty your bladder first!!!
puking part, bo bian lor, sometime when they get too sleepy then they get choked and puke. Or if it's too much also puke. Try to put her on your pillow for a while to prevent reflux.
Finally, think of how cute when she grin then she won't remind you of her pa
Wakz! Really a tough phase for all of most of us here. I think now that they could "understand" more, they start to chut pattern also. And it's irritating at times cos' they aint those sleeping newborns no more nor the kids who mature enuf to understand things. Becos' of this, I feel v lousy too as a mom but in the other way round fr u as I'm not her primary caregiver & not really "suffering" fr all these insane hours. As much as I love my bb, I feel I'm neglecting her! Dilemma.. dilemma..

The tuina at Kembangan u brought Edna to, can be for adult also or not? The nerve in my left wrist so painful since preg days til now. And it's getting worse these few days cos' bb getting heavier liao. No strength to carry or flip her w/ my left hand
yes they gt tuina for adult too.sis went thr for her back prob n she say is gd=)

im having 5hr of 'off' fr edna...to do hse work.deposited herat gf hse...nw i must chg bedsheet.keep extra cots.wash;vac, mop,laundry , iron plus pump milk unnder5hr...wish me luck!
So happy for you that your husband is so thoughtful and considerate as to take leave to help out.

If you staying at the West side, the tuina that I've been going to since JC days is pretty good. Blk 162 Woodlands St 13 #01-k1 (Ulu shop at HDB block next to Marsiling MRT) Tel 6368 6416. Lady is called Hong Bao Zhi

HBB, Jes, Peanut
OK lah. Malt Sugar not that sickening sweet as cane or white sugar. Just drank 2 bowls of peanut's recipe down. Blockage does seem to be relieved a little bit. But still trying to massage the super stubborn rock hard duct into submission... Peanut, how long does it take for you to feel the effect of the malt & san zhar?

re: Cranky baby
My girl also has been fussing. Only want mummy at nite some nites and refusing her bottle... will scream the house down. My problem is not baby, but with overly concerned pils. They just don't get that it's a passing phase and babies go through phases. And they can just change 'pattern' overnite. Keep asking me 'is baby is ok or not', 'need to go see doc', keep trying to analyse of it's due to anything I have done. IT'S JUST A PASSING PHASE. I am perfectly capable of taking care of baby, been her primary caregiver the past 2 months.

Somehow just been very short tempered since the mastitis hit. Very sensitive to my pils questioning... 'is baby ok', 'is baby crying'. I'm feverish, my boobs hurt, I'm worrying about production of baby's milk. Baby's eyes are alert, she's gaining weight and her muscle tone is good. I'm taking care of my baby. Stop questioning my ability as a mother.

Mil was saying how she heart pain when baby cries, that she cried along when when her firstborn was crying. I was so tempted to retort that 'if don't want to see her cry, then I don't bring her over lor. Then you'll never have to see her cry'. Where on earth do you get a baby who never cries? Does being calm when my baby is squealing makes me a bad mother?

Sorry for the long rant, needed to get it out of my system.
kim, yes he loves the massage. i massage him almost everyday. last time massage halfway at times he will "reject" me when sleepy. now even he kept yawning still will lie down guai guai let me finish from head to toe. guess he is enjoying ba.

mummies who attended the bb massage, how's abt yours?
lamagier - think the boobs pain is messing with your mind. try to relax, youre doing a great great job as a mother. tell your ILs in your heart, not out loud, to shut the fish up. relax relax. you're very zai already.
Cradle Cap!
My girls one was bad it almost spread to her forehead. PD prescribe a shampoo. I use a normal baby oil with olive oil and soaked the hair for thirty minutes and used a baby comb to remove it. Its gone just after shampoo.
Wow your girl can flip! mine just turn to left or right only.
Was just talking to my helper abt malt, she says in the kampong, moms take malt water recipe to wean/reduce breastmilk, so don't take too much.
RE: Baby after massage
Twinkle, I am so happy to hear that Kaelen enjoys massage, that sure makes him happy. I think this massage thingy really make a happy baby cos last Sunday, I left K at the bb ministry and when I collect him after service, the helpers there kept telling me he is a smiley and happy bb!

RE: Malt
yes, it is in the confinement recipe book that this cause reduction of BM.
I'm staying in the East but thx for your info! =) Take it easy on your ILs, they're just concerned abt Minrui but put it in a wrong way to u.. well, not onli old folks r like tat! I also tend to critisize my maid when it comes to handling my bb (where i myself not even good at it!!! ;p) But my intention is good laaa.. cos' it's for my bb afterall..

It's yu guo right? Any specific dr who is recommended? your sis said good for her back ah? like tat i also wanna see my neck & back problem liao.. been looking solution to the pain for years.. hopefully it works for me! Thanks!
Joanne, I called up mini toons vivo city, but the gal who answered my call cannot speak english very well, so I was trying to speak chinese to her and she was trying to speak english to me...hahah...so end up both become blur. If I'm not wrong, she mentioned that the 20% disc only applicable on the bday date (not month), so you have to come on that very day. otherwise it's 15% disc. Not member also can get 15% discount le. That's y I'm not very sure. I'm interested to get the princess pattern one, but I want to check the thickness and quality first, if I got time, this friday. Thanks for checking for me!
Mummies, 2nd day at work today. I have been busy clearing my inbox and trying to catch up at work on all that I have missed for the past few months. Hope I will have the time to login to the forum. Will be super busy after work coz still have to handle 2 and also the housework at hme...like what my #1 calls me "super" mummy. haha!
yes Yu guo
i not v sure bout the sinseh for adult who is good cos my sis went once onli.
for babies the one who is good n friendly is sinseh Liu who works on monday, tuesday and friday AFTERNOOn shift.
Hi Gina,

Opps...din realise you stay in the east, the exact opposite
guess I will try to scout around. Anyone has seen the cooler mat in the west?

You mentioned that you put your baby in the bamboo seat...where did you get that? I use to have one for my #1 but passed it to someone after that and never got it back and I have been trying to look for one but can't seem to find it anymore. I like the bamboo seat cos very airy and plus can use as a stool
i understand how you feel my mum is exactly like that. somehow she thinks that baby shouldn't be allowed to cry at all! a slight whimper from baby and she do do funny faces, talk very loudly to baby and banging pots and pans to 'distract' her from crying... in the end baby is over stimulated, too tired but can't sleep and keep crying, she'll say is i don't know how to carry my baby, and when she carries and baby continues to cry, because she a difficult baby... haiz
it is very upsetting when pple keep questioning our abilities as mother.. and i'm staying with my mum... being with her 24/7 for the past 3 mths, i was so glad to go back to work after that, though miss my baby.
ya like bestberries say, we have to just keep quiet and let them say... i realised by keeping quiet and just do your thing...less quarrels and i don't feel so frustrated...
i can und yr feelings too.. cos my mums like tat wen Jav cries.. den will say to Jav "yr mummy hor.. let u cry.. so bad yr mummy..bla bla bla.." i hear le i'll fume n scold her sometimes wen im in bad mood.. cos its ridiculous..hw can u tell my child say im nt good?!.. den my child kinda prefers her cos dey dont scold or let dem cry ma.. whine lil bit they'll carry.. impossible man these old ppl..=X

gina, i can und hw u felt..cos it happened to me 2..
Javier is in a bad mood frm ytd nite.. he din slp much n has been crying n crying w all the tears n mucus flowing.. normally aft feed he wld slp at least 1 hr..but today..no! he din slp at all.. jus keep crying n wailing n screaming.. really dono wads wrong..
i was on e verge to smack him.. really on the very verge to do so alrdy.. cos din slp well since last nite n he jus keep wailing n i jus cant find out wads wrong.. sigh.
den thinking back on myself..am i v bad cos he mite b feeling uncomfortable somewhere but yet i dono where, cant help him n still wanna smack him..sigh.. its jus so difficult to b a gd n patient mum..to tink wen i handle so many kids in sch.. i find them okay.. but jus one screaming jav can make me pull out all my hair.
Jes yes! my mum also did that to me! tell baby " your mummy don't know your pattern lah, don't know how to carry you...."

i wonder if their mum did that to them too? that's why they think they have to behave like that?
oops!!! i din reply ah? Alamak... sotong me!
hmMm... u go ahead~ ytd i tried my ger in bjorn... she seems to be pretty ok in it... but i am still thinking shld buy or nt! hahahah~ Coz i put her in le, i still feel v heavy! not arms sore tis time, but shoulders sore! =.=
RE: Grandma's comment
My MIL dun dare to do this, my mom will say so&so naughty, but never ever say "mommy naughty" before. But I told her not to say that to K, bcos it's like implying to him it's ok to bad-mouth people. I knw my gf's MIL opening told her daughter her mommy (ie my gf) is naughty!!! Wa, my gf so angry, but of course din flare up at MIL lah, just go back, warn her hb sternly to tell his mom not to do that again.
I think for my mom, they "grew up" doing this and did this on us when we are kids, so they think it's ok, if there is a good chance, pleasant setting, do let them know it's not your parenting style.
Ya im getting worried he getting very lazy.. so far i only seen him slowly move his balloon body over wen i lay him on a pillow.. so mayb its the alevation tats assisting him to turn over.. But he cant turn back on his own.. Notice i dun use the word FLIP coz i think he is too fat to flip as his turn is very slow.. Is your K the same? Hahahahahha

I tried to put him in a bumbo but his leg is too big so too tight for him to b in there.. do u ladies know if its ok to jst squeeze him in the bumbo as the material is expandable type so not sure if ok for him to b squashy in there..if cant then he wont even have a chance to sit in there again..

Seems like today very quiet in the forum.. normally i got heaps to catch up wen i start my reading time in the nite..
thx for info

haha.. thx for "warning" :D u went there how many times liao? or it's just a one-time visit & take med over a period of time? any improvement so far for u?
If the bumbo is tight, then it is uncomfortable for the child to sit in. Especially if at the tights area. Skin might get sore.
Bumboo seat,

baby now can seat on the bumboo seat? I got one but still in the store room i tot must wait till 4 or 5 months then can let her seat.
sigh, i'm down wif chicken pox...i already got vaccinated, guess my immune system must be very low......i'm stuck in my room now, cannot see my kids soooo sad.

once yr baby can hold her head up, can let them sit in it. but not too long lah.

u mean u were vaccinated and still got it?
